FALSE 120 daemons/attrd/attrd_alerts.c the_cib->cmds->register_callback_full(the_cib, call_id, 120, FALSE, NULL, FALSE 131 daemons/attrd/attrd_alerts.c if (!attrd_shutting_down() && pcmk__alert_in_patchset(msg, FALSE)) { FALSE 74 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 138 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c v->seen = FALSE; FALSE 170 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(a->id, a->timeout_ms, FALSE, attribute_timer_cb, a); FALSE 544 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, FALSE); FALSE 575 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c bool peer_won = FALSE; FALSE 594 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, FALSE); FALSE 655 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current, FALSE); FALSE 746 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c gboolean build = FALSE; FALSE 754 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c if (pcmk__str_eq(v->nodename, attrd_cluster->uname, pcmk__str_casei) && v->seen == FALSE) { FALSE 759 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current, (a->timeout_ms && a->timer ? TRUE : FALSE)); FALSE 777 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c bool update_both = FALSE; FALSE 780 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c gboolean is_force_write = FALSE; FALSE 829 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(attr, a->timeout_ms, FALSE, FALSE 877 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c a->is_private, v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current, FALSE); FALSE 926 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c if ((v->nodeid == 0) && (v->is_remote == FALSE) FALSE 935 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c write_attributes(FALSE, FALSE); FALSE 944 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c write_attribute(a, FALSE); FALSE 959 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c write_attributes(TRUE, FALSE); FALSE 960 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 967 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c bool remove_voter = FALSE; FALSE 990 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c attrd_peer_remove(peer->uname, FALSE, "loss"); FALSE 1061 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c write_attribute(a, FALSE); FALSE 1084 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(a->id, 2000, FALSE, FALSE 1233 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c a->changed = FALSE; FALSE 1236 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c a->unknown_peer_uuids = FALSE; FALSE 1239 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c a->force_write = FALSE; FALSE 1316 daemons/attrd/attrd_commands.c CIB_OP_TIMEOUT_S, FALSE, FALSE 27 daemons/attrd/attrd_utils.c static bool requesting_shutdown = FALSE; FALSE 28 daemons/attrd/attrd_utils.c static bool shutting_down = FALSE; FALSE 48 daemons/attrd/attrd_utils.c requesting_shutdown = FALSE; FALSE 113 daemons/attrd/attrd_utils.c mloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 171 daemons/attrd/attrd_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 233 daemons/attrd/attrd_utils.c write_attributes(TRUE, FALSE); FALSE 140 daemons/attrd/pacemaker-attrd.c the_cib->cmds->register_callback_full(the_cib, call_id, 120, FALSE, xpath, FALSE 311 daemons/attrd/pacemaker-attrd.c if (crm_cluster_connect(attrd_cluster) == FALSE) { FALSE 372 daemons/attrd/pacemaker-attrd.c crm_log_init(T_ATTRD, LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 46 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c gboolean legacy_mode = FALSE; FALSE 99 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return cib_common_callback(c, data, size, FALSE); FALSE 273 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c static bool ping_modified_since = FALSE; FALSE 286 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c ping_modified_since = FALSE; FALSE 299 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 339 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c ping_digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(the_cib, FALSE, TRUE, version); FALSE 364 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c sync_our_cib(reply, FALSE); FALSE 496 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 515 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_forward = FALSE; FALSE 524 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *process = FALSE; FALSE 538 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 540 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_forward = FALSE; FALSE 547 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *process = FALSE; FALSE 557 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 559 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_forward = FALSE; FALSE 577 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *process = FALSE; FALSE 611 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 626 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *local_notify = FALSE; FALSE 631 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 638 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 643 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *process = FALSE; FALSE 644 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 654 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c } else if(is_reply == FALSE && pcmk__str_eq(op, CRM_OP_PING, pcmk__str_casei)) { FALSE 672 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c } else if (reply_to == NULL && cib_is_master == FALSE) { FALSE 679 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 691 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 719 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 754 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 761 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 765 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 770 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *local_notify = FALSE; FALSE 779 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *process = FALSE; FALSE 780 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 787 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 792 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c *local_notify = FALSE; FALSE 804 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 806 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c } else if(is_reply == FALSE && pcmk__str_eq(op, CRM_OP_PING, pcmk__str_casei)) { FALSE 845 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, host), crm_msg_cib, request, FALSE); FALSE 849 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_cib, request, FALSE); FALSE 910 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, originator), crm_msg_cib, msg, FALSE); FALSE 913 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 935 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c gboolean local_notify = FALSE; // Whether to notify (local) requester FALSE 936 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c gboolean needs_forward = FALSE; // Whether to forward request somewhere else FALSE 988 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c &needs_reply, &process, &needs_forward) == FALSE) { FALSE 1000 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c local_notify = FALSE; FALSE 1089 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c needs_reply = FALSE; FALSE 1090 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c local_notify = FALSE; FALSE 1105 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c gboolean broadcast = FALSE; FALSE 1116 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c local_notify = FALSE; FALSE 1130 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c if (is_update == FALSE || result_diff == NULL) { FALSE 1143 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c send_peer_reply(op_reply, result_diff, originator, FALSE); FALSE 1150 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c if (process == FALSE) { FALSE 1185 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c gboolean send_r_notify = FALSE; FALSE 1186 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c gboolean global_update = FALSE; FALSE 1187 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c gboolean config_changed = FALSE; FALSE 1195 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c digest_timer = mainloop_timer_add("digester", 5000, FALSE, cib_digester_cb, NULL); FALSE 1207 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c if (rc == pcmk_ok && privileged == FALSE) { FALSE 1220 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c } else if (cib_op_modifies(call_type) == FALSE) { FALSE 1222 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c section, request, input, FALSE, &config_changed, FALSE 1233 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c manage_counters = FALSE; FALSE 1246 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c manage_counters = FALSE; FALSE 1258 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c rc = cib_perform_op(op, call_options, cib_op_func(call_type), FALSE, FALSE 1262 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c if (manage_counters == FALSE) { FALSE 1380 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c if (cib_op_modifies(call_type) == FALSE && output != current_cib) { FALSE 1435 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 1452 daemons/based/based_callbacks.c if (cib_shutdown_flag == FALSE) { FALSE 31 daemons/based/based_common.c gboolean stand_alone = FALSE; FALSE 146 daemons/based/based_common.c {NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, cib_prepare_none, cib_cleanup_none, cib_process_default}, FALSE 147 daemons/based/based_common.c {CIB_OP_QUERY, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, cib_prepare_none, cib_cleanup_query, cib_process_query}, FALSE 153 daemons/based/based_common.c {CIB_OP_SYNC, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, cib_prepare_sync, cib_cleanup_none, cib_process_sync}, FALSE 156 daemons/based/based_common.c {CRM_OP_NOOP, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, cib_prepare_none, cib_cleanup_none, cib_process_default}, FALSE 159 daemons/based/based_common.c {CIB_OP_SLAVE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, cib_prepare_none, cib_cleanup_none, cib_process_readwrite}, FALSE 160 daemons/based/based_common.c {CIB_OP_SLAVEALL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, cib_prepare_none, cib_cleanup_none, cib_process_readwrite}, FALSE 161 daemons/based/based_common.c {CIB_OP_SYNC_ONE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, cib_prepare_sync, cib_cleanup_none, cib_process_sync_one}, FALSE 162 daemons/based/based_common.c {CIB_OP_MASTER, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, cib_prepare_data, cib_cleanup_data, cib_process_readwrite}, FALSE 163 daemons/based/based_common.c {CIB_OP_ISMASTER, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, cib_prepare_none, cib_cleanup_none, cib_process_readwrite}, FALSE 164 daemons/based/based_common.c {"cib_shutdown_req",FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, cib_prepare_sync, cib_cleanup_none, cib_process_shutdown_req}, FALSE 165 daemons/based/based_common.c {CRM_OP_PING, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, cib_prepare_none, cib_cleanup_output, cib_process_ping}, FALSE 277 daemons/based/based_common.c if (privileged == FALSE && cib_server_ops[call_type].needs_privileges) { FALSE 283 daemons/based/based_common.c && stand_alone == FALSE FALSE 284 daemons/based/based_common.c && global_update == FALSE FALSE 52 daemons/based/based_io.c cib_writes_enabled = FALSE; FALSE 198 daemons/based/based_io.c if (pcmk__daemon_can_write(dir, file) == FALSE FALSE 199 daemons/based/based_io.c || pcmk__daemon_can_write(dir, sigfile) == FALSE) { FALSE 251 daemons/based/based_io.c cib_writes_enabled = FALSE; FALSE 255 daemons/based/based_io.c status = find_xml_node(root, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, FALSE); FALSE 300 daemons/based/based_io.c if (validate_xml(root, NULL, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 307 daemons/based/based_io.c update_validation(&root, &version, 0, FALSE, FALSE); FALSE 327 daemons/based/based_io.c return FALSE; FALSE 384 daemons/based/based_io.c cib_writes_enabled = FALSE; FALSE 416 daemons/based/based_io.c cib_writes_enabled = FALSE; FALSE 417 daemons/based/based_io.c return FALSE; FALSE 36 daemons/based/based_messages.c gboolean cib_is_master = FALSE; FALSE 65 daemons/based/based_messages.c if (cib_shutdown_flag == FALSE) { FALSE 118 daemons/based/based_messages.c if (cib_is_master == FALSE) { FALSE 127 daemons/based/based_messages.c cib_is_master = FALSE; FALSE 150 daemons/based/based_messages.c send_cluster_message(host ? crm_get_peer(0, host) : NULL, crm_msg_cib, sync_me, FALSE); FALSE 160 daemons/based/based_messages.c char *digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(the_cib, FALSE, TRUE, CRM_FEATURE_SET); FALSE 261 daemons/based/based_messages.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_cib, up, FALSE); FALSE 290 daemons/based/based_messages.c == FALSE) { FALSE 306 daemons/based/based_messages.c return sync_our_cib(req, FALSE); FALSE 347 daemons/based/based_messages.c if (rc == -pcmk_err_diff_resync && cib_is_master == FALSE) { FALSE 407 daemons/based/based_messages.c equiv_node = find_xml_node(parent, object_name, FALSE); FALSE 420 daemons/based/based_messages.c } else if (xml_has_children(delete_spec) == FALSE) { FALSE 499 daemons/based/based_messages.c xmlNode *replace_request = cib_msg_copy(request, FALSE); FALSE 505 daemons/based/based_messages.c if (all == FALSE && host == NULL) { FALSE 528 daemons/based/based_messages.c digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(the_cib, FALSE, TRUE, CRM_FEATURE_SET); FALSE 534 daemons/based/based_messages.c (all ? NULL : crm_get_peer(0, host), crm_msg_cib, replace_request, FALSE) == FALSE) { FALSE 50 daemons/based/based_notify.c gboolean do_send = FALSE; FALSE 180 daemons/based/based_remote.c CRM_CHECK(usr != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 181 daemons/based/based_remote.c CRM_CHECK(grp != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 186 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 197 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 211 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 223 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 229 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 235 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 243 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 249 daemons/based/based_remote.c if (check_group_membership(user, CRM_DAEMON_GROUP) == FALSE) { FALSE 251 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 253 daemons/based/based_remote.c } else if (authenticate_user(user, pass) == FALSE) { FALSE 255 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 269 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 275 daemons/based/based_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 510 daemons/based/based_remote.c if (client->remote->authenticated == FALSE) { FALSE 515 daemons/based/based_remote.c if (cib_remote_auth(command) == FALSE) { FALSE 627 daemons/based/based_remote.c gboolean pass = FALSE; FALSE 31 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c gboolean cib_shutdown_flag = FALSE; FALSE 39 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c static gboolean preserve_status = FALSE; FALSE 119 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c cib_writes_enabled = FALSE; FALSE 174 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 197 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c if (pcmk__daemon_can_write(cib_root, NULL) == FALSE) { FALSE 211 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 290 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c legacy_mode = FALSE; FALSE 320 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c if (startCib("cib.xml") == FALSE) { FALSE 325 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c if (stand_alone == FALSE) { FALSE 330 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c if (crm_cluster_connect(&crm_cluster) == FALSE) { FALSE 351 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c gboolean active = FALSE; FALSE 368 daemons/based/pacemaker-based.c remote_fd = init_remote_listener(port, FALSE); FALSE 98 daemons/controld/controld_attrd.c if (crm_ipc_connected(attrd_ipc) == FALSE) { FALSE 103 daemons/controld/controld_attrd.c if (crm_ipc_connect(attrd_ipc) == FALSE) { FALSE 35 daemons/controld/controld_based.c if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) { FALSE 62 daemons/controld/controld_based.c crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); FALSE 127 daemons/controld/controld_based.c crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); FALSE 260 daemons/controld/controld_based.c fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, desc, cib_delete_callback); FALSE 329 daemons/controld/controld_based.c fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, desc, cib_delete_callback); FALSE 106 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c bool appeared = FALSE; FALSE 182 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c send_cluster_message(node, crm_msg_crmd, query, FALSE); FALSE 201 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c } else if (pcmk__str_eq(node->uname, fsa_our_dc, pcmk__str_casei) && crm_is_peer_active(node) == FALSE) { FALSE 226 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c te_trigger_stonith_history_sync(FALSE); FALSE 263 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c crmd_peer_down(node, FALSE); FALSE 284 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c } else if (appeared == FALSE) { FALSE 34 daemons/controld/controld_control.c gboolean fsa_has_quorum = FALSE; FALSE 37 daemons/controld/controld_control.c bool no_quorum_suicide_escalation = FALSE; FALSE 47 daemons/controld/controld_control.c gboolean registered = FALSE; FALSE 63 daemons/controld/controld_control.c crm_set_autoreap(FALSE); FALSE 77 daemons/controld/controld_control.c registered = FALSE; FALSE 81 daemons/controld/controld_control.c if (registered == FALSE) { FALSE 106 daemons/controld/controld_control.c controld_disconnect_fencer(FALSE); FALSE 124 daemons/controld/controld_control.c if (send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_crmd, msg, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 157 daemons/controld/controld_control.c static bool in_progress = FALSE; FALSE 355 daemons/controld/controld_control.c if (controld_init_fsa_timers() == FALSE) { FALSE 719 daemons/controld/controld_control.c config_hash, CIB_OPTIONS_FIRST, FALSE, now, NULL); FALSE 796 daemons/controld/controld_control.c fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, NULL, config_query_callback); FALSE 73 daemons/controld/controld_corosync.c crm_update_quorum(quorate, FALSE); FALSE 107 daemons/controld/controld_corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 29 daemons/controld/controld_election.c return FALSE; FALSE 77 daemons/controld/controld_election.c gboolean not_voting = FALSE; FALSE 97 daemons/controld/controld_election.c if (not_voting == FALSE) { FALSE 207 daemons/controld/controld_election.c fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, feature_update_callback); FALSE 211 daemons/controld/controld_election.c pcmk__btoa(watchdog), FALSE, NULL, NULL); FALSE 214 daemons/controld/controld_election.c "dc-version", PACEMAKER_VERSION "-" BUILD_VERSION, FALSE, NULL, NULL); FALSE 217 daemons/controld/controld_election.c "cluster-infrastructure", cluster_type, FALSE, NULL, NULL); FALSE 225 daemons/controld/controld_election.c "cluster-name", cluster_name, FALSE, NULL, NULL); FALSE 112 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 340 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c if (lrm_state_verify_stopped(lrm_state, cur_state, LOG_INFO) == FALSE) { FALSE 342 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); FALSE 350 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c lrm_state_reset_tables(lrm_state, FALSE); FALSE 368 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); FALSE 446 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c rc = FALSE; FALSE 463 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c if (is_rsc_active(lrm_state, entry->id) == FALSE) { FALSE 670 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 747 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 753 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 758 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 761 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 766 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 806 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 897 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c FALSE, NULL, NULL); FALSE 929 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 943 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 1077 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 1141 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(op != 0, return FALSE); FALSE 1142 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 1158 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 1165 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 1188 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 1202 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c gboolean remove = FALSE; FALSE 1219 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 1220 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 1224 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c data.done = FALSE; FALSE 1260 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c if (lrm_state_is_connected(lrm_state) == FALSE) { FALSE 1406 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c unregister = FALSE; FALSE 1563 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 1578 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 1602 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 1618 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c gboolean in_progress = FALSE; FALSE 1621 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(params != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 1626 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(op_task != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 1631 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 1657 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c if (is_remote_lrmd_ra(NULL, NULL, rsc->id) == FALSE) { FALSE 1717 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c unregister = FALSE; FALSE 1739 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c gboolean is_remote_node = FALSE; FALSE 1740 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c bool crm_rsc_delete = FALSE; FALSE 1993 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c primitive = find_xml_node(rsc_op, XML_CIB_TAG_RESOURCE, FALSE); FALSE 2118 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c if (relay_message(reply, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 2138 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c res = FALSE; FALSE 2155 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c gboolean remove = FALSE; FALSE 2163 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c remove = !cancel_op(event->lrm_state, event->rsc->id, key, op->call_id, FALSE); FALSE 2172 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c gboolean remove = FALSE; FALSE 2179 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c remove = !cancel_op(lrm_state, op->rsc_id, key, op->call_id, FALSE); FALSE 2230 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c gboolean stop_recurring = FALSE; FALSE 2231 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c bool send_nack = FALSE; FALSE 2254 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c stop_recurring = FALSE; FALSE 2318 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c cancel_op_key(lrm_state, rsc, op_id, FALSE); FALSE 2539 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, cib_rsc_callback); FALSE 2551 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(FALSE, return); FALSE 2585 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(lrm_state != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2586 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(rsc_id != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2587 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c CRM_CHECK(op_type != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2591 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 2600 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 2611 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c gboolean remove = FALSE; FALSE 2612 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c gboolean removed = FALSE; FALSE 2613 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c bool need_direct_ack = FALSE; FALSE 2702 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c need_direct_ack = FALSE; FALSE 2783 daemons/controld/controld_execd.c if(remove == FALSE) { FALSE 93 daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c return FALSE; FALSE 97 daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c return FALSE; FALSE 146 daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c return FALSE; FALSE 222 daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c return FALSE; FALSE 229 daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c return FALSE; FALSE 352 daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c return FALSE; FALSE 403 daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c return g_hash_table_lookup(proxy_table, session) ? TRUE : FALSE; FALSE 453 daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c config_hash, CIB_OPTIONS_FIRST, FALSE, now, NULL); FALSE 479 daemons/controld/controld_execd_state.c fsa_cib_conn->cmds->register_callback_full(fsa_cib_conn, rc, 10, FALSE, lrmd, FALSE 33 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c static bool fence_reaction_panic = FALSE; FALSE 57 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c fence_reaction_panic = FALSE; FALSE 69 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c return FALSE; FALSE 88 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c return FALSE; FALSE 227 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, strdup(target), cib_fencing_updated); FALSE 368 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c return FALSE; FALSE 403 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c return FALSE; FALSE 409 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c te_cleanup_stonith_history_sync(st, FALSE); FALSE 697 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c te_cleanup_stonith_history_sync(stonith_api, FALSE); FALSE 705 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c return FALSE; FALSE 724 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) { FALSE 755 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c if (action->confirmed == FALSE) { FALSE 761 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c update_attrd(target, CRM_ATTR_UNFENCED, now, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 765 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c update_attrd(target, CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_ALL, value, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 768 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c update_attrd(target, CRM_ATTR_DIGESTS_SECURE, value, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 770 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c } else if (action->sent_update == FALSE) { FALSE 835 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c gboolean invalid_action = FALSE; FALSE 849 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c return FALSE; FALSE 909 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c te_cleanup_stonith_history_sync(st, FALSE); FALSE 917 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c return FALSE; FALSE 950 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c FALSE, stonith_history_sync_set_trigger, FALSE 959 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c FALSE, stonith_history_sync_set_trigger, FALSE 38 daemons/controld/controld_fsa.c gboolean do_fsa_stall = FALSE; FALSE 171 daemons/controld/controld_fsa.c do_fsa_stall = FALSE; FALSE 281 daemons/controld/controld_fsa.c while (fsa_actions != A_NOTHING && do_fsa_stall == FALSE) { FALSE 604 daemons/controld/controld_fsa.c clear_recovery_bit = FALSE; FALSE 656 daemons/controld/controld_fsa.c } else if (clear_recovery_bit == FALSE) { FALSE 58 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_crmd, req, FALSE); FALSE 87 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_crmd, req, FALSE); FALSE 130 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c remove_cib_op_callback(query_call_id, FALSE); FALSE 134 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c if (update_dc(input->msg) == FALSE) { FALSE 144 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c fsa_register_cib_callback(query_call_id, FALSE, strdup(join_id), join_query_callback); FALSE 242 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c was_nack = FALSE; FALSE 254 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c if (AM_I_DC == FALSE && pcmk__str_eq(welcome_from, fsa_our_uname, pcmk__str_casei)) { FALSE 259 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c if (update_dc(input->msg) == FALSE) { FALSE 291 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c first_join = FALSE; FALSE 300 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) { FALSE 124 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c if (crm_is_peer_active(member) == FALSE) { FALSE 343 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c if (crm_is_peer_active(join_node) == FALSE) { FALSE 346 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c ack_nack_bool = FALSE; FALSE 352 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c ack_nack_bool = FALSE; FALSE 360 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c ack_nack_bool = FALSE; FALSE 387 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c if (ack_nack_bool == FALSE) { FALSE 399 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c if (check_join_state(cur_state, __func__) == FALSE) { FALSE 447 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); FALSE 471 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, sync_from, finalize_sync_callback); FALSE 500 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c if (check_join_state(fsa_state, __func__) == FALSE) { FALSE 615 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, NULL, join_update_complete_callback); FALSE 641 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c if (crm_is_peer_active(join_node) == FALSE) { FALSE 738 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c return FALSE; FALSE 23 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c gboolean membership_flux_hack = FALSE; FALSE 36 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c if (crm_is_peer_active(node) == FALSE) { FALSE 44 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c } else if (AM_I_DC == FALSE && pcmk__str_eq(node->uname, fsa_our_dc, pcmk__str_casei)) { FALSE 59 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c gboolean ever_had_quorum = FALSE; FALSE 89 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_crmd, no_op, FALSE); FALSE 228 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c gboolean known = FALSE; FALSE 253 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c if (known == FALSE) { FALSE 262 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c fsa_register_cib_callback(delete_call_id, FALSE, strdup(node_uuid), FALSE 271 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c fsa_register_cib_callback(delete_call_id, FALSE, strdup(node_uuid), FALSE 336 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, strdup(node->uuid), FALSE 345 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, NULL, node_list_update_callback); FALSE 372 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, NULL, crmd_node_update_complete); FALSE 399 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c if(ever_had_quorum && quorum == FALSE && no_quorum_suicide_escalation) { FALSE 415 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, NULL, cib_quorum_update_complete); FALSE 84 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c prepend = FALSE; FALSE 414 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c return FALSE; // More to be done by caller FALSE 437 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c return FALSE; // More to be done by caller FALSE 591 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c gboolean is_remote_node = FALSE; FALSE 977 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c if(AM_I_DC == FALSE) { FALSE 1012 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c A_ELECTION_COUNT | A_ELECTION_CHECK, FALSE, FALSE 1018 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c if (transition_graph->complete == FALSE) { FALSE 1034 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c A_ELECTION_COUNT | A_ELECTION_CHECK, FALSE, FALSE 1091 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c if (send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_crmd, msg, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 1190 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c update_attrd(host_from, XML_CIB_ATTR_SHUTDOWN, now_s, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 47 daemons/controld/controld_messages.h if(suppress == FALSE && msg_data != NULL) { \ FALSE 59 daemons/controld/controld_messages.h register_fsa_input_adv(cause, input, data, A_NOTHING, FALSE, __func__) FALSE 65 daemons/controld/controld_messages.h register_fsa_input_adv(cause, input, data, A_NOTHING, FALSE, __func__) FALSE 82 daemons/controld/controld_metadata.c return FALSE; FALSE 150 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c return FALSE; FALSE 166 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c return FALSE; FALSE 277 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c send_remote_state_message(node_name, FALSE); FALSE 327 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c } else if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) { FALSE 416 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c return FALSE; FALSE 420 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c return FALSE; FALSE 442 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c return FALSE; FALSE 460 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c return FALSE; FALSE 494 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c return FALSE; FALSE 522 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c gboolean cmd_handled = FALSE; FALSE 570 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c if (ra_data->active == FALSE) { FALSE 655 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c if (cmd->interval_ms && (cmd->cancel == FALSE)) { FALSE 664 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c if (ra_data->active == TRUE && (cmd->cancel == FALSE)) { FALSE 705 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c lrm_state_reset_tables(lrm_state, FALSE); FALSE 708 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c ra_data->active = FALSE; FALSE 905 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c return FALSE; FALSE 1036 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c ra_data->cur_cmd->cancel == FALSE && FALSE 1104 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c if (is_remote_ra_supported_action(action) == FALSE) { FALSE 106 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, uuid_str, save_cib_contents); FALSE 167 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c retry_one = FALSE; FALSE 170 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c return FALSE; FALSE 257 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c return FALSE; FALSE 286 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c SCHED_TIMEOUT_MS, FALSE, FALSE 318 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) { FALSE 331 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); FALSE 357 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c fsa_register_cib_callback(fsa_pe_query, FALSE, NULL, do_pe_invoke_callback); FALSE 463 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c if (ever_had_quorum && crm_have_quorum == FALSE) { FALSE 60 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c send_cluster_message(node, crm_msg_crmd, cmd, FALSE); FALSE 91 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c gboolean is_local = FALSE; FALSE 100 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c gboolean no_wait = FALSE; FALSE 120 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c return FALSE); FALSE 159 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c if (rc == FALSE) { FALSE 161 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c return FALSE; FALSE 257 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, cib_action_updated); FALSE 278 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c gboolean no_wait = FALSE; FALSE 279 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c gboolean is_local = FALSE; FALSE 291 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c action->executed = FALSE; FALSE 296 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c return FALSE); FALSE 355 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c if (rc == FALSE) { FALSE 357 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c return FALSE; FALSE 467 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c te_update_job_count_on(target, offset, FALSE); FALSE 483 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c return FALSE; FALSE 498 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c return FALSE; FALSE 504 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c return FALSE; FALSE 533 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c if(te_should_perform_action_on(graph, action, target) == FALSE) { FALSE 534 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c return FALSE; FALSE 555 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c if (action->confirmed == FALSE) { FALSE 585 daemons/controld/controld_te_actions.c if (graph->complete == FALSE) { FALSE 25 daemons/controld/controld_te_callbacks.c gboolean shuttingdown = FALSE; FALSE 98 daemons/controld/controld_te_callbacks.c if (crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) { FALSE 356 daemons/controld/controld_te_callbacks.c if (confirm_cancel_action(key, node_uuid) == FALSE) { FALSE 601 daemons/controld/controld_te_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 627 daemons/controld/controld_te_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 662 daemons/controld/controld_te_callbacks.c CRM_CHECK(data != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 667 daemons/controld/controld_te_callbacks.c CRM_CHECK(timer->action != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 699 daemons/controld/controld_te_callbacks.c return FALSE; FALSE 35 daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c return FALSE; FALSE 94 daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c return FALSE; FALSE 126 daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c return FALSE; FALSE 130 daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c return FALSE; FALSE 166 daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c gboolean is_remote_node = FALSE; FALSE 265 daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c return FALSE; FALSE 341 daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c bool ignore_failures = FALSE; FALSE 371 daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c &action_num, &target_rc) == FALSE) { FALSE 474 daemons/controld/controld_te_events.c (transition_num == -1), FALSE)) { FALSE 21 daemons/controld/controld_te_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 29 daemons/controld/controld_te_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 59 daemons/controld/controld_te_utils.c if (transition_graph->complete == FALSE) { FALSE 109 daemons/controld/controld_te_utils.c if (AM_I_DC && (abort_timer.aborted == FALSE)) { FALSE 114 daemons/controld/controld_te_utils.c return FALSE; // do not immediately reschedule timer FALSE 131 daemons/controld/controld_te_utils.c abort_timer.aborted = FALSE; FALSE 168 daemons/controld/controld_te_utils.c if (transition_graph->complete == FALSE) { FALSE 135 daemons/controld/controld_throttle.c return FALSE; FALSE 147 daemons/controld/controld_throttle.c return FALSE; FALSE 159 daemons/controld/controld_throttle.c return FALSE; FALSE 177 daemons/controld/controld_throttle.c return FALSE; FALSE 206 daemons/controld/controld_throttle.c return FALSE; FALSE 217 daemons/controld/controld_throttle.c return FALSE; FALSE 224 daemons/controld/controld_throttle.c return FALSE; FALSE 239 daemons/controld/controld_throttle.c return FALSE; FALSE 172 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c return FALSE; FALSE 177 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c return FALSE; FALSE 182 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c return FALSE; FALSE 187 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c return FALSE; FALSE 192 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c return FALSE; FALSE 197 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c return FALSE; FALSE 202 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c return FALSE; FALSE 209 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c election_trigger->log_error = FALSE; FALSE 215 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c transition_timer->log_error = FALSE; FALSE 227 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c finalization_timer->log_error = FALSE; FALSE 250 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c wait_timer->log_error = FALSE; FALSE 256 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c recheck_timer->log_error = FALSE; FALSE 335 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c CRM_CHECK(timer != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 348 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c return FALSE; FALSE 79 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c init_ok = FALSE; FALSE 87 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c init_ok = FALSE; FALSE 94 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c init_ok = FALSE; FALSE 120 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c if (AM_I_DC == FALSE || (fsa_state != S_TRANSITION_ENGINE && (action & A_TE_INVOKE))) { FALSE 130 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c if (transition_graph->complete == FALSE) { FALSE 131 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); FALSE 137 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c if (transition_graph->complete == FALSE) { FALSE 138 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c crmd_fsa_stall(FALSE); FALSE 155 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c if (transition_graph->complete == FALSE) { FALSE 698 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c gboolean invalid = FALSE; FALSE 703 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c CRM_CHECK(dc_version != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 704 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c CRM_CHECK(welcome_from != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 723 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 822 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 829 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 834 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 844 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 854 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 58 daemons/controld/pacemaker-controld.c crmd_mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 90 daemons/controld/pacemaker-controld.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 115 daemons/controld/pacemaker-controld.c if (pcmk__daemon_can_write(PE_STATE_DIR, NULL) == FALSE) { FALSE 122 daemons/controld/pacemaker-controld.c } else if (pcmk__daemon_can_write(CRM_CONFIG_DIR, NULL) == FALSE) { FALSE 214 daemons/execd/cts-exec-helper.c return FALSE; FALSE 464 daemons/execd/cts-exec-helper.c if (cli_config_update(&cib_xml_copy, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { FALSE 527 daemons/execd/cts-exec-helper.c gboolean use_tls = FALSE; FALSE 640 daemons/execd/cts-exec-helper.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, (options.verbose? TRUE : FALSE), FALSE 641 daemons/execd/cts-exec-helper.c argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 680 daemons/execd/cts-exec-helper.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 25 daemons/execd/execd_alerts.c static gboolean draining_alerts = FALSE; FALSE 131 daemons/execd/execd_alerts.c if (services_alert_async(action, alert_complete) == FALSE) { FALSE 161 daemons/execd/execd_alerts.c return FALSE; FALSE 352 daemons/execd/execd_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 367 daemons/execd/execd_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 393 daemons/execd/execd_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 1319 daemons/execd/execd_commands.c bool do_monitor = FALSE; FALSE 1429 daemons/execd/execd_commands.c CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 34 daemons/execd/pacemaker-execd.c static sig_atomic_t shutting_down = FALSE; FALSE 113 daemons/execd/pacemaker-execd.c return FALSE); FALSE 115 daemons/execd/pacemaker-execd.c return FALSE); FALSE 118 daemons/execd/pacemaker-execd.c return FALSE); FALSE 210 daemons/execd/pacemaker-execd.c return pcmk__ipc_send_xml(client, id, reply, FALSE); FALSE 287 daemons/execd/pacemaker-execd.c return FALSE; FALSE 471 daemons/execd/pacemaker-execd.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 526 daemons/execd/pacemaker-execd.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 93 daemons/execd/remoted_pidone.c return FALSE; FALSE 203 daemons/execd/remoted_proxy.c rc = pcmk__ipc_send_xml(ipc_client, msg_id, msg, FALSE); FALSE 256 daemons/execd/remoted_proxy.c free_xml(request); return FALSE); FALSE 258 daemons/execd/remoted_proxy.c free_xml(request); return FALSE); FALSE 91 daemons/execd/remoted_tls.c if (client->remote->tls_handshake_complete == FALSE) { FALSE 188 daemons/execd/remoted_tls.c return FALSE; FALSE 195 daemons/execd/remoted_tls.c return FALSE; FALSE 405 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 415 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 432 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 437 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 448 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 461 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 471 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 484 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 494 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 544 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop_test_done(FALSE); FALSE 571 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c iterate_mainloop_tests(FALSE); FALSE 601 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 648 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, (verbose? TRUE : FALSE), argc, argv, FALSE 649 daemons/fenced/cts-fence-helper.c FALSE); FALSE 355 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c CRM_CHECK(device != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 491 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 743 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 747 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 753 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 1044 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 1053 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c gboolean can = FALSE; FALSE 1058 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c search_devices_record_result(search, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 1084 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c gboolean can_fence = FALSE; FALSE 1094 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c search_devices_record_result(search, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 1205 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c dup->dirty = FALSE; FALSE 1256 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c device->cib_registered = FALSE; FALSE 1258 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c device->verified = FALSE; FALSE 1259 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c device->api_registered = FALSE; FALSE 1371 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c if(stand_alone == FALSE && target == NULL) { FALSE 1661 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 1666 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 1674 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c gboolean can = FALSE; FALSE 1697 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c && !localhost_is_eligible(dev, "on", host, FALSE)) { FALSE 2015 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c add_action_reply(dev, "on", device, query->target, FALSE); FALSE 2125 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c gboolean bcast = FALSE; FALSE 2143 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, NULL, output, (options & st_reply_opt_merged ? TRUE : FALSE)); FALSE 2152 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE); FALSE 2156 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, cmd->origin), crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE); FALSE 2161 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c do_local_reply(reply, cmd->client, cmd->options & st_opt_sync_call, FALSE); FALSE 2245 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c } else if (rc != 0 && cmd->device_next && (is_action_required(cmd->action, device) == FALSE)) { FALSE 2254 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, next_device->id, output, FALSE); FALSE 2499 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 2501 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 2505 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c return FALSE; FALSE 2553 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, remote_peer), crm_msg_stonith_ng, reply, FALSE); FALSE 2706 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c if (initiate_remote_stonith_op(NULL, request, FALSE) != NULL) { FALSE 2767 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c op = create_remote_stonith_op(client_id, request, FALSE); FALSE 2773 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c FALSE); FALSE 2776 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c } else if (initiate_remote_stonith_op(client, request, FALSE) != NULL) { FALSE 2795 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c rc = stonith_device_register(request, &device_id, FALSE); FALSE 2806 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c rc = stonith_device_remove(device_id, FALSE); FALSE 2904 daemons/fenced/fenced_commands.c gboolean is_reply = FALSE; FALSE 59 daemons/fenced/fenced_history.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, bcast, FALSE); FALSE 75 daemons/fenced/fenced_history.c return FALSE; FALSE 80 daemons/fenced/fenced_history.c return FALSE; /* don't clean pending operations */ FALSE 281 daemons/fenced/fenced_history.c gboolean updated = FALSE; FALSE 371 daemons/fenced/fenced_history.c stonith_bcast_result_to_peers(op, -EHOSTUNREACH, FALSE); FALSE 520 daemons/fenced/fenced_history.c *output = stonith_local_history(FALSE, target); FALSE 205 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 209 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c device, peer->host, count_peer_devices(op, peer, FALSE)); FALSE 394 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, bcast, FALSE); FALSE 422 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c do_local_reply(reply, op->client_id, op->call_options & st_opt_sync_call, FALSE); FALSE 491 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c gboolean op_merged = FALSE; FALSE 532 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c if (dup == FALSE && !pcmk__str_eq(subt, "broadcast", pcmk__str_casei)) { FALSE 534 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c stonith_bcast_result_to_peers(op, rc, (op_merged? TRUE: FALSE)); FALSE 553 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c if (dup == FALSE) { FALSE 585 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, NULL, pcmk_ok, FALSE); FALSE 586 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 599 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 613 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 625 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, NULL, pcmk_ok, FALSE); FALSE 626 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 631 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, NULL, -ETIME, FALSE); FALSE 633 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 662 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 676 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 748 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c CRM_CHECK(node && tp && tp->target, return FALSE); FALSE 784 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 985 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, msg, pcmk_ok, FALSE); FALSE 1135 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c op = create_remote_stonith_op(client_id, request, FALSE); FALSE 1153 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, NULL, -EINVAL, FALSE); FALSE 1188 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, query, FALSE); FALSE 1210 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c gboolean verified_devices_only = (options & FIND_PEER_VERIFIED_ONLY) ? TRUE : FALSE; FALSE 1235 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c } else if ((peer->tried == FALSE) FALSE 1453 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, client_node), crm_msg_stonith_ng, update, FALSE); FALSE 1521 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE); FALSE 1615 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, peer->host), crm_msg_stonith_ng, remote_op, FALSE); FALSE 1629 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c } else if (op->owner == FALSE) { FALSE 1675 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, NULL, rc, FALSE); FALSE 1716 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c gboolean skip_target = FALSE; FALSE 1721 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 1741 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 1917 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c gboolean host_is_target = FALSE; FALSE 1918 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c gboolean have_all_replies = FALSE; FALSE 1979 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c if (result && (host_is_target == FALSE) && nverified) { FALSE 2071 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE); FALSE 2093 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE); FALSE 2116 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE); FALSE 2124 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE); FALSE 2129 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c remote_op_done(op, msg, rc, FALSE); FALSE 2151 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 2173 daemons/fenced/fenced_remote.c return FALSE; FALSE 48 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c gboolean stand_alone = FALSE; FALSE 49 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c static gboolean no_cib_connect = FALSE; FALSE 50 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c static gboolean stonith_shutdown_flag = FALSE; FALSE 116 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, request, FALSE); FALSE 627 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c rc = stonith_device_register(xml, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 635 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c stonith_device_remove("watchdog", FALSE); FALSE 795 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c bool needs_update = FALSE; FALSE 857 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c gboolean needs_update = FALSE; FALSE 954 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c CRM_CHECK(local_cib != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 967 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c CRM_CHECK(n < XPATH_MAX, return FALSE); FALSE 1020 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c handle_topology_change(change->children, FALSE); FALSE 1067 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c static bool have_cib_devices = FALSE; FALSE 1126 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c stonith_enabled_saved = FALSE; /* Trigger a full refresh below */ FALSE 1139 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c if (stonith_enabled_s && crm_is_true(stonith_enabled_s) == FALSE) { FALSE 1141 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c stonith_enabled_saved = FALSE; FALSE 1144 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c } else if (stonith_enabled_saved == FALSE) { FALSE 1279 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c cib_api->cmds->register_callback(cib_api, rc, 120, FALSE, NULL, "init_cib_cache_cb", FALSE 1318 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, query, FALSE); FALSE 1368 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c stand_alone = FALSE; FALSE 1526 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 1556 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c if (stand_alone == FALSE) { FALSE 1568 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c if (crm_cluster_connect(cluster) == FALSE) { FALSE 1574 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c if (no_cib_connect == FALSE) { FALSE 1602 daemons/fenced/pacemaker-fenced.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 35 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c static gboolean fatal_error = FALSE; FALSE 47 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c static gboolean running_with_sbd = FALSE; /* local copy */ FALSE 59 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c static gboolean shutdown_complete_state_reported_client_closed = FALSE; FALSE 79 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c 0, 0, 0, FALSE, "none", NULL, NULL, NULL FALSE 115 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c child->active_before_startup = FALSE; FALSE 120 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c child->respawn = FALSE; FALSE 173 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c child->respawn = FALSE; FALSE 180 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c child->respawn = FALSE; FALSE 244 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c gboolean use_valgrind = FALSE; FALSE 245 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c gboolean use_callgrind = FALSE; FALSE 249 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c child->active_before_startup = FALSE; FALSE 274 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c use_valgrind = FALSE; FALSE 280 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c return FALSE; FALSE 325 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c need_root_group = FALSE; FALSE 377 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c return FALSE; FALSE 422 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c child->respawn = FALSE; FALSE 874 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c gboolean keep_tracking = FALSE; FALSE 878 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c if (pcmk_children[lpc].active_before_startup == FALSE) { FALSE 1179 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c gboolean shutdown = FALSE; FALSE 1242 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 1270 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c if (mcp_read_config() == FALSE) { FALSE 1286 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemakerd.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 152 daemons/pacemakerd/pcmkd_corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 199 daemons/pacemakerd/pcmkd_corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 275 daemons/pacemakerd/pcmkd_corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 283 daemons/pacemakerd/pcmkd_corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 294 daemons/pacemakerd/pcmkd_corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 299 daemons/pacemakerd/pcmkd_corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 306 daemons/pacemakerd/pcmkd_corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 50 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c crm_config_error = FALSE; FALSE 51 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c crm_config_warning = FALSE; FALSE 53 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c was_processing_error = FALSE; FALSE 54 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c was_processing_warning = FALSE; FALSE 101 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(xml_data, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE 181 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c write_xml_fd(sched_data_set->graph, graph_file, graph_file_fd, FALSE); FALSE 229 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c return FALSE; FALSE 357 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_INFO, TRUE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 360 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c if (pcmk__daemon_can_write(PE_STATE_DIR, NULL) == FALSE) { FALSE 388 daemons/schedulerd/pacemaker-schedulerd.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 211 include/crm/common/logging.h core_cs?core_cs->targets:FALSE, TRUE); \ FALSE 227 include/crm/common/logging.h (core_cs? core_cs->targets: FALSE), TRUE); \ FALSE 44 include/crm/common/results.h crm_abort(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, #expr, TRUE, FALSE); \ FALSE 57 include/crm/common/util_compat.h #define safe_str_eq(a, b) crm_str_eq(a, b, FALSE) FALSE 475 include/crm/pengine/internal.h return FALSE; FALSE 525 include/crm/pengine/internal.h pe_action_optional, FALSE) FALSE 528 include/crm/pengine/internal.h flag, FALSE) FALSE 404 lib/cib/cib_attrs.c int parsed_is_remote = FALSE; FALSE 426 lib/cib/cib_attrs.c parsed_is_remote = FALSE; FALSE 497 lib/cib/cib_attrs.c *is_remote_node = FALSE; FALSE 321 lib/cib/cib_client.c if (value && crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) { FALSE 323 lib/cib/cib_client.c encrypted = FALSE; FALSE 619 lib/cib/cib_client.c if (only_success == FALSE) { FALSE 627 lib/cib/cib_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 101 lib/cib/cib_file.c gboolean passed = FALSE; FALSE 109 lib/cib/cib_file.c return FALSE; FALSE 118 lib/cib/cib_file.c return FALSE; FALSE 176 lib/cib/cib_file.c if (cib_file_verify_digest(local_root, sigfile) == FALSE) { FALSE 193 lib/cib/cib_file.c #define CIB_SERIES_BZIP FALSE /* Must be false because archived copies are FALSE 210 lib/cib/cib_file.c gboolean same = FALSE; FALSE 236 lib/cib/cib_file.c static gboolean cib_do_chown = FALSE; FALSE 429 lib/cib/cib_file.c if (write_xml_fd(cib_root, tmp_cib, fd, FALSE) <= 0) { FALSE 563 lib/cib/cib_file.c if (find_xml_node(root, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, FALSE) == NULL) { FALSE 568 lib/cib/cib_file.c if (validate_xml(root, NULL, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 672 lib/cib/cib_file.c cib_do_chown = FALSE; FALSE 771 lib/cib/cib_file.c {CIB_OP_MODIFY, FALSE, cib_process_modify}, FALSE 772 lib/cib/cib_file.c {CIB_OP_APPLY_DIFF, FALSE, cib_process_diff}, FALSE 773 lib/cib/cib_file.c {CIB_OP_BUMP, FALSE, cib_process_bump}, FALSE 774 lib/cib/cib_file.c {CIB_OP_REPLACE, FALSE, cib_process_replace}, FALSE 775 lib/cib/cib_file.c {CIB_OP_CREATE, FALSE, cib_process_create}, FALSE 776 lib/cib/cib_file.c {CIB_OP_DELETE, FALSE, cib_process_delete}, FALSE 777 lib/cib/cib_file.c {CIB_OP_ERASE, FALSE, cib_process_erase}, FALSE 778 lib/cib/cib_file.c {CIB_OP_UPGRADE, FALSE, cib_process_upgrade}, FALSE 797 lib/cib/cib_file.c gboolean query = FALSE; FALSE 798 lib/cib/cib_file.c gboolean changed = FALSE; FALSE 862 lib/cib/cib_file.c } else if (query == FALSE) { FALSE 195 lib/cib/cib_native.c if (rc != pcmk_ok || native->ipc == NULL || crm_ipc_connected(native->ipc) == FALSE) { FALSE 434 lib/cib/cib_native.c if (crm_ipc_connected(native->ipc) == FALSE) { FALSE 450 lib/cib/cib_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 86 lib/cib/cib_ops.c cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, FALSE); FALSE 117 lib/cib/cib_ops.c cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN, FALSE); FALSE 136 lib/cib/cib_ops.c cib_update_counter(*result_cib, XML_ATTR_GENERATION, FALSE); FALSE 148 lib/cib/cib_ops.c if (reset == FALSE && crm_element_value(xml_obj, field) != NULL) { FALSE 212 lib/cib/cib_ops.c char *digest_verify = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(input, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE 269 lib/cib/cib_ops.c ok = replace_xml_child(NULL, obj_root, input, FALSE); FALSE 270 lib/cib/cib_ops.c if (ok == FALSE) { FALSE 302 lib/cib/cib_ops.c if (replace_xml_child(NULL, obj_root, child, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 307 lib/cib/cib_ops.c } else if (replace_xml_child(NULL, obj_root, input, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 350 lib/cib/cib_ops.c if (update_xml_child(obj_root, input) == FALSE) { FALSE 402 lib/cib/cib_ops.c target = find_xml_node(parent, object_name, FALSE); FALSE 431 lib/cib/cib_ops.c remove = find_xml_node(target, replace_item, FALSE); FALSE 498 lib/cib/cib_ops.c equiv_node = find_xml_node(parent, object_name, FALSE); FALSE 606 lib/cib/cib_ops.c gboolean config_changes = FALSE; FALSE 613 lib/cib/cib_ops.c *diff = diff_xml_object(last, next, FALSE); FALSE 738 lib/cib/cib_ops.c if (update_xml_child(match, input) == FALSE) { FALSE 819 lib/cib/cib_ops.c gboolean was_error = FALSE; FALSE 43 lib/cib/cib_remote.c static gboolean remote_gnutls_credentials_init = FALSE; FALSE 168 lib/cib/cib_remote.c remote_gnutls_credentials_init = FALSE; FALSE 222 lib/cib/cib_remote.c if (remote_gnutls_credentials_init == FALSE) { FALSE 396 lib/cib/cib_remote.c rc = cib_tls_signon(cib, &(private->command), FALSE); FALSE 82 lib/cib/cib_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 205 lib/cib/cib_utils.c bool rc = FALSE; FALSE 236 lib/cib/cib_utils.c bool with_digest = FALSE; FALSE 251 lib/cib/cib_utils.c *config_changed = FALSE; FALSE 315 lib/cib/cib_utils.c if(scratch && xml_tracking_changes(scratch) == FALSE) { FALSE 440 lib/cib/cib_utils.c check_schema = FALSE; FALSE 572 lib/cib/cib_utils.c if (blob && blob->callback && (rc == pcmk_ok || blob->only_success == FALSE)) { FALSE 583 lib/cib/cib_utils.c remove_cib_op_callback(call_id, FALSE); FALSE 677 lib/cib/cib_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 705 lib/cib/cib_utils.c gboolean changed = FALSE; FALSE 93 lib/cluster/cluster.c return FALSE; FALSE 145 lib/cluster/cluster.c return FALSE; FALSE 296 lib/cluster/corosync.c init_phase = FALSE; FALSE 445 lib/cluster/corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 450 lib/cluster/corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 457 lib/cluster/corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 463 lib/cluster/corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 519 lib/cluster/corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 524 lib/cluster/corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 529 lib/cluster/corosync.c return FALSE; FALSE 198 lib/cluster/cpg.c return FALSE; FALSE 636 lib/cluster/cpg.c gboolean found = FALSE; FALSE 858 lib/cluster/cpg.c return FALSE; FALSE 883 lib/cluster/cpg.c rc = send_cluster_text(crm_class_cluster, data, FALSE, node, dest); FALSE 919 lib/cluster/cpg.c return FALSE; FALSE 922 lib/cluster/cpg.c CRM_CHECK(dest != crm_msg_ais, return FALSE); FALSE 56 lib/cluster/election.c return FALSE; FALSE 113 lib/cluster/election.c e->timeout = mainloop_timer_add(e->name, period_ms, FALSE, FALSE 301 lib/cluster/election.c if ((our_node == NULL) || (crm_is_peer_active(our_node) == FALSE)) { FALSE 349 lib/cluster/election.c return FALSE; FALSE 353 lib/cluster/election.c return FALSE; FALSE 395 lib/cluster/election.c return FALSE; FALSE 423 lib/cluster/election.c CRM_CHECK(message && vote, return FALSE); FALSE 443 lib/cluster/election.c return FALSE; FALSE 455 lib/cluster/election.c return FALSE; FALSE 461 lib/cluster/election.c return FALSE; FALSE 469 lib/cluster/election.c return FALSE; FALSE 478 lib/cluster/election.c return FALSE; FALSE 535 lib/cluster/election.c gboolean done = FALSE; FALSE 536 lib/cluster/election.c gboolean we_lose = FALSE; FALSE 538 lib/cluster/election.c bool we_are_owner = FALSE; FALSE 544 lib/cluster/election.c if (parse_election_message(e, message, &vote) == FALSE) { FALSE 558 lib/cluster/election.c } else if (our_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(our_node) == FALSE) { FALSE 568 lib/cluster/election.c } else if (your_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(your_node) == FALSE) { FALSE 627 lib/cluster/election.c } else if (done == FALSE && we_lose == FALSE) { FALSE 639 lib/cluster/election.c if (e->wrote_blackbox == FALSE) { FALSE 663 lib/cluster/election.c } else if (we_lose == FALSE) { FALSE 64 lib/cluster/membership.c gboolean crm_have_quorum = FALSE; FALSE 270 lib/cluster/membership.c data.has_state = FALSE; FALSE 274 lib/cluster/membership.c data.has_state = FALSE; FALSE 286 lib/cluster/membership.c return FALSE; FALSE 292 lib/cluster/membership.c return FALSE; FALSE 300 lib/cluster/membership.c return FALSE; FALSE 310 lib/cluster/membership.c return FALSE; FALSE 313 lib/cluster/membership.c return FALSE; FALSE 316 lib/cluster/membership.c return FALSE; FALSE 318 lib/cluster/membership.c } else if (crm_is_peer_active(value) == FALSE) { FALSE 323 lib/cluster/membership.c return FALSE; FALSE 879 lib/cluster/membership.c gboolean changed = FALSE; FALSE 967 lib/cluster/membership.c gboolean changed = FALSE; FALSE 207 lib/common/alerts.c CRM_CHECK(msg != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 212 lib/common/alerts.c return FALSE; FALSE 256 lib/common/alerts.c return FALSE; FALSE 64 lib/common/attrd_client.c connected = FALSE; FALSE 72 lib/common/attrd_client.c if (connected == FALSE) { FALSE 95 lib/common/attrd_client.c connected = FALSE; FALSE 234 lib/common/cmdline.c return (char **) g_ptr_array_free(arr, FALSE); FALSE 254 lib/common/cmdline.c return FALSE; FALSE 158 lib/common/digest.c return calculate_xml_digest_v1(input, FALSE, FALSE); FALSE 173 lib/common/digest.c return calculate_xml_digest_v1(input, TRUE, FALSE); FALSE 264 lib/common/io.c return FALSE; FALSE 270 lib/common/io.c return FALSE; FALSE 277 lib/common/io.c return FALSE; FALSE 292 lib/common/io.c return FALSE; FALSE 299 lib/common/io.c return FALSE; FALSE 307 lib/common/io.c return FALSE; FALSE 349 lib/common/io.c } else if (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode) == FALSE) { FALSE 365 lib/common/io.c } else if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) == FALSE) { FALSE 799 lib/common/ipc_client.c client->need_reply = FALSE; FALSE 805 lib/common/ipc_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 814 lib/common/ipc_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 822 lib/common/ipc_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 836 lib/common/ipc_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 847 lib/common/ipc_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 917 lib/common/ipc_client.c bool rc = FALSE; FALSE 921 lib/common/ipc_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 925 lib/common/ipc_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 929 lib/common/ipc_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 933 lib/common/ipc_client.c if (rc == FALSE) { FALSE 953 lib/common/ipc_client.c if (crm_ipc_connected(client) == FALSE) { FALSE 1044 lib/common/ipc_client.c if (crm_ipc_connected(client) == FALSE || client->msg_size == -ENOTCONN) { FALSE 1122 lib/common/ipc_client.c } else if (crm_ipc_connected(client) == FALSE) { FALSE 1166 lib/common/ipc_client.c } else if (crm_ipc_connected(client) == FALSE) { FALSE 1187 lib/common/ipc_client.c client->need_reply = FALSE; FALSE 1284 lib/common/ipc_client.c if (crm_ipc_connected(client) == FALSE) { FALSE 239 lib/common/ipc_server.c need_log = FALSE; FALSE 456 lib/common/ipc_server.c return FALSE; FALSE 229 lib/common/iso8601.c gboolean is_leap = FALSE; FALSE 235 lib/common/iso8601.c is_leap = FALSE; FALSE 407 lib/common/iso8601.c CRM_CHECK(dt->days > 0, return FALSE); FALSE 626 lib/common/iso8601.c return FALSE; FALSE 637 lib/common/iso8601.c return FALSE; FALSE 643 lib/common/iso8601.c return FALSE; FALSE 649 lib/common/iso8601.c return FALSE; FALSE 686 lib/common/iso8601.c gboolean negate = FALSE; FALSE 694 lib/common/iso8601.c if (crm_time_parse_sec(offset_str, offset) == FALSE) { FALSE 695 lib/common/iso8601.c return FALSE; FALSE 723 lib/common/iso8601.c if (crm_time_parse_sec(time_str, &(a_time->seconds)) == FALSE) { FALSE 724 lib/common/iso8601.c return FALSE; FALSE 737 lib/common/iso8601.c if (crm_time_parse_offset(offset_s, &(a_time->offset)) == FALSE) { FALSE 738 lib/common/iso8601.c return FALSE; FALSE 894 lib/common/iso8601.c if ((time_s != NULL) && (crm_time_parse(time_s, dt) == FALSE)) { FALSE 899 lib/common/iso8601.c if (crm_time_check(dt) == FALSE) { FALSE 922 lib/common/iso8601.c gboolean fraction = FALSE; FALSE 923 lib/common/iso8601.c gboolean negate = FALSE; FALSE 985 lib/common/iso8601.c gboolean is_time = FALSE; FALSE 1157 lib/common/iso8601.c if (crm_time_check(period->start) == FALSE) { FALSE 1162 lib/common/iso8601.c if (crm_time_check(period->end) == FALSE) { FALSE 1223 lib/common/iso8601.c target->duration = FALSE; FALSE 72 lib/common/logging.c if (crm_is_callsite_active(glib_cs, LOG_DEBUG, 0) == FALSE) { FALSE 451 lib/common/logging.c crm_control_blackbox(nsig, FALSE); FALSE 628 lib/common/logging.c gboolean refilter = FALSE; FALSE 631 lib/common/logging.c return FALSE; FALSE 649 lib/common/logging.c return FALSE; FALSE 660 lib/common/logging.c log = FALSE; FALSE 678 lib/common/logging.c return FALSE; FALSE 747 lib/common/logging.c static bool have_logging = FALSE; FALSE 749 lib/common/logging.c if(have_logging == FALSE) { FALSE 961 lib/common/logging.c } else if (enable == FALSE) { FALSE 1050 lib/common/logging.c crm_log_init(name, LOG_ERR, FALSE, FALSE, 0, NULL, TRUE); FALSE 116 lib/common/mainloop.c trig->trigger = FALSE; FALSE 153 lib/common/mainloop.c trigger->trigger = FALSE; FALSE 161 lib/common/mainloop.c g_source_set_can_recurse(source, FALSE); FALSE 171 lib/common/mainloop.c trig->running = FALSE; FALSE 262 lib/common/mainloop.c sig->trigger.trigger = FALSE; FALSE 370 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 378 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 392 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 413 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 417 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 790 lib/common/mainloop.c if (client->ipc && crm_ipc_connected(client->ipc) == FALSE) { FALSE 1108 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 1114 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 1121 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 1211 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 1232 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 1255 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 1279 lib/common/mainloop.c child->timeout = FALSE; FALSE 1295 lib/common/mainloop.c need_init = FALSE; FALSE 1315 lib/common/mainloop.c bool repeat = FALSE; FALSE 1328 lib/common/mainloop.c if(t->cb(t->userdata) == FALSE) { FALSE 1330 lib/common/mainloop.c repeat = FALSE; FALSE 1348 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 1429 lib/common/mainloop.c return FALSE; FALSE 1469 lib/common/mainloop.c bool timeout_popped = FALSE; FALSE 326 lib/common/nvpair.c bool dirty = FALSE; FALSE 348 lib/common/nvpair.c if (pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(node, FALSE)) { FALSE 356 lib/common/nvpair.c if (dirty && (pcmk__check_acl(node, name, xpf_acl_create) == FALSE)) { FALSE 383 lib/common/nvpair.c bool dirty = FALSE; FALSE 395 lib/common/nvpair.c if (pcmk__check_acl(node, name, xpf_acl_write) == FALSE) { FALSE 405 lib/common/nvpair.c if (pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(node, FALSE)) { FALSE 921 lib/common/nvpair.c nvpair_list = find_xml_node(parent, XML_TAG_ATTRS, FALSE); FALSE 61 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 74 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 98 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 103 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 117 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 154 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 177 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 204 lib/common/operations.c CRM_CHECK(key && *key, return FALSE); FALSE 208 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 213 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 264 lib/common/operations.c CRM_CHECK(magic != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 276 lib/common/operations.c result = FALSE; FALSE 280 lib/common/operations.c result = FALSE; FALSE 340 lib/common/operations.c CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 344 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 442 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 457 lib/common/operations.c return FALSE; FALSE 490 lib/common/options.c if (value && validate && (validate(value) == FALSE)) { FALSE 511 lib/common/options.c CRM_CHECK(validate(value) != FALSE, FALSE 551 lib/common/options.c CRM_CHECK(FALSE, crm_err("Bug: looking for unknown option '%s'", name)); FALSE 33 lib/common/output_html.c static gboolean cgi_output = FALSE; FALSE 17 lib/common/output_text.c static gboolean fancy = FALSE; FALSE 20 lib/common/output_xml.c static gboolean legacy_xml = FALSE; FALSE 21 lib/common/output_xml.c static gboolean simple_list = FALSE; FALSE 22 lib/common/output_xml.c static gboolean substitute = FALSE; FALSE 219 lib/common/patchset.c return FALSE; FALSE 244 lib/common/patchset.c diff_child = find_xml_node(local_diff, tag, FALSE); FALSE 250 lib/common/patchset.c cib = find_xml_node(diff_child, tag, FALSE); FALSE 265 lib/common/patchset.c diff_child = find_xml_node(local_diff, tag, FALSE); FALSE 271 lib/common/patchset.c cib = find_xml_node(diff_child, tag, FALSE); FALSE 374 lib/common/patchset.c bool config = FALSE; FALSE 414 lib/common/patchset.c patch = xml_create_patchset_v1(source, target, config, FALSE); FALSE 449 lib/common/patchset.c digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(target, FALSE, TRUE, version); FALSE 610 lib/common/patchset.c removed = find_xml_node(patchset, "diff-removed", FALSE); FALSE 616 lib/common/patchset.c is_first = FALSE; FALSE 623 lib/common/patchset.c added = find_xml_node(patchset, "diff-added", FALSE); FALSE 629 lib/common/patchset.c is_first = FALSE; FALSE 781 lib/common/patchset.c *patch_node = find_xml_node(patchset, label, FALSE); FALSE 782 lib/common/patchset.c cib_node = find_xml_node(*patch_node, "cib", FALSE); FALSE 789 lib/common/patchset.c *patch_node = find_xml_node(patchset, "version", FALSE); FALSE 790 lib/common/patchset.c *patch_node = find_xml_node(*patch_node, label, FALSE); FALSE 795 lib/common/patchset.c return FALSE; FALSE 818 lib/common/patchset.c if (!find_patch_xml_node(patchset, format, FALSE, &tmp)) { FALSE 855 lib/common/patchset.c bool changed = FALSE; FALSE 934 lib/common/patchset.c xmlNode *added = find_xml_node(patchset, "diff-added", FALSE); FALSE 935 lib/common/patchset.c xmlNode *removed = find_xml_node(patchset, "diff-removed", FALSE); FALSE 941 lib/common/patchset.c CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, rc = FALSE); FALSE 961 lib/common/patchset.c CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, rc = FALSE); FALSE 1378 lib/common/patchset.c new_digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(xml, FALSE, TRUE, version); FALSE 1429 lib/common/patchset.c tmp1 = subtract_xml_object(removed, old, new, FALSE, NULL, "removed:top"); FALSE 1472 lib/common/patchset.c gboolean dummy = FALSE; FALSE 1528 lib/common/patchset.c gboolean child_changed = FALSE; FALSE 1660 lib/common/patchset.c xmlNode *added = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-added", FALSE); FALSE 1661 lib/common/patchset.c xmlNode *removed = find_xml_node(diff, "diff-removed", FALSE); FALSE 1663 lib/common/patchset.c CRM_CHECK(new_xml != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 1672 lib/common/patchset.c CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, result = FALSE); FALSE 1674 lib/common/patchset.c *new_xml = subtract_xml_object(NULL, old_xml, child_diff, FALSE, FALSE 1686 lib/common/patchset.c result = FALSE; FALSE 1696 lib/common/patchset.c CRM_CHECK(root_nodes_seen == 0, result = FALSE); FALSE 1707 lib/common/patchset.c result = FALSE; FALSE 1713 lib/common/patchset.c new_digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(*new_xml, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE 1718 lib/common/patchset.c result = FALSE; FALSE 930 lib/common/remote.c return FALSE; // Do not reschedule timer FALSE 68 lib/common/schemas.c static bool silent_logging = FALSE; FALSE 80 lib/common/schemas.c if (silent_logging == FALSE) { FALSE 82 lib/common/schemas.c PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE(priority, FALSE, 0, NULL, fmt, ap); FALSE 187 lib/common/schemas.c bool have_version = FALSE; FALSE 272 lib/common/schemas.c bool transform_onleave = FALSE; FALSE 396 lib/common/schemas.c bool transform_expected = FALSE; FALSE 430 lib/common/schemas.c NULL, NULL, FALSE, -1); FALSE 432 lib/common/schemas.c add_schema(schema_validator_none, &zero, "none", NULL, NULL, FALSE, -1); FALSE 469 lib/common/schemas.c CRM_CHECK(doc != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 470 lib/common/schemas.c CRM_CHECK(relaxng_file != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 522 lib/common/schemas.c valid = FALSE; FALSE 596 lib/common/schemas.c gboolean valid = FALSE; FALSE 600 lib/common/schemas.c return FALSE; FALSE 607 lib/common/schemas.c CRM_CHECK(xml != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 677 lib/common/schemas.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 684 lib/common/schemas.c write_xml_fd(xml_blob, filename, fd, FALSE); FALSE 690 lib/common/schemas.c rc = validate_xml(xml, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 710 lib/common/schemas.c bool valid = FALSE; FALSE 713 lib/common/schemas.c if (validate_with(xml_blob, lpc, FALSE)) { FALSE 735 lib/common/schemas.c return FALSE; FALSE 773 lib/common/schemas.c bool found = FALSE; FALSE 915 lib/common/schemas.c CRM_CHECK(xml != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 981 lib/common/schemas.c transform_onleave = FALSE; FALSE 1069 lib/common/schemas.c if (lpc >= 0 && transform == FALSE) { FALSE 1090 lib/common/schemas.c if (validate_with(xml, lpc, to_logs) == FALSE) { FALSE 1177 lib/common/schemas.c if (transform == FALSE || rc != pcmk_ok) { FALSE 1259 lib/common/schemas.c rc = FALSE; FALSE 417 lib/common/strings.c gboolean ret = FALSE; FALSE 440 lib/common/strings.c *ret = FALSE; FALSE 884 lib/common/strings.c return FALSE; FALSE 1170 lib/common/strings.c return FALSE; FALSE 1176 lib/common/strings.c return FALSE; FALSE 1193 lib/common/strings.c return FALSE; FALSE 1198 lib/common/strings.c return FALSE; FALSE 52 lib/common/utils.c gboolean crm_config_error = FALSE; FALSE 53 lib/common/utils.c gboolean crm_config_warning = FALSE; FALSE 55 lib/common/xml.c return FALSE; FALSE 58 lib/common/xml.c return FALSE; FALSE 61 lib/common/xml.c return FALSE; FALSE 161 lib/common/xml.c if (p && pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(xml, FALSE)) { FALSE 267 lib/common/xml.c if(p && pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(node, FALSE)) { FALSE 777 lib/common/xml.c } else if (pcmk__check_acl(child, NULL, xpf_acl_write) == FALSE) { FALSE 786 lib/common/xml.c if (doc && pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(child, FALSE) FALSE 1499 lib/common/xml.c if(xml_has_children(data) == FALSE) { FALSE 1517 lib/common/xml.c } else if(xml_has_children(data) == FALSE) { FALSE 2032 lib/common/xml.c return FALSE; FALSE 2038 lib/common/xml.c if (pcmk__check_acl(obj, NULL, xpf_acl_write) == FALSE) { FALSE 2041 lib/common/xml.c } else if (pcmk__tracking_xml_changes(obj, FALSE)) { FALSE 2068 lib/common/xml.c write_xml_file(xml, filename, FALSE); FALSE 2380 lib/common/xml.c if(xml_tracking_changes(new_xml) == FALSE) { FALSE 2381 lib/common/xml.c xml_track_changes(new_xml, NULL, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 2384 lib/common/xml.c mark_xml_changes(old_xml, new_xml, FALSE); FALSE 2396 lib/common/xml.c return FALSE; FALSE 2405 lib/common/xml.c can_prune = FALSE; FALSE 2416 lib/common/xml.c can_prune = FALSE; FALSE 2571 lib/common/xml.c if (as_diff == FALSE) { FALSE 2614 lib/common/xml.c CRM_CHECK(child != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2615 lib/common/xml.c CRM_CHECK(to_update != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2618 lib/common/xml.c can_update = FALSE; FALSE 2621 lib/common/xml.c can_update = FALSE; FALSE 2648 lib/common/xml.c CRM_CHECK(root != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2649 lib/common/xml.c CRM_CHECK(children != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2678 lib/common/xml.c gboolean can_delete = FALSE; FALSE 2685 lib/common/xml.c CRM_CHECK(child != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2686 lib/common/xml.c CRM_CHECK(update != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2695 lib/common/xml.c can_delete = FALSE; FALSE 2705 lib/common/xml.c can_delete = FALSE; FALSE 2737 lib/common/xml.c can_delete = FALSE; FALSE 2836 lib/common/xml.c init = FALSE; FALSE 111 lib/common/xpath.c gboolean dedup = FALSE; FALSE 234 lib/fencing/st_client.c private->notify_deletes = FALSE; FALSE 688 lib/fencing/st_client.c return action->remaining_timeout ? TRUE : FALSE; FALSE 822 lib/fencing/st_client.c &stonith_action_async_forked) == FALSE) { FALSE 1313 lib/fencing/st_client.c local_blob.only_success = FALSE; FALSE 1328 lib/fencing/st_client.c stonith_api_del_callback(stonith, call_id, FALSE); FALSE 1335 lib/fencing/st_client.c if (local_blob.callback != NULL && (rc == pcmk_ok || local_blob.only_success == FALSE)) { FALSE 1671 lib/fencing/st_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 1676 lib/fencing/st_client.c blob->only_success = (options & st_opt_report_only_success) ? TRUE : FALSE; FALSE 1679 lib/fencing/st_client.c blob->allow_timeout_updates = (options & st_opt_timeout_updates) ? TRUE : FALSE; FALSE 1941 lib/fencing/st_client.c if (crm_ipc_connected(native->ipc) == FALSE) { FALSE 1969 lib/fencing/st_client.c if (crm_ipc_connected(private->ipc) == FALSE) { FALSE 1971 lib/fencing/st_client.c stay_connected = FALSE; FALSE 2117 lib/fencing/st_client.c private->notify_deletes = FALSE; FALSE 2355 lib/fencing/st_client.c bool rc = FALSE; FALSE 2364 lib/fencing/st_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 2531 lib/fencing/st_client.c gboolean ret = FALSE; FALSE 90 lib/fencing/st_lha.c need_init = FALSE; FALSE 104 lib/fencing/st_lha.c return FALSE; FALSE 119 lib/fencing/st_lha.c need_init = FALSE; FALSE 192 lib/fencing/st_lha.c need_init = FALSE; FALSE 129 lib/fencing/st_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Fencing History"); FALSE 94 lib/lrmd/lrmd_alerts.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 96 lib/lrmd/lrmd_alerts.c CRM_CHECK(value != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 131 lib/lrmd/lrmd_alerts.c bool any_success = FALSE, any_failure = FALSE; FALSE 502 lib/lrmd/lrmd_client.c if (lrmd_api_is_connected(lrmd) == FALSE) { FALSE 504 lib/lrmd/lrmd_client.c return FALSE; FALSE 901 lib/lrmd/lrmd_client.c if (lrmd_api_is_connected(lrmd) == FALSE) { FALSE 240 lib/lrmd/proxy_common.c CRM_CHECK(proxy->is_local == FALSE, FALSE 243 lib/lrmd/proxy_common.c if (crm_ipc_connected(proxy->ipc) == FALSE) { FALSE 63 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_cluster_queries.c return FALSE; // Tells glib to remove source FALSE 74 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_cluster_queries.c data->mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 507 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_cluster_queries.c rc = pcmk__list_nodes(out, node_types, FALSE); FALSE 154 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_fence.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 225 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_fence.c out->message(out, "stonith-event", latest, 0, FALSE); FALSE 307 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_fence.c when = stonith_api_time(atol(target), NULL, FALSE); FALSE 309 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_fence.c when = stonith_api_time(0, target, FALSE); FALSE 85 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "locations"); FALSE 121 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c bool same_host = FALSE; FALSE 122 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c bool same_role = FALSE; FALSE 123 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c bool need_role = FALSE; FALSE 233 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c bool same_host = FALSE; FALSE 234 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c bool same_role = FALSE; FALSE 235 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c bool need_role = FALSE; FALSE 366 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Resources %s is colocated with", rsc->id); FALSE 373 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c hdr = colocations_header(cons->rsc_rh, cons, FALSE); FALSE 441 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Resources colocated with %s", rsc->id); FALSE 517 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Locations"); FALSE 872 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next, RSC_START, FALSE); FALSE 883 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, start_node, RSC_STOP, FALSE); FALSE 889 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next, RSC_PROMOTE, FALSE); FALSE 895 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next, RSC_DEMOTE, FALSE); FALSE 904 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output.c possible_matches = pe__resource_actions(rsc, next, RSC_MIGRATED, FALSE); FALSE 41 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_output_utils.c out->finish(out, 0, FALSE, (void **) xml); FALSE 125 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c gboolean changed = FALSE; FALSE 154 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c gboolean force_restart = FALSE; FALSE 155 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c gboolean delete_resource = FALSE; FALSE 156 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c gboolean changed = FALSE; FALSE 186 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE); FALSE 229 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c gboolean did_change = FALSE; FALSE 234 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c CRM_CHECK(active_node != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 414 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c || pe_rsc_is_clone(parent) == FALSE FALSE 417 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c DeleteRsc(rsc, node, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 424 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c if (check_rsc_parameters(rsc, node, rsc_entry, FALSE, data_set)) { FALSE 425 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c DeleteRsc(rsc, node, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 435 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c DeleteRsc(rsc, node, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 504 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c gboolean match = FALSE; FALSE 572 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c lrm_rscs = find_xml_node(node_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE); FALSE 573 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c lrm_rscs = find_xml_node(lrm_rscs, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE); FALSE 581 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c } else if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE && node->details->maintenance == FALSE) { FALSE 605 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c result = find_rsc_list(NULL, NULL, rsc_id, TRUE, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 637 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 753 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c if (failcount_clear_action_exists(node, rsc) == FALSE) { FALSE 857 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c return FALSE; FALSE 896 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c return FALSE; FALSE 923 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c if (node->details->online == FALSE) { FALSE 928 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c pe_fence_node(data_set, node, "the connection is unrecoverable", FALSE); FALSE 935 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c } else if (node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled == FALSE) { FALSE 940 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c if (probed != NULL && crm_is_true(probed) == FALSE) { FALSE 942 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c CRM_OP_REPROBE, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set); FALSE 951 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c rsc->cmds->create_probe(rsc, node, probe_node_complete, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 964 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c if (rsc->exclusive_discover == FALSE && top->exclusive_discover == FALSE) { FALSE 1302 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) { FALSE 1507 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c return FALSE; FALSE 1523 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c return FALSE; FALSE 1562 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c stonith_op = pe_fence_op(node, fence_action, FALSE, "guest is unclean", FALSE, data_set); FALSE 1571 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c pe_action_t *parent_stonith_op = pe_fence_op(stop->node, NULL, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 1621 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c gboolean integrity_lost = FALSE; FALSE 1637 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c if (any_managed_resources(data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 1639 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c need_stonith = FALSE; FALSE 1662 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c stonith_op = pe_fence_op(node, NULL, FALSE, "node is unclean", FALSE, data_set); FALSE 1692 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c pe__is_guest_or_remote_node(node) == FALSE) { FALSE 1967 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "container failed", FALSE); FALSE 2094 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c || cluster_node->details->online == FALSE) { FALSE 2172 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "resources are active and the connection is unrecoverable", FALSE); FALSE 2220 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "resources are in an unknown state and the connection is unrecoverable", FALSE); FALSE 2366 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c return FALSE; FALSE 2452 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c probes = pe__resource_actions(lh_rsc, NULL, RSC_STATUS, FALSE); FALSE 2500 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c bool interleave = FALSE; FALSE 2539 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c then_actions = pe__resource_actions(after->rsc, NULL, RSC_STOP, FALSE); FALSE 2542 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c then_actions = pe__resource_actions(after->rsc, NULL, RSC_DEMOTE, FALSE); FALSE 2572 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c FALSE, data_set); FALSE 2655 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c probes = pe__resource_actions(rsc, NULL, RSC_STATUS, FALSE); FALSE 2741 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c actions = pe__resource_actions(rsc, NULL, RSC_START, FALSE); FALSE 2753 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c probes = pe__resource_actions(rsc, NULL, RSC_STATUS, FALSE); FALSE 2785 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c } else if(FALSE && pe_rsc_is_clone(uber_parent(first_rsc)) == FALSE) { FALSE 2886 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_allocate.c return FALSE; FALSE 30 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 71 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 76 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 84 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 99 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 439 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c CRM_ASSERT(FALSE); FALSE 502 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c RSC_ROLE_UNKNOWN, FALSE, FALSE 536 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c NULL, FALSE); FALSE 557 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c node_list_exclude(rsc_lh->allowed_nodes, allocated_rhs, FALSE); FALSE 656 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c gboolean current = FALSE; FALSE 792 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c bool interleave = FALSE; FALSE 798 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 801 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 804 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 983 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c bool any_created = FALSE; FALSE 986 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_bundle.c CRM_CHECK(rsc != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 74 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 304 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c can1 = FALSE; FALSE 314 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c can2 = FALSE; FALSE 435 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c } else if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE) { FALSE 483 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c return rsc->fns->location(rsc, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 814 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c possible = pe__resource_actions(rsc, NULL, task, FALSE); FALSE 868 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c if (clone_data->ordered == FALSE) { FALSE 914 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c gboolean child_active = FALSE; FALSE 915 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c gboolean child_starting = FALSE; FALSE 916 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c gboolean child_stopping = FALSE; FALSE 929 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c gboolean starting = FALSE; FALSE 930 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c gboolean stopping = FALSE; FALSE 935 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c allow_dependent_migrations = FALSE; FALSE 944 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c started = create_pseudo_resource_op(rsc, RSC_STARTED, !child_starting, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 1025 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c bool changed = FALSE; FALSE 1052 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c CRM_CHECK(child_rsc && local_node, return FALSE); FALSE 1053 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c if (is_set_recursive(child_rsc, pe_rsc_block, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 1060 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 1073 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 1119 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c CRM_ASSERT(FALSE); FALSE 1128 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c gboolean do_interleave = FALSE; FALSE 1173 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c FALSE, data_set); FALSE 1196 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c pe_node_t *chosen = child_rsc->fns->location(child_rsc, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 1198 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c if (chosen != NULL && is_set_recursive(child_rsc, pe_rsc_block, TRUE) == FALSE) { FALSE 1204 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c node_list_exclude(rsc_lh->allowed_nodes, rhs, FALSE); FALSE 1266 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c gboolean any_runnable = FALSE; FALSE 1295 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c if (check_runnable && any_runnable == FALSE) { FALSE 1415 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 1437 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c gboolean any_created = FALSE; FALSE 1468 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c local_node = child_rsc->fns->location(child_rsc, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 1488 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c gboolean any_created = FALSE; FALSE 1495 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 1511 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 39 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; \ FALSE 58 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c bool result = FALSE; FALSE 218 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 224 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (rc == FALSE) { FALSE 228 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (rc == FALSE) { FALSE 230 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 234 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 239 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 249 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 292 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 299 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 327 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(xml_obj != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 333 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 357 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 362 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 371 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 376 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 378 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c } else if (instance_then && pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc_then) == FALSE) { FALSE 382 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 384 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c } else if (instance_first && pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc_first) == FALSE) { FALSE 388 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 397 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 407 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 419 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (invert_bool == FALSE) { FALSE 423 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c get_flags(id, kind, action_first, action_then, FALSE)); FALSE 444 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (crm_is_true(require_all_s) == FALSE) { FALSE 489 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (invert_bool == FALSE) { FALSE 523 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean any_refs = FALSE; FALSE 528 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(xml_obj != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 555 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, id, &rsc, &tag) == FALSE) { FALSE 560 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 653 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK((xml_obj != NULL) && (attr != NULL), return FALSE); FALSE 659 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 667 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, id, &rsc, &tag) == FALSE) { FALSE 670 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 735 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c bool invert = FALSE; FALSE 767 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if(invert == FALSE && status == 0) { FALSE 833 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c empty = FALSE; FALSE 898 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(xml_obj != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 904 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 921 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, id_lh, &rsc_lh, &tag_lh) == FALSE) { FALSE 924 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 936 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (tag_to_set(new_xml, &rsc_set_lh, XML_LOC_ATTR_SOURCE, FALSE, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 938 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 968 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(set != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 975 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 997 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean any_sets = FALSE; FALSE 1002 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (unpack_location_tags(xml_obj, &expanded_xml, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 1017 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (unpack_location_set(xml_obj, set, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 1031 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (any_sets == FALSE) { FALSE 1081 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean score_allocated = FALSE; FALSE 1101 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c raw_score = FALSE; FALSE 1105 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c do_and = FALSE; FALSE 1178 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (do_and == FALSE) { FALSE 1477 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (lh_migratable == FALSE && rh_migratable == FALSE) { FALSE 1698 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean sequential = FALSE; FALSE 1729 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c flags = get_flags(id, local_kind, action, action, FALSE); FALSE 1806 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (symmetrical == FALSE) { FALSE 1899 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (symmetrical == FALSE) { FALSE 1950 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (invert == FALSE) { FALSE 1977 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (invert == FALSE) { FALSE 2070 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean any_sets = FALSE; FALSE 2074 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(xml_obj != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2080 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2098 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, id_first, &rsc_first, &tag_first) == FALSE) { FALSE 2101 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2104 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, id_then, &rsc_then, &tag_then) == FALSE) { FALSE 2107 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2121 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (tag_to_set(new_xml, &rsc_set_first, XML_ORDER_ATTR_FIRST, TRUE, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 2123 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2137 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (tag_to_set(new_xml, &rsc_set_then, XML_ORDER_ATTR_THEN, TRUE, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 2139 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2165 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean any_sets = FALSE; FALSE 2204 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c } else if (rc == FALSE) { FALSE 2205 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2215 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c &set_inv_begin, &set_inv_end, invert, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 2216 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2256 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (order_rsc_sets(id, last, set, kind, data_set, FALSE, invert_bool) == FALSE) { FALSE 2257 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2261 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c && order_rsc_sets(id, set, last, kind, data_set, TRUE, invert_bool) == FALSE) { FALSE 2262 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2282 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (any_sets == FALSE) { FALSE 2346 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (sequential != NULL && crm_is_true(sequential) == FALSE) { FALSE 2563 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c } else if (instance_lh && pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc_lh) == FALSE) { FALSE 2569 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c } else if (instance_rh && pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc_rh) == FALSE) { FALSE 2628 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean any_sets = FALSE; FALSE 2632 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(xml_obj != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2638 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2656 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, id_lh, &rsc_lh, &tag_lh) == FALSE) { FALSE 2659 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2662 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, id_rh, &rsc_rh, &tag_rh) == FALSE) { FALSE 2665 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2677 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2686 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (tag_to_set(new_xml, &rsc_set_lh, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE, TRUE, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 2688 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2702 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (tag_to_set(new_xml, &rsc_set_rh, XML_COLOC_ATTR_TARGET, TRUE, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 2704 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2733 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean any_sets = FALSE; FALSE 2792 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2797 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2865 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (new_rsc_ticket->ticket->granted == FALSE || new_rsc_ticket->ticket->standby) { FALSE 2881 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(set != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2882 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(ticket != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2888 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2922 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(xml_obj != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2928 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2934 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2942 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2947 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2955 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2957 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c } else if (instance_lh && pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc_lh) == FALSE) { FALSE 2961 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2970 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 2990 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean any_sets = FALSE; FALSE 2994 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(xml_obj != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 3000 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 3017 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (valid_resource_or_tag(data_set, id_lh, &rsc_lh, &tag_lh) == FALSE) { FALSE 3020 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 3032 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (tag_to_set(new_xml, &rsc_set_lh, XML_COLOC_ATTR_SOURCE, FALSE, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 3034 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 3061 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c gboolean any_sets = FALSE; FALSE 3074 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c CRM_CHECK(xml_obj != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 3080 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 3089 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 3097 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 3106 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c } else if (rc == FALSE) { FALSE 3107 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 3116 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (unpack_rsc_ticket_set(set, ticket, loss_policy, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 3117 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c return FALSE; FALSE 3127 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_constraints.c if (any_sets == FALSE) { FALSE 140 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c gboolean notify = FALSE; FALSE 160 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c uuid = convert_non_atomic_uuid(action->uuid, rsc, notify, FALSE); FALSE 182 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c gboolean processed = FALSE; FALSE 448 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c if (processed == FALSE) { FALSE 470 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c reason_text, pe_action_runnable, FALSE); FALSE 569 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c first_node = first->rsc->fns->location(first->rsc, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 576 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c then_node = then->rsc->fns->location(then->rsc, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 608 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c && (is_parent(then->rsc, first->rsc) == FALSE)) { FALSE 714 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c return FALSE; FALSE 786 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c bool partial_migration = FALSE; FALSE 1006 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c gboolean migrating = FALSE; FALSE 1047 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c gboolean needs_maintenance_info = FALSE; FALSE 1087 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c needs_node_info = FALSE; FALSE 1359 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c sorted_xml(args_xml, action_xml, FALSE); FALSE 1475 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c log_action(LOG_DEBUG, "Action for offline node", action, FALSE); FALSE 1866 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c if (should_dump_action(action) == FALSE) { FALSE 1889 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_graph.c xml_action = action2xml(action, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 138 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_group.c if (group_data->ordered == FALSE) { FALSE 225 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_group.c if (group_data->ordered == FALSE) { FALSE 471 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_group.c reset_scores = FALSE; FALSE 94 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c gboolean result = FALSE; FALSE 99 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return rsc->allocated_to ? TRUE : FALSE; FALSE 166 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (running && (can_run_resources(running) == FALSE)) { FALSE 197 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c result = native_assign_node(rsc, chosen, FALSE); FALSE 547 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (archive && can_run_any(rsc->allowed_nodes) == FALSE) { FALSE 649 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c remote_node->details->unclean = FALSE; FALSE 666 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c gboolean dup = FALSE; FALSE 775 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c is_optional = FALSE; FALSE 785 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c is_optional = FALSE; FALSE 850 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c } else if (node == NULL || node->details->online == FALSE || node->details->unclean) { FALSE 894 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c (node == NULL || node->details->maintenance == FALSE)) { FALSE 1014 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c is_optional = FALSE; FALSE 1030 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c FALSE); FALSE 1053 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c stop_is_optional = FALSE; FALSE 1075 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (is_optional == FALSE && probe_is_optional && stop_is_optional FALSE 1087 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (stop_node->details->online == FALSE || stop_node->details->unclean) { FALSE 1108 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c (node == NULL || node->details->maintenance == FALSE)) { FALSE 1129 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c gboolean partial = rsc->partial_migration_target ? TRUE : FALSE; FALSE 1136 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (partial == FALSE) { FALSE 1194 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) { FALSE 1217 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c gboolean need_stop = FALSE; FALSE 1218 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c bool need_promote = FALSE; FALSE 1219 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c gboolean is_moving = FALSE; FALSE 1220 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c gboolean allow_migrate = pcmk_is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_allow_migrate)? TRUE : FALSE; FALSE 1225 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c bool multiply_active = FALSE; FALSE 1252 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c stop = stop_action(rsc, dangling_source, FALSE); FALSE 1255 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c DeleteRsc(rsc, dangling_source, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 1312 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c allow_migrate = FALSE; FALSE 1364 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role] (rsc, current, !need_stop, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 1383 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 1396 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (rsc_action_matrix[role][next_role] (rsc, chosen, FALSE, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 1427 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c allow_migrate = FALSE; FALSE 1435 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c allow_migrate = FALSE; FALSE 1493 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c bool check_unfencing = FALSE; FALSE 1494 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c bool check_utilization = FALSE; FALSE 1550 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c pe_action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 1931 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c filter_results = filter_colocation_constraint(rsc_lh, rsc_rh, constraint, FALSE); FALSE 1955 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 1974 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (rsc_ticket->ticket->granted && rsc_ticket->ticket->standby == FALSE) { FALSE 1995 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if ((rsc_ticket->ticket->granted == FALSE) FALSE 2013 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (filter_rsc_ticket(rsc_lh, rsc_ticket) == FALSE) { FALSE 2022 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c pe_fence_node(data_set, node, "deadman ticket was lost", FALSE); FALSE 2027 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (filter_rsc_ticket(rsc_lh, rsc_ticket) == FALSE) { FALSE 2037 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c } else if (rsc_ticket->ticket->granted == FALSE) { FALSE 2198 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c ((then->flags & pe_action_optional) == FALSE) && FALSE 2215 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (((then->flags & pe_action_migrate_runnable) == FALSE) || FALSE 2216 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c ((then->flags & pe_action_runnable) == FALSE)) { FALSE 2231 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if ((first->flags & pe_action_runnable) == FALSE) { FALSE 2389 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c gboolean moving = FALSE; FALSE 2446 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c optional = FALSE; FALSE 2467 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c pe_action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(current, "on", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 2497 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c pe_action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 2540 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c CRM_CHECK(next != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2549 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c runnable = FALSE; FALSE 2597 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c CRM_CHECK(FALSE, return FALSE); FALSE 2598 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2606 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2614 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2618 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2620 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c } else if (node->details->unclean || node->details->online == FALSE) { FALSE 2623 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2658 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c CRM_CHECK(node != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 2661 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2671 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2677 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2682 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2688 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c gboolean any_created = FALSE; FALSE 2701 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2706 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2712 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2721 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2726 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2737 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2743 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2781 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2802 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2810 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c probe = custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_STATUS, node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set); FALSE 2893 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c return FALSE; FALSE 2964 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c action_list = pe__resource_actions(rsc, target, RSC_STOP, FALSE); FALSE 3080 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c action_list = pe__resource_actions(rsc, target, RSC_DEMOTE, FALSE); FALSE 3085 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c if (action->node->details->online == FALSE || action->node->details->unclean == TRUE FALSE 3172 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE); FALSE 3184 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c FALSE, TRUE, data_set); FALSE 3185 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_native.c pe_action_set_reason(reload, "resource definition change", FALSE); FALSE 222 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_notif.c if (node->details->online == FALSE) { FALSE 813 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_notif.c collect_notification_data(rsc, TRUE, FALSE, n_data); FALSE 162 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c return guest->fns->location(guest, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 176 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c role = rsc->fns->state(rsc, FALSE); FALSE 193 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c node = rsc->fns->location(rsc, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 212 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c } else if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE) { FALSE 309 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c chosen = child->fns->location(child, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 375 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c && (rsc_ticket->ticket->granted == FALSE || rsc_ticket->ticket->standby)) { FALSE 388 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c chosen = child->fns->location(child, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 431 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c return FALSE; FALSE 459 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c return FALSE; FALSE 589 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE) { FALSE 629 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c rsc->fns->location(rsc, &allocated, FALSE); FALSE 694 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c chosen = child_rsc->fns->location(child_rsc, &list, FALSE); FALSE 705 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c next_role = child_rsc->fns->state(child_rsc, FALSE); FALSE 729 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c CRM_CHECK(FALSE /* unhandled */ , FALSE 759 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c chosen = child_rsc->fns->location(child_rsc, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 817 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c gboolean any_promoting = FALSE; FALSE 818 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c gboolean any_demoting = FALSE; FALSE 829 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c gboolean child_promoting = FALSE; FALSE 830 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c gboolean child_demoting = FALSE; FALSE 985 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c pe_node_t *chosen = child_rsc->fns->location(child_rsc, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 986 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c enum rsc_role_e next_role = child_rsc->fns->state(child_rsc, FALSE); FALSE 1016 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_promotable.c FALSE, data_set); FALSE 34 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_transition.c gboolean bringing_nodes_online = FALSE; FALSE 423 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_transition.c XML_ATTR_HAVE_WATCHDOG, watchdog, FALSE, NULL, NULL); FALSE 448 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_transition.c cib_node = modify_node(cib, node, FALSE); FALSE 641 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_transition.c return FALSE; FALSE 682 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_transition.c return FALSE; FALSE 770 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_transition.c xmlNode *cib_node = modify_node(fake_cib, target, FALSE); FALSE 162 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c data->is_enough = FALSE; FALSE 211 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c gboolean existing = FALSE; FALSE 258 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c if (g_list_find(all_rscs, rsc) == FALSE) { FALSE 324 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c if (pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc_lh) == FALSE && pe_rsc_is_clone(rsc)) { FALSE 352 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c gboolean any_capable = FALSE; FALSE 366 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE || node->weight < 0) { FALSE 384 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE || node->weight < 0) { FALSE 388 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c if (have_enough_capacity(node, rscs_id, unallocated_utilization) == FALSE) { FALSE 409 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c if (any_capable == FALSE) { FALSE 412 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c if (can_run_resources(node) == FALSE || node->weight < 0) { FALSE 416 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c if (have_enough_capacity(node, rsc->id, rsc->utilization) == FALSE) { FALSE 472 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c g_list_find(all_rscs, child_rsc) == FALSE) { FALSE 480 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utilization.c g_list_find(all_rscs, group_data->first_child) == FALSE) { FALSE 68 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 72 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 76 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c if (node->details->online == FALSE FALSE 82 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 174 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c if (can_run_resources(node1) == FALSE) { FALSE 177 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c if (can_run_resources(node2) == FALSE) { FALSE 277 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c if (force == FALSE && chosen != NULL) { FALSE 278 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c bool unset = FALSE; FALSE 338 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 347 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c calculate_utilization(chosen->details->utilization, rsc->utilization, FALSE); FALSE 434 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c log_action(log_level + 1, "\t\t", other->action, FALSE); FALSE 443 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c log_action(log_level + 1, "\t\t", other->action, FALSE); FALSE 461 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 471 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 509 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c cancel_op = custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_CANCEL, node, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE 541 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_sched_utils.c node, FALSE, TRUE, data_set); FALSE 23 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c gboolean updates = FALSE; FALSE 25 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(synapse->executed == FALSE, return FALSE); FALSE 26 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(synapse->confirmed == FALSE, return FALSE); FALSE 39 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c } else if (prereq->confirmed == FALSE) { FALSE 40 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c synapse->ready = FALSE; FALSE 55 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c gboolean updates = FALSE; FALSE 58 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(synapse->executed, return FALSE); FALSE 59 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(synapse->confirmed == FALSE, return TRUE); FALSE 72 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c } else if (action->confirmed == FALSE) { FALSE 73 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c is_confirmed = FALSE; FALSE 78 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c if (is_confirmed && synapse->confirmed == FALSE) { FALSE 93 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 94 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c gboolean updates = FALSE; FALSE 107 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c } else if (action->failed == FALSE || synapse->priority == INFINITY) { FALSE 124 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(synapse->executed == FALSE, return FALSE); FALSE 125 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(synapse->confirmed == FALSE, return FALSE); FALSE 134 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c if (prereq->confirmed == FALSE) { FALSE 136 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c synapse->ready = FALSE; FALSE 138 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c } else if(prereq->failed && prereq->can_fail == FALSE) { FALSE 140 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c synapse->ready = FALSE; FALSE 154 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c return FALSE; FALSE 156 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c } else if(graph_fns->allowed && graph_fns->allowed(graph, a) == FALSE) { FALSE 158 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c return FALSE; FALSE 170 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(action->executed == FALSE, return FALSE); FALSE 173 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(id != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 188 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(task != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 200 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c return FALSE; FALSE 208 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(synapse != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 209 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(synapse->ready, return FALSE); FALSE 210 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c CRM_CHECK(synapse->confirmed == FALSE, return TRUE); FALSE 218 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c gboolean passed = FALSE; FALSE 222 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c if (passed == FALSE) { FALSE 228 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c return FALSE; FALSE 266 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c } else if (synapse->failed == FALSE && synapse->executed) { FALSE 291 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c if(fire_synapse(graph, synapse) == FALSE) { FALSE 299 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_graph.c if (synapse->confirmed == FALSE) { FALSE 281 lib/pacemaker/pcmk_trans_utils.c bool change = FALSE; FALSE 122 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 162 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 328 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 495 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 664 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 801 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 845 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 851 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 857 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 861 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 864 lib/pengine/bundle.c if (create_ip_resource(parent, data, replica, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 865 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 867 lib/pengine/bundle.c if(create_remote_resource(parent, data, replica, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 868 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 944 lib/pengine/bundle.c CRM_LOG_ASSERT(FALSE); FALSE 1040 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 1132 lib/pengine/bundle.c need_log_mount = FALSE; FALSE 1189 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 1201 lib/pengine/bundle.c if (common_unpack(xml_resource, &new_rsc, rsc, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 1206 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 1312 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 1331 lib/pengine/bundle.c return FALSE; FALSE 1483 lib/pengine/bundle.c gboolean printed_header = FALSE; FALSE 1639 lib/pengine/bundle.c (print_everything == FALSE && (print_ip || print_child || print_ctnr || print_remote))) { FALSE 1653 lib/pengine/bundle.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Container bundle%s: %s [%s]%s%s", FALSE 1689 lib/pengine/bundle.c } else if (print_everything == FALSE && !(print_ip || print_child || print_ctnr || print_remote)) { FALSE 1692 lib/pengine/bundle.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Container bundle%s: %s [%s]%s%s", FALSE 1780 lib/pengine/bundle.c (print_everything == FALSE && (print_ip || print_child || print_ctnr || print_remote))) { FALSE 1789 lib/pengine/bundle.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Container bundle%s: %s [%s]%s%s", FALSE 1822 lib/pengine/bundle.c } else if (print_everything == FALSE && !(print_ip || print_child || print_ctnr || print_remote)) { FALSE 1825 lib/pengine/bundle.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Container bundle%s: %s [%s]%s%s", FALSE 2060 lib/pengine/bundle.c gboolean passes = FALSE; FALSE 2071 lib/pengine/bundle.c if (replica->ip != NULL && !replica->ip->fns->is_filtered(replica->ip, only_rsc, FALSE)) { FALSE 2074 lib/pengine/bundle.c } else if (replica->child != NULL && !replica->child->fns->is_filtered(replica->child, only_rsc, FALSE)) { FALSE 2077 lib/pengine/bundle.c } else if (!replica->container->fns->is_filtered(replica->container, only_rsc, FALSE)) { FALSE 2080 lib/pengine/bundle.c } else if (replica->remote != NULL && !replica->remote->fns->is_filtered(replica->remote, only_rsc, FALSE)) { FALSE 70 lib/pengine/clone.c gboolean as_orphan = FALSE; FALSE 79 lib/pengine/clone.c CRM_CHECK(clone_data->xml_obj_child != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 94 lib/pengine/clone.c if (common_unpack(child_copy, &child_rsc, rsc, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 220 lib/pengine/clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 244 lib/pengine/clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 251 lib/pengine/clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 269 lib/pengine/clone.c if (all == FALSE && child_active) { FALSE 271 lib/pengine/clone.c } else if (all && child_active == FALSE) { FALSE 272 lib/pengine/clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 279 lib/pengine/clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 373 lib/pengine/clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 383 lib/pengine/clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 390 lib/pengine/clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 436 lib/pengine/clone.c gboolean print_full = FALSE; FALSE 438 lib/pengine/clone.c gboolean partially_active = child_rsc->fns->active(child_rsc, FALSE); FALSE 458 lib/pengine/clone.c } else if (partially_active == FALSE) { FALSE 466 lib/pengine/clone.c || is_set_recursive(child_rsc, pe_rsc_managed, FALSE) == FALSE FALSE 482 lib/pengine/clone.c if (location->details->online == FALSE && location->details->unclean) { FALSE 619 lib/pengine/clone.c gboolean printed_header = FALSE; FALSE 707 lib/pengine/clone.c gboolean print_full = FALSE; FALSE 709 lib/pengine/clone.c gboolean partially_active = child_rsc->fns->active(child_rsc, FALSE); FALSE 737 lib/pengine/clone.c } else if (partially_active == FALSE) { FALSE 745 lib/pengine/clone.c || is_set_recursive(child_rsc, pe_rsc_managed, FALSE) == FALSE FALSE 761 lib/pengine/clone.c if (location->details->online == FALSE && location->details->unclean) { FALSE 947 lib/pengine/clone.c gboolean print_full = FALSE; FALSE 949 lib/pengine/clone.c gboolean partially_active = child_rsc->fns->active(child_rsc, FALSE); FALSE 977 lib/pengine/clone.c } else if (partially_active == FALSE) { FALSE 985 lib/pengine/clone.c || is_set_recursive(child_rsc, pe_rsc_managed, FALSE) == FALSE FALSE 1001 lib/pengine/clone.c if (location->details->online == FALSE && location->details->unclean) { FALSE 1213 lib/pengine/clone.c return FALSE; FALSE 1219 lib/pengine/clone.c gboolean passes = FALSE; FALSE 1232 lib/pengine/clone.c if (!child_rsc->fns->is_filtered(child_rsc, only_rsc, FALSE)) { FALSE 20 lib/pengine/common.c gboolean was_processing_error = FALSE; FALSE 21 lib/pengine/common.c gboolean was_processing_warning = FALSE; FALSE 114 lib/pengine/complex.c rule_data, parent_orig_meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 170 lib/pengine/complex.c meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 180 lib/pengine/complex.c &rule_data, meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 207 lib/pengine/complex.c meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 216 lib/pengine/complex.c &rule_data, meta_hash, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 282 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 293 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 298 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 304 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 311 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 323 lib/pengine/complex.c template_ops = find_xml_node(new_xml, "operations", FALSE); FALSE 389 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 400 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 405 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 408 lib/pengine/complex.c if (add_tag_ref(data_set->template_rsc_sets, template_ref, id) == FALSE) { FALSE 409 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 435 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 496 lib/pengine/complex.c bool isdefault = FALSE; FALSE 502 lib/pengine/complex.c bool guest_node = FALSE; FALSE 503 lib/pengine/complex.c bool remote_node = FALSE; FALSE 504 lib/pengine/complex.c bool has_versioned_params = FALSE; FALSE 519 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 523 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 527 lib/pengine/complex.c if (unpack_template(xml_obj, &expanded_xml, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 528 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 548 lib/pengine/complex.c ops = find_xml_node((*rsc)->xml, "operations", FALSE); FALSE 555 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 831 lib/pengine/complex.c if ((*rsc)->fns->unpack(*rsc, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 832 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 851 lib/pengine/complex.c (*rsc)->utilization, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 856 lib/pengine/complex.c if (add_template_rsc(xml_obj, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 857 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 891 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 899 lib/pengine/complex.c return FALSE; FALSE 1004 lib/pengine/complex.c bool keep_looking = FALSE; FALSE 1005 lib/pengine/complex.c bool is_happy = FALSE; FALSE 1021 lib/pengine/complex.c keep_looking = FALSE; FALSE 1057 lib/pengine/complex.c if (keep_looking == FALSE) { FALSE 24 lib/pengine/failcounts.c gboolean matched = FALSE; FALSE 34 lib/pengine/failcounts.c return FALSE; FALSE 50 lib/pengine/failcounts.c return FALSE; FALSE 99 lib/pengine/failcounts.c gboolean should_block = FALSE; FALSE 373 lib/pengine/failcounts.c clear = custom_action(rsc, key, CRM_OP_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT, node, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE 60 lib/pengine/group.c if (common_unpack(xml_native_rsc, &new_rsc, rsc, data_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 93 lib/pengine/group.c gboolean c_any = FALSE; FALSE 102 lib/pengine/group.c c_all = FALSE; FALSE 106 lib/pengine/group.c if (c_any == FALSE) { FALSE 107 lib/pengine/group.c return FALSE; FALSE 108 lib/pengine/group.c } else if (all && c_all == FALSE) { FALSE 109 lib/pengine/group.c return FALSE; FALSE 275 lib/pengine/group.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Resource Group: %s%s%s", rsc->id, FALSE 330 lib/pengine/group.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Resource Group: %s%s%s", rsc->id, FALSE 387 lib/pengine/group.c gboolean passes = FALSE; FALSE 399 lib/pengine/group.c if (!child_rsc->fns->is_filtered(child_rsc, only_rsc, FALSE)) { FALSE 181 lib/pengine/native.c native_add_running(rsc->parent, node, data_set, FALSE); FALSE 234 lib/pengine/native.c return FALSE; FALSE 263 lib/pengine/native.c return FALSE; FALSE 270 lib/pengine/native.c bool match = FALSE; FALSE 279 lib/pengine/native.c match = FALSE; FALSE 301 lib/pengine/native.c if (match_node == FALSE) { FALSE 302 lib/pengine/native.c match = FALSE; FALSE 356 lib/pengine/native.c } else if (a_node->details->online == FALSE) { FALSE 365 lib/pengine/native.c return FALSE; FALSE 503 lib/pengine/native.c pcmk__btoa(node->details->online == FALSE)); FALSE 671 lib/pengine/native.c g_string_free(outstr, FALSE); FALSE 1076 lib/pengine/native.c } else if (current == FALSE && rsc->allocated_to) { FALSE 1150 lib/pengine/native.c if (node->details->unclean == FALSE && node->details->online == FALSE) { FALSE 1343 lib/pengine/native.c return FALSE; FALSE 1348 lib/pengine/native.c return up->parent->fns->is_filtered(up->parent, only_rsc, FALSE); FALSE 1350 lib/pengine/native.c return up->fns->is_filtered(up, only_rsc, FALSE); FALSE 173 lib/pengine/pe_digest.c task, node, TRUE, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 485 lib/pengine/pe_digest.c bool matches = FALSE; FALSE 103 lib/pengine/pe_output.c return FALSE; FALSE 377 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Cluster Summary"); FALSE 391 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Cluster Summary"); FALSE 402 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Cluster Summary"); FALSE 407 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Cluster Summary"); FALSE 414 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Cluster Summary"); FALSE 443 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Cluster Summary"); FALSE 457 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Cluster Summary"); FALSE 468 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Cluster Summary"); FALSE 473 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Cluster Summary"); FALSE 1262 lib/pengine/pe_output.c if (parse_op_key(id ? id : ID(xml_op), &rsc, NULL, NULL) == FALSE) { FALSE 1325 lib/pengine/pe_output.c pe__rscs_brief_output(out, rscs, print_opts | pe_print_rsconly, FALSE); FALSE 1385 lib/pengine/pe_output.c pe__rscs_brief_output(out, rscs, print_opts | pe_print_rsconly, FALSE); FALSE 1730 lib/pengine/pe_output.c out->message(out, "node", node, print_opts, FALSE, NULL, FALSE 1738 lib/pengine/pe_output.c gboolean add_extra = FALSE; FALSE 1812 lib/pengine/pe_output.c lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(node_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE); FALSE 1813 lib/pengine/pe_output.c lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(lrm_rsc, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE); FALSE 1845 lib/pengine/pe_output.c if (operations == FALSE) { FALSE 1856 lib/pengine/pe_output.c out->message(out, "node", node, print_opts, FALSE, NULL, FALSE 1861 lib/pengine/pe_output.c out->message(out, "resource-history", rsc, rsc_id, FALSE, FALSE 1862 lib/pengine/pe_output.c failcount, last_failure, FALSE); FALSE 1874 lib/pengine/pe_output.c out->message(out, "node", node, print_opts, FALSE, NULL, FALSE 1908 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Node List"); FALSE 1954 lib/pengine/pe_output.c PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, FALSE, rc, "Node List"); FALSE 1994 lib/pengine/pe_output.c if (group_by_node == FALSE) { FALSE 2010 lib/pengine/pe_output.c if (group_by_node == FALSE) { FALSE 2360 lib/pengine/pe_output.c if (as_header == FALSE) { FALSE 2428 lib/pengine/pe_output.c gboolean partially_active = rsc->fns->active(rsc, FALSE); FALSE 237 lib/pengine/rules.c if (check_passes(subpart_rc) == FALSE) { \ FALSE 652 lib/pengine/rules.c unpack_nvpair_blocks(top, xml_obj, set_name, hash, NULL, FALSE, rule_data, FALSE 729 lib/pengine/rules.c FALSE, NULL, NULL); FALSE 748 lib/pengine/rules.c ruleset_default = FALSE; FALSE 776 lib/pengine/rules.c do_and = FALSE; FALSE 777 lib/pengine/rules.c passed = FALSE; FALSE 785 lib/pengine/rules.c empty = FALSE; FALSE 787 lib/pengine/rules.c if (test && do_and == FALSE) { FALSE 791 lib/pengine/rules.c } else if (test == FALSE && do_and) { FALSE 793 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 808 lib/pengine/rules.c gboolean accept = FALSE; FALSE 833 lib/pengine/rules.c accept = FALSE; FALSE 864 lib/pengine/rules.c CRM_CHECK(FALSE /* bad type */ , return FALSE); FALSE 865 lib/pengine/rules.c accept = FALSE; FALSE 1077 lib/pengine/rules.c gboolean attr_allocated = FALSE; FALSE 1095 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 1227 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 1233 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 1238 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 1243 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 1261 lib/pengine/rules.c gboolean accept = FALSE; FALSE 1292 lib/pengine/rules.c accept = FALSE; FALSE 1312 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 1318 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 1325 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 1331 lib/pengine/rules.c return FALSE; FALSE 27 lib/pengine/rules_alerts.c NULL, FALSE, now, NULL); FALSE 87 lib/pengine/status.c return FALSE; FALSE 84 lib/pengine/unpack.c return FALSE; FALSE 141 lib/pengine/unpack.c } else if(node->details->remote_requires_reset == FALSE) { FALSE 150 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_fence_op(node, NULL, TRUE, reason, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 215 lib/pengine/unpack.c CIB_OPTIONS_FIRST, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 405 lib/pengine/unpack.c new_node->fixed = FALSE; FALSE 416 lib/pengine/unpack.c new_node->details->online = FALSE; FALSE 417 lib/pengine/unpack.c new_node->details->shutdown = FALSE; FALSE 521 lib/pengine/unpack.c new_node->details->unclean = FALSE; FALSE 568 lib/pengine/unpack.c return FALSE; FALSE 579 lib/pengine/unpack.c add_node_attrs(xml_obj, new_node, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 582 lib/pengine/unpack.c FALSE, data_set); FALSE 710 lib/pengine/unpack.c if (new_rsc->is_remote_node == FALSE) { FALSE 782 lib/pengine/unpack.c template_id, NULL, NULL) == FALSE) { FALSE 864 lib/pengine/unpack.c if (add_tag_ref(data_set->tags, tag_id, obj_ref) == FALSE) { FALSE 865 lib/pengine/unpack.c return FALSE; FALSE 888 lib/pengine/unpack.c return FALSE; FALSE 897 lib/pengine/unpack.c return FALSE; FALSE 916 lib/pengine/unpack.c ticket->granted = FALSE; FALSE 935 lib/pengine/unpack.c ticket->standby = FALSE; FALSE 980 lib/pengine/unpack.c if (this_node->details->remote_requires_reset == FALSE) { FALSE 981 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->unclean = FALSE; FALSE 982 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->unseen = FALSE; FALSE 984 lib/pengine/unpack.c attrs = find_xml_node(state, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, FALSE); FALSE 1016 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->rsc_discovery_enabled = FALSE; FALSE 1034 lib/pengine/unpack.c xmlNode *attrs = find_xml_node(state, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, FALSE); FALSE 1112 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->unclean = FALSE; FALSE 1113 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->unseen = FALSE; FALSE 1127 lib/pengine/unpack.c FALSE); FALSE 1270 lib/pengine/unpack.c while (unpack_node_history(status, FALSE, data_set) == EAGAIN) { FALSE 1288 lib/pengine/unpack.c stop_action(container, node, FALSE); FALSE 1322 lib/pengine/unpack.c gboolean online = FALSE; FALSE 1338 lib/pengine/unpack.c } else if (this_node->details->expected_up == FALSE) { FALSE 1345 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer is unexpectedly down", FALSE); FALSE 1356 lib/pengine/unpack.c gboolean online = FALSE; FALSE 1357 lib/pengine/unpack.c gboolean do_terminate = FALSE; FALSE 1358 lib/pengine/unpack.c bool crmd_online = FALSE; FALSE 1401 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer has not been seen by the cluster", FALSE); FALSE 1404 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer failed the pacemaker membership criteria", FALSE); FALSE 1406 lib/pengine/unpack.c } else if (do_terminate == FALSE && pcmk__str_eq(exp_state, CRMD_JOINSTATE_DOWN, pcmk__str_casei)) { FALSE 1418 lib/pengine/unpack.c && crm_is_true(in_cluster) == FALSE && !crmd_online) { FALSE 1420 lib/pengine/unpack.c online = FALSE; FALSE 1422 lib/pengine/unpack.c } else if (crm_is_true(in_cluster) == FALSE) { FALSE 1427 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer process is no longer available", FALSE); FALSE 1431 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "termination was requested", FALSE); FALSE 1442 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_fence_node(data_set, this_node, "peer was in an unknown state", FALSE); FALSE 1463 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->online = FALSE; FALSE 1491 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->online = FALSE; FALSE 1497 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->online = FALSE; FALSE 1504 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->online = FALSE; FALSE 1505 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->remote_requires_reset = FALSE; FALSE 1507 lib/pengine/unpack.c } else if (host && (host->details->online == FALSE) FALSE 1511 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->online = FALSE; FALSE 1523 lib/pengine/unpack.c gboolean online = FALSE; FALSE 1528 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->shutdown = FALSE; FALSE 1529 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->expected_up = FALSE; FALSE 1539 lib/pengine/unpack.c this_node->details->unclean = FALSE; FALSE 1540 lib/pengine/unpack.c online = FALSE; /* As far as resource management is concerned, FALSE 1750 lib/pengine/unpack.c gboolean skip_inactive = FALSE; FALSE 1982 lib/pengine/unpack.c && node->details->online == FALSE FALSE 1983 lib/pengine/unpack.c && node->details->maintenance == FALSE FALSE 1986 lib/pengine/unpack.c gboolean should_fence = FALSE; FALSE 2022 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_fence_node(data_set, node, reason, FALSE); FALSE 2044 lib/pengine/unpack.c demote_action(rsc, node, FALSE); FALSE 2052 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_fence_node(data_set, node, reason, FALSE); FALSE 2083 lib/pengine/unpack.c stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE); FALSE 2098 lib/pengine/unpack.c stop_action(rsc->container, node, FALSE); FALSE 2100 lib/pengine/unpack.c stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE); FALSE 2119 lib/pengine/unpack.c "remote connection is unrecoverable", FALSE); FALSE 2125 lib/pengine/unpack.c stop_action(rsc, node, FALSE); FALSE 2143 lib/pengine/unpack.c tmpnode->details->unseen = FALSE; FALSE 2183 lib/pengine/unpack.c FALSE); FALSE 2219 lib/pengine/unpack.c if (node->details->online == FALSE) { FALSE 2493 lib/pengine/unpack.c xml = find_xml_node(xml, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE); FALSE 2497 lib/pengine/unpack.c xml = find_xml_node(xml, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE); FALSE 2671 lib/pengine/unpack.c source, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 2702 lib/pengine/unpack.c native_add_running(rsc, target_node, data_set, FALSE); FALSE 2771 lib/pengine/unpack.c native_add_running(rsc, target_node, data_set, FALSE); FALSE 2847 lib/pengine/unpack.c if (node->details->online == FALSE) { FALSE 3044 lib/pengine/unpack.c action = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), task, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 3310 lib/pengine/unpack.c return FALSE; FALSE 3322 lib/pengine/unpack.c FALSE, data_set); FALSE 3367 lib/pengine/unpack.c return FALSE; FALSE 3396 lib/pengine/unpack.c bool expired = FALSE; FALSE 3455 lib/pengine/unpack.c expired = FALSE; FALSE 3500 lib/pengine/unpack.c expired = FALSE; FALSE 3524 lib/pengine/unpack.c pe_action_t *action = custom_action(rsc, strdup(key), task, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 3536 lib/pengine/unpack.c gboolean clear_past_failure = FALSE; FALSE 3677 lib/pengine/unpack.c bool expired = FALSE; FALSE 3749 lib/pengine/unpack.c } else if(node->details->online && node->details->unclean == FALSE) { FALSE 3801 lib/pengine/unpack.c stop_action(rsc, target, FALSE); FALSE 4013 lib/pengine/unpack.c if (active_filter == FALSE) { FALSE 4085 lib/pengine/unpack.c tmp = find_xml_node(node_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE); FALSE 4086 lib/pengine/unpack.c tmp = find_xml_node(tmp, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE); FALSE 541 lib/pengine/utils.c FALSE, data_set); FALSE 570 lib/pengine/utils.c && action->node->details->unclean == FALSE) { FALSE 571 lib/pengine/utils.c pe_fence_node(data_set, action->node, "resource actions are unrunnable", FALSE); FALSE 615 lib/pengine/utils.c if (rsc->fns->active(rsc, TRUE) == FALSE || rsc->next_role > rsc->role) { FALSE 752 lib/pengine/utils.c if (!include_disabled && value && crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) { FALSE 875 lib/pengine/utils.c &rule_data, action_meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 982 lib/pengine/utils.c action->meta, NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 986 lib/pengine/utils.c xmlNode *min_interval_mon = find_min_interval_mon(action->rsc, FALSE); FALSE 1274 lib/pengine/utils.c if (!include_disabled && value && crm_is_true(value) == FALSE) { FALSE 1301 lib/pengine/utils.c if (do_retry == FALSE) { FALSE 1305 lib/pengine/utils.c do_retry = FALSE; FALSE 1323 lib/pengine/utils.c return find_rsc_op_entry_helper(rsc, key, FALSE); FALSE 1406 lib/pengine/utils.c } else if (allow_non_atomic == FALSE || rsc->variant == pe_native) { FALSE 1744 lib/pengine/utils.c CRM_CHECK(FALSE, sort_return(0, "default")); FALSE 1769 lib/pengine/utils.c CRM_CHECK(role != NULL, return FALSE); FALSE 1773 lib/pengine/utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 1780 lib/pengine/utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 1786 lib/pengine/utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 1793 lib/pengine/utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 1809 lib/pengine/utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 1813 lib/pengine/utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 1827 lib/pengine/utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 1900 lib/pengine/utils.c ticket->granted = FALSE; FALSE 1902 lib/pengine/utils.c ticket->standby = FALSE; FALSE 2081 lib/pengine/utils.c optional = FALSE; FALSE 2133 lib/pengine/utils.c if(optional == FALSE && pe_can_fence(data_set, node)) { FALSE 2157 lib/pengine/utils.c && node->details->unclean == FALSE FALSE 2158 lib/pengine/utils.c && node->details->shutdown == FALSE) { FALSE 2159 lib/pengine/utils.c pe_action_t *unfence = pe_fence_op(node, "on", FALSE, reason, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 2170 lib/pengine/utils.c if(node->details->online && node->details->unclean == FALSE && node->details->shutdown == FALSE) { FALSE 2182 lib/pengine/utils.c gboolean is_existing = FALSE; FALSE 2184 lib/pengine/utils.c CRM_CHECK(tags && tag_name && obj_ref, return FALSE); FALSE 2190 lib/pengine/utils.c return FALSE; FALSE 2206 lib/pengine/utils.c if (is_existing == FALSE) { FALSE 2218 lib/pengine/utils.c bool unset = FALSE; FALSE 2219 lib/pengine/utils.c bool update = FALSE; FALSE 2388 lib/pengine/utils.c return custom_action(rsc, key, CRM_OP_LRM_DELETE, node, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE 2408 lib/pengine/utils.c return (rsc->fns->active(rsc, FALSE) && !pe__rsc_running_on_any_node_in_list(rsc, only_node)); FALSE 110 lib/services/dbus.c bool oom = FALSE; FALSE 204 lib/services/dbus.c return FALSE; FALSE 279 lib/services/dbus.c dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect(connection, FALSE); FALSE 394 lib/services/dbus.c return FALSE; FALSE 533 lib/services/dbus.c return FALSE; FALSE 549 lib/services/dbus.c return FALSE; FALSE 593 lib/services/services.c gboolean cancelled = FALSE; FALSE 620 lib/services/services.c if (cancelled == FALSE) { FALSE 668 lib/services/services.c return FALSE; FALSE 721 lib/services/services.c return FALSE; FALSE 745 lib/services/services.c return FALSE; FALSE 755 lib/services/services.c CRM_ASSERT(op->synchronous == FALSE); FALSE 819 lib/services/services.c static gboolean processing_blocked_ops = FALSE; FALSE 834 lib/services/services.c return FALSE; FALSE 843 lib/services/services.c gboolean res = FALSE; FALSE 861 lib/services/services.c if (res == FALSE) { FALSE 875 lib/services/services.c processing_blocked_ops = FALSE; FALSE 885 lib/services/services.c return FALSE; FALSE 891 lib/services/services.c return FALSE; FALSE 901 lib/services/services.c return FALSE; FALSE 924 lib/services/services.c return FALSE; FALSE 1070 lib/services/services.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 1071 lib/services/services.c gboolean has_providers = FALSE; FALSE 1081 lib/services/services.c if (rc == FALSE) { FALSE 1085 lib/services/services.c rc = FALSE; FALSE 1096 lib/services/services.c } else if (has_providers == FALSE && provider == NULL) { FALSE 1100 lib/services/services.c if (rc == FALSE) { FALSE 1117 lib/services/services.c rc = FALSE; FALSE 1142 lib/services/services.c rc = FALSE; FALSE 266 lib/services/services_linux.c return FALSE; FALSE 274 lib/services/services_linux.c } else if (is_stderr == FALSE && op->stdout_data) { FALSE 295 lib/services/services_linux.c rc = FALSE; FALSE 315 lib/services/services_linux.c return svc_read_output(op->opaque->stdout_fd, op, FALSE); FALSE 490 lib/services/services_linux.c return FALSE; FALSE 518 lib/services/services_linux.c if (!recurring && op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 528 lib/services/services_linux.c return FALSE; FALSE 791 lib/services/services_linux.c svc_read_output(op->opaque->stdout_fd, op, FALSE); FALSE 898 lib/services/services_linux.c return FALSE; FALSE 909 lib/services/services_linux.c return FALSE; FALSE 923 lib/services/services_linux.c return FALSE; FALSE 939 lib/services/services_linux.c return FALSE; FALSE 948 lib/services/services_linux.c return FALSE; FALSE 967 lib/services/services_linux.c return FALSE; FALSE 1114 lib/services/services_linux.c if (files == FALSE) { FALSE 1192 lib/services/services_linux.c return get_directory_list(OCF_RA_PATH, FALSE, TRUE); FALSE 1222 lib/services/services_linux.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 96 lib/services/services_lsb.c return FALSE; FALSE 117 lib/services/services_lsb.c bool in_header = FALSE; FALSE 194 lib/services/services_lsb.c processed_line = FALSE; FALSE 260 lib/services/services_lsb.c bool rc = FALSE; FALSE 67 lib/services/services_nagios.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 108 lib/services/systemd.c && dbus_connection_get_is_connected(systemd_proxy) == FALSE) { FALSE 120 lib/services/systemd.c return FALSE; FALSE 248 lib/services/systemd.c return FALSE; FALSE 252 lib/services/systemd.c return FALSE; FALSE 283 lib/services/systemd.c } else if (op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 330 lib/services/systemd.c if (systemd_init() == FALSE) { FALSE 331 lib/services/systemd.c return FALSE; FALSE 403 lib/services/systemd.c if (systemd_init() == FALSE) { FALSE 503 lib/services/systemd.c return FALSE; FALSE 720 lib/services/systemd.c if (op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 787 lib/services/systemd.c if (op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 808 lib/services/systemd.c return FALSE; FALSE 812 lib/services/systemd.c if (op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 828 lib/services/systemd.c return FALSE; FALSE 849 lib/services/systemd.c if (op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 858 lib/services/systemd.c if (op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 47 lib/services/upstart.c return FALSE; FALSE 72 lib/services/upstart.c if(upstart_init() == FALSE) { FALSE 73 lib/services/upstart.c return FALSE; FALSE 109 lib/services/upstart.c return FALSE; FALSE 160 lib/services/upstart.c if (upstart_init() == FALSE) { FALSE 309 lib/services/upstart.c if (op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 363 lib/services/upstart.c return FALSE; FALSE 474 lib/services/upstart.c return FALSE; FALSE 509 lib/services/upstart.c if (op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 518 lib/services/upstart.c return FALSE; FALSE 560 lib/services/upstart.c if (op->synchronous == FALSE) { FALSE 98 libltdl/lt__dirent.c entry->firsttime = FALSE; FALSE 61 maint/mocked/based-notifyfenced.c return FALSE; FALSE 77 maint/mocked/based-notifyfenced.c return FALSE; FALSE 185 maint/mocked/based-notifyfenced.c mainloop_timer_start(mainloop_timer_add("spammer", 5000, FALSE, FALSE 34 scratch.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_TRACE, FALSE, TRUE, argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 181 tools/attrd_updater.c gboolean query_all = FALSE; FALSE 316 tools/attrd_updater.c if (crm_ipc_connect(ipc) == FALSE) { FALSE 384 tools/attrd_updater.c gboolean have_values = FALSE; FALSE 452 tools/attrd_updater.c if (print_attrd_values(reply, attr_name) == FALSE) { FALSE 30 tools/cibadmin.c static gboolean force_flag = FALSE; FALSE 403 tools/cibadmin.c gboolean dangerous_cmd = FALSE; FALSE 404 tools/cibadmin.c gboolean admin_input_stdin = FALSE; FALSE 581 tools/cibadmin.c if (dangerous_cmd && force_flag == FALSE) { FALSE 635 tools/cibadmin.c digest = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(input, FALSE, TRUE, version); FALSE 658 tools/cibadmin.c the_cib->cmds->register_callback(the_cib, request_id, message_timeout_ms, FALSE, NULL, FALSE 661 tools/cibadmin.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 683 tools/cibadmin.c update_validation(&obj, &version, 0, TRUE, FALSE); FALSE 58 tools/crm_attribute.c .promotion_score = FALSE FALSE 61 tools/crm_attribute.c gboolean BE_QUIET = FALSE; FALSE 430 tools/crm_attribute.c try_attrd = FALSE; FALSE 482 tools/crm_attribute.c } else if (BE_QUIET == FALSE) { FALSE 151 tools/crm_diff.c buffer = calculate_xml_versioned_digest(output, FALSE, TRUE, version); FALSE 185 tools/crm_diff.c xmlNode *version_xml = find_xml_node(patch, "version", FALSE); FALSE 203 tools/crm_diff.c tmp = find_xml_node(patch, tags[i], FALSE); FALSE 209 tools/crm_diff.c tmp = find_xml_node(tmp, XML_TAG_CIB, FALSE); FALSE 242 tools/crm_diff.c xml_track_changes(object_2, NULL, object_2, FALSE); FALSE 250 tools/crm_diff.c output = xml_create_patchset(0, object_1, object_2, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 86 tools/crm_mon.c static gboolean on_remote_node = FALSE; FALSE 232 tools/crm_mon.c result = FALSE; FALSE 273 tools/crm_mon.c result = FALSE; FALSE 414 tools/crm_mon.c return FALSE; FALSE 477 tools/crm_mon.c return FALSE; FALSE 739 tools/crm_mon.c refresh_after_event(FALSE, TRUE); FALSE 1118 tools/crm_mon.c gboolean config_mode = FALSE; FALSE 1218 tools/crm_mon.c refresh_after_event(FALSE, TRUE); FALSE 1424 tools/crm_mon.c rc = cib_connect(FALSE); FALSE 1539 tools/crm_mon.c crm_enable_stderr(FALSE); FALSE 1565 tools/crm_mon.c crm_enable_stderr(FALSE); FALSE 1700 tools/crm_mon.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 1752 tools/crm_mon.c gboolean no_dc = FALSE; FALSE 1753 tools/crm_mon.c gboolean offline = FALSE; FALSE 1902 tools/crm_mon.c if (parse_op_key(id, &rsc, &task, NULL) == FALSE) { FALSE 1935 tools/crm_mon.c notify = FALSE; FALSE 1963 tools/crm_mon.c return FALSE; FALSE 2094 tools/crm_mon.c static bool stale = FALSE; FALSE 2095 tools/crm_mon.c gboolean cib_updated = FALSE; FALSE 2146 tools/crm_mon.c stale = FALSE; FALSE 2147 tools/crm_mon.c refresh_after_event(cib_updated, FALSE); FALSE 2188 tools/crm_mon.c if (cli_config_update(&cib_copy, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { FALSE 2250 tools/crm_mon.c return FALSE; FALSE 2330 tools/crm_mon.c refresh_timer = mainloop_timer_add("refresh", 2000, FALSE, mon_trigger_refresh, NULL); FALSE 2368 tools/crm_mon.c refresh_after_event(TRUE, FALSE); FALSE 232 tools/crm_mon_print.c FALSE, FALSE, unames, resources, FALSE); FALSE 238 tools/crm_mon_print.c print_opts, FALSE, FALSE 258 tools/crm_mon_print.c FALSE); FALSE 266 tools/crm_mon_print.c FALSE); FALSE 275 tools/crm_mon_print.c FALSE); FALSE 280 tools/crm_mon_print.c out->message(out, "ticket-list", data_set, FALSE); FALSE 286 tools/crm_mon_print.c pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail), FALSE); FALSE 334 tools/crm_mon_print.c resources, FALSE); FALSE 340 tools/crm_mon_print.c print_opts, FALSE, FALSE 360 tools/crm_mon_print.c FALSE); FALSE 368 tools/crm_mon_print.c FALSE); FALSE 381 tools/crm_mon_print.c pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_full_history), FALSE); FALSE 407 tools/crm_mon_print.c FALSE); FALSE 415 tools/crm_mon_print.c FALSE); FALSE 422 tools/crm_mon_print.c out->message(out, "ticket-list", data_set, FALSE); FALSE 428 tools/crm_mon_print.c pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail), FALSE); FALSE 37 tools/crm_node.c .force_flag = FALSE FALSE 107 tools/crm_node.c return FALSE; FALSE 125 tools/crm_node.c return FALSE; FALSE 304 tools/crm_node.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 564 tools/crm_node.c if (options.dangerous_cmd && options.force_flag == FALSE) { FALSE 127 tools/crm_resource.c return FALSE; \ FALSE 250 tools/crm_resource.c return FALSE; FALSE 298 tools/crm_resource.c mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); FALSE 628 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 663 tools/crm_resource.c return FALSE; FALSE 674 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 686 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 696 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_dataset = FALSE; FALSE 705 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 712 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_cib = FALSE; FALSE 713 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_dataset = FALSE; FALSE 714 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 747 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_cib = FALSE; FALSE 748 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_dataset = FALSE; FALSE 749 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 779 tools/crm_resource.c return FALSE; FALSE 858 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 881 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_dataset = FALSE; FALSE 941 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 942 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_dataset = FALSE; FALSE 948 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 1016 tools/crm_resource.c if (options.force == FALSE) { FALSE 1305 tools/crm_resource.c if (options.force == FALSE) { FALSE 1312 tools/crm_resource.c 0, FALSE, data_set, options.force); FALSE 1421 tools/crm_resource.c } else if (stonith_agent_exists(options.v_agent, 0) == FALSE) { FALSE 1426 tools/crm_resource.c } else if (resources_agent_exists(options.v_class, options.v_provider, options.v_agent) == FALSE) { FALSE 1441 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 1442 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_dataset = FALSE; FALSE 1443 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_cib = FALSE; FALSE 1563 tools/crm_resource.c options.require_resource = FALSE; FALSE 1778 tools/crm_resource.c FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, all, all, FALSE); FALSE 1889 tools/crm_resource.c options.host_uname, FALSE, FALSE 1905 tools/crm_resource.c rc = cli_resource_print(rsc, data_set, FALSE); FALSE 1995 tools/crm_resource.c NULL, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 283 tools/crm_resource_ban.c if (force == FALSE) { FALSE 34 tools/crm_resource_print.c if (pe_evaluate_rules(lifetime, NULL, data_set->now, NULL) == FALSE) { FALSE 65 tools/crm_resource_print.c needs_quorum = FALSE; FALSE 298 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c if (attr_id == NULL && force == FALSE) { FALSE 304 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c if (force == FALSE) { FALSE 403 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c need_init = FALSE; FALSE 442 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c if (attr_id == NULL && force == FALSE) { FALSE 613 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c while (g_main_context_iteration(NULL, FALSE)) { FALSE 973 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c return FALSE; FALSE 991 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c found = FALSE; FALSE 995 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c found = FALSE; FALSE 1074 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c if (cli_config_update(xml, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { FALSE 1147 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c rc = write_xml_file(data_set->input, shadow_file, FALSE); FALSE 1169 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c rc = update_dataset(shadow_cib, data_set, FALSE); FALSE 1210 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c pe_action_t *stop = custom_action(rsc, key, RSC_STOP, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, data_set); FALSE 1249 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c (resource_is_running_on((r), (h)) == FALSE)) FALSE 1277 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c bool stop_via_ban = FALSE; FALSE 1288 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c if(resource_is_running_on(rsc, host) == FALSE) { FALSE 1330 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c rc = update_dataset(cib, data_set, FALSE); FALSE 1360 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c RSC_STOPPED, FALSE, cib, cib_options, FALSE 1401 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c rc = update_dataset(cib, data_set, FALSE); FALSE 1434 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c orig_target_role, FALSE, cib, FALSE 1473 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c rc = update_dataset(cib, data_set, FALSE); FALSE 1512 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c FALSE, cib, cib_options, data_set, force); FALSE 1568 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c return FALSE; FALSE 1819 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c if(nodes != NULL && force == FALSE) { FALSE 1875 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c bool cur_is_dest = FALSE; FALSE 1891 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c promoted_role_only = FALSE; FALSE 1938 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c cli_resource_clear(rsc_id, NULL, data_set->nodes, cib, cib_options, FALSE, force); FALSE 1955 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c if(force && (cur_is_dest == FALSE)) { FALSE 55 tools/crm_shadow.c } else if (batch_flag == FALSE && shell != NULL) { FALSE 255 tools/crm_shadow.c gboolean full_upload = FALSE; FALSE 256 tools/crm_shadow.c gboolean dangerous_cmd = FALSE; FALSE 379 tools/crm_shadow.c if (local != NULL && !pcmk__str_eq(local, shadow, pcmk__str_casei) && force_flag == FALSE) { FALSE 390 tools/crm_shadow.c if (dangerous_cmd && force_flag == FALSE) { FALSE 429 tools/crm_shadow.c if (rc == 0 && force_flag == FALSE) { FALSE 464 tools/crm_shadow.c rc = write_xml_file(output, shadow_file, FALSE); FALSE 474 tools/crm_shadow.c shadow_setup(shadow, FALSE); FALSE 520 tools/crm_shadow.c xml_track_changes(new_config, NULL, new_config, FALSE); FALSE 523 tools/crm_shadow.c diff = xml_create_patchset(0, old_config, new_config, NULL, FALSE); FALSE 69 tools/crm_simulate.c bool action_numbers = FALSE; FALSE 406 tools/crm_simulate.c FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); FALSE 408 tools/crm_simulate.c rc = out->message(out, "resource-list", data_set, print_opts, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE 409 tools/crm_simulate.c FALSE, FALSE, all, all, FALSE); FALSE 413 tools/crm_simulate.c 0, rc == pcmk_rc_ok, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, all, all); FALSE 537 tools/crm_simulate.c if (all_actions == FALSE) { FALSE 543 tools/crm_simulate.c if (all_actions == FALSE) { FALSE 575 tools/crm_simulate.c optional = FALSE; FALSE 585 tools/crm_simulate.c optional = FALSE; FALSE 588 tools/crm_simulate.c if (all_actions || optional == FALSE) { FALSE 652 tools/crm_simulate.c if (cli_config_update(&cib_object, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { FALSE 657 tools/crm_simulate.c if (validate_xml(cib_object, NULL, FALSE) != TRUE) { FALSE 671 tools/crm_simulate.c rc = write_xml_file(cib_object, output, FALSE); FALSE 703 tools/crm_simulate.c if (cli_config_update(&cib_object, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { FALSE 708 tools/crm_simulate.c if (validate_xml(cib_object, NULL, FALSE) != TRUE) { FALSE 1031 tools/crm_simulate.c rc = write_xml_file(input, options.input_file, FALSE); FALSE 1078 tools/crm_simulate.c write_xml_file(data_set->graph, options.graph_file, FALSE); FALSE 35 tools/crm_ticket.c gboolean do_force = FALSE; FALSE 36 tools/crm_ticket.c gboolean BE_QUIET = FALSE; FALSE 292 tools/crm_ticket.c gboolean rc = FALSE; FALSE 349 tools/crm_ticket.c return FALSE; FALSE 353 tools/crm_ticket.c return FALSE; FALSE 362 tools/crm_ticket.c return FALSE; FALSE 376 tools/crm_ticket.c gboolean found = FALSE; FALSE 419 tools/crm_ticket.c && (ticket == NULL || ticket->granted == FALSE) FALSE 729 tools/crm_ticket.c crm_log_init(NULL, LOG_CRIT, FALSE, FALSE, argc, argv, FALSE); FALSE 883 tools/crm_ticket.c if (cli_config_update(&cib_xml_copy, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { FALSE 900 tools/crm_ticket.c gboolean raw = FALSE; FALSE 901 tools/crm_ticket.c gboolean details = FALSE; FALSE 966 tools/crm_ticket.c if (do_force == FALSE) { FALSE 1010 tools/crm_ticket.c if (allow_modification(ticket_id, attr_delete, attr_set) == FALSE) { FALSE 214 tools/crm_verify.c write_xml_file(cib_object, options.cib_save, FALSE); FALSE 222 tools/crm_verify.c if (validate_xml(cib_object, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { FALSE 227 tools/crm_verify.c } else if (cli_config_update(&cib_object, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { FALSE 43 tools/crmadmin.c .BASH_EXPORT = FALSE FALSE 122 tools/crmadmin.c return FALSE; FALSE 250 tools/stonith_admin.c retval = FALSE; FALSE 286 tools/stonith_admin.c retval = FALSE;