Pacemaker − Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager


stonith_admin <command> [<options>]


stonith_admin − Access the Pacemaker fencing API


Help Options:
−?, −−help

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Output Options:

Specify output format as one of: text (default), html, xml


Specify file name for output (or "−" for stdout)


Add CGI headers (requires −−output−as=html)


Link to an external stylesheet (requires −−output−as=html)


Specify a page title (requires −−output−as=html)

Device Definition Commands:
, −−register=DEVICE

Register the named stonith device. Requires: −−agent. Optional: −−option, −−env−option.

−D, −−deregister=DEVICE

De−register the named stonith device.

−r, −−register−level=TARGET

Register a stonith level for the named target, specified as one of NAME, @PATTERN, or ATTR=VALUE. Requires: −−index and one or more −−device entries.

−d, −−deregister−level=TARGET

Unregister a stonith level for the named target, specified as for −−register−level. Requires: −−index

, −−list=HOST

List devices that can terminate the specified host. Optional: −−timeout

−L, −−list−registered

List all registered devices. Optional: −−timeout.

−I, −−list−installed

List all installed devices. Optional: −−timeout.

−s, −−list−targets=DEVICE

List the targets that can be fenced by the named device. Optional: −−timeout.

−M, −−metadata

Show agent metadata. Requires: −−agent. Optional: −−timeout.

−Q, −−query=DEVICE

Check the named device’s status. Optional: −−timeout.

−H, −−history=NODE

Show last successful fencing operation for named node (or ’*’ for all nodes). Optional: −−timeout, −−cleanup, −−quiet (show only the operation’s epoch timestamp), −−verbose (show all recorded and pending operations), −−broadcast (update history from all nodes available).

−h, −−last=NODE

Indicate when the named node was last fenced. Optional: −−as−node−id.

−K, −−validate

Validate a fence device configuration. Requires: −−agent. Optional: −−option, −−env−option, −−quiet (print no output, only return status).

Fencing Commands:
, −−fence=HOST

Fence named host. Optional: −−timeout, −−tolerance, −−delay.

−U, −−unfence=HOST

Unfence named host. Optional: −−timeout, −−tolerance, −−delay.

−B, −−reboot=HOST

Reboot named host. Optional: −−timeout, −−tolerance, −−delay.

−C, −−confirm=HOST

Tell cluster that named host is now safely down.

Additional Options:
, −−cleanup

Cleanup wherever appropriate. Requires −−history.

−b, −−broadcast

Broadcast wherever appropriate.

−a, −−agent=AGENT

The agent to use (for example, fence_xvm; with −−register, −−metadata, −−validate).

−o, −−option=PARAM

Specify a device configuration parameter as NAME=VALUE (may be specified multiple times; with −−register, −−validate).

−e, −−env−option=PARAM

Specify a device configuration parameter with the specified name, using the value of the environment variable of the same name prefixed with OCF_RESKEY_ (may be specified multiple times; with −−register, −−validate).

−T, −−tag=TAG

Identify fencing operations in logs with the specified tag; useful when multiple entities might invoke stonith_admin (used with most commands).

−v, −−device=DEVICE

Device ID (with −−register−level, device to associate with a given host and level; may be specified multiple times) (with −−validate, name to use to load CIB secrets).

−i, −−index=LEVEL

The stonith level (1−9) (with −−register−level, −−deregister−level).

−t, −−timeout=SECONDS

Operation timeout in seconds (default 120; used with most commands).

−y, −−delay=SECONDS

Apply a fencing delay in seconds. Any static/random delays from pcmk_delay_base/max will be added, otherwise all disabled with the value −1 (default 0; with −−fence, −−reboot, −−unfence).

−n, −−as−node−id

(Advanced) The supplied node is the corosync node ID (with −−last).


(Advanced) Do nothing if an equivalent −−fence request succeeded less than this many seconds earlier (with −−fence, −−unfence, −−reboot).

Application Options:
−$, −−version

Display software version and exit

−V, −−verbose

Increase debug output (may be specified multiple times)

−q, −−quiet

Be less descriptive in output.


Written by Andrew Beekhof and the Pacemaker project contributors


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