
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. stonith__op_state_pending

   1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2011-2021 the Pacemaker project contributors
   3  *
   4  * The version control history for this file may have further details.
   5  *
   6  * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
   7  * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
   8  */
  11 #  define STONITH_NG_INTERNAL__H
  13 #  include <glib.h>
  14 #  include <crm/common/ipc.h>
  15 #  include <crm/common/xml.h>
  16 #  include <crm/common/output_internal.h>
  17 #  include <crm/stonith-ng.h>
  19 enum st_device_flags
  20 {
  21     st_device_supports_list   = 0x0001,
  22     st_device_supports_status = 0x0002,
  23     st_device_supports_reboot = 0x0004,
  24     st_device_supports_parameter_plug = 0x0008,
  25     st_device_supports_parameter_port = 0x0010,
  26 };
  28 #define stonith__set_device_flags(device_flags, device_id, flags_to_set) do { \
  29         device_flags = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, LOG_TRACE,      \
  30                                           "Fence device", device_id,          \
  31                                           (device_flags), (flags_to_set),     \
  32                                           #flags_to_set);                     \
  33     } while (0)
  35 #define stonith__set_call_options(st_call_opts, call_for, flags_to_set) do { \
  36         st_call_opts = pcmk__set_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, LOG_TRACE,     \
  37                                           "Fencer call", (call_for),         \
  38                                           (st_call_opts), (flags_to_set),    \
  39                                           #flags_to_set);                    \
  40     } while (0)
  42 #define stonith__clear_call_options(st_call_opts, call_for, flags_to_clear) do { \
  43         st_call_opts = pcmk__clear_flags_as(__func__, __LINE__, LOG_TRACE,     \
  44                                             "Fencer call", (call_for),         \
  45                                             (st_call_opts), (flags_to_clear),  \
  46                                             #flags_to_clear);                  \
  47     } while (0)
  49 struct stonith_action_s;
  50 typedef struct stonith_action_s stonith_action_t;
  52 stonith_action_t *stonith_action_create(const char *agent,
  53                                         const char *_action,
  54                                         const char *victim,
  55                                         uint32_t victim_nodeid,
  56                                         int timeout,
  57                                         GHashTable * device_args,
  58                                         GHashTable * port_map,
  59                                         const char * host_arg);
  60 void stonith__destroy_action(stonith_action_t *action);
  61 pcmk__action_result_t *stonith__action_result(stonith_action_t *action);
  62 int stonith__result2rc(const pcmk__action_result_t *result);
  63 void stonith__xe_set_result(xmlNode *xml, const pcmk__action_result_t *result);
  64 void stonith__xe_get_result(xmlNode *xml, pcmk__action_result_t *result);
  65 xmlNode *stonith__find_xe_with_result(xmlNode *xml);
  67 int
  68 stonith_action_execute_async(stonith_action_t * action,
  69                              void *userdata,
  70                              void (*done) (int pid,
  71                                            const pcmk__action_result_t *result,
  72                                            void *user_data),
  73                              void (*fork_cb) (int pid, void *user_data));
  75 xmlNode *create_level_registration_xml(const char *node, const char *pattern,
  76                                        const char *attr, const char *value,
  77                                        int level,
  78                                        stonith_key_value_t *device_list);
  80 xmlNode *create_device_registration_xml(const char *id,
  81                                         enum stonith_namespace namespace,
  82                                         const char *agent,
  83                                         stonith_key_value_t *params,
  84                                         const char *rsc_provides);
  86 void stonith__register_messages(pcmk__output_t *out);
  88 GList *stonith__parse_targets(const char *hosts);
  90 gboolean stonith__later_succeeded(stonith_history_t *event, stonith_history_t *top_history);
  91 stonith_history_t *stonith__sort_history(stonith_history_t *history);
  93 void stonith__device_parameter_flags(uint32_t *device_flags,
  94                                      const char *device_name,
  95                                      xmlNode *metadata);
  97 #  define ST_LEVEL_MAX 10
  99 #  define F_STONITH_CLIENTID      "st_clientid"
 100 #  define F_STONITH_CALLOPTS      "st_callopt"
 101 #  define F_STONITH_CALLID        "st_callid"
 102 #  define F_STONITH_CALLDATA      "st_calldata"
 103 #  define F_STONITH_OPERATION     "st_op"
 104 #  define F_STONITH_TARGET        "st_target"
 105 #  define F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID  "st_remote_op"
 106 #  define F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID_RELAY  "st_remote_op_relay"
 107 #  define F_STONITH_RC            "st_rc"
 108 #  define F_STONITH_OUTPUT        "st_output"
 109 /*! Timeout period per a device execution */
 110 #  define F_STONITH_TIMEOUT       "st_timeout"
 111 #  define F_STONITH_TOLERANCE     "st_tolerance"
 112 #  define F_STONITH_DELAY         "st_delay"
 113 /*! Action specific timeout period returned in query of fencing devices. */
 114 #  define F_STONITH_ACTION_TIMEOUT       "st_action_timeout"
 115 /*! Host in query result is not allowed to run this action */
 116 #  define F_STONITH_ACTION_DISALLOWED     "st_action_disallowed"
 117 /*! Maximum of random fencing delay for a device */
 118 #  define F_STONITH_DELAY_MAX            "st_delay_max"
 119 /*! Base delay used for a fencing delay */
 120 #  define F_STONITH_DELAY_BASE           "st_delay_base"
 121 /*! Has this device been verified using a monitor type
 122  *  operation (monitor, list, status) */
 123 #  define F_STONITH_DEVICE_VERIFIED   "st_monitor_verified"
 124 /*! device is required for this action */
 125 #  define F_STONITH_DEVICE_REQUIRED   "st_required"
 126 /*! number of available devices in query result */
 127 #  define F_STONITH_AVAILABLE_DEVICES "st-available-devices"
 128 #  define F_STONITH_CALLBACK_TOKEN    "st_async_id"
 129 #  define F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME        "st_clientname"
 130 #  define F_STONITH_CLIENTNODE        "st_clientnode"
 131 #  define F_STONITH_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE   "st_notify_activate"
 132 #  define F_STONITH_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE "st_notify_deactivate"
 133 #  define F_STONITH_DELEGATE      "st_delegate"
 134 /*! The node initiating the stonith operation.  If an operation
 135  * is relayed, this is the last node the operation lands on. When
 136  * in standalone mode, origin is the client's id that originated the
 137  * operation. */
 138 #  define F_STONITH_ORIGIN        "st_origin"
 139 #  define F_STONITH_HISTORY_LIST  "st_history"
 140 #  define F_STONITH_DATE          "st_date"
 141 #  define F_STONITH_DATE_NSEC     "st_date_nsec"
 142 #  define F_STONITH_STATE         "st_state"
 143 #  define F_STONITH_ACTIVE        "st_active"
 144 #  define F_STONITH_DIFFERENTIAL  "st_differential"
 146 #  define F_STONITH_DEVICE        "st_device_id"
 147 #  define F_STONITH_ACTION        "st_device_action"
 148 #  define F_STONITH_MERGED        "st_op_merged"
 150 #  define T_STONITH_NG        "stonith-ng"
 151 #  define T_STONITH_REPLY     "st-reply"
 152 /*! For async operations, an event from the server containing
 153  * the total amount of time the server is allowing for the operation
 154  * to take place is returned to the client. */
 155 #  define T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE "st-async-timeout-value"
 156 #  define T_STONITH_NOTIFY    "st_notify"
 158 #  define STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP   "action"
 160 #  define STONITH_OP_EXEC        "st_execute"
 161 #  define STONITH_OP_TIMEOUT_UPDATE        "st_timeout_update"
 162 #  define STONITH_OP_QUERY       "st_query"
 163 #  define STONITH_OP_FENCE       "st_fence"
 164 #  define STONITH_OP_RELAY       "st_relay"
 165 #  define STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD      "st_device_register"
 166 #  define STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL      "st_device_remove"
 167 #  define STONITH_OP_FENCE_HISTORY   "st_fence_history"
 168 #  define STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD       "st_level_add"
 169 #  define STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL       "st_level_remove"
 171 #  define STONITH_WATCHDOG_AGENT          "fence_watchdog"
 172 /* Don't change 2 below as it would break rolling upgrade */
 173 #  define STONITH_WATCHDOG_AGENT_INTERNAL "#watchdog"
 174 #  define STONITH_WATCHDOG_ID             "watchdog"
 176 /* Exported for crm_mon to reference */
 177 int stonith__failed_history(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args);
 178 int stonith__history(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args);
 179 int stonith__full_history(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args);
 180 int stonith__pending_actions(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args);
 182 stonith_history_t *stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history_t *history,
 183                                                  bool (*matching_fn)(stonith_history_t *, void *),
 184                                                  void *user_data);
 185 bool stonith__event_state_pending(stonith_history_t *history, void *user_data);
 186 bool stonith__event_state_eq(stonith_history_t *history, void *user_data);
 187 bool stonith__event_state_neq(stonith_history_t *history, void *user_data);
 189 int stonith__legacy2status(int rc);
 191 int stonith__exit_status(stonith_callback_data_t *data);
 192 int stonith__execution_status(stonith_callback_data_t *data);
 193 const char *stonith__exit_reason(stonith_callback_data_t *data);
 195 int stonith__event_exit_status(stonith_event_t *event);
 196 int stonith__event_execution_status(stonith_event_t *event);
 197 const char *stonith__event_exit_reason(stonith_event_t *event);
 198 char *stonith__event_description(stonith_event_t *event);
 200 /*!
 201  * \internal
 202  * \brief Is a fencing operation in pending state?
 203  *
 204  * \param[in] state     State as enum op_state value
 205  *
 206  * \return A boolean
 207  */
 208 static inline bool
 209 stonith__op_state_pending(enum op_state state)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 210 {
 211     return state != st_failed && state != st_done;
 212 }
 214 gboolean stonith__watchdog_fencing_enabled_for_node(const char *node);
 215 gboolean stonith__watchdog_fencing_enabled_for_node_api(stonith_t *st, const char *node);
 217 #endif

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