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Capitolo 10. Tipi di risorse avanzati


10.1. Gruppi - Una scorciatoia sintattica
10.1.1. Group Properties
10.1.2. Group Options
10.1.3. Group Instance Attributes
10.1.4. Group Contents
10.1.5. Group Constraints
10.1.6. Group Stickiness
10.2. Clones - Resources That Get Active on Multiple Hosts
10.2.1. Clone Properties
10.2.2. Clone Options
10.2.3. Clone Instance Attributes
10.2.4. Clone Contents
10.2.5. Clone Constraints
10.2.6. Clone Stickiness
10.2.7. Clone Resource Agent Requirements
10.3. Multi-state - Risorse con modalità multipla
10.3.1. Multi-state Properties
10.3.2. Multi-state Options
10.3.3. Multi-state Instance Attributes
10.3.4. Multi-state Contents
10.3.5. Monitoraggio delle risorse multi-state
10.3.6. Multi-state Constraints
10.3.7. Multi-state Stickiness
10.3.8. Quale istanza della risorsa è promossa
10.3.9. Multi-state Resource Agent Requirements
10.3.10. Multi-state Notifications
10.3.11. Multi-state - Proper Interpretation of Notification Environment Variables

10.1. Gruppi - Una scorciatoia sintattica

One of the most common elements of a cluster is a set of resources that need to be located together, start sequentially, and stop in the reverse order. To simplify this configuration we support the concept of groups.

Esempio 10.1. Un esempio di gruppo

<group id="shortcut">
   <primitive id="Public-IP" class="ocf" type="IPaddr" provider="heartbeat">
    <instance_attributes id="params-public-ip">
       <nvpair id="public-ip-addr" name="ip" value=""/>
   <primitive id="Email" class="lsb" type="exim"/>

Anche se l'esempio illustrato sopra contiene solo due risorse, non esiste limite al numero di risorse che un gruppo può contenere. L'esempio è comunque sufficiente per illustrare le proprietà fondamentali di un gruppo:
  • Resources are started in the order they appear in (Public-IP first, then Email)
  • Resources are stopped in the reverse order to which they appear in (Email first, then Public-IP)
If a resource in the group can’t run anywhere, then nothing after that is allowed to run, too.
  • If Public-IP can’t run anywhere, neither can Email;
  • but if Email can’t run anywhere, this does not affect Public-IP in any way
Il gruppo descritto è locicamente equivalente alla seguente definizione:

Esempio 10.2. Come il gruppo di risorse è visto dal cluster

    <primitive id="Public-IP" class="ocf" type="IPaddr" provider="heartbeat">
     <instance_attributes id="params-public-ip">
        <nvpair id="public-ip-addr" name="ip" value=""/>
    <primitive id="Email" class="lsb" type="exim"/>
      <rsc_colocation id="xxx" rsc="Email" with-rsc="Public-IP" score="INFINITY"/>
      <rsc_order id="yyy" first="Public-IP" then="Email"/>

Ovviamente a fronte di gruppi che crescono in grandezza, il risparmio di dichiarazioni in configurazione può diventare considerevole
Another (typical) example of a group is a DRBD volume, the filesystem mount, an IP address, and an application that uses them.

10.1.1. Group Properties

Tabella 10.1. Proprietà di un gruppo di risorse

Campo Descrizione
Your name for the group

10.1.2. Group Options

Options inherited from primitive resources: priority, target-role, is-managed

10.1.3. Group Instance Attributes

Groups have no instance attributes, however any that are set here will be inherited by the group’s children.

10.1.4. Group Contents

Groups may only contain a collection of Sezione 5.3, «Resource Properties» cluster resources. To refer to the child of a group resource, just use the child’s id instead of the group’s.

10.1.5. Group Constraints

Although it is possible to reference the group’s children in constraints, it is usually preferable to use the group’s name instead.

Esempio 10.3. Esempio di constraint che coinvolgono i gruppi

    <rsc_location id="group-prefers-node1" rsc="shortcut" node="node1" score="500"/>
    <rsc_colocation id="webserver-with-group" rsc="Webserver" with-rsc="shortcut"/>
    <rsc_order id="start-group-then-webserver" first="Webserver" then="shortcut"/>

10.1.6. Group Stickiness

Stickiness, the measure of how much a resource wants to stay where it is, is additive in groups. Every active resource of the group will contribute its stickiness value to the group’s total. So if the default resource-stickiness is 100, and a group has seven members, five of which are active, then the group as a whole will prefer its current location with a score of 500.