DOUBLE 64 maint/gnulib/lib/c-strtod.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 67 maint/gnulib/lib/c-strtod.c DOUBLE r; DOUBLE 64 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 68 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 69 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 70 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 74 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 75 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c FUNC (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 83 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 84 maint/gnulib/lib/ceil.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 52 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 63 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c FUNC (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/lib/floor.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 113 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c decode (DOUBLE x, mp_limb_t limbs[NLIMBS1]) DOUBLE 362 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 363 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c FUNC (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y, DOUBLE z) DOUBLE 397 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c DOUBLE xn; /* normalized part of x */ DOUBLE 398 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c DOUBLE yn; /* normalized part of y */ DOUBLE 399 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c DOUBLE zn; /* normalized part of z */ DOUBLE 847 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c static const DOUBLE chunk_multiplier = /* 2^-GMP_LIMB_BITS */ DOUBLE 848 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c L_(1.0) / ((DOUBLE) (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) DOUBLE 849 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c * (DOUBLE) (1 << ((GMP_LIMB_BITS + 1) / 2))); DOUBLE 851 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c DOUBLE fsum; DOUBLE 857 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c fsum = (DOUBLE) sum[sum_len - 1]; DOUBLE 859 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c fsum = (DOUBLE) DOUBLE 870 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c fsum = (DOUBLE) sum[sum_len - k - 1]; DOUBLE 875 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c fsum += (DOUBLE) sum[sum_len - k - 1]; DOUBLE 885 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c fsum = (DOUBLE) chunk; DOUBLE 895 maint/gnulib/lib/fma.c fsum += (DOUBLE) chunk; DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c static DOUBLE zero; DOUBLE 78 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c static const DOUBLE TWO_LIMB_BITS = DOUBLE 82 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c (DOUBLE) (1U << (LIMB_BITS / 3)) DOUBLE 83 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((LIMB_BITS + 1) / 3)) DOUBLE 84 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((LIMB_BITS + 2) / 3)); DOUBLE 87 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c static const DOUBLE TWO_LIMB_BITS_INVERSE = DOUBLE 91 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c L_(1.0) / ((DOUBLE) (1U << (LIMB_BITS / 3)) DOUBLE 92 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((LIMB_BITS + 1) / 3)) DOUBLE 93 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((LIMB_BITS + 2) / 3))); DOUBLE 95 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 96 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c FMOD (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y) DOUBLE 117 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE ym; DOUBLE 118 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE y1; DOUBLE 119 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE y0; DOUBLE 121 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE x2; DOUBLE 122 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE x1; DOUBLE 123 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE x0; DOUBLE 141 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE xm = FREXP (x, &xexp); DOUBLE 174 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE x1int = TRUNC (x1); DOUBLE 224 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE q = DOUBLE 233 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE q_y1 = q * y1; /* exact, at most 2*LIMB_BITS bits */ DOUBLE 234 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE q_y1_1 = TRUNC (q_y1 * TWO_LIMB_BITS_INVERSE); DOUBLE 235 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE q_y1_0 = q_y1 - q_y1_1 * TWO_LIMB_BITS; DOUBLE 236 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE q_y0 = q * y0; /* exact, at most MANT_DIG bits */ DOUBLE 237 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE q_y0_1 = TRUNC (q_y0 * TWO_LIMB_BITS_INVERSE); DOUBLE 238 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE q_y0_0 = q_y0 - q_y0_1 * TWO_LIMB_BITS; DOUBLE 342 maint/gnulib/lib/fmod.c DOUBLE r = DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/lib/frexp.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/lib/frexp.c FUNC (DOUBLE x, int *expptr) DOUBLE 83 maint/gnulib/lib/frexp.c DOUBLE pow2[64]; /* pow2[i] = 2^2^i */ DOUBLE 84 maint/gnulib/lib/frexp.c DOUBLE powh[64]; /* powh[i] = 2^-2^i */ DOUBLE 91 maint/gnulib/lib/frexp.c DOUBLE pow2_i; /* = pow2[i] */ DOUBLE 92 maint/gnulib/lib/frexp.c DOUBLE powh_i; /* = powh[i] */ DOUBLE 125 maint/gnulib/lib/frexp.c DOUBLE pow2_i; /* = pow2[i] */ DOUBLE 126 maint/gnulib/lib/frexp.c DOUBLE powh_i; /* = powh[i] */ DOUBLE 47 maint/gnulib/lib/ilogb.c ILOGB (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 79 maint/gnulib/lib/isnan.c ((sizeof (DOUBLE) + sizeof (unsigned int) - 1) / sizeof (unsigned int)) DOUBLE 80 maint/gnulib/lib/isnan.c typedef union { DOUBLE value; unsigned int word[NWORDS]; } memory_double; DOUBLE 94 maint/gnulib/lib/isnan.c FUNC (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 141 maint/gnulib/lib/isnan.c static DOUBLE zero = L_(0.0); DOUBLE 143 maint/gnulib/lib/isnan.c DOUBLE plus_inf = L_(1.0) / zero; DOUBLE 144 maint/gnulib/lib/isnan.c DOUBLE minus_inf = -L_(1.0) / zero; DOUBLE 148 maint/gnulib/lib/isnan.c static DOUBLE plus_inf = L_(1.0) / L_(0.0); DOUBLE 149 maint/gnulib/lib/isnan.c static DOUBLE minus_inf = -L_(1.0) / L_(0.0); DOUBLE 47 maint/gnulib/lib/logb.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 48 maint/gnulib/lib/logb.c LOGB (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/lib/logb.c return (DOUBLE) (e - 1); DOUBLE 66 maint/gnulib/lib/printf-frexp.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 67 maint/gnulib/lib/printf-frexp.c FUNC (DOUBLE x, int *expptr) DOUBLE 90 maint/gnulib/lib/printf-frexp.c DOUBLE pow2[64]; /* pow2[i] = 2^2^i */ DOUBLE 91 maint/gnulib/lib/printf-frexp.c DOUBLE powh[64]; /* powh[i] = 2^-2^i */ DOUBLE 99 maint/gnulib/lib/printf-frexp.c DOUBLE pow2_i; /* = pow2[i] */ DOUBLE 100 maint/gnulib/lib/printf-frexp.c DOUBLE powh_i; /* = powh[i] */ DOUBLE 126 maint/gnulib/lib/printf-frexp.c DOUBLE pow2_i; /* = pow2[i] */ DOUBLE 127 maint/gnulib/lib/printf-frexp.c DOUBLE powh_i; /* = powh[i] */ DOUBLE 49 maint/gnulib/lib/remainder.c static DOUBLE zero; DOUBLE 55 maint/gnulib/lib/remainder.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/lib/remainder.c REMAINDER (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y) DOUBLE 66 maint/gnulib/lib/remainder.c DOUBLE r; DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/lib/rint.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 63 maint/gnulib/lib/rint.c RINT (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 66 maint/gnulib/lib/rint.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 70 maint/gnulib/lib/rint.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/lib/rint.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/lib/rint.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 73 maint/gnulib/lib/rint.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 74 maint/gnulib/lib/rint.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 82 maint/gnulib/lib/rint.c volatile DOUBLE z = x; DOUBLE 88 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 89 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c FLOOR_BASED_ROUND (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 93 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c DOUBLE y = FLOOR (x); DOUBLE 100 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c DOUBLE y = CEIL (x); DOUBLE 111 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 112 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c FLOOR_FREE_ROUND (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 115 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 119 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 120 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 121 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 122 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 123 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 131 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 132 maint/gnulib/lib/round.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 109 maint/gnulib/lib/strtod.c static DOUBLE LDEXP (_GL_UNUSED DOUBLE x, _GL_UNUSED int exponent) DOUBLE 118 maint/gnulib/lib/strtod.c static DOUBLE DOUBLE 119 maint/gnulib/lib/strtod.c scale_radix_exp (DOUBLE x, int radix, long int exponent) DOUBLE 132 maint/gnulib/lib/strtod.c DOUBLE r = x; DOUBLE 177 maint/gnulib/lib/strtod.c static DOUBLE DOUBLE 188 maint/gnulib/lib/strtod.c DOUBLE num; DOUBLE 300 maint/gnulib/lib/strtod.c static DOUBLE DOUBLE 312 maint/gnulib/lib/strtod.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 332 maint/gnulib/lib/strtod.c DOUBLE num; DOUBLE 64 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 68 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 69 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 70 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 74 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 75 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c FUNC (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 83 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 84 maint/gnulib/lib/trunc.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 44 maint/gnulib/lib/xstrtod.c XSTRTOD (char const *str, char const **ptr, DOUBLE *result, DOUBLE 45 maint/gnulib/lib/xstrtod.c DOUBLE (*convert) (char const *, char **)) DOUBLE 47 maint/gnulib/lib/xstrtod.c DOUBLE val; DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt-ieee.h DOUBLE y = CBRT (L_(0.0)); DOUBLE 32 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt-ieee.h DOUBLE y = CBRT (MINUS_ZERO); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 35 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h DOUBLE x = L_(32.0) * RANDOM[i] - L_(16.0); /* -16.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 36 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h DOUBLE y = CBRT (x); DOUBLE 37 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h DOUBLE err = y * y * y - x; DOUBLE 45 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h DOUBLE x = L_(32.0) * RANDOM[i] - L_(16.0); /* -16.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 46 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h DOUBLE y = L_(32.0) * RANDOM[j] - L_(16.0); /* -16.0 <= y <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 49 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h DOUBLE z = L_(1.0) / (x * y); DOUBLE 51 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h DOUBLE p = CBRT (x) * CBRT (y) * CBRT (z); DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-cbrt.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 52 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 63 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c ceil_reference (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 113 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c equal (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y) DOUBLE 120 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceil2.c correct_result_p (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE result) DOUBLE 52 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 63 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c ceilf_reference (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 113 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c equal (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y) DOUBLE 120 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ceilf2.c correct_result_p (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE result) DOUBLE 24 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp-ieee.h volatile DOUBLE z = EXP (-100000.0); DOUBLE 38 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp-ieee.h DOUBLE z = EXP (- INFINITY); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 35 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 36 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 51 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 52 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h DOUBLE y = EXP (x); DOUBLE 53 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h DOUBLE z = EXP (- x); DOUBLE 54 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h DOUBLE err = y * z - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 64 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 65 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 76 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h DOUBLE x = L_(32.0) * RANDOM[i] - L_(16.0); /* -16.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 77 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h DOUBLE y = L_(32.0) * RANDOM[j] - L_(16.0); /* -16.0 <= y <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 78 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h DOUBLE z = - x - y; DOUBLE 80 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h DOUBLE err = EXP (x) * EXP (y) * EXP (z) - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 87 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 88 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 24 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2-ieee.h volatile DOUBLE z = EXP2 (-100000.0); DOUBLE 38 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2-ieee.h DOUBLE z = EXP2 (- INFINITY); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 34 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE x = L_(0.0); DOUBLE 35 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE y = EXP2 (x); DOUBLE 42 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 43 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 49 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE z = EXP2 (x); DOUBLE 55 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE z = EXP2 (x); DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 87 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 88 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE y = EXP2 (x); DOUBLE 89 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE z = EXP2 (- x); DOUBLE 90 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE err = y * z - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 100 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 101 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 112 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE x = L_(32.0) * RANDOM[i] - L_(16.0); /* -16.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 113 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE y = L_(32.0) * RANDOM[j] - L_(16.0); /* -16.0 <= y <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 114 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE z = - x - y; DOUBLE 116 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE err = EXP2 (x) * EXP2 (y) * EXP2 (z) - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 123 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 124 maint/gnulib/tests/test-exp2.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1-ieee.h DOUBLE z = EXPM1 (L_(0.0)); DOUBLE 35 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1-ieee.h DOUBLE z = EXPM1 (MINUS_ZERO); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 34 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 38 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 73 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE x = L_(2.0) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 2.0 */ DOUBLE 74 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE y = EXPM1 (x); DOUBLE 75 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE z = EXPM1 (- x); DOUBLE 76 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE err = y + (1 + y) * z; DOUBLE 86 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 87 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 98 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE x = L_(2.0) * RANDOM[i] - L_(1.0); /* -1.0 <= x <= 1.0 */ DOUBLE 99 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE y = L_(2.0) * RANDOM[j] - L_(1.0); /* -1.0 <= y <= 1.0 */ DOUBLE 100 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE z = - x - y; DOUBLE 103 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE a = EXPM1 (x); DOUBLE 104 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE b = EXPM1 (y); DOUBLE 105 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE c = EXPM1 (z); DOUBLE 106 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE err = a + (1 + a) * (b + (1 + b) * c); DOUBLE 114 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 115 maint/gnulib/tests/test-expm1.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fabs-ieee.h DOUBLE y = FABS (L_(0.0)); DOUBLE 32 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fabs-ieee.h DOUBLE y = FABS (MINUS_ZERO); DOUBLE 20 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fabs.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 21 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fabs.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 47 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fabs.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 48 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fabs.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 48 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 52 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 53 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 54 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 55 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c floor_reference (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 67 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 68 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 109 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c equal (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y) DOUBLE 116 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floor2.c correct_result_p (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE result) DOUBLE 48 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 52 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 53 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 54 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 55 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c floorf_reference (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 67 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 68 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 109 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c equal (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y) DOUBLE 116 maint/gnulib/tests/test-floorf2.c correct_result_p (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE result) DOUBLE 20 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma1.h test_function (DOUBLE (*my_fma) (DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE)) DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma1.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 23 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma1.h volatile DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 24 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma1.h volatile DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 25 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma1.h volatile DOUBLE result; DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma1.h volatile DOUBLE expected; DOUBLE 47 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h test_function (DOUBLE (*my_fma) (DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE)) DOUBLE 50 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h static const DOUBLE pow_m1[] = DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 61 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE result; DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE expected; DOUBLE 68 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h DOUBLE sign; DOUBLE 130 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 131 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 132 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 133 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE result; DOUBLE 134 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE expected; DOUBLE 141 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h DOUBLE sign; DOUBLE 369 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 370 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 371 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 372 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE result; DOUBLE 373 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE expected; DOUBLE 380 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h DOUBLE sign; DOUBLE 554 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE x = POW2 (MAX_EXP - 1); DOUBLE 555 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE y = POW2 (MAX_EXP - 1); DOUBLE 556 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE z = - INFINITY; DOUBLE 557 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE result = my_fma (x, y, z); DOUBLE 561 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE x = POW2 (MAX_EXP - 1); /* 2^(MAX_EXP-1) */ DOUBLE 562 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE y = L_(2.0); /* 2^1 */ DOUBLE 563 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE z = /* -(2^MAX_EXP - 2^(MAX_EXP-MANT_BIT)) */ DOUBLE 565 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE result = my_fma (x, y, z); DOUBLE 570 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE x = POW2 (MAX_EXP - 1); /* 2^(MAX_EXP-1) */ DOUBLE 571 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE y = L_(3.0); /* 3 */ DOUBLE 572 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE z = - LDEXP (L_(5.0), MAX_EXP - 3); /* -5*2^(MAX_EXP-3) */ DOUBLE 573 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fma2.h volatile DOUBLE result = my_fma (x, y, z); DOUBLE 41 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (L_(0.0), L_(2.0)); DOUBLE 46 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (MINUS_ZERO, L_(2.0)); DOUBLE 51 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (L_(0.0), - L_(2.0)); DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (MINUS_ZERO, - L_(2.0)); DOUBLE 61 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (L_(0.0), INFINITY); DOUBLE 66 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (MINUS_ZERO, INFINITY); DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (L_(0.0), - INFINITY); DOUBLE 76 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (MINUS_ZERO, - INFINITY); DOUBLE 83 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (L_(2.5), INFINITY); DOUBLE 87 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (L_(2.5), - INFINITY); DOUBLE 91 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (- L_(2.5), INFINITY); DOUBLE 95 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod-ieee.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (- L_(2.5), - INFINITY); DOUBLE 17 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h static DOUBLE DOUBLE 18 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h my_ldexp (DOUBLE x, int d) DOUBLE 32 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 36 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 37 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 38 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 39 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 40 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 46 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 47 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE y = RANDOM[j]; /* 0.0 <= y < 1.0 */ DOUBLE 50 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (x, y); DOUBLE 69 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE x = L_(1.0e9) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 10^9 */ DOUBLE 70 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE y = RANDOM[j]; /* 0.0 <= y < 1.0 */ DOUBLE 73 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (x, y); DOUBLE 74 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE r; DOUBLE 82 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE q = (DOUBLE) q1 * L_(65536.0) + (DOUBLE) q2; DOUBLE 103 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE large = my_ldexp (L_(1.0), large_exp); /* = 2^large_exp */ DOUBLE 107 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE x = large * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 2^large_exp */ DOUBLE 108 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE y = RANDOM[j]; /* 0.0 <= y < 1.0 */ DOUBLE 111 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE z = FMOD (x, y); DOUBLE 121 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 122 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h volatile DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 123 maint/gnulib/tests/test-fmod.h DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 25 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp-ieee.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 33 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp-ieee.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 41 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp-ieee.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 51 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp-ieee.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp-ieee.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 17 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h static DOUBLE DOUBLE 18 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h my_ldexp (DOUBLE x, int d) DOUBLE 31 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h VOLATILE DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 35 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 43 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 51 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 69 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa; DOUBLE 80 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 87 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 94 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 102 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 109 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 116 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 124 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 131 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 138 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 148 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 155 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 162 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 175 maint/gnulib/tests/test-frexp.h DOUBLE mantissa = FREXP (x, &exp); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 33 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 34 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h volatile DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 35 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h volatile DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 61 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h DOUBLE y = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[j]; /* 0.0 <= y <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h DOUBLE z = HYPOT (x, y); DOUBLE 63 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h DOUBLE err = z * z - (x * x + y * y); DOUBLE 70 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h volatile DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/tests/test-hypot.h DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 17 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ilogb.h static DOUBLE DOUBLE 18 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ilogb.h my_ldexp (DOUBLE x, int d) DOUBLE 31 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ilogb.h VOLATILE DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 142 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ilogb.h DOUBLE abs_x = (x < L_(0.0) ? - x : x); DOUBLE 150 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ilogb.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 151 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ilogb.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 31 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ldexp-ieee.h DOUBLE z = LDEXP (L_(0.0), exp); DOUBLE 37 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ldexp-ieee.h DOUBLE z = LDEXP (MINUS_ZERO, exp); DOUBLE 23 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ldexp.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 24 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ldexp.h volatile DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 96 maint/gnulib/tests/test-ldexp.h volatile DOUBLE expected; DOUBLE 33 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log-ieee.h DOUBLE z = LOG (L_(1.0)); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 34 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE z = LOG (L_(0.0)); DOUBLE 38 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE z = LOG (MINUS_ZERO); DOUBLE 45 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 46 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 61 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i] + L_(1.0); /* 1.0 <= x <= 17.0 */ DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE y = LOG (x); DOUBLE 63 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE z = LOG (L_(1.0) / x); DOUBLE 64 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE err = y + z; DOUBLE 74 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 75 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 91 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE x = L_(17.0) / (L_(16.0) - L_(15.0) * RANDOM[i]) - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 92 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE y = L_(17.0) / (L_(16.0) - L_(15.0) * RANDOM[j]) - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 94 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE z = L_(1.0) / (x * y); DOUBLE 96 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE err = LOG (x) + LOG (y) + LOG (z); DOUBLE 103 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 104 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 33 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10-ieee.h DOUBLE z = LOG10 (L_(1.0)); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 34 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE z = LOG10 (L_(0.0)); DOUBLE 38 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE z = LOG10 (MINUS_ZERO); DOUBLE 45 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 46 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 61 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i] + L_(1.0); /* 1.0 <= x <= 17.0 */ DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE y = LOG10 (x); DOUBLE 63 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE z = LOG10 (L_(1.0) / x); DOUBLE 64 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE err = y + z; DOUBLE 74 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 75 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 91 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE x = L_(17.0) / (L_(16.0) - L_(15.0) * RANDOM[i]) - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 92 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE y = L_(17.0) / (L_(16.0) - L_(15.0) * RANDOM[j]) - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 94 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE z = L_(1.0) / (x * y); DOUBLE 96 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE err = LOG10 (x) + LOG10 (y) + LOG10 (z); DOUBLE 103 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 104 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log10.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 33 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p-ieee.h DOUBLE z = LOG1P (L_(0.0)); DOUBLE 38 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p-ieee.h DOUBLE z = LOG1P (MINUS_ZERO); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 34 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE z = LOG1P (L_(-1.0)); DOUBLE 41 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 42 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE y = LOG1P (x); DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE z = LOG1P (- x / (L_(1.0) + x)); DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE err = y + z; DOUBLE 70 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 87 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE x = L_(17.0) / (L_(16.0) - L_(15.0) * RANDOM[i]) - L_(2.0); DOUBLE 88 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE y = L_(17.0) / (L_(16.0) - L_(15.0) * RANDOM[j]) - L_(2.0); DOUBLE 90 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE z = L_(1.0) / ((L_(1.0) + x) * (L_(1.0) + y)) - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 92 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE err = LOG1P (x) + LOG1P (y) + LOG1P (z); DOUBLE 99 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 100 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log1p.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 33 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2-ieee.h DOUBLE z = LOG2 (L_(1.0)); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 38 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE x = L_(1.0); DOUBLE 39 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE y = LOG2 (x); DOUBLE 44 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 45 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 51 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE z = LOG2 (y); DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 64 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE z = LOG2 (y); DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 73 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 88 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i] + L_(1.0); /* 1.0 <= x <= 17.0 */ DOUBLE 89 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE y = LOG2 (x); DOUBLE 90 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE z = LOG2 (L_(1.0) / x); DOUBLE 91 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE err = y + z; DOUBLE 101 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h const DOUBLE err_bound = DOUBLE 102 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h (sizeof (DOUBLE) > sizeof (double) ? DOUBLE 118 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE x = L_(17.0) / (L_(16.0) - L_(15.0) * RANDOM[i]) - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 119 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE y = L_(17.0) / (L_(16.0) - L_(15.0) * RANDOM[j]) - L_(1.0); DOUBLE 121 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE z = L_(1.0) / (x * y); DOUBLE 123 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE err = LOG2 (x) + LOG2 (y) + LOG2 (z); DOUBLE 130 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 131 maint/gnulib/tests/test-log2.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 17 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h static DOUBLE DOUBLE 18 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h my_ldexp (DOUBLE x, int d) DOUBLE 31 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h VOLATILE DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 32 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 68 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 73 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 78 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 84 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 89 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 94 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 100 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 105 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 110 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 116 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 121 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1)); DOUBLE 126 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE)(i - 1) || y == (DOUBLE)i); DOUBLE 135 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h DOUBLE abs_x = (x < L_(0.0) ? - x : x); DOUBLE 137 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h ASSERT (y == (DOUBLE) (int) y); DOUBLE 144 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 145 maint/gnulib/tests/test-logb.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 24 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf-ieee.h DOUBLE integer_part = -9999; DOUBLE 25 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf-ieee.h DOUBLE fractional_part = MODF (NAN, &integer_part); DOUBLE 32 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf-ieee.h DOUBLE integer_part = -9999; DOUBLE 33 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf-ieee.h DOUBLE fractional_part = MODF (INFINITY, &integer_part); DOUBLE 39 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf-ieee.h DOUBLE integer_part = -9999; DOUBLE 40 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf-ieee.h DOUBLE fractional_part = MODF (- INFINITY, &integer_part); DOUBLE 21 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 25 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 34 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h DOUBLE x = RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x < 1.0 */ DOUBLE 35 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 36 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 61 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-modf.h DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 44 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder-ieee.h DOUBLE z = REMAINDER (L_(0.0), L_(2.0)); DOUBLE 49 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder-ieee.h DOUBLE z = REMAINDER (MINUS_ZERO, L_(2.0)); DOUBLE 54 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder-ieee.h DOUBLE z = REMAINDER (L_(0.0), - L_(2.0)); DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder-ieee.h DOUBLE z = REMAINDER (MINUS_ZERO, - L_(2.0)); DOUBLE 17 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h static DOUBLE DOUBLE 18 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h my_ldexp (DOUBLE x, int d) DOUBLE 32 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 36 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 37 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 38 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 39 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 40 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 46 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 47 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE y = RANDOM[j]; /* 0.0 <= y < 1.0 */ DOUBLE 50 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE z = REMAINDER (x, y); DOUBLE 69 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE x = L_(1.0e9) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 10^9 */ DOUBLE 70 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE y = RANDOM[j]; /* 0.0 <= y < 1.0 */ DOUBLE 73 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE z = REMAINDER (x, y); DOUBLE 74 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE r; DOUBLE 83 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE q = (DOUBLE) q1 * L_(65536.0) + (DOUBLE) q2; DOUBLE 104 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE large = my_ldexp (L_(1.0), large_exp); /* = 2^large_exp */ DOUBLE 108 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE x = large * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 2^large_exp */ DOUBLE 109 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE y = RANDOM[j]; /* 0.0 <= y < 1.0 */ DOUBLE 112 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE z = REMAINDER (x, y); DOUBLE 122 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 123 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h volatile DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 124 maint/gnulib/tests/test-remainder.h DOUBLE z; DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-rint-ieee.h DOUBLE y = RINT (L_(0.0)); DOUBLE 32 maint/gnulib/tests/test-rint-ieee.h DOUBLE y = RINT (MINUS_ZERO); DOUBLE 32 maint/gnulib/tests/test-rint.h DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-round2.c equal (const char *message, DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y0, DOUBLE y1) DOUBLE 78 maint/gnulib/tests/test-round2.c check (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 80 maint/gnulib/tests/test-round2.c DOUBLE ref1 = round_reference1 (x); DOUBLE 81 maint/gnulib/tests/test-round2.c DOUBLE ref2 = round_reference2 (x); DOUBLE 82 maint/gnulib/tests/test-round2.c DOUBLE result = ROUND (x); DOUBLE 102 maint/gnulib/tests/test-round2.c union { DOUBLE f; DOUBLE_UINT i; } janus; DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt-ieee.h DOUBLE y = SQRT (L_(0.0)); DOUBLE 35 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt-ieee.h DOUBLE y = SQRT (MINUS_ZERO); DOUBLE 22 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 26 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 27 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 28 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 29 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 30 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 35 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 36 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h DOUBLE y = SQRT (x); DOUBLE 37 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h DOUBLE err = y * y - x; DOUBLE 46 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h DOUBLE x = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[i]; /* 0.0 <= x <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 47 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h DOUBLE y = L_(16.0) * RANDOM[j]; /* 0.0 <= y <= 16.0 */ DOUBLE 50 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h DOUBLE z = L_(1.0) / (x * y); DOUBLE 52 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h DOUBLE p = SQRT (x) * SQRT (y) * SQRT (z); DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h volatile DOUBLE x; DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/tests/test-sqrt.h DOUBLE y; DOUBLE 52 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 63 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c trunc_reference (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 114 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c equal (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y) DOUBLE 121 maint/gnulib/tests/test-trunc2.c correct_result_p (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE result) DOUBLE 52 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c static const DOUBLE TWO_MANT_DIG = DOUBLE 56 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 57 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 1) / 5)) DOUBLE 58 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 2) / 5)) DOUBLE 59 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 3) / 5)) DOUBLE 60 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c * (DOUBLE) (1U << ((MANT_DIG - 1 + 4) / 5)); DOUBLE 62 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c DOUBLE DOUBLE 63 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c truncf_reference (DOUBLE x) DOUBLE 71 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c volatile DOUBLE y = x; DOUBLE 72 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c volatile DOUBLE z = y; DOUBLE 114 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c equal (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y) DOUBLE 121 maint/gnulib/tests/test-truncf2.c correct_result_p (DOUBLE x, DOUBLE result)