
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
   3  *
   4  * The version control history for this file may have further details.
   5  *
   6  * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
   7  * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
   8  */
  13 #ifdef __cplusplus
  14 extern "C" {
  15 #endif
  17 /*
  18  * XML element names used only by internal code
  19  */
  21 #define PCMK__XE_ACK                    "ack"
  22 #define PCMK__XE_ACTION_SET             "action_set"
  23 #define PCMK__XE_ATTRIBUTES             "attributes"
  24 #define PCMK__XE_CIB_CALLBACK           "cib-callback"
  25 #define PCMK__XE_CIB_CALLDATA           "cib_calldata"
  26 #define PCMK__XE_CIB_COMMAND            "cib_command"
  27 #define PCMK__XE_CIB_REPLY              "cib-reply"
  28 #define PCMK__XE_CIB_RESULT             "cib_result"
  29 #define PCMK__XE_CIB_TRANSACTION        "cib_transaction"
  30 #define PCMK__XE_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT      "cib_update_result"
  31 #define PCMK__XE_COPY                   "copy"
  32 #define PCMK__XE_CRM_EVENT              "crm_event"
  33 #define PCMK__XE_CRM_XML                "crm_xml"
  34 #define PCMK__XE_DIV                    "div"
  35 #define PCMK__XE_DOWNED                 "downed"
  36 #define PCMK__XE_EXIT_NOTIFICATION      "exit-notification"
  37 #define PCMK__XE_FAILED_UPDATE          "failed_update"
  38 #define PCMK__XE_GENERATION_TUPLE       "generation_tuple"
  39 #define PCMK__XE_INPUTS                 "inputs"
  40 #define PCMK__XE_LRM                    "lrm"
  41 #define PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCE           "lrm_resource"
  42 #define PCMK__XE_LRM_RESOURCES          "lrm_resources"
  43 #define PCMK__XE_LRM_RSC_OP             "lrm_rsc_op"
  44 #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_ALERT             "lrmd_alert"
  45 #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_CALLDATA          "lrmd_calldata"
  46 #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_COMMAND           "lrmd_command"
  47 #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_MSG           "lrmd_ipc_msg"
  48 #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_IPC_PROXY         "lrmd_ipc_proxy"
  49 #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_NOTIFY            "lrmd_notify"
  50 #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_REPLY             "lrmd_reply"
  51 #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_RSC               "lrmd_rsc"
  52 #define PCMK__XE_LRMD_RSC_OP            "lrmd_rsc_op"
  53 #define PCMK__XE_MAINTENANCE            "maintenance"
  54 #define PCMK__XE_MESSAGE                "message"
  55 #define PCMK__XE_META                   "meta"
  56 #define PCMK__XE_NACK                   "nack"
  57 #define PCMK__XE_NODE_STATE             "node_state"
  58 #define PCMK__XE_NOTIFY                 "notify"
  59 #define PCMK__XE_OPTIONS                "options"
  60 #define PCMK__XE_PARAM                  "param"
  61 #define PCMK__XE_PING                   "ping"
  62 #define PCMK__XE_PING_RESPONSE          "ping_response"
  63 #define PCMK__XE_PSEUDO_EVENT           "pseudo_event"
  64 #define PCMK__XE_RESOURCE_SETTINGS      "resource-settings"
  65 #define PCMK__XE_RSC_OP                 "rsc_op"
  66 #define PCMK__XE_SHUTDOWN               "shutdown"
  67 #define PCMK__XE_SPAN                   "span"
  68 #define PCMK__XE_ST_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_VALUE "st-async-timeout-value"
  69 #define PCMK__XE_ST_CALLDATA            "st_calldata"
  70 #define PCMK__XE_ST_DEVICE_ACTION       "st_device_action"
  71 #define PCMK__XE_ST_DEVICE_ID           "st_device_id"
  72 #define PCMK__XE_ST_HISTORY             "st_history"
  73 #define PCMK__XE_ST_NOTIFY_FENCE        "st_notify_fence"
  74 #define PCMK__XE_ST_REPLY               "st-reply"
  75 #define PCMK__XE_STONITH_COMMAND        "stonith_command"
  76 #define PCMK__XE_SYNAPSE                "synapse"
  77 #define PCMK__XE_TICKET_STATE           "ticket_state"
  78 #define PCMK__XE_TRANSIENT_ATTRIBUTES   "transient_attributes"
  79 #define PCMK__XE_TRANSITION_GRAPH       "transition_graph"
  80 #define PCMK__XE_TRIGGER                "trigger"
  81 #define PCMK__XE_XPATH_QUERY            "xpath-query"
  82 #define PCMK__XE_XPATH_QUERY_PATH       "xpath-query-path"
  84 /* @COMPAT Deprecate somehow. It's undocumented and behaves the same as
  85  * PCMK__XE_CIB in places where it's recognized.
  86  */
  87 #define PCMK__XE_ALL                    "all"
  89 // @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.1.8
  90 #define PCMK__XE_FAILED                 "failed"
  93 /*
  94  * XML attribute names used only by internal code
  95  */
  97 #define PCMK__XA_ACL_TARGET             "acl_target"
  98 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_INTERVAL    "attr_clear_interval"
  99 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_CLEAR_OPERATION   "attr_clear_operation"
 100 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_DAMPENING         "attr_dampening"
 101 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST              "attr_host"
 102 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_HOST_ID           "attr_host_id"
 103 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_PRIVATE        "attr_is_private"
 104 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_REMOTE         "attr_is_remote"
 105 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME              "attr_name"
 106 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_REGEX             "attr_regex"
 107 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_RESOURCE          "attr_resource"
 108 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_SECTION           "attr_section"
 109 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_SET               "attr_set"
 110 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_SET_TYPE          "attr_set_type"
 111 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_SYNC_POINT        "attr_sync_point"
 112 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_USER              "attr_user"
 113 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE             "attr_value"
 114 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_VERSION           "attr_version"
 115 #define PCMK__XA_ATTR_WRITER            "attr_writer"
 116 #define PCMK__XA_ATTRD_IS_FORCE_WRITE   "attrd_is_force_write"
 117 #define PCMK__XA_CALL_ID                "call-id"
 118 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_CALLID             "cib_callid"
 119 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_CALLOPT            "cib_callopt"
 120 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_CLIENTID           "cib_clientid"
 121 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_CLIENTNAME         "cib_clientname"
 122 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_DELEGATED_FROM     "cib_delegated_from"
 123 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_HOST               "cib_host"
 124 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_ISREPLYTO          "cib_isreplyto"
 125 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE    "cib_notify_activate"
 126 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_NOTIFY_TYPE        "cib_notify_type"
 127 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_OP                 "cib_op"
 128 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_PING_ID            "cib_ping_id"
 129 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_RC                 "cib_rc"
 130 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_SCHEMA_MAX         "cib_schema_max"
 131 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_SECTION            "cib_section"
 132 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_UPDATE             "cib_update"
 133 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_UPGRADE_RC         "cib_upgrade_rc"
 134 #define PCMK__XA_CIB_USER               "cib_user"
 135 #define PCMK__XA_CLIENT_NAME            "client_name"
 136 #define PCMK__XA_CLIENT_UUID            "client_uuid"
 137 #define PCMK__XA_CONFIRM                "confirm"
 138 #define PCMK__XA_CONNECTION_HOST        "connection_host"
 139 #define PCMK__XA_CONTENT                "content"
 140 #define PCMK__XA_CRMD_STATE             "crmd_state"
 141 #define PCMK__XA_CRM_HOST_TO            "crm_host_to"
 142 #define PCMK__XA_CRM_LIMIT_MAX          "crm-limit-max"
 143 #define PCMK__XA_CRM_LIMIT_MODE         "crm-limit-mode"
 144 #define PCMK__XA_CRM_SUBSYSTEM          "crm_subsystem"
 145 #define PCMK__XA_CRM_SYS_FROM           "crm_sys_from"
 146 #define PCMK__XA_CRM_SYS_TO             "crm_sys_to"
 147 #define PCMK__XA_CRM_TASK               "crm_task"
 148 #define PCMK__XA_CRM_TGRAPH_IN          "crm-tgraph-in"
 149 #define PCMK__XA_CRM_USER               "crm_user"
 150 #define PCMK__XA_DC_LEAVING             "dc-leaving"
 151 #define PCMK__XA_DIGEST                 "digest"
 152 #define PCMK__XA_ELECTION_AGE_SEC       "election-age-sec"
 153 #define PCMK__XA_ELECTION_AGE_NANO_SEC  "election-age-nano-sec"
 154 #define PCMK__XA_ELECTION_ID            "election-id"
 155 #define PCMK__XA_ELECTION_OWNER         "election-owner"
 156 #define PCMK__XA_FAILED_START_OFFSET    "failed-start-offset"
 157 #define PCMK__XA_FAILED_STOP_OFFSET     "failed-stop-offset"
 158 #define PCMK__XA_GRANTED                "granted"
 159 #define PCMK__XA_HIDDEN                 "hidden"
 160 #define PCMK__XA_HTTP_EQUIV             "http-equiv"
 161 #define PCMK__XA_IN_CCM                 "in_ccm"
 162 #define PCMK__XA_IPC_PROTO_VERSION      "ipc-protocol-version"
 163 #define PCMK__XA_JOIN                   "join"
 164 #define PCMK__XA_JOIN_ID                "join_id"
 165 #define PCMK__XA_LINE                   "line"
 166 #define PCMK__XA_LONG_ID                "long-id"
 167 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_ALERT_ID          "lrmd_alert_id"
 168 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_ALERT_PATH        "lrmd_alert_path"
 169 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CALLID            "lrmd_callid"
 170 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CALLOPT           "lrmd_callopt"
 171 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CLASS             "lrmd_class"
 172 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CLIENTID          "lrmd_clientid"
 173 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_CLIENTNAME        "lrmd_clientname"
 174 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_EXEC_OP_STATUS    "lrmd_exec_op_status"
 175 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_EXEC_RC           "lrmd_exec_rc"
 176 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_EXEC_TIME         "lrmd_exec_time"
 177 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_CLIENT        "lrmd_ipc_client"
 178 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_MSG_FLAGS     "lrmd_ipc_msg_flags"
 179 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_MSG_ID        "lrmd_ipc_msg_id"
 180 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_OP            "lrmd_ipc_op"
 181 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_SERVER        "lrmd_ipc_server"
 182 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_SESSION       "lrmd_ipc_session"
 183 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IPC_USER          "lrmd_ipc_user"
 184 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_IS_IPC_PROVIDER   "lrmd_is_ipc_provider"
 185 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_OP                "lrmd_op"
 186 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_ORIGIN            "lrmd_origin"
 187 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_PROTOCOL_VERSION  "lrmd_protocol_version"
 188 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_PROVIDER          "lrmd_provider"
 189 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_QUEUE_TIME        "lrmd_queue_time"
 190 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RC                "lrmd_rc"
 191 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RCCHANGE_TIME     "lrmd_rcchange_time"
 192 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_ID     "lrmd_remote_msg_id"
 193 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_TYPE   "lrmd_remote_msg_type"
 194 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_ACTION        "lrmd_rsc_action"
 195 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_DELETED       "lrmd_rsc_deleted"
 196 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_EXIT_REASON   "lrmd_rsc_exit_reason"
 197 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_ID            "lrmd_rsc_id"
 198 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_INTERVAL      "lrmd_rsc_interval"
 199 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_OUTPUT        "lrmd_rsc_output"
 200 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_START_DELAY   "lrmd_rsc_start_delay"
 201 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RSC_USERDATA_STR  "lrmd_rsc_userdata_str"
 202 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_RUN_TIME          "lrmd_run_time"
 203 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_TIMEOUT           "lrmd_timeout"
 204 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_TYPE              "lrmd_type"
 205 #define PCMK__XA_LRMD_WATCHDOG          "lrmd_watchdog"
 206 #define PCMK__XA_MAJOR_VERSION          "major_version"
 207 #define PCMK__XA_MINOR_VERSION          "minor_version"
 208 #define PCMK__XA_MODE                   "mode"
 209 #define PCMK__XA_NAMESPACE              "namespace"
 210 #define PCMK__XA_NODE_FENCED            "node_fenced"
 211 #define PCMK__XA_NODE_IN_MAINTENANCE    "node_in_maintenance"
 212 #define PCMK__XA_NODE_START_STATE       "node_start_state"
 213 #define PCMK__XA_NODE_STATE             "node_state"
 214 #define PCMK__XA_OP_DIGEST              "op-digest"
 215 #define PCMK__XA_OP_FORCE_RESTART       "op-force-restart"
 216 #define PCMK__XA_OP_RESTART_DIGEST      "op-restart-digest"
 217 #define PCMK__XA_OP_SECURE_DIGEST       "op-secure-digest"
 218 #define PCMK__XA_OP_SECURE_PARAMS       "op-secure-params"
 219 #define PCMK__XA_OP_STATUS              "op-status"
 220 #define PCMK__XA_OPERATION_KEY          "operation_key"
 221 #define PCMK__XA_ORIGINAL_CIB_OP        "original_cib_op"
 222 #define PCMK__XA_PACEMAKERD_STATE       "pacemakerd_state"
 223 #define PCMK__XA_PASSWORD               "password"
 224 #define PCMK__XA_PRIORITY               "priority"
 225 #define PCMK__XA_RC_CODE                "rc-code"
 226 #define PCMK__XA_REAP                   "reap"
 228 /* Actions to be executed on Pacemaker Remote nodes are routed through the
 229  * controller on the cluster node hosting the remote connection. That cluster
 230  * node is considered the router node for the action.
 231  */
 232 #define PCMK__XA_ROUTER_NODE            "router_node"
 234 #define PCMK__XA_RSC_ID                 "rsc-id"
 235 #define PCMK__XA_RSC_PROVIDES           "rsc_provides"
 236 #define PCMK__XA_SCHEMA                 "schema"
 237 #define PCMK__XA_SCHEMAS                "schemas"
 238 #define PCMK__XA_SET                    "set"
 239 #define PCMK__XA_SRC                    "src"
 240 #define PCMK__XA_ST_ACTION_DISALLOWED   "st_action_disallowed"
 241 #define PCMK__XA_ST_ACTION_TIMEOUT      "st_action_timeout"
 242 #define PCMK__XA_ST_AVAILABLE_DEVICES   "st-available-devices"
 243 #define PCMK__XA_ST_CALLID              "st_callid"
 244 #define PCMK__XA_ST_CALLOPT             "st_callopt"
 245 #define PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTID            "st_clientid"
 246 #define PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTNAME          "st_clientname"
 247 #define PCMK__XA_ST_CLIENTNODE          "st_clientnode"
 248 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DATE                "st_date"
 249 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DATE_NSEC           "st_date_nsec"
 250 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DELAY               "st_delay"
 251 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DELAY_BASE          "st_delay_base"
 252 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DELAY_MAX           "st_delay_max"
 253 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DELEGATE            "st_delegate"
 254 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DEVICE_ACTION       "st_device_action"
 255 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DEVICE_ID           "st_device_id"
 256 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DEVICE_SUPPORT_FLAGS    "st_device_support_flags"
 257 #define PCMK__XA_ST_DIFFERENTIAL        "st_differential"
 258 #define PCMK__XA_ST_MONITOR_VERIFIED    "st_monitor_verified"
 259 #define PCMK__XA_ST_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE     "st_notify_activate"
 260 #define PCMK__XA_ST_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE   "st_notify_deactivate"
 261 #define PCMK__XA_ST_OP                  "st_op"
 262 #define PCMK__XA_ST_OP_MERGED           "st_op_merged"
 263 #define PCMK__XA_ST_ORIGIN              "st_origin"
 264 #define PCMK__XA_ST_OUTPUT              "st_output"
 265 #define PCMK__XA_ST_RC                  "st_rc"
 266 #define PCMK__XA_ST_REMOTE_OP           "st_remote_op"
 267 #define PCMK__XA_ST_REMOTE_OP_RELAY     "st_remote_op_relay"
 268 #define PCMK__XA_ST_REQUIRED            "st_required"
 269 #define PCMK__XA_ST_STATE               "st_state"
 270 #define PCMK__XA_ST_TARGET              "st_target"
 271 #define PCMK__XA_ST_TIMEOUT             "st_timeout"
 272 #define PCMK__XA_ST_TOLERANCE           "st_tolerance"
 273 #define PCMK__XA_SUBT                   "subt"                  // subtype
 274 #define PCMK__XA_T                      "t"                     // type
 275 #define PCMK__XA_TRANSITION_KEY         "transition-key"
 276 #define PCMK__XA_TRANSITION_MAGIC       "transition-magic"
 277 #define PCMK__XA_UPTIME                 "uptime"
 279 // @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.1.7
 280 #define PCMK__XA_ORDERING               "ordering"
 282 // @COMPAT Deprecated alias for PCMK_XA_PROMOTED_ONLY since 2.0.0
 283 #define PCMK__XA_PROMOTED_ONLY_LEGACY   "master_only"
 285 // @COMPAT Deprecated since 2.1.6
 286 #define PCMK__XA_REPLACE                "replace"
 288 // @COMPAT Deprecated alias for \c PCMK_XA_AUTOMATIC since 1.1.14
 289 #define PCMK__XA_REQUIRED               "required"
 291 #ifdef __cplusplus
 292 }
 293 #endif

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