10 #ifndef CRM_TRANSITION__H 11 # define CRM_TRANSITION__H
bool update_abort_priority(crm_graph_t *graph, int priority, enum transition_action action, const char *abort_reason)
enum transition_action completion_action
struct synapse_s synapse_t
void print_graph(unsigned int log_level, crm_graph_t *graph)
struct crm_graph_functions_s crm_graph_functions_t
crm_graph_t * unpack_graph(xmlNode *xml_graph, const char *reference)
gboolean(* stonith)(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action)
crm_action_timer_t * timer
void print_action(int log_level, const char *prefix, crm_action_t *action)
gboolean(* crmd)(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action)
void set_default_graph_functions(void)
Wrappers for and extensions to libxml2.
gboolean update_graph(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action)
const char * actiontype2text(action_type_e type)
gboolean(* rsc)(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action)
void destroy_graph(crm_graph_t *graph)
lrmd_event_data_t * convert_graph_action(xmlNode *resource, crm_action_t *action, int status, int rc)
gboolean(* pseudo)(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action)
struct crm_action_s crm_action_t
int run_graph(crm_graph_t *graph)
gboolean(* allowed)(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action)
void set_graph_functions(crm_graph_functions_t *fns)
const char * abort_reason
enum crm_ais_msg_types type