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Chapter 2. Guest Node Quick Example

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2.1. Mile-High View of Configuration Steps
2.2. Using a Guest Node
If you already know how to use Pacemaker, you’ll likely be able to grasp this new concept of guest nodes by reading through this quick example without having to sort through all the detailed walk-through steps. Here are the key configuration ingredients that make this possible using libvirt and KVM virtual guests. These steps strip everything down to the very basics.

2.1. Mile-High View of Configuration Steps

  • Give each virtual machine that will be used as a guest node a static network address and unique hostname.
  • Put the same authentication key with the path /etc/pacemaker/authkey on every cluster node and virtual machine. This secures remote communication.
    Run this command if you want to make a somewhat random key:
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/pacemaker/authkey bs=4096 count=1
  • Install pacemaker_remote on every virtual machine, enabling it to start at boot, and if a local firewall is used, allow the node to accept connections on TCP port 3121.
    yum install pacemaker-remote resource-agents
    systemctl enable pacemaker_remote
    firewall-cmd --add-port 3121/tcp --permanent


    If you just want to see this work, you may want to simply disable the local firewall and put SELinux in permissive mode while testing. This creates security risks and should not be done on a production machine exposed to the Internet, but can be appropriate for a protected test machine.
  • Create a Pacemaker resource to launch each virtual machine, using the remote-node meta-attribute to let Pacemaker know this will be a guest node capable of running resources.
    # pcs resource create vm-guest1 VirtualDomain hypervisor="qemu:///system" config="vm-guest1.xml" meta remote-node="guest1"
    The above command will create CIB XML similar to the following:
          <primitive class="ocf" id="vm-guest1" provider="heartbeat" type="VirtualDomain">
            <instance_attributes id="vm-guest-instance_attributes">
              <nvpair id="vm-guest1-instance_attributes-hypervisor" name="hypervisor" value="qemu:///system"/>
              <nvpair id="vm-guest1-instance_attributes-config" name="config" value="guest1.xml"/>
              <op id="vm-guest1-interval-30s" interval="30s" name="monitor"/>
            <meta_attributes id="vm-guest1-meta_attributes">
              <nvpair id="vm-guest1-meta_attributes-remote-node" name="remote-node" value="guest1"/>
In the example above, the meta-attribute remote-node="guest1" tells Pacemaker that this resource is a guest node with the hostname guest1. The cluster will attempt to contact the virtual machine’s pacemaker_remote service at the hostname guest1 after it launches.


The ID of the resource creating the virtual machine (vm-guest1 in the above example) must be different from the virtual machine’s uname (guest1 in the above example). Pacemaker will create an implicit internal resource for the pacemaker_remote connection to the guest, named with the value of remote-node, so that value cannot be used as the name of any other resource.