
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. send_attrd_message
  2. attribute_timer_cb
  3. free_attribute_value
  4. free_attribute
  5. build_attribute_xml
  6. clear_attribute_value_seen
  7. create_attribute
  8. attrd_client_peer_remove
  9. attrd_client_update
  10. attrd_client_clear_failure
  11. attrd_client_refresh
  12. build_query_reply
  13. attrd_client_query
  14. attrd_peer_clear_failure
  15. attrd_broadcast_protocol
  16. attrd_peer_message
  17. attrd_peer_sync
  18. attrd_peer_remove
  19. attrd_lookup_or_create_value
  20. attrd_current_only_attribute_update
  21. attrd_peer_update
  22. write_or_elect_attribute
  23. attrd_election_cb
  24. attrd_peer_change_cb
  25. attrd_cib_callback
  26. write_attributes
  27. build_update_element
  28. set_alert_attribute_value
  29. send_alert_attributes_value
  30. write_attribute

   1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2013-2020 the Pacemaker project contributors
   3  *
   4  * The version control history for this file may have further details.
   5  *
   6  * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
   7  * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
   8  */
  10 #include <crm_internal.h>
  12 #include <sys/types.h>
  13 #include <regex.h>
  14 #include <glib.h>
  16 #include <crm/msg_xml.h>
  17 #include <crm/cluster.h>
  18 #include <crm/cib.h>
  19 #include <crm/common/xml_internal.h>
  20 #include <crm/cluster/internal.h>
  21 #include <crm/cluster/election.h>
  22 #include <crm/cib/internal.h>
  24 #include "pacemaker-attrd.h"
  26 /*
  27  * Legacy attrd (all pre-1.1.11 Pacemaker versions, plus all versions when used
  28  * with the no-longer-supported CMAN or corosync-plugin stacks) is unversioned.
  29  *
  30  * With atomic attrd, each attrd will send ATTRD_PROTOCOL_VERSION with every
  31  * peer request and reply. As of Pacemaker 2.0.0, at start-up each attrd will
  32  * also set a private attribute for itself with its version, so any attrd can
  33  * determine the minimum version supported by all peers.
  34  *
  35  * Protocol  Pacemaker  Significant changes
  36  * --------  ---------  -------------------
  37  *     1       1.1.11   PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE (PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME only),
  38  *                      PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_PEER_REMOVE, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_REFRESH,
  39  *                      PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_FLUSH, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC,
  40  *                      PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC_RESPONSE
  41  *     1       1.1.13   PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE (with PCMK__XA_ATTR_PATTERN),
  42  *                      PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_QUERY
  43  *     1       1.1.15   PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_BOTH,
  44  *                      PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_DELAY
  45  *     2       1.1.17   PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_CLEAR_FAILURE
  46  */
  49 int last_cib_op_done = 0;
  50 GHashTable *attributes = NULL;
  52 void write_attribute(attribute_t *a, bool ignore_delay);
  53 void write_or_elect_attribute(attribute_t *a);
  54 void attrd_current_only_attribute_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml);
  55 void attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter);
  56 void attrd_peer_sync(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml);
  57 void attrd_peer_remove(const char *host, gboolean uncache, const char *source);
  59 static gboolean
  60 send_attrd_message(crm_node_t * node, xmlNode * data)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  61 {
  62     crm_xml_add(data, F_TYPE, T_ATTRD);
  63     crm_xml_add(data, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VERSION, ATTRD_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
  64     attrd_xml_add_writer(data);
  65     return send_cluster_message(node, crm_msg_attrd, data, TRUE);
  66 }
  68 static gboolean
  69 attribute_timer_cb(gpointer data)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  70 {
  71     attribute_t *a = data;
  72     crm_trace("Dampen interval expired for %s", a->id);
  73     write_or_elect_attribute(a);
  74     return FALSE;
  75 }
  77 static void
  78 free_attribute_value(gpointer data)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  79 {
  80     attribute_value_t *v = data;
  82     free(v->nodename);
  83     free(v->current);
  84     free(v->requested);
  85     free(v);
  86 }
  88 void
  89 free_attribute(gpointer data)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  90 {
  91     attribute_t *a = data;
  92     if(a) {
  93         free(a->id);
  94         free(a->set);
  95         free(a->uuid);
  96         free(a->user);
  98         mainloop_timer_del(a->timer);
  99         g_hash_table_destroy(a->values);
 101         free(a);
 102     }
 103 }
 105 static xmlNode *
 106 build_attribute_xml(
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 107     xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const char *set, const char *uuid, unsigned int timeout_ms, const char *user,
 108     gboolean is_private, const char *peer, uint32_t peerid, const char *value, gboolean is_force_write)
 109 {
 110     xmlNode *xml = create_xml_node(parent, __func__);
 112     crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, name);
 113     crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_SET, set);
 114     crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_UUID, uuid);
 115     crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_USER, user);
 116     crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME, peer);
 117     crm_xml_add_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_ID, peerid);
 118     crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, value);
 119     crm_xml_add_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_DAMPENING, timeout_ms/1000);
 120     crm_xml_add_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_PRIVATE, is_private);
 121     crm_xml_add_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_FORCE, is_force_write);
 123     return xml;
 124 }
 126 static void
 127 clear_attribute_value_seen(void)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 128 {
 129     GHashTableIter aIter;
 130     GHashTableIter vIter;
 131     attribute_t *a;
 132     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
 134     g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
 135     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
 136         g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
 137         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) {
 138             v->seen = FALSE;
 139             crm_trace("Clear seen flag %s[%s] = %s.", a->id, v->nodename, v->current);
 140         }
 141     }
 142 }
 144 static attribute_t *
 145 create_attribute(xmlNode *xml)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 146 {
 147     int dampen = 0;
 148     const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_DAMPENING);
 149     attribute_t *a = calloc(1, sizeof(attribute_t));
 151     a->id      = crm_element_value_copy(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME);
 152     a->set     = crm_element_value_copy(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_SET);
 153     a->uuid    = crm_element_value_copy(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_UUID);
 154     a->values = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash, crm_strcase_equal, NULL, free_attribute_value);
 156     crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_PRIVATE, &a->is_private);
 158 #if ENABLE_ACL
 159     a->user = crm_element_value_copy(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_USER);
 160     crm_trace("Performing all %s operations as user '%s'", a->id, a->user);
 161 #endif
 163     if(value) {
 164         dampen = crm_get_msec(value);
 165         crm_trace("Created attribute %s with delay %dms (%s)", a->id, dampen, value);
 166     } else {
 167         crm_trace("Created attribute %s with no delay", a->id);
 168     }
 170     if(dampen > 0) {
 171         a->timeout_ms = dampen;
 172         a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(a->id, a->timeout_ms, FALSE, attribute_timer_cb, a);
 173     } else if (dampen < 0) {
 174         crm_warn("Ignoring invalid delay %s for attribute %s", value, a->id);
 175     }
 177     g_hash_table_replace(attributes, a->id, a);
 178     return a;
 179 }
 181 /*!
 182  * \internal
 183  * \brief Respond to a client peer-remove request (i.e. propagate to all peers)
 184  *
 185  * \param[in] client_name Name of client that made request (for log messages)
 186  * \param[in] xml         Root of request XML
 187  *
 188  * \return void
 189  */
 190 void
 191 attrd_client_peer_remove(const char *client_name, xmlNode *xml)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 192 {
 193     // Host and ID are not used in combination, rather host has precedence
 194     const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME);
 195     char *host_alloc = NULL;
 197     if (host == NULL) {
 198         int nodeid = 0;
 200         crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_ID, &nodeid);
 201         if (nodeid > 0) {
 202             crm_node_t *node = crm_find_peer(nodeid, NULL);
 203             char *host_alloc = NULL;
 205             if (node && node->uname) {
 206                 // Use cached name if available
 207                 host = node->uname;
 208             } else {
 209                 // Otherwise ask cluster layer
 210                 host_alloc = get_node_name(nodeid);
 211                 host = host_alloc;
 212             }
 213             crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME, host);
 214         }
 215     }
 217     if (host) {
 218         crm_info("Client %s is requesting all values for %s be removed",
 219                  client_name, host);
 220         send_attrd_message(NULL, xml); /* ends up at attrd_peer_message() */
 221         free(host_alloc);
 222     } else {
 223         crm_info("Ignoring request by client %s to remove all peer values without specifying peer",
 224                  client_name);
 225     }
 226 }
 228 /*!
 229  * \internal
 230  * \brief Respond to a client update request
 231  *
 232  * \param[in] xml         Root of request XML
 233  *
 234  * \return void
 235  */
 236 void
 237 attrd_client_update(xmlNode *xml)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 238 {
 239     attribute_t *a = NULL;
 240     char *host = crm_element_value_copy(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME);
 241     const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME);
 242     const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE);
 243     const char *regex = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_PATTERN);
 245     /* If a regex was specified, broadcast a message for each match */
 246     if ((attr == NULL) && regex) {
 247         GHashTableIter aIter;
 248         regex_t *r_patt = calloc(1, sizeof(regex_t));
 250         crm_debug("Setting %s to %s", regex, value);
 251         if (regcomp(r_patt, regex, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB)) {
 252             crm_err("Bad regex '%s' for update", regex);
 254         } else {
 255             g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
 256             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, (gpointer *) & attr, NULL)) {
 257                 int status = regexec(r_patt, attr, 0, NULL, 0);
 259                 if (status == 0) {
 260                     crm_trace("Matched %s with %s", attr, regex);
 261                     crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, attr);
 262                     send_attrd_message(NULL, xml);
 263                 }
 264             }
 265         }
 267         free(host);
 268         regfree(r_patt);
 269         free(r_patt);
 270         return;
 272     } else if (attr == NULL) {
 273         crm_err("Update request did not specify attribute or regular expression");
 274         free(host);
 275         return;
 276     }
 278     if (host == NULL) {
 279         crm_trace("Inferring host");
 280         host = strdup(attrd_cluster->uname);
 281         crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME, host);
 282         crm_xml_add_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_ID, attrd_cluster->nodeid);
 283     }
 285     a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);
 287     /* If value was specified using ++ or += notation, expand to real value */
 288     if (value) {
 289         if (attrd_value_needs_expansion(value)) {
 290             int int_value;
 291             attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
 293             if (a) {
 294                 v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
 295             }
 296             int_value = attrd_expand_value(value, (v? v->current : NULL));
 298             crm_info("Expanded %s=%s to %d", attr, value, int_value);
 299             crm_xml_add_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, int_value);
 301             /* Replacing the value frees the previous memory, so re-query it */
 302             value = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE);
 303         }
 304     }
 306     crm_debug("Broadcasting %s[%s]=%s%s", attr, host, value,
 307               (attrd_election_won()? " (writer)" : ""));
 309     free(host);
 311     send_attrd_message(NULL, xml); /* ends up at attrd_peer_message() */
 312 }
 314 /*!
 315  * \internal
 316  * \brief Respond to client clear-failure request
 317  *
 318  * \param[in] xml         Request XML
 319  */
 320 void
 321 attrd_client_clear_failure(xmlNode *xml)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 322 {
 323 #if 0
 324     /* @TODO Track the minimum supported protocol version across all nodes,
 325      * then enable this more-efficient code.
 326      */
 327     if (compare_version("2", minimum_protocol_version) <= 0) {
 328         /* Propagate to all peers (including ourselves).
 329          * This ends up at attrd_peer_message().
 330          */
 331         send_attrd_message(NULL, xml);
 332         return;
 333     }
 334 #endif
 336     const char *rsc = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_RESOURCE);
 337     const char *op = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_OPERATION);
 338     const char *interval_spec = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_INTERVAL);
 340     /* Map this to an update */
 341     crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE);
 343     /* Add regular expression matching desired attributes */
 345     if (rsc) {
 346         char *pattern;
 348         if (op == NULL) {
 349             pattern = crm_strdup_printf(ATTRD_RE_CLEAR_ONE, rsc);
 351         } else {
 352             guint interval_ms = crm_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec);
 354             pattern = crm_strdup_printf(ATTRD_RE_CLEAR_OP,
 355                                         rsc, op, interval_ms);
 356         }
 358         crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_PATTERN, pattern);
 359         free(pattern);
 361     } else {
 362         crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_PATTERN, ATTRD_RE_CLEAR_ALL);
 363     }
 365     /* Make sure attribute and value are not set, so we delete via regex */
 366     if (crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME)) {
 367         crm_xml_replace(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, NULL);
 368     }
 369     if (crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE)) {
 370         crm_xml_replace(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, NULL);
 371     }
 373     attrd_client_update(xml);
 374 }
 376 /*!
 377  * \internal
 378  * \brief Respond to a client refresh request (i.e. write out all attributes)
 379  *
 380  * \return void
 381  */
 382 void
 383 attrd_client_refresh(void)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 384 {
 385     crm_info("Updating all attributes");
 386     write_attributes(TRUE, TRUE);
 387 }
 389 /*!
 390  * \internal
 391  * \brief Build the XML reply to a client query
 392  *
 393  * param[in] attr Name of requested attribute
 394  * param[in] host Name of requested host (or NULL for all hosts)
 395  *
 396  * \return New XML reply
 397  * \note Caller is responsible for freeing the resulting XML
 398  */
 399 static xmlNode *build_query_reply(const char *attr, const char *host)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 400 {
 401     xmlNode *reply = create_xml_node(NULL, __func__);
 402     attribute_t *a;
 404     if (reply == NULL) {
 405         return NULL;
 406     }
 407     crm_xml_add(reply, F_TYPE, T_ATTRD);
 408     crm_xml_add(reply, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VERSION, ATTRD_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
 410     /* If desired attribute exists, add its value(s) to the reply */
 411     a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);
 412     if (a) {
 413         attribute_value_t *v;
 414         xmlNode *host_value;
 416         crm_xml_add(reply, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, attr);
 418         /* Allow caller to use "localhost" to refer to local node */
 419         if (pcmk__str_eq(host, "localhost", pcmk__str_casei)) {
 420             host = attrd_cluster->uname;
 421             crm_trace("Mapped localhost to %s", host);
 422         }
 424         /* If a specific node was requested, add its value */
 425         if (host) {
 426             v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
 427             host_value = create_xml_node(reply, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE);
 428             if (host_value == NULL) {
 429                 free_xml(reply);
 430                 return NULL;
 431             }
 432             crm_xml_add(host_value, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME, host);
 433             crm_xml_add(host_value, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE,
 434                         (v? v->current : NULL));
 436         /* Otherwise, add all nodes' values */
 437         } else {
 438             GHashTableIter iter;
 440             g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values);
 441             while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &v)) {
 442                 host_value = create_xml_node(reply, XML_CIB_TAG_NODE);
 443                 if (host_value == NULL) {
 444                     free_xml(reply);
 445                     return NULL;
 446                 }
 447                 crm_xml_add(host_value, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME, v->nodename);
 448                 crm_xml_add(host_value, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, v->current);
 449             }
 450         }
 451     }
 452     return reply;
 453 }
 455 /*!
 456  * \internal
 457  * \brief Respond to a client query
 458  *
 459  * \param[in] client Who queried us
 460  * \param[in] query  Root of query XML
 461  *
 462  * \return void
 463  */
 464 void
 465 attrd_client_query(pcmk__client_t *client, uint32_t id, uint32_t flags,
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 466                    xmlNode *query)
 467 {
 468     const char *attr;
 469     const char *origin = crm_element_value(query, F_ORIG);
 470     xmlNode *reply;
 472     if (origin == NULL) {
 473         origin = "unknown client";
 474     }
 475     crm_debug("Query arrived from %s", origin);
 477     /* Request must specify attribute name to query */
 478     attr = crm_element_value(query, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME);
 479     if (attr == NULL) {
 480         crm_warn("Ignoring malformed query from %s (no attribute name given)",
 481                  origin);
 482         return;
 483     }
 485     /* Build the XML reply */
 486     reply = build_query_reply(attr, crm_element_value(query,
 487                                                       PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME));
 488     if (reply == NULL) {
 489         crm_err("Could not respond to query from %s: could not create XML reply",
 490                  origin);
 491         return;
 492     }
 493     crm_log_xml_trace(reply, "Reply");
 495     /* Send the reply to the client */
 496     client->request_id = 0;
 497     {
 498         int rc = pcmk__ipc_send_xml(client, id, reply, flags);
 500         if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) {
 501             crm_err("Could not respond to query from %s: %s " CRM_XS " rc=%d",
 502                     origin, pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc);
 503         }
 504     }
 505     free_xml(reply);
 506 }
 508 /*!
 509  * \internal
 510  * \brief Clear failure-related attributes
 511  *
 512  * \param[in] peer  Peer that sent clear request
 513  * \param[in] xml   Request XML
 514  */
 515 static void
 516 attrd_peer_clear_failure(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 517 {
 518     const char *rsc = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_RESOURCE);
 519     const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME);
 520     const char *op = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_OPERATION);
 521     const char *interval_spec = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_INTERVAL);
 522     guint interval_ms = crm_parse_interval_spec(interval_spec);
 523     char *attr = NULL;
 524     GHashTableIter iter;
 525     regex_t regex;
 527     if (attrd_failure_regex(&regex, rsc, op, interval_ms) != pcmk_ok) {
 528         crm_info("Ignoring invalid request to clear failures for %s",
 529                  (rsc? rsc : "all resources"));
 530         return;
 531     }
 533     crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE);
 535     /* Make sure value is not set, so we delete */
 536     if (crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE)) {
 537         crm_xml_replace(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, NULL);
 538     }
 540     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, attributes);
 541     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &attr, NULL)) {
 542         if (regexec(&regex, attr, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) {
 543             crm_trace("Matched %s when clearing %s",
 544                       attr, (rsc? rsc : "all resources"));
 545             crm_xml_add(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, attr);
 546             attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, FALSE);
 547         }
 548     }
 549     regfree(&regex);
 550 }
 552 /*!
 553     \internal
 554     \brief Broadcast private attribute for local node with protocol version
 555 */
 556 void
 557 attrd_broadcast_protocol()
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 558 {
 559     xmlNode *attrd_op = create_xml_node(NULL, __func__);
 561     crm_xml_add(attrd_op, F_TYPE, T_ATTRD);
 562     crm_xml_add(attrd_op, F_ORIG, crm_system_name);
 563     crm_xml_add(attrd_op, PCMK__XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE);
 564     crm_xml_add(attrd_op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME, CRM_ATTR_PROTOCOL);
 565     crm_xml_add(attrd_op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE, ATTRD_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
 566     crm_xml_add_int(attrd_op, PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_PRIVATE, 1);
 567     attrd_client_update(attrd_op);
 568     free_xml(attrd_op);
 569 }
 571 void
 572 attrd_peer_message(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 573 {
 574     const char *op = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_TASK);
 575     const char *election_op = crm_element_value(xml, F_CRM_TASK);
 576     const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME);
 577     bool peer_won = FALSE;
 579     if (election_op) {
 580         attrd_handle_election_op(peer, xml);
 581         return;
 582     }
 584     if (attrd_shutting_down()) {
 585         /* If we're shutting down, we want to continue responding to election
 586          * ops as long as we're a cluster member (because our vote may be
 587          * needed). Ignore all other messages.
 588          */
 589         return;
 590     }
 592     peer_won = attrd_check_for_new_writer(peer, xml);
 594     if (pcmk__strcase_any_of(op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_BOTH,
 595                              PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_DELAY, NULL)) {
 596         attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, FALSE);
 598     } else if (pcmk__str_eq(op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC, pcmk__str_casei)) {
 599         attrd_peer_sync(peer, xml);
 601     } else if (pcmk__str_eq(op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_PEER_REMOVE, pcmk__str_casei)) {
 602         attrd_peer_remove(host, TRUE, peer->uname);
 604     } else if (pcmk__str_eq(op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_CLEAR_FAILURE, pcmk__str_casei)) {
 605         /* It is not currently possible to receive this as a peer command,
 606          * but will be, if we one day enable propagating this operation.
 607          */
 608         attrd_peer_clear_failure(peer, xml);
 610     } else if (pcmk__str_eq(op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC_RESPONSE, pcmk__str_casei)
 611                && !pcmk__str_eq(peer->uname, attrd_cluster->uname, pcmk__str_casei)) {
 612         xmlNode *child = NULL;
 614         crm_info("Processing %s from %s", op, peer->uname);
 616         /* Clear the seen flag for attribute processing held only in the own node. */
 617         if (peer_won) {
 618             clear_attribute_value_seen();
 619         }
 621         for (child = pcmk__xml_first_child(xml); child != NULL;
 622              child = pcmk__xml_next(child)) {
 623             host = crm_element_value(child, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_NAME);
 624             attrd_peer_update(peer, child, host, TRUE);
 625         }
 627         if (peer_won) {
 628             /* Synchronize if there is an attribute held only by own node that Writer does not have. */
 629             attrd_current_only_attribute_update(peer, xml);
 630         }
 631     }
 632 }
 634 void
 635 attrd_peer_sync(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 636 {
 637     GHashTableIter aIter;
 638     GHashTableIter vIter;
 640     attribute_t *a = NULL;
 641     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
 642     xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __func__);
 644     crm_xml_add(sync, PCMK__XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC_RESPONSE);
 646     g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
 647     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
 648         g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
 649         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) {
 650             crm_debug("Syncing %s[%s] = %s to %s", a->id, v->nodename, v->current, peer?peer->uname:"everyone");
 651             build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private,
 652                                 v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current, FALSE);
 653         }
 654     }
 656     crm_debug("Syncing values to %s", peer?peer->uname:"everyone");
 657     send_attrd_message(peer, sync);
 658     free_xml(sync);
 659 }
 661 /*!
 662  * \internal
 663  * \brief Remove all attributes and optionally peer cache entries for a node
 664  *
 665  * \param[in] host     Name of node to purge
 666  * \param[in] uncache  If TRUE, remove node from peer caches
 667  * \param[in] source   Who requested removal (only used for logging)
 668  */
 669 void
 670 attrd_peer_remove(const char *host, gboolean uncache, const char *source)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 671 {
 672     attribute_t *a = NULL;
 673     GHashTableIter aIter;
 675     CRM_CHECK(host != NULL, return);
 676     crm_notice("Removing all %s attributes for peer %s", host, source);
 678     g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
 679     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
 680         if(g_hash_table_remove(a->values, host)) {
 681             crm_debug("Removed %s[%s] for peer %s", a->id, host, source);
 682         }
 683     }
 685     if (uncache) {
 686         crm_remote_peer_cache_remove(host);
 687         reap_crm_member(0, host);
 688     }
 689 }
 691 /*!
 692  * \internal
 693  * \brief Return host's hash table entry (creating one if needed)
 694  *
 695  * \param[in] values Hash table of values
 696  * \param[in] host Name of peer to look up
 697  * \param[in] xml XML describing the attribute
 698  *
 699  * \return Pointer to new or existing hash table entry
 700  */
 701 static attribute_value_t *
 702 attrd_lookup_or_create_value(GHashTable *values, const char *host, xmlNode *xml)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 703 {
 704     attribute_value_t *v = g_hash_table_lookup(values, host);
 705     int is_remote = 0;
 707     crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_IS_REMOTE, &is_remote);
 708     if (is_remote) {
 709         /* If we previously assumed this node was an unseen cluster node,
 710          * remove its entry from the cluster peer cache.
 711          */
 712         crm_node_t *dup = crm_find_peer(0, host);
 714         if (dup && (dup->uuid == NULL)) {
 715             reap_crm_member(0, host);
 716         }
 718         /* Ensure this host is in the remote peer cache */
 719         CRM_ASSERT(crm_remote_peer_get(host) != NULL);
 720     }
 722     if (v == NULL) {
 723         v = calloc(1, sizeof(attribute_value_t));
 724         CRM_ASSERT(v != NULL);
 726         v->nodename = strdup(host);
 727         CRM_ASSERT(v->nodename != NULL);
 729         v->is_remote = is_remote;
 730         g_hash_table_replace(values, v->nodename, v);
 731     }
 732     return(v);
 733 }
 735 void 
 736 attrd_current_only_attribute_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 737 {
 738     GHashTableIter aIter;
 739     GHashTableIter vIter;
 740     attribute_t *a;
 741     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
 742     xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __func__);
 743     gboolean build = FALSE;    
 745     crm_xml_add(sync, PCMK__XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC_RESPONSE);
 747     g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
 748     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
 749         g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
 750         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) {
 751             if (pcmk__str_eq(v->nodename, attrd_cluster->uname, pcmk__str_casei) && v->seen == FALSE) {
 752                 crm_trace("Syncing %s[%s] = %s to everyone.(from local only attributes)", a->id, v->nodename, v->current);
 754                 build = TRUE;
 755                 build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private,
 756                             v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current,  (a->timeout_ms && a->timer ? TRUE : FALSE));
 757             } else {
 758                 crm_trace("Local attribute(%s[%s] = %s) was ignore.(another host) : [%s]", a->id, v->nodename, v->current, attrd_cluster->uname);
 759                 continue;
 760             }
 761         }
 762     }
 764     if (build) {
 765         crm_debug("Syncing values to everyone.(from local only attributes)");
 766         send_attrd_message(NULL, sync);
 767     }
 768     free_xml(sync);
 769 }
 771 void
 772 attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 773 {
 774     bool update_both = FALSE;
 775     attribute_t *a;
 776     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
 777     gboolean is_force_write = FALSE;
 779     const char *op = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_TASK);
 780     const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NAME);
 781     const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_VALUE);
 782     crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_FORCE, &is_force_write);
 784     if (attr == NULL) {
 785         crm_warn("Could not update attribute: peer did not specify name");
 786         return;
 787     }
 790     update_both = pcmk__str_eq(op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_BOTH,
 791                                pcmk__str_null_matches | pcmk__str_casei);
 793     // Look up or create attribute entry
 794     a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);
 795     if (a == NULL) {
 796         if (update_both || pcmk__str_eq(op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE, pcmk__str_casei)) {
 797             a = create_attribute(xml);
 798         } else {
 799             crm_warn("Could not update %s: attribute not found", attr);
 800             return;
 801         }
 802     }
 804     // Update attribute dampening
 805     if (update_both || pcmk__str_eq(op, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_UPDATE_DELAY, pcmk__str_casei)) {
 806         const char *dvalue = crm_element_value(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_DAMPENING);
 807         int dampen = 0;
 809         if (dvalue == NULL) {
 810             crm_warn("Could not update %s: peer did not specify value for delay",
 811                      attr);
 812             return;
 813         }
 815         dampen = crm_get_msec(dvalue);
 816         if (dampen < 0) {
 817             crm_warn("Could not update %s: invalid delay value %dms (%s)",
 818                      attr, dampen, dvalue);
 819             return;
 820         }
 822         if (a->timeout_ms != dampen) {
 823             mainloop_timer_del(a->timer);
 824             a->timeout_ms = dampen;
 825             if (dampen > 0) {
 826                 a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(attr, a->timeout_ms, FALSE,
 827                                               attribute_timer_cb, a);
 828                 crm_info("Update attribute %s delay to %dms (%s)",
 829                          attr, dampen, dvalue);
 830             } else {
 831                 a->timer = NULL;
 832                 crm_info("Update attribute %s to remove delay", attr);
 833             }
 835             /* If dampening changed, do an immediate write-out,
 836              * otherwise repeated dampening changes would prevent write-outs
 837              */
 838             write_or_elect_attribute(a);
 839         }
 841         if (!update_both) {
 842             return;
 843         }
 844     }
 846     // If no host was specified, update all hosts recursively
 847     if (host == NULL) {
 848         GHashTableIter vIter;
 850         crm_debug("Setting %s for all hosts to %s", attr, value);
 851         xml_remove_prop(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_ID);
 852         g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
 853         while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, (gpointer *) & host, NULL)) {
 854             attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, filter);
 855         }
 856         return;
 857     }
 859     // Update attribute value for one host
 861     v = attrd_lookup_or_create_value(a->values, host, xml);
 863     if (filter && !pcmk__str_eq(v->current, value, pcmk__str_casei)
 864         && pcmk__str_eq(host, attrd_cluster->uname, pcmk__str_casei)) {
 866         xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __func__);
 868         crm_notice("%s[%s]: local value '%s' takes priority over '%s' from %s",
 869                    attr, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);
 871         crm_xml_add(sync, PCMK__XA_TASK, PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_SYNC_RESPONSE);
 872         v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
 873         build_attribute_xml(sync, attr, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user,
 874                             a->is_private, v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current, FALSE);
 876         attrd_xml_add_writer(sync);
 878         /* Broadcast in case any other nodes had the inconsistent value */
 879         send_attrd_message(NULL, sync);
 880         free_xml(sync);
 882     } else if (!pcmk__str_eq(v->current, value, pcmk__str_casei)) {
 883         crm_notice("Setting %s[%s]: %s -> %s " CRM_XS " from %s",
 884                    attr, host, v->current? v->current : "(unset)", value? value : "(unset)", peer->uname);
 885         free(v->current);
 886         v->current = (value? strdup(value) : NULL);
 887         a->changed = TRUE;
 889         // Write out new value or start dampening timer
 890         if (a->timeout_ms && a->timer) {
 891             crm_trace("Delayed write out (%dms) for %s", a->timeout_ms, attr);
 892             mainloop_timer_start(a->timer);
 893         } else {
 894             write_or_elect_attribute(a);
 895         }
 897     } else {
 898         if (is_force_write && a->timeout_ms && a->timer) {
 899             /* Save forced writing and set change flag. */
 900             /* The actual attribute is written by Writer after election. */
 901             crm_trace("Unchanged %s[%s] from %s is %s(Set the forced write flag)", attr, host, peer->uname, value);
 902             a->force_write = TRUE;
 903         } else {
 904             crm_trace("Unchanged %s[%s] from %s is %s", attr, host, peer->uname, value);
 905         }
 906     }
 908     /* Set the seen flag for attribute processing held only in the own node. */
 909     v->seen = TRUE;
 911     /* If this is a cluster node whose node ID we are learning, remember it */
 912     if ((v->nodeid == 0) && (v->is_remote == FALSE)
 913         && (crm_element_value_int(xml, PCMK__XA_ATTR_NODE_ID,
 914                                   (int*)&v->nodeid) == 0)) {
 916         crm_node_t *known_peer = crm_get_peer(v->nodeid, host);
 918         crm_trace("Learned %s has node id %s",
 919                   known_peer->uname, known_peer->uuid);
 920         if (attrd_election_won()) {
 921             write_attributes(FALSE, FALSE);
 922         }
 923     }
 924 }
 926 void
 927 write_or_elect_attribute(attribute_t *a)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 928 {
 929     if (attrd_election_won()) {
 930         write_attribute(a, FALSE);
 931     } else {
 932         attrd_start_election_if_needed();
 933     }
 934 }
 936 gboolean
 937 attrd_election_cb(gpointer user_data)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 938 {
 939     attrd_declare_winner();
 941     /* Update the peers after an election */
 942     attrd_peer_sync(NULL, NULL);
 944     /* Update the CIB after an election */
 945     write_attributes(TRUE, FALSE);
 946     return FALSE;
 947 }
 950 void
 951 attrd_peer_change_cb(enum crm_status_type kind, crm_node_t *peer, const void *data)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 952 {
 953     bool remove_voter = FALSE;
 955     switch (kind) {
 956         case crm_status_uname:
 957             break;
 959         case crm_status_processes:
 960             if (!pcmk_is_set(peer->processes, crm_get_cluster_proc())) {
 961                 remove_voter = TRUE;
 962             }
 963             break;
 965         case crm_status_nstate:
 966             if (pcmk__str_eq(peer->state, CRM_NODE_MEMBER, pcmk__str_casei)) {
 967                 /* If we're the writer, send new peers a list of all attributes
 968                  * (unless it's a remote node, which doesn't run its own attrd)
 969                  */
 970                 if (attrd_election_won()
 971                     && !pcmk_is_set(peer->flags, crm_remote_node)) {
 972                     attrd_peer_sync(peer, NULL);
 973                 }
 974             } else {
 975                 // Remove all attribute values associated with lost nodes
 976                 attrd_peer_remove(peer->uname, FALSE, "loss");
 977                 remove_voter = TRUE;
 978             }
 979             break;
 980     }
 982     // In case an election is in progress, remove any vote by the node
 983     if (remove_voter) {
 984         attrd_remove_voter(peer);
 985     }
 986 }
 988 static void
 989 attrd_cib_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 990 {
 991     int level = LOG_ERR;
 992     GHashTableIter iter;
 993     const char *peer = NULL;
 994     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
 996     char *name = user_data;
 997     attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, name);
 999     if(a == NULL) {
1000         crm_info("Attribute %s no longer exists", name);
1001         return;
1002     }
1004     a->update = 0;
1005     if (rc == pcmk_ok && call_id < 0) {
1006         rc = call_id;
1007     }
1009     switch (rc) {
1010         case pcmk_ok:
1011             level = LOG_INFO;
1012             last_cib_op_done = call_id;
1013             if (a->timer && !a->timeout_ms) {
1014                 // Remove temporary dampening for failed writes
1015                 mainloop_timer_del(a->timer);
1016                 a->timer = NULL;
1017             }
1018             break;
1020         case -pcmk_err_diff_failed:    /* When an attr changes while the CIB is syncing */
1021         case -ETIME:           /* When an attr changes while there is a DC election */
1022         case -ENXIO:           /* When an attr changes while the CIB is syncing a
1023                                 *   newer config from a node that just came up
1024                                 */
1025             level = LOG_WARNING;
1026             break;
1027     }
1029     do_crm_log(level, "CIB update %d result for %s: %s " CRM_XS " rc=%d",
1030                call_id, a->id, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
1032     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values);
1033     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & peer, (gpointer *) & v)) {
1034         do_crm_log(level, "* %s[%s]=%s", a->id, peer, v->requested);
1035         free(v->requested);
1036         v->requested = NULL;
1037         if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
1038             a->changed = TRUE; /* Attempt write out again */
1039         }
1040     }
1042     if (a->changed && attrd_election_won()) {
1043         if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
1044             /* We deferred a write of a new update because this update was in
1045              * progress. Write out the new value without additional delay.
1046              */
1047             write_attribute(a, FALSE);
1049         /* We're re-attempting a write because the original failed; delay
1050          * the next attempt so we don't potentially flood the CIB manager
1051          * and logs with a zillion attempts per second.
1052          *
1053          * @TODO We could elect a new writer instead. However, we'd have to
1054          * somehow downgrade our vote, and we'd still need something like this
1055          * if all peers similarly fail to write this attribute (which may
1056          * indicate a corrupted attribute entry rather than a CIB issue).
1057          */
1058         } else if (a->timer) {
1059             // Attribute has a dampening value, so use that as delay
1060             if (!mainloop_timer_running(a->timer)) {
1061                 crm_trace("Delayed re-attempted write (%dms) for %s",
1062                           a->timeout_ms, name);
1063                 mainloop_timer_start(a->timer);
1064             }
1065         } else {
1066             /* Set a temporary dampening of 2 seconds (timer will continue
1067              * to exist until the attribute's dampening gets set or the
1068              * write succeeds).
1069              */
1070             a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(a->id, 2000, FALSE,
1071                                           attribute_timer_cb, a);
1072             mainloop_timer_start(a->timer);
1073         }
1074     }
1075 }
1077 void
1078 write_attributes(bool all, bool ignore_delay)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
1079 {
1080     GHashTableIter iter;
1081     attribute_t *a = NULL;
1083     crm_debug("Writing out %s attributes", all? "all" : "changed");
1084     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, attributes);
1085     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
1086         if (!all && a->unknown_peer_uuids) {
1087             // Try writing this attribute again, in case peer ID was learned
1088             a->changed = TRUE;
1089         } else if (a->force_write) {
1090             /* If the force_write flag is set, write the attribute. */
1091             a->changed = TRUE;
1092         }
1094         if(all || a->changed) {
1095             /* When forced write flag is set, ignore delay. */
1096             write_attribute(a, (a->force_write ? TRUE : ignore_delay));
1097         } else {
1098             crm_trace("Skipping unchanged attribute %s", a->id);
1099         }
1100     }
1101 }
1103 static void
1104 build_update_element(xmlNode *parent, attribute_t *a, const char *nodeid, const char *value)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
1105 {
1106     const char *set = NULL;
1107     xmlNode *xml_obj = NULL;
1109     xml_obj = create_xml_node(parent, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE);
1110     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, nodeid);
1112     xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS);
1113     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_ATTR_ID, nodeid);
1115     xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS);
1116     if (a->set) {
1117         crm_xml_set_id(xml_obj, "%s", a->set);
1118     } else {
1119         crm_xml_set_id(xml_obj, "%s-%s", XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, nodeid);
1120     }
1121     set = ID(xml_obj);
1123     xml_obj = create_xml_node(xml_obj, XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR);
1124     if (a->uuid) {
1125         crm_xml_set_id(xml_obj, "%s", a->uuid);
1126     } else {
1127         crm_xml_set_id(xml_obj, "%s-%s", set, a->id);
1128     }
1129     crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME, a->id);
1131     if(value) {
1132         crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, value);
1134     } else {
1135         crm_xml_add(xml_obj, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE, "");
1136         crm_xml_add(xml_obj, "__delete__", XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE);
1137     }
1138 }
1140 static void
1141 set_alert_attribute_value(GHashTable *t, attribute_value_t *v)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
1142 {
1143     attribute_value_t *a_v = NULL;
1144     a_v = calloc(1, sizeof(attribute_value_t));
1145     CRM_ASSERT(a_v != NULL);
1147     a_v->nodeid = v->nodeid;
1148     a_v->nodename = strdup(v->nodename);
1150     if (v->current != NULL) {
1151         a_v->current = strdup(v->current);
1152     }
1154     g_hash_table_replace(t, a_v->nodename, a_v);
1155 }
1157 static void
1158 send_alert_attributes_value(attribute_t *a, GHashTable *t)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
1159 {
1160     int rc = 0;
1161     attribute_value_t *at = NULL;
1162     GHashTableIter vIter;
1164     g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, t);
1166     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & at)) {
1167         rc = attrd_send_attribute_alert(at->nodename, at->nodeid,
1168                                         a->id, at->current);
1169         crm_trace("Sent alerts for %s[%s]=%s: nodeid=%d rc=%d",
1170                   a->id, at->nodename, at->current, at->nodeid, rc);
1171     }
1172 }
1174 void
1175 write_attribute(attribute_t *a, bool ignore_delay)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
1176 {
1177     int private_updates = 0, cib_updates = 0;
1178     xmlNode *xml_top = NULL;
1179     attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
1180     GHashTableIter iter;
1181     enum cib_call_options flags = cib_quorum_override;
1182     GHashTable *alert_attribute_value = NULL;
1184     if (a == NULL) {
1185         return;
1186     }
1188     /* If this attribute will be written to the CIB ... */
1189     if (!a->is_private) {
1191         /* Defer the write if now's not a good time */
1192         CRM_CHECK(the_cib != NULL, return);
1193         if (a->update && (a->update < last_cib_op_done)) {
1194             crm_info("Write out of '%s' continuing: update %d considered lost", a->id, a->update);
1195             a->update = 0; // Don't log this message again
1197         } else if (a->update) {
1198             crm_info("Write out of '%s' delayed: update %d in progress", a->id, a->update);
1199             return;
1201         } else if (mainloop_timer_running(a->timer)) {
1202             if (ignore_delay) {
1203                 /* 'refresh' forces a write of the current value of all attributes
1204                  * Cancel any existing timers, we're writing it NOW
1205                  */
1206                 mainloop_timer_stop(a->timer);
1207                 crm_debug("Write out of '%s': timer is running but ignore delay", a->id);
1208             } else {
1209                 crm_info("Write out of '%s' delayed: timer is running", a->id);
1210                 return;
1211             }
1212         }
1214         /* Initialize the status update XML */
1215         xml_top = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS);
1216     }
1218     /* Attribute will be written shortly, so clear changed flag */
1219     a->changed = FALSE;
1221     /* We will check all peers' uuids shortly, so initialize this to false */
1222     a->unknown_peer_uuids = FALSE;
1224     /* Attribute will be written shortly, so clear forced write flag */
1225     a->force_write = FALSE;    
1227     /* Make the table for the attribute trap */
1228     alert_attribute_value = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_strcase_hash,
1229                                                   crm_strcase_equal, NULL,
1230                                                   free_attribute_value);
1232     /* Iterate over each peer value of this attribute */
1233     g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values);
1234     while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) {
1235         crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer_full(v->nodeid, v->nodename, CRM_GET_PEER_ANY);
1237         /* If the value's peer info does not correspond to a peer, ignore it */
1238         if (peer == NULL) {
1239             crm_notice("Cannot update %s[%s]=%s because peer not known",
1240                        a->id, v->nodename, v->current);
1241             continue;
1242         }
1244         /* If we're just learning the peer's node id, remember it */
1245         if (peer->id && (v->nodeid == 0)) {
1246             crm_trace("Learned ID %u for node %s", peer->id, v->nodename);
1247             v->nodeid = peer->id;
1248         }
1250         /* If this is a private attribute, no update needs to be sent */
1251         if (a->is_private) {
1252             private_updates++;
1253             continue;
1254         }
1256         /* If the peer is found, but its uuid is unknown, defer write */
1257         if (peer->uuid == NULL) {
1258             a->unknown_peer_uuids = TRUE;
1259             crm_notice("Cannot update %s[%s]=%s because peer UUID not known "
1260                        "(will retry if learned)",
1261                        a->id, v->nodename, v->current);
1262             continue;
1263         }
1265         /* Add this value to status update XML */
1266         crm_debug("Updating %s[%s]=%s (peer known as %s, UUID %s, ID %u/%u)",
1267                   a->id, v->nodename, v->current,
1268                   peer->uname, peer->uuid, peer->id, v->nodeid);
1269         build_update_element(xml_top, a, peer->uuid, v->current);
1270         cib_updates++;
1272         /* Preservation of the attribute to transmit alert */
1273         set_alert_attribute_value(alert_attribute_value, v);
1275         free(v->requested);
1276         v->requested = NULL;
1277         if (v->current) {
1278             v->requested = strdup(v->current);
1279         } else {
1280             /* Older attrd versions don't know about the cib_mixed_update
1281              * flag so make sure it goes to the local cib which does
1282              */
1283             cib__set_call_options(flags, crm_system_name,
1284                                   cib_mixed_update|cib_scope_local);
1285         }
1286     }
1288     if (private_updates) {
1289         crm_info("Processed %d private change%s for %s, id=%s, set=%s",
1290                  private_updates, pcmk__plural_s(private_updates),
1291                  a->id, (a->uuid? a->uuid : "n/a"), (a->set? a->set : "n/a"));
1292     }
1293     if (cib_updates) {
1294         crm_log_xml_trace(xml_top, __func__);
1296         a->update = cib_internal_op(the_cib, CIB_OP_MODIFY, NULL, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, xml_top, NULL,
1297                                     flags, a->user);
1299         crm_info("Sent CIB request %d with %d change%s for %s (id %s, set %s)",
1300                  a->update, cib_updates, pcmk__plural_s(cib_updates),
1301                  a->id, (a->uuid? a->uuid : "n/a"), (a->set? a->set : "n/a"));
1303         the_cib->cmds->register_callback_full(the_cib, a->update,
1304                                               CIB_OP_TIMEOUT_S, FALSE,
1305                                               strdup(a->id),
1306                                               "attrd_cib_callback",
1307                                               attrd_cib_callback, free);
1308         /* Transmit alert of the attribute */
1309         send_alert_attributes_value(a, alert_attribute_value);
1310     }
1312     g_hash_table_destroy(alert_attribute_value);
1313     free_xml(xml_top);
1314 }

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