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Chapter 12. Status - Here be dragons

Table of Contents

12.1. Node Status
12.2. Transient Node Attributes
12.3. Operation History
12.3.1. Simple Example
12.3.2. Complex Resource History Example
Most users never need understand the contents of the status section and can be content with the output from crm_mon. However for those with a curious inclination, the following attempts to proved an overview of its contents.

12.1. Node Status

In addition to the cluster's configuration, the CIB holds an up-to-date representation of each cluster node in the status section.

  <node_state id="cl-virt-1" uname="cl-virt-2" ha="active" in_ccm="true" crmd="online" join="member" expected="member" crm-debug-origin="do_update_resource">
   <transient_attributes id="cl-virt-1"/>
   <lrm id="cl-virt-1"/>

Figure 12.1. A bare-bones status entry for a healthy node called cl-virt-1

Users are highly recommended not to modify any part of a node's state directly. The cluster will periodically regenerate the entire section from authoritative sources. So any changes should be with the tools for those subsystems.
Table 12.1. Authoritative Sources for State Information
Dataset Authoritative Source
node_state fields crmd
transient_attributes tag attrd
lrm tag lrmd

The fields used in the node_state objects are named as they are largely for historical reasons and are rooted in Pacemaker's origins as the Heartbeat resource manager. They have remained unchanged to preserve compatibility with older versions.
Table 12.2. Node Status Fields
Field Description
id Unique identifier for the node. Corosync based clusters use the same value as uname, Heartbeat cluster use a human-readable (but annoying) UUID.
uname The node's machine name (output from uname -n)
ha Is the cluster software active on the node. Allowed values: active, dead
in_ccm Is the node part of the cluster's membership. Allowed values: true, false
crmd Is the crmd process active on the node. Allowed values: online, offline
join Is the node participating in hosting resources. Allowed values: down, pending, member, banned
expected Expected value for join
crm-debug-origin Diagnostic indicator. The origin of the most recent change(s).

The cluster uses these fields to determine if, at the node level, the node is healthy or is in a failed state and needs to be fenced.