
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. getprogname

   1 /* Program name management.
   2    Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   4    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
   6    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
   7    (at your option) any later version.
   9    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
  14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
  15    along with this program.  If not, see <>.  */
  17 #include <config.h>
  19 /* Specification.  */
  20 #include "getprogname.h"
  22 #include <errno.h> /* get program_invocation_name declaration */
  23 #include <stdlib.h> /* get __argv declaration */
  25 #ifdef _AIX
  26 # include <unistd.h>
  27 # include <procinfo.h>
  28 # include <string.h>
  29 #endif
  31 #ifdef __MVS__
  32 # ifndef _OPEN_SYS
  33 #  define _OPEN_SYS
  34 # endif
  35 # include <string.h>
  36 # include <sys/ps.h>
  37 #endif
  39 #ifdef __hpux
  40 # include <unistd.h>
  41 # include <sys/param.h>
  42 # include <sys/pstat.h>
  43 # include <string.h>
  44 #endif
  46 #if defined __sgi || defined __osf__
  47 # include <string.h>
  48 # include <unistd.h>
  49 # include <stdio.h>
  50 # include <fcntl.h>
  51 # include <sys/procfs.h>
  52 #endif
  54 #if defined __SCO_VERSION__ || defined __sysv5__
  55 # include <fcntl.h>
  56 # include <stdlib.h>
  57 # include <string.h>
  58 #endif
  60 #include "basename-lgpl.h"
  62 #ifndef HAVE_GETPROGNAME             /* not Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD >= 5.4, Cygwin */
  63 char const *
  64 getprogname (void)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  65 {
  66 # if HAVE_DECL_PROGRAM_INVOCATION_SHORT_NAME                /* glibc, BeOS */
  67   /* */
  68   return program_invocation_short_name;
  69 # elif HAVE_DECL_PROGRAM_INVOCATION_NAME                    /* glibc, BeOS */
  70   /* */
  71   return last_component (program_invocation_name);
  72 # elif HAVE_GETEXECNAME                                     /* Solaris */
  73   /* */
  74   const char *p = getexecname ();
  75   if (!p)
  76     p = "?";
  77   return last_component (p);
  78 # elif HAVE_DECL___ARGV                                     /* mingw, MSVC */
  79   /* */
  80   const char *p = __argv && __argv[0] ? __argv[0] : "?";
  81   return last_component (p);
  82 # elif HAVE_VAR___PROGNAME                                  /* OpenBSD, Android, QNX */
  83   /* */
  84   /* */
  85   /* Be careful to declare this only when we absolutely need it
  86      (OpenBSD 5.1), rather than when it's available.  Otherwise,
  87      its mere declaration makes program_invocation_short_name
  88      malfunction (have zero length) with Fedora 25's glibc.  */
  89   extern char *__progname;
  90   const char *p = __progname;
  91 #  if defined __ANDROID__
  92   return last_component (p);
  93 #  else
  94   return p && p[0] ? p : "?";
  95 #  endif
  96 # elif _AIX                                                 /* AIX */
  97   /* Idea by Bastien ROUCARIÈS,
  99      Reference:
 100   */
 101   static char *p;
 102   static int first = 1;
 103   if (first)
 104     {
 105       first = 0;
 106       pid_t pid = getpid ();
 107       struct procentry64 procs;
 108       p = (0 < getprocs64 (&procs, sizeof procs, NULL, 0, &pid, 1)
 109            ? strdup (procs.pi_comm)
 110            : NULL);
 111       if (!p)
 112         p = "?";
 113     }
 114   return p;
 115 # elif defined __hpux
 116   static char *p;
 117   static int first = 1;
 118   if (first)
 119     {
 120       first = 0;
 121       pid_t pid = getpid ();
 122       struct pst_status status;
 123       if (pstat_getproc (&status, sizeof status, 0, pid) > 0)
 124         {
 125           char *ucomm = status.pst_ucomm;
 126           char *cmd = status.pst_cmd;
 127           if (strlen (ucomm) < PST_UCOMMLEN - 1)
 128             p = ucomm;
 129           else
 130             {
 131               /* ucomm is truncated to length PST_UCOMMLEN - 1.
 132                  Look at cmd instead.  */
 133               char *space = strchr (cmd, ' ');
 134               if (space != NULL)
 135                 *space = '\0';
 136               p = strrchr (cmd, '/');
 137               if (p != NULL)
 138                 p++;
 139               else
 140                 p = cmd;
 141               if (strlen (p) > PST_UCOMMLEN - 1
 142                   && memcmp (p, ucomm, PST_UCOMMLEN - 1) == 0)
 143                 /* p is less truncated than ucomm.  */
 144                 ;
 145               else
 146                 p = ucomm;
 147             }
 148           p = strdup (p);
 149         }
 150       else
 151         {
 152 #  if !defined __LP64__
 153           /* Support for 32-bit programs running in 64-bit HP-UX.
 154              The documented way to do this is to use the same source code
 155              as above, but in a compilation unit where '#define _PSTAT64 1'
 156              is in effect.  I prefer a single compilation unit; the struct
 157              size and the offsets are not going to change.  */
 158           char status64[1216];
 159           if (__pstat_getproc64 (status64, sizeof status64, 0, pid) > 0)
 160             {
 161               char *ucomm = status64 + 288;
 162               char *cmd = status64 + 168;
 163               if (strlen (ucomm) < PST_UCOMMLEN - 1)
 164                 p = ucomm;
 165               else
 166                 {
 167                   /* ucomm is truncated to length PST_UCOMMLEN - 1.
 168                      Look at cmd instead.  */
 169                   char *space = strchr (cmd, ' ');
 170                   if (space != NULL)
 171                     *space = '\0';
 172                   p = strrchr (cmd, '/');
 173                   if (p != NULL)
 174                     p++;
 175                   else
 176                     p = cmd;
 177                   if (strlen (p) > PST_UCOMMLEN - 1
 178                       && memcmp (p, ucomm, PST_UCOMMLEN - 1) == 0)
 179                     /* p is less truncated than ucomm.  */
 180                     ;
 181                   else
 182                     p = ucomm;
 183                 }
 184               p = strdup (p);
 185             }
 186           else
 187 #  endif
 188             p = NULL;
 189         }
 190       if (!p)
 191         p = "?";
 192     }
 193   return p;
 194 # elif __MVS__                                              /* z/OS */
 195   /* */
 196   static char *p = "?";
 197   static int first = 1;
 198   if (first)
 199     {
 200       pid_t pid = getpid ();
 201       int token;
 202       W_PSPROC buf;
 203       first = 0;
 204       memset (&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
 205       buf.ps_cmdptr    = (char *) malloc (buf.ps_cmdlen    = PS_CMDBLEN_LONG);
 206       buf.ps_conttyptr = (char *) malloc (buf.ps_conttylen = PS_CONTTYBLEN);
 207       buf.ps_pathptr   = (char *) malloc (buf.ps_pathlen   = PS_PATHBLEN);
 208       if (buf.ps_cmdptr && buf.ps_conttyptr && buf.ps_pathptr)
 209         {
 210           for (token = 0; token >= 0;
 211                token = w_getpsent (token, &buf, sizeof(buf)))
 212             {
 213               if (token > 0 && buf.ps_pid == pid)
 214                 {
 215                   char *s = strdup (last_component (buf.ps_pathptr));
 216                   if (s)
 217                     p = s;
 218                   break;
 219                 }
 220             }
 221         }
 222       free (buf.ps_cmdptr);
 223       free (buf.ps_conttyptr);
 224       free (buf.ps_pathptr);
 225     }
 226   return p;
 227 # elif defined __sgi || defined __osf__                     /* IRIX or Tru64 */
 228   char filename[50];
 229   int fd;
 231   # if defined __sgi
 232     sprintf (filename, "/proc/pinfo/%d", (int) getpid ());
 233   # else
 234     sprintf (filename, "/proc/%d", (int) getpid ());
 235   # endif
 236   fd = open (filename, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
 237   if (0 <= fd)
 238     {
 239       prpsinfo_t buf;
 240       int ioctl_ok = 0 <= ioctl (fd, PIOCPSINFO, &buf);
 241       close (fd);
 242       if (ioctl_ok)
 243         {
 244           char *name = buf.pr_fname;
 245           size_t namesize = sizeof buf.pr_fname;
 246           /* It may not be NUL-terminated.  */
 247           char *namenul = memchr (name, '\0', namesize);
 248           size_t namelen = namenul ? namenul - name : namesize;
 249           char *namecopy = malloc (namelen + 1);
 250           if (namecopy)
 251             {
 252               namecopy[namelen] = '\0';
 253               return memcpy (namecopy, name, namelen);
 254             }
 255         }
 256     }
 257   return NULL;
 258 # elif defined __SCO_VERSION__ || defined __sysv5__                /* SCO OpenServer6/UnixWare */
 259   char buf[80];
 260   int fd;
 261   sprintf (buf, "/proc/%d/cmdline", getpid());
 262   fd = open (buf, O_RDONLY);
 263   if (0 <= fd)
 264     {
 265       size_t n = read (fd, buf, 79);
 266       if (n > 0)
 267         {
 268           buf[n] = '\0'; /* Guarantee null-termination */
 269           char *progname;
 270           progname = strrchr (buf, '/');
 271           if (progname)
 272             {
 273               progname = progname + 1; /* Skip the '/' */
 274             }
 275           else
 276             {
 277               progname = buf;
 278             }
 279           char *ret;
 280           ret = malloc (strlen (progname) + 1);
 281           if (ret)
 282             {
 283               strcpy (ret, progname);
 284               return ret;
 285             }
 286         }
 287       close (fd);
 288     }
 289   return "?";
 290 # else
 291 #  error "getprogname module not ported to this OS"
 292 # endif
 293 }
 295 #endif
 297 /*
 298  * Hey Emacs!
 299  * Local Variables:
 300  * coding: utf-8
 301  * End:
 302  */

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