Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- a -
- A
: md5_ctx
- abort_priority
: pcmk__graph_t
- abort_reason
: pcmk__graph_t
- acls
: xml_doc_private_s
- action
: lrmd_op_info_s
, notify_data_s
, pe_action_wrapper_s
, stonith_event_s
, stonith_history_s
, svc_action_s
- action1
: pcmk__action_relation_t
- action2
: pcmk__action_relation_t
- action_details
: pe_action_s
- action_flags
: resource_alloc_functions_s
- action_id
: pe_working_set_s
- action_stderr
: pcmk__action_result_t
- action_stdout
: pcmk__action_result_t
- actions
: pcmk__graph_synapse_t
, pe_resource_s
, pe_working_set_s
- actions_after
: pe_action_s
- actions_before
: pe_action_s
- active
: notify_data_s
, resource_object_functions_s
- active_node
: resource_object_functions_s
- add_actions_to_graph
: resource_alloc_functions_s
- add_colocated_node_scores
: resource_alloc_functions_s
- add_graph_meta
: resource_alloc_functions_s
- add_notify_callback
: cib_api_operations_s
- add_utilization
: resource_alloc_functions_s
- agent
: pe_rsc_eval_data
, svc_action_s
- allocated_rsc
: pe_node_shared_s
- allocated_to
: pe_resource_s
- allowed
: pcmk__graph_functions_t
- allowed_nodes
: notify_data_s
, pe_resource_s
- alt_name
: pcmk__cluster_option_s
- api_data
: pcmk_ipc_api_s
- apply_coloc_score
: resource_alloc_functions_s
- apply_location
: resource_alloc_functions_s
- args
: svc_action_private_s
- assign
: resource_alloc_functions_s
- attrs
: pe_node_shared_s
- auth_timeout
: pcmk__remote_s