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   1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2019-2020 the Pacemaker project contributors
   3  *
   4  * The version control history for this file may have further details.
   5  *
   6  * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
   7  * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
   8  */
  10 #ifndef CRM_OUTPUT__H
  11 #  define CRM_OUTPUT__H
  13 #ifdef __cplusplus
  14 extern "C" {
  15 #endif
  17 /**
  18  * \file
  19  * \brief Formatted output for pacemaker tools
  20  */
  22 #  include <stdbool.h>
  23 #  include <stdio.h>
  24 #  include <libxml/tree.h>
  25 #  include <libxml/HTMLtree.h>
  27 #  include <glib.h>
  28 #  include <crm/common/results.h>
  30 #  define PCMK__API_VERSION "2.3"
  33 #  define PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS(ARGS...) __attribute__((output_args(ARGS)))
  34 #else
  35 #  define PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS(ARGS...)
  36 #endif
  38 typedef struct pcmk__output_s pcmk__output_t;
  40 /*!
  41  * \internal
  42  * \brief The type of a function that creates a ::pcmk__output_t.
  43  *
  44  * Instances of this type are passed to pcmk__register_format(), stored in an
  45  * internal data structure, and later accessed by pcmk__output_new().  For 
  46  * examples, see pcmk__mk_xml_output() and pcmk__mk_text_output().
  47  *
  48  * \param[in] argv The list of command line arguments.
  49  */
  50 typedef pcmk__output_t * (*pcmk__output_factory_t)(char **argv);
  52 /*!
  53  * \internal
  54  * \brief The type of a custom message formatting function.
  55  *
  56  * These functions are defined by various libraries to support formatting of
  57  * types aside from the basic types provided by a ::pcmk__output_t.
  58  *
  59  * The meaning of the return value will be different for each message.
  60  * In general, however, 0 should be returned on success and a positive value
  61  * on error.
  62  *
  63  * \note These functions must not call va_start or va_end - that is done
  64  *       automatically before the custom formatting function is called.
  65  */
  66 typedef int (*pcmk__message_fn_t)(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args);
  68 /*!
  69  * \internal
  70  * \brief Internal type for tracking custom messages.
  71  *
  72  * Each library can register functions that format custom message types.  These
  73  * are commonly used to handle some library-specific type.  Registration is
  74  * done by first defining a table of ::pcmk__message_entry_t structures and
  75  * then passing that table to pcmk__register_messages().  Separate handlers
  76  * can be defined for the same message, but for different formats (xml vs.
  77  * text).  Unknown formats will be ignored.
  78  *
  79  * Additionally, a "default" value for fmt_table can be used.  In this case,
  80  * fn will be registered for all supported formats.  It is also possible to
  81  * register a default and then override that registration with a format-specific
  82  * function if necessary.
  83  *
  84  * \note The ::pcmk__message_entry_t table is processed in one pass, in order,
  85  * from top to bottom.  This means later entries with the same message_id will
  86  * override previous ones.  Thus, any default entry must come before any
  87  * format-specific entries for the same message_id.
  88  */
  89 typedef struct pcmk__message_entry_s {
  90     /*!
  91      * \brief The message to be handled.
  92      *
  93      * This must be the same ID that is passed to the message function of
  94      * a ::pcmk__output_t.  Unknown message IDs will be ignored.
  95      */
  96     const char *message_id;
  98     /*!
  99      * \brief The format type this handler is for.
 100      *
 101      * This name must match the fmt_name of the currently active formatter in
 102      * order for the registered function to be called.  It is valid to have
 103      * multiple entries for the same message_id but with different fmt_name
 104      * values.
 105      */
 106     const char *fmt_name;
 108     /*!
 109      * \brief The function to be called for message_id given a match on
 110      *        fmt_name.  See comments on ::pcmk__message_fn_t.
 111      */
 112     pcmk__message_fn_t fn;
 113 } pcmk__message_entry_t;
 115 /*!
 116  * \internal
 117  * \brief This structure contains everything needed to add support for a
 118  *        single output formatter to a command line program.
 119  */
 120 typedef struct pcmk__supported_format_s {
 121     /*!
 122      * \brief The name of this output formatter, which should match the
 123      *        fmt_name parameter in some ::pcmk__output_t structure.
 124      */
 125     const char *name;
 127     /*!
 128      * \brief A function that creates a ::pcmk__output_t.
 129      */
 130     pcmk__output_factory_t create;
 132     /*!
 133      * \brief Format-specific command line options.  This can be NULL if
 134      *        no command line options should be supported.
 135      */
 136     GOptionEntry *options;
 137 } pcmk__supported_format_t;
 139 /* The following three blocks need to be updated each time a new base formatter
 140  * is added.
 141  */
 143 extern GOptionEntry pcmk__html_output_entries[];
 144 extern GOptionEntry pcmk__log_output_entries[];
 145 extern GOptionEntry pcmk__none_output_entries[];
 146 extern GOptionEntry pcmk__text_output_entries[];
 147 extern GOptionEntry pcmk__xml_output_entries[];
 149 pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_html_output(char **argv);
 150 pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_log_output(char **argv);
 151 pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_none_output(char **argv);
 152 pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_text_output(char **argv);
 153 pcmk__output_t *pcmk__mk_xml_output(char **argv);
 155 #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_HTML { "html", pcmk__mk_html_output, pcmk__html_output_entries }
 156 #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_LOG  { "log", pcmk__mk_log_output, pcmk__log_output_entries }
 157 #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_NONE { "none", pcmk__mk_none_output, pcmk__none_output_entries }
 158 #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_TEXT { "text", pcmk__mk_text_output, pcmk__text_output_entries }
 159 #define PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_XML  { "xml", pcmk__mk_xml_output, pcmk__xml_output_entries }
 161 /*!
 162  * \brief This structure contains everything that makes up a single output
 163  *        formatter.
 164  *
 165  * Instances of this structure may be created by calling pcmk__output_new()
 166  * with the name of the desired formatter.  They should later be freed with
 167  * pcmk__output_free().
 168  */
 169 struct pcmk__output_s {
 170     /*!
 171      * \brief The name of this output formatter.
 172      */
 173     const char *fmt_name;
 175     /*!
 176      * \brief Should this formatter supress most output?
 177      *
 178      * \note This setting is not respected by all formatters.  In general,
 179      *       machine-readable output formats will not support this while
 180      *       user-oriented formats will.  Callers should use is_quiet()
 181      *       to test whether to print or not.
 182      */
 183     bool quiet;
 185     /*!
 186      * \brief A copy of the request that generated this output.
 187      *
 188      * In the case of command line usage, this would be the command line
 189      * arguments.  For other use cases, it could be different.
 190      */
 191     gchar *request;
 193     /*!
 194      * \brief Where output should be written.
 195      *
 196      * This could be a file handle, or stdout or stderr.  This is really only
 197      * useful internally.
 198      */
 199     FILE *dest;
 201     /*!
 202      * \brief Custom messages that are currently registered on this formatter.
 203      *
 204      * Keys are the string message IDs, values are ::pcmk__message_fn_t function
 205      * pointers.
 206      */
 207     GHashTable *messages;
 209     /*!
 210      * \brief Implementation-specific private data.
 211      *
 212      * Each individual formatter may have some private data useful in its
 213      * implementation.  This points to that data.  Callers should not rely on
 214      * its contents or structure.
 215      */
 216     void *priv;
 218     /*!
 219      * \internal
 220      * \brief Take whatever actions are necessary to prepare out for use.  This is
 221      *        called by pcmk__output_new().  End users should not need to call this.
 222      *
 223      * \note For formatted output implementers - This function should be written in
 224      *       such a way that it can be called repeatedly on an already initialized
 225      *       object without causing problems, or on a previously finished object
 226      *       without crashing.
 227      *
 228      * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 229      *
 230      * \return true on success, false on error.
 231      */
 232     bool (*init) (pcmk__output_t *out);
 234     /*!
 235      * \internal
 236      * \brief Free the private formatter-specific data.
 237      *
 238      * This is called from pcmk__output_free() and does not typically need to be
 239      * called directly.
 240      *
 241      * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 242      */
 243     void (*free_priv) (pcmk__output_t *out);
 245     /*!
 246      * \internal
 247      * \brief Take whatever actions are necessary to end formatted output.
 248      *
 249      * This could include flushing output to a file, but does not include freeing
 250      * anything.  The finish method can potentially be fairly complicated, adding
 251      * additional information to the internal data structures or doing whatever
 252      * else.  It is therefore suggested that finish only be called once.
 253      *
 254      * \note The print parameter will only affect those formatters that do all
 255      *       their output at the end.  Console-oriented formatters typically print
 256      *       a line at a time as they go, so this parameter will not affect them.
 257      *       Structured formatters will honor it, however.
 258      *
 259      * \note The copy_dest parameter does not apply to all formatters.  Console-
 260      *       oriented formatters do not build up a structure as they go, and thus
 261      *       do not have anything to return.  Structured formatters will honor it,
 262      *       however.  Note that each type of formatter will return a different
 263      *       type of value in this parameter.  To use this parameter, call this
 264      *       function like so:
 265      *
 266      * \code
 267      * xmlNode *dest = NULL;
 268      * out->finish(out, exit_code, false, (void **) &dest);
 269      * \endcode
 270      *
 271      * \param[in,out] out         The output functions structure.
 272      * \param[in]     exit_status The exit value of the whole program.
 273      * \param[in]     print       Whether this function should write any output.
 274      * \param[out]    copy_dest   A destination to store a copy of the internal
 275      *                            data structure for this output, or NULL if no
 276      *                            copy is required.  The caller should free this
 277      *                            memory when done with it.
 278      */
 279     void (*finish) (pcmk__output_t *out, crm_exit_t exit_status, bool print,
 280                     void **copy_dest);
 282     /*!
 283      * \internal
 284      * \brief Finalize output and then immediately set back up to start a new set
 285      *        of output.
 286      *
 287      * This is conceptually the same as calling finish and then init, though in
 288      * practice more be happening behind the scenes.
 289      *
 290      * \note This function differs from finish in that no exit_status is added.
 291      *       The idea is that the program is not shutting down, so there is not
 292      *       yet a final exit code.  Call finish on the last time through if this
 293      *       is needed.
 294      *
 295      * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 296      */
 297     void (*reset) (pcmk__output_t *out);
 299     /*!
 300      * \internal
 301      * \brief Register a custom message.
 302      *
 303      * \param[in,out] out        The output functions structure.
 304      * \param[in]     message_id The name of the message to register.  This name
 305      *                           will be used as the message_id parameter to the
 306      *                           message function in order to call the custom
 307      *                           format function.
 308      * \param[in]     fn         The custom format function to call for message_id.
 309      */
 310     void (*register_message) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *message_id,
 311                               pcmk__message_fn_t fn);
 313     /*!
 314      * \internal
 315      * \brief Call a previously registered custom message.
 316      *
 317      * \param[in,out] out        The output functions structure.
 318      * \param[in]     message_id The name of the message to call.  This name must
 319      *                           be the same as the message_id parameter of some
 320      *                           previous call to register_message.
 321      * \param[in] ...            Arguments to be passed to the registered function.
 322      *
 323      * \return A standard Pacemaker return code.  Generally: 0 if a function was
 324      *         registered for the message, that function was called, and returned
 325      *         successfully; EINVAL if no function was registered; or pcmk_rc_no_output
 326      *         if a function was called but produced no output.
 327      */
 328     int (*message) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *message_id, ...);
 330     /*!
 331      * \internal
 332      * \brief Format the output of a completed subprocess.
 333      *
 334      * \param[in,out] out         The output functions structure.
 335      * \param[in]     exit_status The exit value of the subprocess.
 336      * \param[in]     proc_stdout stdout from the completed subprocess.
 337      * \param[in]     proc_stderr stderr from the completed subprocess.
 338      */
 339     void (*subprocess_output) (pcmk__output_t *out, int exit_status,
 340                                const char *proc_stdout, const char *proc_stderr);
 342     /*!
 343      * \internal
 344      * \brief Format version information.  This is useful for the --version
 345      *        argument of command line tools.
 346      *
 347      * \param[in,out] out      The output functions structure.
 348      * \param[in]     extended Add additional version information.
 349      */
 350     void (*version) (pcmk__output_t *out, bool extended);
 352     /*!
 353      * \internal
 354      * \brief Format an informational message that should be shown to
 355      *        to an interactive user.  Not all formatters will do this.
 356      *
 357      * \note A newline will automatically be added to the end of the format
 358      *       string, so callers should not include a newline.
 359      *
 360      * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 361      * \param[in]     buf The message to be printed.
 362      * \param[in]     ... Arguments to be formatted.
 363      */
 364     void (*info) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3);
 366     /*!
 367      * \internal
 368      * \brief Format an error message that should be shown to an interactive
 369      *        user.  Not all formatters will do this.
 370      *
 371      * \note A newline will automatically be added to the end of the format
 372      *       string, so callers should not include a newline.
 373      *
 374      * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 375      * \param[in]     buf The message to be printed.
 376      * \param[in]     ... Arguments to be formatted.
 377      */
 378     void (*err) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3);
 380     /*!
 381      * \internal
 382      * \brief Format already formatted XML.
 383      *
 384      * \param[in,out] out  The output functions structure.
 385      * \param[in]     name A name to associate with the XML.
 386      * \param[in]     buf  The XML in a string.
 387      */
 388     void (*output_xml) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *buf);
 390     /*!
 391      * \internal
 392      * \brief Start a new list of items.
 393      *
 394      * \note For text output, this corresponds to another level of indentation.  For
 395      *       XML output, this corresponds to wrapping any following output in another
 396      *       layer of tags.
 397      *
 398      * \note If singular_noun and plural_noun are non-NULL, calling end_list will
 399      *       result in a summary being added.
 400      *
 401      * \param[in,out] out           The output functions structure.
 402      * \param[in]     singular_noun When outputting the summary for a list with
 403      *                              one item, the noun to use.
 404      * \param[in]     plural_noun   When outputting the summary for a list with
 405      *                              more than one item, the noun to use.
 406      * \param[in]     format        The format string.
 407      * \param[in]     ...           Arguments to be formatted.
 408      */
 409     void (*begin_list) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *singular_noun,
 410                         const char *plural_noun, const char *format, ...)
 411                         G_GNUC_PRINTF(4, 5);
 413     /*!
 414      * \internal
 415      * \brief Format a single item in a list.
 416      *
 417      * \param[in,out] out     The output functions structure.
 418      * \param[in]     name    A name to associate with this item.
 419      * \param[in]     format  The format string.
 420      * \param[in]     ...     Arguments to be formatted.
 421      */
 422     void (*list_item) (pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *format, ...)
 423                       G_GNUC_PRINTF(3, 4);
 425     /*!
 426      * \internal
 427      * \brief Increment the internal counter of the current list's length.
 428      *
 429      * Typically, this counter is maintained behind the scenes as a side effect
 430      * of calling list_item().  However, custom functions that maintain lists
 431      * some other way will need to manage this counter manually.  This is
 432      * useful for implementing custom message functions and should not be
 433      * needed otherwise.
 434      *
 435      * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 436      */
 437     void (*increment_list) (pcmk__output_t *out);
 439     /*!
 440      * \internal
 441      * \brief Conclude a list.
 442      *
 443      * \note If begin_list was called with non-NULL for both the singular_noun
 444      *       and plural_noun arguments, this function will output a summary.
 445      *       Otherwise, no summary will be added.
 446      *
 447      * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 448      */
 449     void (*end_list) (pcmk__output_t *out);
 451     /*!
 452      * \internal
 453      * \brief Should anything be printed to the user?
 454      *
 455      * \note This takes into account both the \p quiet value as well as the
 456      *       current formatter.
 457      *
 458      * \param[in] out The output functions structure.
 459      *
 460      * \return true if output should be supressed, false otherwise.
 461      */
 462     bool (*is_quiet) (pcmk__output_t *out);
 463 };
 465 /*!
 466  * \internal
 467  * \brief Call a formatting function for a previously registered message.
 468  *
 469  * \note This function is for implementing custom formatters.  It should not
 470  *       be called directly.  Instead, call out->message.
 471  *
 472  * \param[in,out] out        The output functions structure.
 473  * \param[in]     message_id The message to be handled.  Unknown messages
 474  *                           will be ignored.
 475  * \param[in]     ...        Arguments to be passed to the registered function.
 476  */
 477 int
 478 pcmk__call_message(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *message_id, ...);
 480 /*!
 481  * \internal
 482  * \brief Free a ::pcmk__output_t structure that was previously created by
 483  *        pcmk__output_new().
 484  *
 485  * \note While the create and finish functions are designed in such a way that
 486  *       they can be called repeatedly, this function will completely free the
 487  *       memory of the object.  Once this function has been called, producing
 488  *       more output requires starting over from pcmk__output_new().
 489  *
 490  * \param[in,out] out         The output structure.
 491  */
 492 void pcmk__output_free(pcmk__output_t *out);
 494 /*!
 495  * \internal
 496  * \brief Create a new ::pcmk__output_t structure.
 497  *
 498  * \param[in,out] out      The destination of the new ::pcmk__output_t.
 499  * \param[in]     fmt_name How should output be formatted?
 500  * \param[in]     filename Where should formatted output be written to?  This
 501  *                         can be a filename (which will be overwritten if it
 502  *                         already exists), or NULL or "-" for stdout.  For no
 503  *                         output, pass a filename of "/dev/null".
 504  * \param[in]     argv     The list of command line arguments.
 505  *
 506  * \return Standard Pacemaker return code
 507  */
 508 int pcmk__output_new(pcmk__output_t **out, const char *fmt_name,
 509                      const char *filename, char **argv);
 511 /*!
 512  * \internal
 513  * \brief Register a new output formatter, making it available for use
 514  *        the same as a base formatter.
 515  *
 516  * \param[in,out] group   A ::GOptionGroup that formatted output related command
 517  *                        line arguments should be added to.  This can be NULL
 518  *                        for use outside of command line programs.
 519  * \param[in]     name    The name of the format.  This will be used to select a
 520  *                        format from command line options and for displaying help.
 521  * \param[in]     create  A function that creates a ::pcmk__output_t.
 522  * \param[in]     options Format-specific command line options.  These will be
 523  *                        added to the context.  This argument can also be NULL.
 524  *
 525  * \return 0 on success or an error code on error.
 526  */
 527 int
 528 pcmk__register_format(GOptionGroup *group, const char *name,
 529                       pcmk__output_factory_t create, GOptionEntry *options);
 531 /*!
 532  * \internal
 533  * \brief Register an entire table of output formatters at once.
 534  *
 535  * \param[in,out] group A ::GOptionGroup that formatted output related command
 536  *                      line arguments should be added to.  This can be NULL
 537  *                      for use outside of command line programs.
 538  * \param[in]     table An array of ::pcmk__supported_format_t which should
 539  *                      all be registered.  This array must be NULL-terminated.
 540  *
 541  */
 542 void
 543 pcmk__register_formats(GOptionGroup *group, pcmk__supported_format_t *table);
 545 /*!
 546  * \internal
 547  * \brief Unregister a previously registered table of custom formatting
 548  *        functions and destroy the internal data structures associated with them.
 549  */
 550 void
 551 pcmk__unregister_formats(void);
 553 /*!
 554  * \internal
 555  * \brief Register a function to handle a custom message.
 556  *
 557  * \note This function is for implementing custom formatters.  It should not
 558  *       be called directly.  Instead, call out->register_message.
 559  *
 560  * \param[in,out] out        The output functions structure.
 561  * \param[in]     message_id The message to be handled.
 562  * \param[in]     fn         The custom format function to call for message_id.
 563  */
 564 void
 565 pcmk__register_message(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *message_id,
 566                        pcmk__message_fn_t fn);
 568 /*!
 569  * \internal
 570  * \brief Register an entire table of custom formatting functions at once.
 571  *
 572  * This table can contain multiple formatting functions for the same message ID
 573  * if they are for different format types.
 574  *
 575  * \param[in,out] out   The output functions structure.
 576  * \param[in]     table An array of ::pcmk__message_entry_t values which should
 577  *                      all be registered.  This array must be NULL-terminated.
 578  */
 579 void
 580 pcmk__register_messages(pcmk__output_t *out, pcmk__message_entry_t *table);
 582 /* Functions that are useful for implementing custom message formatters */
 584 /*!
 585  * \internal
 586  * \brief A printf-like function.
 587  *
 588  * This function writes to out->dest and indents the text to the current level
 589  * of the text formatter's nesting.  This should be used when implementing
 590  * custom message functions instead of printf.
 591  *
 592  * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 593  */
 594 void
 595 pcmk__indented_printf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3);
 597 /*!
 598  * \internal
 599  * \brief A vprintf-like function.
 600  *
 601  * This function is like pcmk__indented_printf(), except it takes a va_list instead
 602  * of a list of arguments.  This should be used when implementing custom message
 603  * functions instead of vprintf.
 604  *
 605  * \param[in,out] out    The output functions structure.
 606  * \param[in]     format The format string.
 607  * \param[in]     args   A list of arguments to apply to the format string.
 608  */
 609 void
 610 pcmk__indented_vprintf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, va_list args) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 0);
 612 /*!
 613  * \internal
 614  * \brief Create and return a new XML node with the given name, as a child of the
 615  *        current list parent.  The new node is then added as the new list parent,
 616  *        meaning all subsequent nodes will be its children.  This is used when
 617  *        implementing custom functions.
 618  *
 619  * \param[in,out] out  The output functions structure.
 620  * \param[in]     name The name of the node to be created.
 621  */
 622 xmlNodePtr
 623 pcmk__output_xml_create_parent(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name);
 625 /*!
 626  * \internal
 627  * \brief Add the given node as a child of the current list parent.  This is
 628  *        used when implementing custom message functions.
 629  *
 630  * \param[in,out] out  The output functions structure.
 631  * \param[in]     node An XML node to be added as a child.
 632  */
 633 void
 634 pcmk__output_xml_add_node(pcmk__output_t *out, xmlNodePtr node);
 636 /*!
 637  * \internal
 638  * \brief Create and return a new XML node with the given name, as a child of the
 639  *        current list parent.  This is used when implementing custom functions.
 640  *
 641  * \param[in,out] out  The output functions structure.
 642  * \param[in]     name The name of the node to be created.
 643  */
 644 xmlNodePtr
 645 pcmk__output_create_xml_node(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name);
 647 /*!
 648  * \internal
 649  * \brief Like pcmk__output_create_xml_node(), but add the given text content to the
 650  *        new node.
 651  *
 652  * \param[in,out] out     The output functions structure.
 653  * \param[in]     name    The name of the node to be created.
 654  * \param[in]     content The text content of the node.
 655  */
 656 xmlNodePtr
 657 pcmk__output_create_xml_text_node(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *content);
 659 /*!
 660  * \internal
 661  * \brief Push a parent XML node onto the stack.  This is used when implementing
 662  *        custom message functions.
 663  *
 664  * The XML output formatter maintains an internal stack to keep track of which nodes
 665  * are parents in order to build up the tree structure.  This function can be used
 666  * to temporarily push a new node onto the stack.  After calling this function, any
 667  * other formatting functions will have their nodes added as children of this new
 668  * parent.
 669  *
 670  * \param[in,out] out  The output functions structure.
 671  * \param[in]     node The node to be added/
 672  */
 673 void
 674 pcmk__output_xml_push_parent(pcmk__output_t *out, xmlNodePtr node);
 676 /*!
 677  * \internal
 678  * \brief Pop a parent XML node onto the stack.  This is used when implementing
 679  *        custom message functions.
 680  *
 681  * This function removes a parent node from the stack.  See pcmk__xml_push_parent()
 682  * for more details.
 683  *
 684  * \note Little checking is done with this function.  Be sure you only pop parents
 685  * that were previously pushed.  In general, it is best to keep the code between
 686  * push and pop simple.
 687  *
 688  * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 689  */
 690 void
 691 pcmk__output_xml_pop_parent(pcmk__output_t *out);
 693 /*!
 694  * \internal
 695  * \brief Peek a parent XML node onto the stack.  This is used when implementing
 696  *        custom message functions.
 697  *
 698  * This function peeks a parent node on stack.  See pcmk__xml_push_parent()
 699  * for more details. It has no side-effect and can be called for an empty stack.
 700  *
 701  * \note Little checking is done with this function.
 702  *
 703  * \param[in,out] out The output functions structure.
 704  *
 705  * \return NULL if stack is empty, otherwise the parent of the stack.
 706  */
 707 xmlNodePtr
 708 pcmk__output_xml_peek_parent(pcmk__output_t *out);
 710 /*!
 711  * \internal
 712  * \brief Create a new XML node consisting of the provided text inside an HTML
 713  *        element node of the given name.
 714  *
 715  * \param[in,out] out          The output functions structure.
 716  * \param[in]     element_name The name of the new HTML element.
 717  * \param[in]     id           The CSS ID selector to apply to this element.
 718  *                             If NULL, no ID is added.
 719  * \param[in]     class_name   The CSS class selector to apply to this element.
 720  *                             If NULL, no class is added.
 721  * \param[in]     text         The text content of the node.
 722  */
 723 xmlNodePtr
 724 pcmk__output_create_html_node(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *element_name, const char *id,
 725                               const char *class_name, const char *text);
 727 /*!
 728  * \internal
 729  * \brief Add an HTML tag to the <head> section.
 730  *
 731  * The arguments after name are a NULL-terminated list of keys and values,
 732  * all of which will be added as attributes to the given tag.  For instance,
 733  * the following code would generate the tag "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='19'>":
 734  *
 735  * \code
 736  * pcmk__html_add_header("meta", "http-equiv", "refresh", "content", "19", NULL);
 737  * \endcode
 738  *
 739  * \param[in]     name   The HTML tag for the new node.
 740  * \param[in]     ...    A NULL-terminated key/value list of attributes.
 741  */
 742 void
 743 pcmk__html_add_header(const char *name, ...)
 746 #define PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out_obj, cond)   \
 747     if (cond) {                                 \
 748         out_obj->info(out_obj, "%s", "");       \
 749     }
 751 #define PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out_obj, cond, retcode, title...)  \
 752     if (retcode == pcmk_rc_no_output) {                             \
 753         PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out_obj, cond);                      \
 754         retcode = pcmk_rc_ok;                                       \
 755         out_obj->begin_list(out_obj, NULL, NULL, title);            \
 756     }
 758 #define PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_FOOTER(out_obj, retcode)  \
 759     if (retcode == pcmk_rc_ok) {                    \
 760         out_obj->end_list(out_obj);                 \
 761     }
 763 #ifdef __cplusplus
 764 }
 765 #endif
 767 #endif

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