pid               461 attrd/legacy.c                  uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
pid               466 attrd/legacy.c     char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from);
pid                55 attrd/main.c                    uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
pid                60 attrd/main.c       char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from);
pid               257 attrd/main.c           client->name = crm_strdup_printf("%s.%d", value?value:"unknown", client->pid);
pid               281 cib/callbacks.c             cib_client->name = crm_itoa(cib_client->pid);
pid               296 cib/callbacks.c                       cib_client->name, cib_client->pid, cib_client->queue_max);
pid               414 cib/io.c       cib_diskwrite_complete(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode)
pid               417 cib/io.c               crm_notice("Disk write process terminated with signal %d (pid=%d, core=%d)", signo, pid,
pid               422 cib/io.c                          pid, exitcode);
pid               445 cib/io.c               int pid = 0;
pid               456 cib/io.c               pid = fork();
pid               457 cib/io.c               if (pid < 0) {
pid               463 cib/io.c               if (pid) {
pid               465 cib/io.c                   mainloop_child_add(pid, 0, "disk-writer", NULL, cib_diskwrite_complete);
pid               377 cib/main.c                      uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
pid               382 cib/main.c         char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from);
pid               647 crmd/control.c         cib_subsystem->pid = -1;
pid               657 crmd/control.c         te_subsystem->pid = -1;
pid               667 crmd/control.c         pe_subsystem->pid = -1;
pid               769 crmd/control.c         crm_info("Received HUP from %s:[%d]", the_subsystem->name, the_subsystem->pid);
pid                47 crmd/corosync.c                          uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
pid                57 crmd/corosync.c     char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from);
pid                40 crmd/crmd_fsa.h     pid_t pid;                  /* Process id of child process */
pid                76 crmd/pengine.c                  CRM_XS " pid=%d uuid=%s", pe_subsystem->pid, uuid_str);
pid                99 crmd/pengine.c     pe_subsystem->pid = -1;
pid                35 crmd/subsystems.c crmd_child_exit(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode)
pid                42 crmd/subsystems.c                    name, signo, pid, core);
pid                47 crmd/subsystems.c                    pid, exitcode);
pid                59 crmd/subsystems.c     if (the_subsystem->pid <= 0) {
pid                79 crmd/subsystems.c     if (kill(the_subsystem->pid, quit_signal) == 0) {
pid                80 crmd/subsystems.c         crm_info("Sent -TERM to %s: [%d]", the_subsystem->name, the_subsystem->pid);
pid                84 crmd/subsystems.c         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Sent -TERM to %s: [%d]", the_subsystem->name, the_subsystem->pid);
pid                93 crmd/subsystems.c     pid_t pid;
pid               102 crmd/subsystems.c     if (the_subsystem->pid > 0) {
pid               104 crmd/subsystems.c                  the_subsystem->name, (int)the_subsystem->pid);
pid               127 crmd/subsystems.c     switch (pid = fork()) {
pid               133 crmd/subsystems.c             mainloop_child_add(pid, 0, the_subsystem->name, the_subsystem, crmd_child_exit);
pid               134 crmd/subsystems.c             crm_trace("Client %s is has pid: %d", the_subsystem->name, pid);
pid               135 crmd/subsystems.c             the_subsystem->pid = pid;
pid                73 crmd/throttle.c     int pid = crm_procfs_pid_of("cib");
pid                75 crmd/throttle.c     return pid? crm_strdup_printf("/proc/%d/stat", pid) : NULL;
pid               159 crmd/throttle.c         int rc = 0, pid = 0, ppid = 0, pgrp = 0, session = 0, tty_nr = 0, tpgid = 0;
pid               163 crmd/throttle.c                     &pid, comm, &state,
pid                78 fencing/commands.c static void st_child_done(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data);
pid                88 fencing/commands.c     int pid;
pid               113 fencing/commands.c     void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data);
pid               967 fencing/commands.c                           void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output,
pid              1009 fencing/commands.c status_search_cb(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data)
pid              1040 fencing/commands.c dynamic_list_search_cb(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data)
pid              1977 fencing/commands.c log_operation(async_command_t * cmd, int rc, int pid, const char *next, const char *output)
pid              1986 fencing/commands.c                    cmd->action, pid, cmd->id, cmd->client_name, cmd->victim, cmd->device, rc,
pid              1991 fencing/commands.c                             cmd->action, pid, cmd->device, rc, pcmk_strerror(rc),
pid              1997 fencing/commands.c         char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d", cmd->device, pid);
pid              2005 fencing/commands.c stonith_send_async_reply(async_command_t * cmd, const char *output, int rc, GPid pid)
pid              2027 fencing/commands.c     log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, NULL, output);
pid              2063 fencing/commands.c unfence_cb(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data)
pid              2068 fencing/commands.c     log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, NULL, output);
pid              2103 fencing/commands.c st_child_done(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data)
pid              2154 fencing/commands.c         log_operation(cmd, rc, pid, cmd->device, output);
pid              2162 fencing/commands.c     stonith_send_async_reply(cmd, output, rc, pid);
pid              2209 fencing/commands.c         stonith_send_async_reply(cmd_other, output, rc, pid);
pid               222 fencing/internal.h void unfence_cb(GPid pid, int rc, const char *output, gpointer user_data);
pid               235 fencing/internal.h                           void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output,
pid               135 fencing/main.c         c->name = crm_strdup_printf("%s.%u", value, c->pid);
pid               222 fencing/main.c                           uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
pid               227 fencing/main.c     char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from);
pid               234 include/crm/cluster.h char *pcmk_message_common_cs(cpg_handle_t handle, uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg,
pid                36 include/crm/cluster/internal.h     uint32_t pid;
pid                50 include/crm/common/internal.h int crm_procfs_process_info(struct dirent *entry, char *name, int *pid);
pid                69 include/crm/common/ipcs.h     uint pid;
pid               103 include/crm/common/mainloop.h void mainloop_child_add(pid_t pid,
pid               107 include/crm/common/mainloop.h                         void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode));
pid               109 include/crm/common/mainloop.h void mainloop_child_add_with_flags(pid_t pid,
pid               114 include/crm/common/mainloop.h                         void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode));
pid               122 include/crm/common/mainloop.h gboolean mainloop_child_kill(pid_t pid);
pid                37 include/crm/fencing/internal.h                              void (*done) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output,
pid               176 include/crm/services.h     int pid;
pid               143 include/crm_internal.h int crm_pid_active(long pid, const char *daemon);
pid                87 lib/ais/plugin.c     uint32_t pid;
pid               156 lib/ais/plugin.c         if (pcmk_children[lpc].pid != 0) {
pid               456 lib/ais/plugin.c             if (pcmk_children[lpc].pid > 0) {
pid               458 lib/ais/plugin.c                 pid_t pid = wait4(pcmk_children[lpc].pid, &status, WNOHANG, NULL);
pid               460 lib/ais/plugin.c                 if (pid == 0) {
pid               463 lib/ais/plugin.c                 } else if (pid < 0) {
pid               469 lib/ais/plugin.c                 pcmk_children[lpc].pid = 0;
pid               478 lib/ais/plugin.c                             pcmk_children[lpc].name, sig, pid,
pid               486 lib/ais/plugin.c                                pid, rc);
pid               836 lib/ais/plugin.c                 pcmk_children[lpc].pid = 0;
pid               882 lib/ais/plugin.c     ais_msg-> = swab32(ais_msg->;
pid               888 lib/ais/plugin.c     ais_msg-> = swab32(ais_msg->;
pid               927 lib/ais/plugin.c     ais_msg->pid = swab32(ais_msg->pid);
pid              1007 lib/ais/plugin.c          mutable->, pcmk_children[type].pid, ((int)SIZEOF(pcmk_children)));
pid              1017 lib/ais/plugin.c     AIS_CHECK(transient || mutable-> == pcmk_children[type].pid,
pid              1018 lib/ais/plugin.c               ais_err("Sender: %d, child[%d]: %d", mutable->, type,
pid              1019 lib/ais/plugin.c                       pcmk_children[type].pid);
pid              1028 lib/ais/plugin.c         AIS_CHECK(mutable->sender.type != mutable->,
pid              1029 lib/ais/plugin.c                   ais_err("Pid=%d, type=%d", mutable->, mutable->sender.type));
pid              1032 lib/ais/plugin.c                  conn, pcmk_children[type].name, pcmk_children[type].pid);
pid              1047 lib/ais/plugin.c         AIS_CHECK(mutable->sender.type == mutable->,
pid              1048 lib/ais/plugin.c                   ais_err("Pid=%d, type=%d", mutable->, mutable->sender.type));
pid              1049 lib/ais/plugin.c         g_hash_table_replace(ipc_client_list, async_conn, GUINT_TO_POINTER(mutable->;
pid              1102 lib/ais/plugin.c             if (pcmk_children[lpc].pid) {
pid              1103 lib/ais/plugin.c                 pid_t pid = 0;
pid              1114 lib/ais/plugin.c                 pid = wait4(pcmk_children[lpc].pid, &status, WNOHANG, NULL);
pid              1115 lib/ais/plugin.c                 if (pid < 0) {
pid              1117 lib/ais/plugin.c                                pcmk_children[lpc].name, pcmk_children[lpc].pid);
pid              1119 lib/ais/plugin.c                 } else if (pid == 0) {
pid              1124 lib/ais/plugin.c                                    pcmk_children[lpc].name, pcmk_children[lpc].pid,
pid              1141 lib/ais/plugin.c             pcmk_children[lpc].pid = 0;
pid              1293 lib/ais/plugin.c     int sender = ais_msg->;
pid              1413 lib/ais/plugin.c                    msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->, msg->is_compressed,
pid              1420 lib/ais/plugin.c              msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->, msg->is_compressed,
pid              1426 lib/ais/plugin.c              msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->, msg->is_compressed,
pid              1436 lib/ais/plugin.c     int pid = GPOINTER_TO_INT(value);
pid              1439 lib/ais/plugin.c     if (pid == mutable->host.type) {
pid              1444 lib/ais/plugin.c         ais_info("Sent message to %s.%d (rc=%d)", ais_dest(&(mutable->host)), pid, rc);
pid              1447 lib/ais/plugin.c                      ais_dest(&(mutable->host)), pid, rc);
pid              1465 lib/ais/plugin.c               mutable->, local_origin ? "false" : "true", ais_data_len((mutable)));
pid              1652 lib/ais/plugin.c     msg->pid = getpid();
pid              1753 lib/ais/plugin.c                msg->,
pid                52 lib/ais/utils.c                                 msg->,
pid               182 lib/ais/utils.c     child->pid = fork();
pid               183 lib/ais/utils.c     AIS_ASSERT(child->pid != -1);
pid               185 lib/ais/utils.c     if (child->pid > 0) {
pid               187 lib/ais/utils.c         ais_info("Forked child %d for process %s%s", child->pid, child->name,
pid               265 lib/ais/utils.c     if (child->pid <= 0) {
pid               271 lib/ais/utils.c     if (kill(child->pid, signal) == 0) {
pid               272 lib/ais/utils.c         ais_notice("Sent -%d to %s: [%d]", signal, child->name, child->pid);
pid               275 lib/ais/utils.c         ais_perror("Sent -%d to %s: [%d]", signal, child->name, child->pid);
pid                68 lib/ais/utils.h     int pid;
pid               426 lib/cluster/corosync.c                 msg->, msg->is_compressed, ais_data_len(msg), msg->header.size);
pid               432 lib/cluster/corosync.c              msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->, msg->is_compressed,
pid               233 lib/cluster/cpg.c pcmk_message_common_cs(cpg_handle_t handle, uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *content,
pid               247 lib/cluster/cpg.c             crm_err("Nodeid mismatch from %d.%d: claimed nodeid=%u", nodeid, pid, msg->;
pid               355 lib/cluster/cpg.c             msg->, (int)sizeof(AIS_Message),
pid               587 lib/cluster/cpg.c     msg-> = local_pid;
pid               280 lib/cluster/legacy.c                                uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
pid               284 lib/cluster/legacy.c     char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from);
pid               497 lib/cluster/legacy.c     int pid = 0;
pid               539 lib/cluster/legacy.c     pid = getpid();
pid               540 lib/cluster/legacy.c     pid_s = crm_itoa(pid);
pid               779 lib/cluster/legacy.c                 msg->, msg->is_compressed, ais_data_len(msg), msg->header.size);
pid               785 lib/cluster/legacy.c              msg_type2text(msg->sender.type), msg->, msg->is_compressed,
pid               350 lib/common/ipc.c     client->pid = crm_ipcs_client_pid(c);
pid               357 lib/common/ipc.c     crm_debug("Connecting %p for uid=%d gid=%d pid=%u id=%s", c, uid_client, gid_client, client->pid, client->id);
pid               557 lib/common/ipc.c                       header->, c->ipcs, c->pid, (long long) rc);
pid               560 lib/common/ipc.c                       header->, c->ipcs, c->pid, (long long) rc,
pid               573 lib/common/ipc.c                   sent, queue_len, c->ipcs, c->pid,
pid               587 lib/common/ipc.c                          CRM_XS " %p", c->pid, queue_len, c->ipcs);
pid               590 lib/common/ipc.c                          CRM_XS " %p", c->pid, queue_len, c->ipcs);
pid               709 lib/common/ipc.c             crm_trace("Sending the original to %p[%d]", c->ipcs, c->pid);
pid               715 lib/common/ipc.c             crm_trace("Sending a copy to %p[%d]", c->ipcs, c->pid);
pid               733 lib/common/ipc.c                        header->, c->ipcs, c->pid, header->qb.size, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
pid               737 lib/common/ipc.c                       header->, (long long) rc, c->ipcs, c->pid);
pid               779 lib/common/ipc.c                    c->ipcs, c->pid, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
pid               369 lib/common/logging.c         pid_t pid = getpid();
pid               373 lib/common/logging.c                  CRM_BLACKBOX_DIR, crm_system_name, (unsigned long) pid);
pid                39 lib/common/mainloop.c     pid_t pid;
pid                49 lib/common/mainloop.c     void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode);
pid               872 lib/common/mainloop.c     return child->pid;
pid               918 lib/common/mainloop.c         crm_debug("Kill pid %d only. leave group intact.", child->pid);
pid               919 lib/common/mainloop.c         rc = kill(child->pid, SIGKILL);
pid               921 lib/common/mainloop.c         crm_debug("Kill pid %d's group", child->pid);
pid               922 lib/common/mainloop.c         rc = kill(-child->pid, SIGKILL);
pid               927 lib/common/mainloop.c             crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "kill(%d, KILL) failed", child->pid);
pid               942 lib/common/mainloop.c         crm_crit("%s process (PID %d) will not die!", child->desc, (int)child->pid);
pid               953 lib/common/mainloop.c     crm_warn("%s process (PID %d) timed out", child->desc, (int)child->pid);
pid               968 lib/common/mainloop.c     rc = waitpid(child->pid, &status, flags);
pid               970 lib/common/mainloop.c         crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "wait(%d) = %d", child->pid, rc);
pid               973 lib/common/mainloop.c     } else if(rc != child->pid) {
pid               977 lib/common/mainloop.c         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Call to waitpid(%d) failed", child->pid);
pid               980 lib/common/mainloop.c         crm_trace("Managed process %d exited: %p", child->pid, child);
pid               984 lib/common/mainloop.c             crm_trace("Managed process %d (%s) exited with rc=%d", child->pid, child->desc, exitcode);
pid               988 lib/common/mainloop.c             crm_trace("Managed process %d (%s) exited with signal=%d", child->pid, child->desc, signo);
pid               993 lib/common/mainloop.c             crm_err("Managed process %d (%s) dumped core", child->pid, child->desc);
pid               999 lib/common/mainloop.c         child->callback(child, child->pid, core, signo, exitcode);
pid              1021 lib/common/mainloop.c         crm_trace("Removing process entry %p for %d", child, child->pid);
pid              1042 lib/common/mainloop.c mainloop_child_kill(pid_t pid)
pid              1053 lib/common/mainloop.c         if (pid == child->pid) {
pid              1073 lib/common/mainloop.c         crm_trace("Waiting for child %d to be reaped by child_death_dispatch()", match->pid);
pid              1097 lib/common/mainloop.c mainloop_child_add_with_flags(pid_t pid, int timeout, const char *desc, void *privatedata, enum mainloop_child_flags flags, 
pid              1098 lib/common/mainloop.c                    void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode))
pid              1103 lib/common/mainloop.c     child->pid = pid;
pid              1131 lib/common/mainloop.c mainloop_child_add(pid_t pid, int timeout, const char *desc, void *privatedata,
pid              1132 lib/common/mainloop.c                    void (*callback) (mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode))
pid              1134 lib/common/mainloop.c     mainloop_child_add_with_flags(pid, timeout, desc, privatedata, 0, callback);
pid                47 lib/common/procfs.c crm_procfs_process_info(struct dirent *entry, char *name, int *pid)
pid                63 lib/common/procfs.c     if (pid) {
pid                64 lib/common/procfs.c         *pid = local_pid;
pid               122 lib/common/procfs.c     int pid = 0;
pid               132 lib/common/procfs.c         if ((crm_procfs_process_info(entry, entry_name, &pid) == 0)
pid               134 lib/common/procfs.c             && (crm_pid_active(pid, NULL) == 1)) {
pid               136 lib/common/procfs.c             crm_info("Found %s active as process %d", name, pid);
pid               139 lib/common/procfs.c         pid = 0;
pid               142 lib/common/procfs.c     return pid;
pid               660 lib/common/utils.c     int pid = 0;
pid               679 lib/common/utils.c         pid = fork();
pid               685 lib/common/utils.c     if (pid == -1) {
pid               690 lib/common/utils.c     } else if(pid == 0) {
pid               698 lib/common/utils.c             function, pid, file, line, assert_condition);
pid               702 lib/common/utils.c         rc = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
pid               703 lib/common/utils.c         if(rc == pid) {
pid               711 lib/common/utils.c         crm_trace("Cannot wait on forked child %d - SIGCHLD is probably set to SIG_IGN", pid);
pid               714 lib/common/utils.c     crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Cannot wait on forked child %d", pid);
pid               718 lib/common/utils.c crm_pid_active(long pid, const char *daemon)
pid               734 lib/common/utils.c     if (pid <= 0) {
pid               737 lib/common/utils.c     } else if (kill(pid, 0) < 0 && errno == ESRCH) {
pid               748 lib/common/utils.c         snprintf(proc_path, sizeof(proc_path), "/proc/%lu/exe", pid);
pid               785 lib/common/utils.c     long pid = -ENOENT;
pid               802 lib/common/utils.c     if (sscanf(buf, "%lu", &pid) > 0) {
pid               803 lib/common/utils.c         if (pid <= 0) {
pid               804 lib/common/utils.c             pid = -ESRCH;
pid               806 lib/common/utils.c             crm_trace("Got pid %lu from %s\n", pid, filename);
pid               814 lib/common/utils.c     return pid;
pid               820 lib/common/utils.c     long pid = crm_read_pidfile(filename);
pid               822 lib/common/utils.c     if (pid < 2) {
pid               824 lib/common/utils.c         pid = -ENOENT;
pid               827 lib/common/utils.c     } else if (mypid && pid == mypid) {
pid               829 lib/common/utils.c         pid = pcmk_ok;
pid               831 lib/common/utils.c     } else if (crm_pid_active(pid, daemon) == FALSE) {
pid               834 lib/common/utils.c         pid = -ENOENT;
pid               836 lib/common/utils.c     } else if (mypid && pid != mypid) {
pid               838 lib/common/utils.c         pid = -EEXIST;
pid               841 lib/common/utils.c     return pid;
pid               883 lib/common/utils.c     long pid;
pid               893 lib/common/utils.c         pid = crm_read_pidfile(pidfile);
pid               894 lib/common/utils.c         crm_err("%s: already running [pid %ld in %s]", name, pid, pidfile);
pid               895 lib/common/utils.c         printf("%s: already running [pid %ld in %s]\n", name, pid, pidfile);
pid               899 lib/common/utils.c     pid = fork();
pid               900 lib/common/utils.c     if (pid < 0) {
pid               905 lib/common/utils.c     } else if (pid > 0) {
pid                60 lib/fencing/st_client.c     void (*done_cb) (GPid pid, gint status, const char *output, gpointer user_data);
pid                76 lib/fencing/st_client.c     GPid pid;
pid               159 lib/fencing/st_client.c static void log_action(stonith_action_t *action, pid_t pid);
pid               162 lib/fencing/st_client.c log_action(stonith_action_t *action, pid_t pid)
pid               166 lib/fencing/st_client.c         char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s[%d] stdout:", action->agent, pid);
pid               174 lib/fencing/st_client.c         char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s[%d] stderr:", action->agent, pid);
pid               608 lib/fencing/st_client.c     crm_info("Child %d timed out, sending SIGTERM", track->pid);
pid               611 lib/fencing/st_client.c     rc = kill(-track->pid, SIGTERM);
pid               613 lib/fencing/st_client.c         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't send SIGTERM to %d", track->pid);
pid               624 lib/fencing/st_client.c     crm_info("Child %d timed out, sending SIGKILL", track->pid);
pid               627 lib/fencing/st_client.c     rc = kill(-track->pid, SIGKILL);
pid               629 lib/fencing/st_client.c         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't send SIGKILL to %d", track->pid);
pid               658 lib/fencing/st_client.c     action->pid = 0;
pid               761 lib/fencing/st_client.c stonith_action_async_done(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode)
pid               780 lib/fencing/st_client.c                    pid, action->action, action->last_timeout_signo);
pid               785 lib/fencing/st_client.c                    pid, action->action, signo);
pid               789 lib/fencing/st_client.c                   pid, action->action, exitcode);
pid               811 lib/fencing/st_client.c     log_action(action, pid);
pid               821 lib/fencing/st_client.c         action->done_cb(pid, action->rc, action->output, action->userdata);
pid               830 lib/fencing/st_client.c     int pid, status = 0, len, rc = -EPROTO;
pid               877 lib/fencing/st_client.c     pid = fork();
pid               878 lib/fencing/st_client.c     if (pid < 0) {
pid               883 lib/fencing/st_client.c     if (!pid) {
pid               916 lib/fencing/st_client.c     action->pid = pid;
pid               953 lib/fencing/st_client.c         mainloop_child_add(pid, 0/* Move the timeout here? */, action->action, action, stonith_action_async_done);
pid               954 lib/fencing/st_client.c         crm_trace("Op: %s on %s, pid: %d, timeout: %ds", action->action, action->agent, pid,
pid               978 lib/fencing/st_client.c             p = waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG);
pid               987 lib/fencing/st_client.c             int killrc = kill(-pid, SIGKILL);
pid               990 lib/fencing/st_client.c                 crm_err("kill(%d, KILL) failed: %s (%d)", pid, pcmk_strerror(errno), errno);
pid               998 lib/fencing/st_client.c             p = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
pid              1002 lib/fencing/st_client.c             crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "waitpid(%d)", pid);
pid              1004 lib/fencing/st_client.c         } else if (p != pid) {
pid              1005 lib/fencing/st_client.c             crm_err("Waited for %d, got %d", pid, p);
pid              1013 lib/fencing/st_client.c         log_action(action, pid);
pid              1061 lib/fencing/st_client.c                              void (*done) (GPid pid, int rc, const char *output,
pid              1076 lib/fencing/st_client.c     return rc < 0 ? rc : action->pid;
pid               666 lib/services/services.c     if (op->pid != 0) {
pid               668 lib/services/services.c                  id, op->pid);
pid               669 lib/services/services.c         cancelled = mainloop_child_kill(op->pid);
pid               671 lib/services/services.c             crm_err("Termination of %s (pid %d) failed", id, op->pid);
pid               718 lib/services/services.c     if (op->pid || inflight_systemd_or_upstart(op)) {
pid               755 lib/services/services.c         if (dup->pid != 0) {
pid               237 lib/services/services_linux.c     op->pid = 0;
pid               255 lib/services/services_linux.c operation_finished(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode)
pid               258 lib/services/services_linux.c     char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d", op->id, op->pid);
pid               262 lib/services/services_linux.c     CRM_ASSERT(op->pid == pid);
pid               306 lib/services/services_linux.c     prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d:stderr", op->id, op->pid);
pid               310 lib/services/services_linux.c     prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d:stdout", op->id, op->pid);
pid               493 lib/services/services_linux.c     crm_trace("Waiting for %d", op->pid);
pid               523 lib/services/services_linux.c                     wait_rc = waitpid(op->pid, &status, WNOHANG);
pid               537 lib/services/services_linux.c                         crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "waitpid() for %d failed", op->pid);
pid               557 lib/services/services_linux.c     crm_trace("Child done: %d", op->pid);
pid               563 lib/services/services_linux.c             crm_warn("%s:%d - timed out after %dms", op->id, op->pid, op->timeout);
pid               571 lib/services/services_linux.c         if (wait_rc == 0 && waitpid(op->pid, &status, WNOHANG) == 0) {
pid               572 lib/services/services_linux.c             if (kill(op->pid, SIGKILL)) {
pid               573 lib/services/services_linux.c                 crm_err("kill(%d, KILL) failed: %d", op->pid, errno);
pid               576 lib/services/services_linux.c             while (waitpid(op->pid, &status, 0) == (pid_t) -1 && errno == EINTR) /*omit*/;
pid               582 lib/services/services_linux.c         crm_info("Managed %s process %d exited with rc=%d", op->id, op->pid, op->rc);
pid               588 lib/services/services_linux.c         crm_err("Managed %s process %d exited with signal=%d", op->id, op->pid, signo);
pid               592 lib/services/services_linux.c         crm_err("Managed %s process %d dumped core", op->id, op->pid);
pid               717 lib/services/services_linux.c     op->pid = fork();
pid               718 lib/services/services_linux.c     switch (op->pid) {
pid               785 lib/services/services_linux.c         crm_trace("Async waiting for %d - %s", op->pid, op->opaque->exec);
pid               786 lib/services/services_linux.c         mainloop_child_add_with_flags(op->pid,
pid                99 lrmd/ipc_proxy.c     client->name = crm_strdup_printf("proxy-%s-%d-%.8s", ipc_channel, client->pid, client->id);
pid               407 lrmd/ipc_proxy.c                 ipc_client->id, ipc_client->pid);
pid               874 lrmd/lrmd.c        cmd->last_pid = action->pid;
pid                73 lrmd/lrmd_alert_api.c               action->pid, cb_data->client_id, action->rc);
pid               409 lrmd/main.c        pid_t pid = 0;
pid               417 lrmd/main.c            pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG);
pid               418 lrmd/main.c            if(pid == main_pid) {
pid               426 lrmd/main.c        } while (pid > 0);
pid                51 mcp/pacemaker.c     int pid;
pid               113 mcp/pacemaker.c         if (pcmk_children[lpc].pid != 0) {
pid               123 mcp/pacemaker.c     child->pid = 0;
pid               157 mcp/pacemaker.c pcmk_child_exit(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode)
pid               163 mcp/pacemaker.c         crm_warn("The %s process (%d) terminated with signal %d (core=%d)", name, pid, signo, core);
pid               166 mcp/pacemaker.c         crm_err("The %s process (%d) terminated with signal %d (core=%d)", name, pid, signo, core);
pid               171 mcp/pacemaker.c                 crm_info("The %s process (%d) exited: %s (%d)", name, pid, pcmk_strerror(exitcode), exitcode);
pid               175 mcp/pacemaker.c                 crm_warn("The %s process (%d) can no longer be respawned, shutting the cluster down.", name, pid);
pid               182 mcp/pacemaker.c                 do_crm_log_always(LOG_EMERG, "The %s process (%d) instructed the machine to reset", name, pid);
pid               190 mcp/pacemaker.c                 crm_err("The %s process (%d) exited: %s (%d)", name, pid, pcmk_strerror(exitcode), exitcode);
pid               210 mcp/pacemaker.c     if (child->pid <= 0) {
pid               216 mcp/pacemaker.c     if (kill(child->pid, signal) == 0) {
pid               218 mcp/pacemaker.c                    child->name, signal, child->pid);
pid               222 mcp/pacemaker.c                    child->name, child->pid, signal);
pid               281 mcp/pacemaker.c     child->pid = fork();
pid               282 mcp/pacemaker.c     CRM_ASSERT(child->pid != -1);
pid               284 mcp/pacemaker.c     if (child->pid > 0) {
pid               286 mcp/pacemaker.c         mainloop_child_add(child->pid, 0, child->name, child, pcmk_child_exit);
pid               288 mcp/pacemaker.c         crm_info("Forked child %d for process %s%s", child->pid, child->name,
pid               361 mcp/pacemaker.c     if (child->pid) {
pid               396 mcp/pacemaker.c             if (child->pid) {
pid               411 mcp/pacemaker.c                                child->name, child->pid, child->start_seq);
pid               418 mcp/pacemaker.c             child->pid = 0;
pid               709 mcp/pacemaker.c                 if (crm_pid_active(pcmk_children[lpc].pid, name) != 1) {
pid               711 mcp/pacemaker.c                            name, pcmk_children[lpc].pid);
pid               741 mcp/pacemaker.c         int pid;
pid               745 mcp/pacemaker.c         if (crm_procfs_process_info(entry, entry_name, &pid) < 0) {
pid               757 mcp/pacemaker.c             if (safe_str_eq(entry_name, name) && (crm_pid_active(pid, NULL) == 1)) {
pid               758 mcp/pacemaker.c                 crm_notice("Tracking existing %s process (pid=%d)", name, pid);
pid               759 mcp/pacemaker.c                 pcmk_children[i].pid = pid;
pid               786 mcp/pacemaker.c             if (pcmk_children[lpc].pid) {
pid               826 mcp/pacemaker.c                  uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
pid              3602 tools/crm_mon.c     pid_t pid;
pid              3624 tools/crm_mon.c     pid = fork();
pid              3625 tools/crm_mon.c     if (pid == -1) {
pid              3628 tools/crm_mon.c     if (pid == 0) {
pid               693 tools/crm_node.c                           uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
pid               697 tools/crm_node.c     char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from);
pid               949 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c     char *pid = NULL;
pid               961 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c         pid = crm_getpid_s();
pid               962 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c         shadow_cib = cib_shadow_new(pid);
pid               963 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c         shadow_file = get_shadow_file(pid);
pid               966 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c             fprintf(stderr, "Could not create shadow cib: '%s'\n", pid);
pid               995 tools/crm_resource_runtime.c     free(pid);
pid               435 tools/crm_simulate.c         char *pid = crm_getpid_s();
pid               437 tools/crm_simulate.c         local_output = get_shadow_file(pid);
pid               440 tools/crm_simulate.c         free(pid);
pid                97 tools/ipmiservicelogd.c     pid_t pid;
pid               109 tools/ipmiservicelogd.c     pid = fork();
pid               111 tools/ipmiservicelogd.c     if (0 < pid) {
pid               136 tools/ipmiservicelogd.c         waitpid(pid, &childExitStatus, 0);
pid               182 tools/ipmiservicelogd.c     } else if (pid == 0) {