
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. pcmk__current_node

   1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
   3  *
   4  * The version control history for this file may have further details.
   5  *
   6  * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
   7  * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
   8  */
  13 #include <stdint.h>                     // uint32_t
  14 #include <glib.h>                       // gboolean, guint, GHashTable, GList
  15 #include <libxml/tree.h>                // xmlNode
  17 #include <crm/common/resources.h>       // pcmk_resource_t
  18 #include <crm/common/roles.h>           // enum rsc_role_e
  19 #include <crm/common/scheduler_types.h> // pcmk_node_t, etc.
  21 #ifdef __cplusplus
  22 extern "C" {
  23 #endif
  25 /*!
  26  * \internal
  27  * \brief Set resource flags
  28  *
  29  * \param[in,out] resource      Resource to set flags for
  30  * \param[in]     flags_to_set  Group of enum pcmk_rsc_flags to set
  31  */
  32 #define pcmk__set_rsc_flags(resource, flags_to_set) do {                    \
  33         (resource)->flags = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__,          \
  34             LOG_TRACE, "Resource", (resource)->id, (resource)->flags,       \
  35             (flags_to_set), #flags_to_set);                                 \
  36     } while (0)
  38 /*!
  39  * \internal
  40  * \brief Clear resource flags
  41  *
  42  * \param[in,out] resource        Resource to clear flags for
  43  * \param[in]     flags_to_clear  Group of enum pcmk_rsc_flags to clear
  44  */
  45 #define pcmk__clear_rsc_flags(resource, flags_to_clear) do {                \
  46         (resource)->flags = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__,        \
  47             LOG_TRACE, "Resource", (resource)->id, (resource)->flags,       \
  48             (flags_to_clear), #flags_to_clear);                             \
  49     } while (0)
  51 //! Resource variants supported by Pacemaker
  52 enum pcmk__rsc_variant {
  53     // Order matters: some code compares greater or lesser than
  54     pcmk__rsc_variant_unknown    = -1,  //!< Unknown resource variant
  55     pcmk__rsc_variant_primitive  = 0,   //!< Primitive resource
  56     pcmk__rsc_variant_group      = 1,   //!< Group resource
  57     pcmk__rsc_variant_clone      = 2,   //!< Clone resource
  58     pcmk__rsc_variant_bundle     = 3,   //!< Bundle resource
  59 };
  61 //! How to recover a resource that is incorrectly active on multiple nodes
  62 enum pcmk__multiply_active {
  63     pcmk__multiply_active_restart,      //!< Stop on all, start on desired
  64     pcmk__multiply_active_stop,         //!< Stop on all and leave stopped
  65     pcmk__multiply_active_block,        //!< Do nothing to resource
  66     pcmk__multiply_active_unexpected,   //!< Stop unexpected instances
  67 };
  69 //! Resource scheduling flags
  70 enum pcmk__rsc_flags {
  71     // No resource flags set (compare with equality rather than bit set)
  72     pcmk__no_rsc_flags               = 0ULL,
  74     // Whether resource has been removed from the configuration
  75     pcmk__rsc_removed                = (1ULL << 0),
  77     /* NOTE: sbd (at least as of 1.5.2) uses pe_rsc_managed which equates to
  78      * this value, so the value should not be changed
  79      */
  80     // Whether resource is managed
  81     pcmk__rsc_managed                = (1ULL << 1),
  83     // Whether resource is blocked from further action
  84     pcmk__rsc_blocked                = (1ULL << 2),
  86     // Whether resource has been removed but was launched
  87     pcmk__rsc_removed_launched       = (1ULL << 3),
  89     // Whether resource has clone notifications enabled
  90     pcmk__rsc_notify                 = (1ULL << 4),
  92     // Whether resource is not an anonymous clone instance
  93     pcmk__rsc_unique                 = (1ULL << 5),
  95     // Whether resource's class is "stonith"
  96     pcmk__rsc_fence_device           = (1ULL << 6),
  98     // Whether resource can be promoted and demoted
  99     pcmk__rsc_promotable             = (1ULL << 7),
 101     // Whether resource has not yet been assigned to a node
 102     pcmk__rsc_unassigned             = (1ULL << 8),
 104     // Whether resource is in the process of being assigned to a node
 105     pcmk__rsc_assigning              = (1ULL << 9),
 107     // Whether resource is in the process of modifying allowed node scores
 108     pcmk__rsc_updating_nodes         = (1ULL << 10),
 110     // Whether resource is in the process of scheduling actions to restart
 111     pcmk__rsc_restarting             = (1ULL << 11),
 113     // Whether resource must be stopped (instead of demoted) if it is failed
 114     pcmk__rsc_stop_if_failed         = (1ULL << 12),
 116     // Whether a reload action has been scheduled for resource
 117     pcmk__rsc_reload                 = (1ULL << 13),
 119     // Whether resource is a remote connection allowed to run on a remote node
 120     pcmk__rsc_remote_nesting_allowed = (1ULL << 14),
 122     // Whether resource has \c PCMK_META_CRITICAL meta-attribute enabled
 123     pcmk__rsc_critical               = (1ULL << 15),
 125     // Whether resource is considered failed
 126     pcmk__rsc_failed                 = (1ULL << 16),
 128     // Flag for non-scheduler code to use to detect recursion loops
 129     pcmk__rsc_detect_loop            = (1ULL << 17),
 131     // Whether resource is a Pacemaker Remote connection
 132     pcmk__rsc_is_remote_connection   = (1ULL << 18),
 134     // Whether resource has pending start action in history
 135     pcmk__rsc_start_pending          = (1ULL << 19),
 137     // Whether resource is probed only on nodes marked exclusive
 138     pcmk__rsc_exclusive_probes       = (1ULL << 20),
 140     /*
 141      * Whether resource is multiply active with recovery set to
 143      */
 144     pcmk__rsc_stop_unexpected        = (1ULL << 22),
 146     // Whether resource is allowed to live-migrate
 147     pcmk__rsc_migratable             = (1ULL << 23),
 149     // Whether resource has an ignorable failure
 150     pcmk__rsc_ignore_failure         = (1ULL << 24),
 152     // Whether resource is an implicit container resource for a bundle replica
 153     pcmk__rsc_replica_container      = (1ULL << 25),
 155     // Whether resource, its node, or entire cluster is in maintenance mode
 156     pcmk__rsc_maintenance            = (1ULL << 26),
 158     // Whether resource can be started or promoted only on quorate nodes
 159     pcmk__rsc_needs_quorum           = (1ULL << 28),
 161     // Whether resource requires fencing before recovery if on unclean node
 162     pcmk__rsc_needs_fencing          = (1ULL << 29),
 164     // Whether resource can be started or promoted only on unfenced nodes
 165     pcmk__rsc_needs_unfencing        = (1ULL << 30),
 166 };
 168 // Where to look for a resource
 169 enum pcmk__rsc_node {
 170     pcmk__rsc_node_none     = 0U,           // Nowhere
 171     pcmk__rsc_node_assigned = (1U << 0),    // Where resource is assigned
 172     pcmk__rsc_node_current  = (1U << 1),    // Where resource is running
 173     pcmk__rsc_node_pending  = (1U << 2),    // Where resource is pending
 174 };
 176 //! Resource assignment methods (implementation defined by libpacemaker)
 177 typedef struct pcmk__assignment_methods pcmk__assignment_methods_t;
 179 //! Resource object methods
 180 typedef struct {
 181     /*!
 182      * \internal
 183      * \brief Parse variant-specific resource XML from CIB into struct members
 184      *
 185      * \param[in,out] rsc        Partially unpacked resource
 186      * \param[in,out] scheduler  Scheduler data
 187      *
 188      * \return TRUE if resource was unpacked successfully, otherwise FALSE
 189      */
 190     gboolean (*unpack)(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler);
 192     /*!
 193      * \internal
 194      * \brief Search for a resource ID in a resource and its children
 195      *
 196      * \param[in] rsc      Search this resource and its children
 197      * \param[in] id       Search for this resource ID
 198      * \param[in] on_node  If not NULL, limit search to resources on this node
 199      * \param[in] flags    Group of enum pe_find flags
 200      *
 201      * \return Resource that matches search criteria if any, otherwise NULL
 202      */
 203     pcmk_resource_t *(*find_rsc)(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, const char *search,
 204                                  const pcmk_node_t *node, int flags);
 206     /*!
 207      * \internal
 208      * \brief Get value of a resource instance attribute
 209      *
 210      * \param[in,out] rsc        Resource to check
 211      * \param[in]     node       Node to use to evaluate rules
 212      * \param[in]     create     Ignored
 213      * \param[in]     name       Name of instance attribute to check
 214      * \param[in,out] scheduler  Scheduler data
 215      *
 216      * \return Value of requested attribute if available, otherwise NULL
 217      * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result using free().
 218      */
 219     char *(*parameter)(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, pcmk_node_t *node, gboolean create,
 220                        const char *name, pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler);
 222     /*!
 223      * \internal
 224      * \brief Check whether a resource is active
 225      *
 226      * \param[in] rsc  Resource to check
 227      * \param[in] all  If \p rsc is collective, all instances must be active
 228      *
 229      * \return TRUE if \p rsc is active, otherwise FALSE
 230      */
 231     gboolean (*active)(pcmk_resource_t *rsc, gboolean all);
 233     /*!
 234      * \internal
 235      * \brief Get resource's current or assigned role
 236      *
 237      * \param[in] rsc      Resource to check
 238      * \param[in] current  If TRUE, check current role, otherwise assigned role
 239      *
 240      * \return Current or assigned role of \p rsc
 241      */
 242     enum rsc_role_e (*state)(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, gboolean current);
 244     /*!
 245      * \internal
 246      * \brief List nodes where a resource (or any of its children) is
 247      *
 248      * \param[in]  rsc      Resource to check
 249      * \param[out] list     List to add result to
 250      * \param[in]  target   Which resource conditions to target (group of
 251      *                      enum pcmk__rsc_node flags)
 252      *
 253      * \return If list contains only one node, that node, otherwise NULL
 254      */
 255     pcmk_node_t *(*location)(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, GList **list,
 256                              uint32_t target);
 258     /*!
 259      * \internal
 260      * \brief Free all memory used by a resource
 261      *
 262      * \param[in,out] rsc  Resource to free
 263      */
 264     void (*free)(pcmk_resource_t *rsc);
 266     /*!
 267      * \internal
 268      * \brief Increment cluster's instance counts for a resource
 269      *
 270      * Given a resource, increment its cluster's ninstances, disabled_resources,
 271      * and blocked_resources counts for the resource and its descendants.
 272      *
 273      * \param[in,out] rsc  Resource to count
 274      */
 275     void (*count)(pcmk_resource_t *rsc);
 277     /*!
 278      * \internal
 279      * \brief Check whether a given resource is in a list of resources
 280      *
 281      * \param[in] rsc           Resource ID to check for
 282      * \param[in] only_rsc      List of resource IDs to check
 283      * \param[in] check_parent  If TRUE, check top ancestor as well
 284      *
 285      * \return TRUE if \p rsc, its top parent if requested, or '*' is in
 286      *         \p only_rsc, otherwise FALSE
 287      */
 288     gboolean (*is_filtered)(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc, GList *only_rsc,
 289                             gboolean check_parent);
 291     /*!
 292      * \internal
 293      * \brief Find a node (and optionally count all) where resource is active
 294      *
 295      * \param[in]  rsc          Resource to check
 296      * \param[out] count_all    If not NULL, set this to count of active nodes
 297      * \param[out] count_clean  If not NULL, set this to count of clean nodes
 298      *
 299      * \return A node where the resource is active, preferring the source node
 300      *         if the resource is involved in a partial migration, or a clean,
 301      *         online node if the resource's \c PCMK_META_REQUIRES is
 302      *         \c PCMK_VALUE_QUORUM or \c PCMK_VALUE_NOTHING, otherwise \c NULL.
 303      */
 304     pcmk_node_t *(*active_node)(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc,
 305                                 unsigned int *count_all,
 306                                 unsigned int *count_clean);
 308     /*!
 309      * \internal
 310      * \brief Get maximum resource instances per node
 311      *
 312      * \param[in] rsc  Resource to check
 313      *
 314      * \return Maximum number of \p rsc instances that can be active on one node
 315      */
 316     unsigned int (*max_per_node)(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc);
 317 } pcmk__rsc_methods_t;
 319 // Implementation of pcmk__resource_private_t
 320 struct pcmk__resource_private {
 321     enum pcmk__rsc_variant variant; // Resource variant
 322     void *variant_opaque;           // Variant-specific data
 323     char *history_id;               // Resource instance ID in history
 324     GHashTable *meta;               // Resource meta-attributes
 325     GHashTable *utilization;        // Resource utilization attributes
 326     int priority;                   // Priority relative other resources
 327     int promotion_priority;         // Promotion priority on assigned node
 328     enum rsc_role_e orig_role;      // Resource's role at start of transition
 329     enum rsc_role_e next_role;      // Resource's role at end of transition
 330     int stickiness;                 // Extra preference for current node
 331     guint failure_expiration_ms;    // Failures expire after this much time
 332     int ban_after_failures;         // Ban from node after this many failures
 333     guint remote_reconnect_ms;      // Retry interval for remote connections
 334     char *pending_action;           // Pending action in history, if any
 335     const pcmk_node_t *pending_node;// Node on which pending_action is happening
 336     time_t lock_time;               // When shutdown lock started
 337     const pcmk_node_t *lock_node;   // Node that resource is shutdown-locked to
 338     GList *actions;                 // Actions scheduled for resource
 339     GList *children;                // Resource's child resources, if any
 340     pcmk_resource_t *parent;        // Resource's parent resource, if any
 341     pcmk_scheduler_t *scheduler;    // Scheduler data containing resource
 343     // Resource configuration (possibly expanded from template)
 344     xmlNode *xml;
 346     // Original resource configuration, if using template
 347     xmlNode *orig_xml;
 349     // Configuration of resource operations (possibly expanded from template)
 350     xmlNode *ops_xml;
 352     /*
 353      * Resource parameters may have node-attribute-based rules, which means the
 354      * values can vary by node. This table has node names as keys and parameter
 355      * name/value tables as values. Use pe_rsc_params() to get the table for a
 356      * given node rather than use this directly.
 357      */
 358     GHashTable *parameter_cache;
 360     /* A "launcher" is defined in one of these ways:
 361      *
 362      * - A Pacemaker Remote connection for a guest node or bundle node has its
 363      *   launcher set to the resource that starts the guest or the bundle
 364      *   replica's container.
 365      *
 366      * - If the user configures the PCMK__META_CONTAINER meta-attribute for this
 367      *   resource, the launcher is set to that.
 368      *
 369      *   If the launcher is a Pacemaker Remote connection resource, this
 370      *   resource may run only on the node created by that connection.
 371      *
 372      *   Otherwise, this resource will be colocated with and ordered after the
 373      *   launcher, and failures of this resource will cause the launcher to be
 374      *   recovered instead of this one. This is appropriate for monitoring-only
 375      *   resources that represent a service launched by the other resource.
 376      */
 377     pcmk_resource_t *launcher;
 379     // Resources launched by this one, if any (pcmk_resource_t *)
 380     GList *launched;
 382     // What to do if the resource is incorrectly active on multiple nodes
 383     enum pcmk__multiply_active multiply_active_policy;
 385     /* The assigned node (if not NULL) is the one where the resource *should*
 386      * be active by the end of the current scheduler transition. Only primitive
 387      * resources have an assigned node. This is a node copy (created by
 388      * pe__copy_node()) and so must be freed using pcmk__free_node_copy().
 389      *
 390      * @TODO This should probably be part of the primitive variant data.
 391      */
 392     pcmk_node_t *assigned_node;
 394     /* The active nodes are ones where the resource is (or might be, if
 395      * insufficient information is available to be sure) already active at the
 396      * start of the current scheduler transition.
 397      *
 398      * For primitive resources, there should be at most one, but could be more
 399      * if it is (incorrectly) multiply active. For collective resources, this
 400      * combines active nodes of all descendants.
 401      */
 402     GList *active_nodes;
 404     /* The next two tables store node copies (created by pe__copy_node()), which
 405      * share some members with the original node objects and must be freed with
 406      * pcmk__free_node_copy().
 407      */
 409     // Nodes where resource has been probed (key is node ID, not name)
 410     GHashTable *probed_nodes;
 412     // Nodes where resource is allowed to run (key is node ID, not name)
 413     GHashTable *allowed_nodes;
 415     // The source node, if migrate_to completed but migrate_from has not
 416     pcmk_node_t *partial_migration_source;
 418     // The destination node, if migrate_to completed but migrate_from has not
 419     pcmk_node_t *partial_migration_target;
 421     // Source nodes where stop is needed after migrate_from and migrate_to
 422     GList *dangling_migration_sources;
 424     /* Pay special attention to whether you want to use with_this_colocations
 425      * and this_with_colocations directly, which include only colocations
 426      * explicitly involving this resource, or call libpacemaker's
 427      * pcmk__with_this_colocations() and pcmk__this_with_colocations()
 428      * functions, which may return relevant colocations involving the resource's
 429      * ancestors as well.
 430      */
 432     // Colocations of other resources with this one
 433     GList *with_this_colocations;
 435     // Colocations of this resource with others
 436     GList *this_with_colocations;
 438     GList *location_constraints;        // Location constraints for resource
 439     GList *ticket_constraints;          // Ticket constraints for resource
 441     const pcmk__rsc_methods_t *fns;         // Resource object methods
 442     const pcmk__assignment_methods_t *cmds; // Resource assignment methods
 443 };
 445 const char *pcmk__multiply_active_text(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc);
 447 /*!
 448  * \internal
 449  * \brief Get node where resource is currently active (if any)
 450  *
 451  * \param[in] rsc  Resource to check
 452  *
 453  * \return Node that \p rsc is active on, if any, otherwise NULL
 454  */
 455 static inline pcmk_node_t *
 456 pcmk__current_node(const pcmk_resource_t *rsc)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 457 {
 458     if (rsc == NULL) {
 459         return NULL;
 460     }
 461     return rsc->priv->fns->active_node(rsc, NULL, NULL);
 462 }
 464 #ifdef __cplusplus
 465 }
 466 #endif

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