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#digests-, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
#node-unfenced, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes


access control list, Access Control Lists (ACLs)
id, ACL Targets and Groups
attribute, ACL Roles
description, ACL Roles
id, ACL Roles
kind, ACL Roles
object-type, ACL Roles
reference, ACL Roles
xpath, ACL Roles
description, ACL Roles
id, ACL Roles
id, ACL Targets and Groups
id, ACL Targets and Groups
ACL, Access Control Lists (ACLs)
acl_group, ACL Targets and Groups
id, ACL Targets and Groups
acl_permission, ACL Roles
attribute, ACL Roles
description, ACL Roles
id, ACL Roles
kind, ACL Roles
object-type, ACL Roles
reference, ACL Roles
xpath, ACL Roles
acl_role, ACL Roles
description, ACL Roles
id, ACL Roles
acl_target, ACL Targets and Groups
id, ACL Targets and Groups
Action, Resource Operations
enabled, Operation Properties
id, Operation Properties
interval, Operation Properties
name, Operation Properties
on-fail, Operation Properties
role, Operation Properties
timeout, Operation Properties
call-id, Operation History
crm-debug-origin, Operation History
crm_feature_set, Operation History
exec-time, Operation History
id, Operation History
interval, Operation History
last-rc-change, Operation History
last-run, Operation History
op-digest, Operation History
op-status, Operation History
operation, Operation History
queue-time, Operation History
rc-code, Operation History
transition-key, Operation History
transition-magic, Operation History
action, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Ordered Sets
Ordering Constraints, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Ordered Sets
action attribute, Resource Sets
resource_set element, Resource Sets
Action Property, Operation Properties
Action Status, Operation History
active_resource, Clone Notifications
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications
active_uname, Clone Notifications
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications
add-host attribute, Bundle Network Properties
network element, Bundle Network Properties
admin_epoch, CIB Properties
Cluster Option, CIB Properties
timeout, Alert Meta-Attributes
timestamp-format, Alert Meta-Attributes
Alerts, Alerts
Asymmetrical Clusters, Asymmetrical "Opt-In" Clusters
attribute, Node Attributes, ACL Roles
#digests-, Special node attributes
#node-unfenced, Special node attributes
acl_permission, ACL Roles
fail-count-, Special node attributes
last-failure-, Special node attributes
maintenance, Special node attributes
probe_complete, Special node attributes
resource-discovery-enabled, Special node attributes
shutdown, Special node attributes
site-name, Special node attributes
standby, Special node attributes
terminate, Special node attributes
attribute attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
attribute_name, Writing an Alert Agent
attribute_value, Writing an Alert Agent


batch-limit, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
boolean-op attribute, Rule Properties
rule element, Rule Properties
Bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
Container, Bundle Container Properties
Meta-attributes, Bundle Meta-Attributes
Networking, Bundle Network Properties
Node Attributes, Bundle Node Attributes
Prerequisites, Bundle Prerequisites
Primitive, Bundle Primitive
Storage, Bundle Storage Properties
bundle element, Bundle Properties
description attribute, Bundle Properties
id attribute, Bundle Properties


call-id, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
cib-last-written, CIB Properties
Cluster Property, CIB Properties
class, Resource Classes, Resource Properties
Resource, Resource Properties
class attribute, Resource Expressions
rsc_expression element, Resource Expressions
clone-max, Clone Options
clone-min, Clone Options
clone-node-max, Clone Options
globally-unique, Clone Options
interleave, Clone Options
notify, Clone Options
ordered, Clone Options
promotable, Clone Options
promoted-max, Clone Options
promoted-node-max, Clone Options
id, Clone Properties
Clone Option, Clone Options
Clone Property, Clone Properties
Clone Resources, Clones - Resources That Can Have Multiple Active Instances
clone-max, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
clone-min, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
clone-node-max, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
Clones, Clones - Resources That Can Have Multiple Active Instances, Clone Stickiness
Cluster, CIB Properties
admin_epoch, CIB Properties
batch-limit, Cluster Options
cluster-delay, Cluster Options
cluster-ipc-limit, Cluster Options
cluster-recheck-interval, Cluster Options
concurrent-fencing, Cluster Options
Configuration Version, CIB Properties
dc-deadtime, Cluster Options
election-timeout, Cluster Options
enable-acl, Cluster Options
enable-startup-probes, Cluster Options
epoch, CIB Properties
fence-reaction, Cluster Options
join-finalization-timeout, Cluster Options
join-integration-timeout, Cluster Options
maintenance-mode, Cluster Options
migration-limit, Cluster Options
no-quorum-policy, Cluster Options
node-health-base, Cluster Options
node-health-green, Cluster Options
node-health-red, Cluster Options
node-health-strategy, Cluster Options
node-health-yellow, Cluster Options
num_updates, CIB Properties
pe-error-series-max, Cluster Options
pe-input-series-max, Cluster Options
pe-warn-series-max, Cluster Options
placement-strategy, Cluster Options
priority-fencing-delay, Cluster Options
remove-after-stop, Cluster Options
shutdown-escalation, Cluster Options
shutdown-lock, Cluster Options
shutdown-lock-limit, Cluster Options
start-failure-is-fatal, Cluster Options
startup-fencing, Cluster Options
stonith-action, Cluster Options
stonith-enabled, Cluster Options
stonith-max-attempts, Cluster Options
stonith-timeout, Cluster Options
stonith-watchdog-timeout, Cluster Options
stop-all-resources, Cluster Options
stop-orphan-actions, Cluster Options
stop-orphan-resources, Cluster Options
symmetric-cluster, Cluster Options
transition-delay, Cluster Options
validate-with, CIB Properties
cib-last-written, CIB Properties
cluster-infrastructure, Cluster Options
cluster-name, Cluster Options
dc-uuid, CIB Properties
dc-version, Cluster Options
have-quorum, CIB Properties
Setting Options with Rules, Using Rules to Control Cluster Options
Cluster Option, CIB Properties, Cluster Options
Cluster Property, CIB Properties, Cluster Options
cluster-delay, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
cluster-infrastructure, Cluster Options
Cluster Property, Cluster Options
cluster-ipc-limit, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
cluster-name, Cluster Options
Cluster Property, Cluster Options
cluster-recheck-interval, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
Colocation Constraint, Placing Resources Relative to other Resources
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
concurrent-fencing, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
Configuration, Fencing
Configuration Version, CIB Properties
Cluster, CIB Properties
Constraint, Resource Constraints
Colocation Constraint, Placing Resources Relative to other Resources
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
Location Constraint, Deciding Which Nodes a Resource Can Run On
Resource Discovery, Location Properties
rsc_location element, Location Properties
Ordering Constraint, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
Resource Set, Resource Sets
Rule, Rules
action, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Ordered Sets
role, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Colocation Sets
rsc-role, Promotable Clone Constraints
with-rsc-role, Promotable Clone Constraints
Container, Bundle Container Properties
Bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
Bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
Bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
control-port attribute, Bundle Network Properties
network element, Bundle Network Properties
Controlling Cluster Options, Using Rules to Control Cluster Options
crm-debug-origin, Node Status, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
Node Status, Node Status
crmd, Node Status
Node Status, Node Status
attribute_name, Writing an Alert Agent
attribute_value, Writing an Alert Agent
desc, Writing an Alert Agent
exec_time, Writing an Alert Agent
interval, Writing an Alert Agent
kind, Writing an Alert Agent
node, Writing an Alert Agent
nodeid, Writing an Alert Agent
rc, Writing an Alert Agent
recipient, Writing an Alert Agent
rsc, Writing an Alert Agent
status, Writing an Alert Agent
target_rc, Writing an Alert Agent
task, Writing an Alert Agent
timestamp, Writing an Alert Agent
timestamp_epoch, Writing an Alert Agent
timestamp_usec, Writing an Alert Agent
version, Writing an Alert Agent
sequence, Writing an Alert Agent
crm_feature_set, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
custom, Node Health Strategy


dampen, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
Ping Resource Option, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
Date Specification, Date Specifications
Date/Time Expression, Date/Time Expressions
Date Specification, Date Specifications
Duration, Durations
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
end attribute, Date/Time Expressions
id attribute, Date/Time Expressions
operation attribute, Date/Time Expressions
start attribute, Date/Time Expressions
date_spec element, Date Specifications
hours attribute, Date Specifications
id attribute, Date Specifications
monthdays attribute, Date Specifications
months attribute, Date Specifications
moon attribute, Date Specifications
weekdays attribute, Date Specifications
weeks attribute, Date Specifications
weekyears attribute, Date Specifications
yeardays attribute, Date Specifications
years attribute, Date Specifications
dc-deadtime, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
dc-uuid, CIB Properties
Cluster Property, CIB Properties
dc-version, Cluster Options
Cluster Property, Cluster Options
demote_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
Notification Environment Variable, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
demote_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
Notification Environment Variable, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
desc, Writing an Alert Agent
description, ACL Roles
acl_permission, ACL Roles
acl_role, ACL Roles
description attribute, Bundle Properties
bundle element, Bundle Properties
Determine by Rules, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
Determine Resource Location, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
devices, Fencing Topologies
fencing-level, Fencing Topologies
Bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
image attribute, Bundle Container Properties
network attribute, Bundle Container Properties
options attribute, Bundle Container Properties
promoted-max attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas-per-host attribute, Bundle Container Properties
run-command attribute, Bundle Container Properties
Duration, Durations
duration element, Durations
hours attribute, Durations
id attribute, Durations
minutes attribute, Durations
months attribute, Durations
seconds attribute, Durations
weeks attribute, Durations
years attribute, Durations


election-timeout, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
enable-acl, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
enable-startup-probes, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
enabled, Operation Properties
Action Property, Operation Properties
end attribute, Date/Time Expressions
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
Environment Variable
attribute_name, Writing an Alert Agent
attribute_value, Writing an Alert Agent
desc, Writing an Alert Agent
exec_time, Writing an Alert Agent
interval, Writing an Alert Agent
kind, Writing an Alert Agent
node, Writing an Alert Agent
nodeid, Writing an Alert Agent
rc, Writing an Alert Agent
recipient, Writing an Alert Agent
rsc, Writing an Alert Agent
status, Writing an Alert Agent
target_rc, Writing an Alert Agent
task, Writing an Alert Agent
timestamp, Writing an Alert Agent
timestamp_epoch, Writing an Alert Agent
timestamp_usec, Writing an Alert Agent
version, Writing an Alert Agent
sequence, Writing an Alert Agent
active_resource, Clone Notifications
active_uname, Clone Notifications
demote_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
demote_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
inactive_resource, Clone Notifications
master_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
master_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
operation, Clone Notifications
promote_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
promote_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
slave_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
slave_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
start_resource, Clone Notifications
start_uname, Clone Notifications
stop_resource, Clone Notifications
stop_uname, Clone Notifications
type, Clone Notifications
epoch, CIB Properties
Cluster Option, CIB Properties
exec-time, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
exec_time, Writing an Alert Agent
expected, Node Status
Node Status, Node Status
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
attribute attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
id attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
operation attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
type attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
value attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
value-source attribute, Node Attribute Expressions


fail-count-, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
failure-timeout, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
contact information for this manual, We Need Feedback!
fence-reaction, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Configuration, Fencing
devices, Fencing Topologies
id, Fencing Topologies
index, Fencing Topologies
target, Fencing Topologies
target-attribute, Fencing Topologies
target-pattern, Fencing Topologies
pcmk_action_limit, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_delay_base, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_delay_max, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_argument, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_check, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_list, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_map, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_list_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_list_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_list_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_monitor_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_monitor_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_monitor_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_off_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_off_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_off_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_reboot_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_reboot_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_reboot_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_status_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_status_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_status_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
provides, Special Options for Fencing Resources
stonith-timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
fencing-level, Fencing Topologies
devices, Fencing Topologies
id, Fencing Topologies
index, Fencing Topologies
target, Fencing Topologies
target-attribute, Fencing Topologies
target-pattern, Fencing Topologies
first attribute, Ordering Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
first-action attribute, Ordering Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties


globally-unique, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
green, Node Health Attributes
Group Property
id, Group Properties
Group Resource Property, Group Properties
Group Resources, Groups - A Syntactic Shortcut
Groups, Groups - A Syntactic Shortcut, Group Stickiness


have-quorum, CIB Properties
Cluster Property, CIB Properties
host-interface attribute, Bundle Network Properties
network element, Bundle Network Properties
host-netmask attribute, Bundle Network Properties
network element, Bundle Network Properties
host_list, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
Ping Resource Option, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
hours attribute, Date Specifications, Durations
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations


id, Resource Properties, Operation Properties, Fencing Topologies, Group Properties, Clone Properties, ACL Roles, ACL Targets and Groups, Node Status, Operation History
acl_group, ACL Targets and Groups
acl_permission, ACL Roles
acl_role, ACL Roles
acl_target, ACL Targets and Groups
Action Property, Operation Properties
Action Status, Operation History
Clone Property, Clone Properties
fencing-level, Fencing Topologies
Group Resource Property, Group Properties
Node Status, Node Status
Resource, Resource Properties
role, ACL Targets and Groups
id attribute, Location Properties, Ordering Properties, Colocation Properties, Resource Sets, Rule Properties, Node Attribute Expressions, Date/Time Expressions, Date Specifications, Durations, Resource Expressions, Operation Expressions, Bundle Properties, Bundle Network Properties, Bundle Storage Properties
bundle element, Bundle Properties
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
op_expression element, Operation Expressions
port-mapping element, Bundle Network Properties
resource_set element, Resource Sets
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
rsc_expression element, Resource Expressions
rsc_location element, Location Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
rule element, Rule Properties
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
image attribute, Bundle Container Properties
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
inactive_resource, Clone Notifications
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications
index, Fencing Topologies
fencing-level, Fencing Topologies
interleave, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
internal-port attribute, Bundle Network Properties
port-mapping element, Bundle Network Properties
interval, Operation Properties, Writing an Alert Agent, Operation History
Action Property, Operation Properties
Action Status, Operation History
interval attribute, Operation Expressions
op_expression element, Operation Expressions
in_ccm, Node Status
Node Status, Node Status
ip-range-start attribute, Bundle Network Properties
network element, Bundle Network Properties
is-managed, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes


join, Node Status
Node Status, Node Status
join-finalization-timeout, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
join-integration-timeout, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options


kind, Writing an Alert Agent, ACL Roles
acl_permission, ACL Roles
kind attribute, Ordering Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties


last-failure-, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
last-rc-change, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
last-run, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
Linux Standard Base
Resources, Linux Standard Base
Determine by Rules, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
Location Constraint, Deciding Which Nodes a Resource Can Run On
Resource Discovery, Location Properties
rsc_location element, Location Properties
Location Relative to Other Resources, Placing Resources Relative to other Resources
LSB, Linux Standard Base
Resources, Linux Standard Base


maintenance, Special node attributes, Resource Meta-Attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
maintenance-mode, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
master_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
Notification Environment Variable, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
master_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
Notification Environment Variable, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
Meta-attributes, Bundle Meta-Attributes
migrate-on-red, Node Health Strategy
migration-limit, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
migration-threshold, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
minutes attribute, Durations
duration element, Durations
monthdays attribute, Date Specifications
date_spec element, Date Specifications
months attribute, Date Specifications, Durations
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations
moon attribute, Date Specifications
date_spec element, Date Specifications
Moving, Moving Resources
Resources, Moving Resources
multiple-active, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
multiplier, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
Ping Resource Option, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity


Nagios Plugins, Nagios Plugins
Resources, Nagios Plugins
name, Operation Properties
Action Property, Operation Properties
name attribute, Operation Expressions
op_expression element, Operation Expressions
network attribute, Bundle Container Properties
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
network element, Bundle Network Properties
add-host attribute, Bundle Network Properties
control-port attribute, Bundle Network Properties
host-interface attribute, Bundle Network Properties
host-netmask attribute, Bundle Network Properties
ip-range-start attribute, Bundle Network Properties
Networking, Bundle Network Properties
no-quorum-policy, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
attribute, Node Attributes
#digests-, Special node attributes
#node-unfenced, Special node attributes
fail-count-, Special node attributes
last-failure-, Special node attributes
maintenance, Special node attributes
probe_complete, Special node attributes
resource-discovery-enabled, Special node attributes
shutdown, Special node attributes
site-name, Special node attributes
standby, Special node attributes
terminate, Special node attributes
Score, Scores
Status, Node Status
crm-debug-origin, Node Status
crmd, Node Status
expected, Node Status
id, Node Status
in_ccm, Node Status
join, Node Status
uname, Node Status
node, Writing an Alert Agent
Node attribute, Special node attributes
node attribute, Location Properties
rsc_location element, Location Properties
Node Attribute Expression, Node Attribute Expressions
Node Attributes, Bundle Node Attributes
Node health
custom, Node Health Strategy
green, Node Health Attributes
migrate-on-red, Node Health Strategy
none, Node Health Strategy
only-green, Node Health Strategy
progressive, Node Health Strategy
red, Node Health Attributes
score, Node Health Attributes
yellow, Node Health Attributes
Node Status, Node Status
node-attribute attribute, Colocation Properties
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
node-health-base, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
node-health-green, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
node-health-red, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
node-health-strategy, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
node-health-yellow, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
nodeid, Writing an Alert Agent
none, Node Health Strategy
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
notify, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
num_updates, CIB Properties
Cluster Option, CIB Properties


object-type, ACL Roles
acl_permission, ACL Roles
OCF, Open Cluster Framework
Resources, Open Cluster Framework
OCF_FAILED_MASTER, Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones
OCF_NOT_RUNNING, Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones
active_resource, Clone Notifications
active_uname, Clone Notifications
demote_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
demote_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
inactive_resource, Clone Notifications
master_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
master_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
operation, Clone Notifications
promote_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
promote_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
slave_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
slave_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
start_resource, Clone Notifications
start_uname, Clone Notifications
stop_resource, Clone Notifications
stop_uname, Clone Notifications
type, Clone Notifications
OCF_RUNNING_MASTER, Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones
OCF_SUCCESS, Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones
on-fail, Operation Properties
Action Property, Operation Properties
only-green, Node Health Strategy
op-digest, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
op-status, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
Open Cluster Framework
Resources, Open Cluster Framework
operation, Clone Notifications, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications
operation attribute, Node Attribute Expressions, Date/Time Expressions
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
Operation History, Operation History
Opt-In Clusters, Asymmetrical "Opt-In" Clusters
Opt-Out Clusters, Symmetrical "Opt-Out" Clusters
admin_epoch, CIB Properties
batch-limit, Cluster Options
clone-max, Clone Options
clone-min, Clone Options
clone-node-max, Clone Options
cluster-delay, Cluster Options
cluster-ipc-limit, Cluster Options
cluster-recheck-interval, Cluster Options
concurrent-fencing, Cluster Options
Configuration Version, CIB Properties
dampen, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
dc-deadtime, Cluster Options
election-timeout, Cluster Options
enable-acl, Cluster Options
enable-startup-probes, Cluster Options
epoch, CIB Properties
failure-timeout, Resource Meta-Attributes
fence-reaction, Cluster Options
globally-unique, Clone Options
host_list, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
interleave, Clone Options
is-managed, Resource Meta-Attributes
join-finalization-timeout, Cluster Options
join-integration-timeout, Cluster Options
maintenance, Resource Meta-Attributes
maintenance-mode, Cluster Options
migration-limit, Cluster Options
migration-threshold, Resource Meta-Attributes
multiple-active, Resource Meta-Attributes
multiplier, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
no-quorum-policy, Cluster Options
node-health-base, Cluster Options
node-health-green, Cluster Options
node-health-red, Cluster Options
node-health-strategy, Cluster Options
node-health-yellow, Cluster Options
notify, Clone Options
num_updates, CIB Properties
ordered, Clone Options
pe-error-series-max, Cluster Options
pe-input-series-max, Cluster Options
pe-warn-series-max, Cluster Options
placement-strategy, Cluster Options
priority, Resource Meta-Attributes
priority-fencing-delay, Cluster Options
promotable, Clone Options
promoted-max, Clone Options
promoted-node-max, Clone Options
remove-after-stop, Cluster Options
requires, Resource Meta-Attributes
resource-stickiness, Resource Meta-Attributes
shutdown-escalation, Cluster Options
shutdown-lock, Cluster Options
shutdown-lock-limit, Cluster Options
start-failure-is-fatal, Cluster Options
startup-fencing, Cluster Options
stonith-action, Cluster Options
stonith-enabled, Cluster Options
stonith-max-attempts, Cluster Options
stonith-timeout, Cluster Options
stonith-watchdog-timeout, Cluster Options
stop-all-resources, Cluster Options
stop-orphan-actions, Cluster Options
stop-orphan-resources, Cluster Options
symmetric-cluster, Cluster Options
target-role, Resource Meta-Attributes
timeout, Alert Meta-Attributes
timestamp-format, Alert Meta-Attributes
transition-delay, Cluster Options
validate-with, CIB Properties
options attribute, Bundle Container Properties, Bundle Storage Properties
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
op_expression element, Operation Expressions
id attribute, Operation Expressions
interval attribute, Operation Expressions
name attribute, Operation Expressions
ordered, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
action, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Ordered Sets
role, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Colocation Sets
rsc-role, Promotable Clone Constraints
with-rsc-role, Promotable Clone Constraints
Ordering Constraint, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
Ordering Constraints, Promotable Clone Constraints, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Colocation Sets, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Ordered Sets


pcmk_action_limit, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_delay_base, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_delay_max, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_argument, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_check, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_list, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_map, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_list_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_list_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_list_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_monitor_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_monitor_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_monitor_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_off_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_off_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_off_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_reboot_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_reboot_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_reboot_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_status_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_status_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_status_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pe-error-series-max, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
pe-input-series-max, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
pe-warn-series-max, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
Ping Resource
dampen, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
host_list, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
multiplier, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
Ping Resource Option, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
placement-strategy, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
Bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
image attribute, Bundle Container Properties
network attribute, Bundle Container Properties
options attribute, Bundle Container Properties
promoted-max attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas-per-host attribute, Bundle Container Properties
run-command attribute, Bundle Container Properties
port attribute, Bundle Network Properties
port-mapping element, Bundle Network Properties
port-mapping, Bundle Network Properties
port-mapping element, Bundle Network Properties
id attribute, Bundle Network Properties
internal-port attribute, Bundle Network Properties
port attribute, Bundle Network Properties
range attribute, Bundle Network Properties
Prerequisites, Bundle Prerequisites
Primitive, Bundle Primitive
priority, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
priority-fencing-delay, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
probe_complete, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
progressive, Node Health Strategy
Promotable, Promotable clones
promotable, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
Promotable Clone Resources, Promotable clones
promoted-max, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
promoted-max attribute, Bundle Container Properties
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
promoted-node-max, Clone Options
Clone Option, Clone Options
promote_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
Notification Environment Variable, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
promote_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
Notification Environment Variable, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
cib-last-written, CIB Properties
class, Resource Properties
cluster-infrastructure, Cluster Options
cluster-name, Cluster Options
dc-uuid, CIB Properties
dc-version, Cluster Options
enabled, Operation Properties
have-quorum, CIB Properties
id, Resource Properties, Operation Properties, Clone Properties
interval, Operation Properties
name, Operation Properties
on-fail, Operation Properties
pcmk_action_limit, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_delay_base, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_delay_max, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_argument, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_check, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_list, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_host_map, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_list_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_list_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_list_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_monitor_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_monitor_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_monitor_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_off_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_off_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_off_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_reboot_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_reboot_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_reboot_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_status_action, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_status_retries, Special Options for Fencing Resources
pcmk_status_timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
provider, Resource Properties
provides, Special Options for Fencing Resources
role, Operation Properties
stonith-timeout, Special Options for Fencing Resources
timeout, Operation Properties
type, Resource Properties
provider, Resource Properties
Resource, Resource Properties
provider attribute, Resource Expressions
rsc_expression element, Resource Expressions
provides, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources


queue-time, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History


range attribute, Bundle Network Properties
port-mapping element, Bundle Network Properties
rc, Writing an Alert Agent
rc-code, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
recipient, Writing an Alert Agent
red, Node Health Attributes
reference, ACL Roles
acl_permission, ACL Roles
remove-after-stop, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
replicas attribute, Bundle Container Properties
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
replicas-per-host attribute, Bundle Container Properties
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
require-all attribute, Resource Sets
resource_set element, Resource Sets
requires, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resource, What is a Cluster Resource?, Resource Properties
Action, Resource Operations
Alerts, Alerts
Bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
Container, Bundle Container Properties
Meta-attributes, Bundle Meta-Attributes
Networking, Bundle Network Properties
Node Attributes, Bundle Node Attributes
Prerequisites, Bundle Prerequisites
Primitive, Bundle Primitive
Storage, Bundle Storage Properties
class, Resource Classes
Clones, Clones - Resources That Can Have Multiple Active Instances
Constraint, Resource Constraints
Group Property
id, Group Properties
Groups, Groups - A Syntactic Shortcut
Determine by Rules, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
Location Relative to Other Resources, Placing Resources Relative to other Resources
LSB, Linux Standard Base
Moving, Moving Resources
Nagios Plugins, Nagios Plugins
OCF, Open Cluster Framework
failure-timeout, Resource Meta-Attributes
is-managed, Resource Meta-Attributes
maintenance, Resource Meta-Attributes
migration-threshold, Resource Meta-Attributes
multiple-active, Resource Meta-Attributes
priority, Resource Meta-Attributes
requires, Resource Meta-Attributes
resource-stickiness, Resource Meta-Attributes
target-role, Resource Meta-Attributes
Promotable, Promotable clones
class, Resource Properties
id, Resource Properties
provider, Resource Properties
type, Resource Properties
Resource Set, Resource Sets
Score, Scores
Start Order, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop
System Services, System Services
Systemd, Systemd
Upstart, Upstart
Resource Discovery, Location Properties
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resource Set, Resource Sets
resource-discovery attribute, Location Properties
rsc_location element, Location Properties
resource-discovery-enabled, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
resource-stickiness, Resource Meta-Attributes
Clones, Clone Stickiness
Groups, Group Stickiness
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resources, Open Cluster Framework, Linux Standard Base, Systemd, Upstart, System Services, STONITH, Nagios Plugins, Moving Resources
resource_set element, Resource Sets
action attribute, Resource Sets
id attribute, Resource Sets
require-all attribute, Resource Sets
role attribute, Resource Sets
score attribute, Resource Sets
sequential attribute, Resource Sets
Return Code
OCF_FAILED_MASTER, Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones
OCF_NOT_RUNNING, Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones
OCF_RUNNING_MASTER, Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones
OCF_SUCCESS, Resource Agent Requirements for Promotable Clones
Bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
image attribute, Bundle Container Properties
network attribute, Bundle Container Properties
options attribute, Bundle Container Properties
promoted-max attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas-per-host attribute, Bundle Container Properties
run-command attribute, Bundle Container Properties
role, Operation Properties, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Colocation Sets, ACL Targets and Groups
Action Property, Operation Properties
id, ACL Targets and Groups
Ordering Constraints, Using Promotable Clone Resources in Colocation Sets
role attribute, Resource Sets, Rule Properties
resource_set element, Resource Sets
rule element, Rule Properties
rsc, Writing an Alert Agent
rsc attribute, Location Properties, Colocation Properties
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
rsc_location element, Location Properties
rsc-pattern attribute, Location Properties
rsc_location element, Location Properties
rsc-role, Promotable Clone Constraints
Ordering Constraints, Promotable Clone Constraints
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
id attribute, Colocation Properties
node-attribute attribute, Colocation Properties
rsc attribute, Colocation Properties
score attribute, Colocation Properties
with-rsc attribute, Colocation Properties
rsc_expression element, Resource Expressions
class attribute, Resource Expressions
id attribute, Resource Expressions
provider attribute, Resource Expressions
type attribute, Resource Expressions
rsc_location element, Location Properties
id attribute, Location Properties
node attribute, Location Properties
resource-discovery attribute, Location Properties
rsc attribute, Location Properties
rsc-pattern attribute, Location Properties
score attribute, Location Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
first attribute, Ordering Properties
first-action attribute, Ordering Properties
id attribute, Ordering Properties
kind attribute, Ordering Properties
symmetrical attribute, Ordering Properties
then attribute, Ordering Properties
then-action attribute, Ordering Properties
Rule, Rules
Controlling Cluster Options, Using Rules to Control Cluster Options
Date/Time Expression, Date/Time Expressions
Date Specification, Date Specifications
Duration, Durations
Determine Resource Location, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
Node Attribute Expression, Node Attribute Expressions
rule element, Rule Properties
boolean-op attribute, Rule Properties
id attribute, Rule Properties
role attribute, Rule Properties
score attribute, Rule Properties
score-attribute attribute, Rule Properties
run-command attribute, Bundle Container Properties
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties


Score, Scores
score, Node Health Attributes
score attribute, Location Properties, Colocation Properties, Resource Sets, Rule Properties
resource_set element, Resource Sets
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
rsc_location element, Location Properties
rule element, Rule Properties
score-attribute attribute, Rule Properties
rule element, Rule Properties
seconds attribute, Durations
duration element, Durations
sequence, Writing an Alert Agent
sequential attribute, Resource Sets
resource_set element, Resource Sets
Setting Options with Rules, Using Rules to Control Cluster Options
shutdown, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
shutdown-escalation, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
shutdown-lock, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
shutdown-lock-limit, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
site-name, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
slave_resource, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
Notification Environment Variable, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
slave_uname, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
Notification Environment Variable, Extra Notifications for Promotable Clones
source-dir attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
source-dir-root attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
standby, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
start attribute, Date/Time Expressions
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
Start Order, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop
start-failure-is-fatal, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
startup-fencing, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
start_resource, Clone Notifications
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications
start_uname, Clone Notifications
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications
status, Writing an Alert Agent
Status, Node Status
call-id, Operation History
crm-debug-origin, Node Status, Operation History
crmd, Node Status
crm_feature_set, Operation History
exec-time, Operation History
expected, Node Status
id, Node Status, Operation History
interval, Operation History
in_ccm, Node Status
join, Node Status
last-rc-change, Operation History
last-run, Operation History
op-digest, Operation History
op-status, Operation History
operation, Operation History
queue-time, Operation History
rc-code, Operation History
transition-key, Operation History
transition-magic, Operation History
uname, Node Status
Status of a Node, Node Status
Configuration, Fencing
Resources, STONITH
stonith-action, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
stonith-enabled, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
stonith-max-attempts, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
stonith-timeout, Cluster Options, Special Options for Fencing Resources
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
Fencing, Special Options for Fencing Resources
stonith-watchdog-timeout, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
stop-all-resources, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
stop-orphan-actions, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
stop-orphan-resources, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
stop_resource, Clone Notifications
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications
stop_uname, Clone Notifications
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications
Storage, Bundle Storage Properties
storage element, Bundle Storage Properties
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
id attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
options attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
source-dir attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
source-dir-root attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
target-dir attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
symmetric-cluster, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
symmetrical attribute, Ordering Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
Symmetrical Clusters, Symmetrical "Opt-Out" Clusters
System Service
Resources, System Services
System Services, System Services
Systemd, Systemd
Resources, Systemd


target, Fencing Topologies
fencing-level, Fencing Topologies
target-attribute, Fencing Topologies
fencing-level, Fencing Topologies
target-dir attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
target-pattern, Fencing Topologies
fencing-level, Fencing Topologies
target-role, Resource Meta-Attributes
Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
target_rc, Writing an Alert Agent
task, Writing an Alert Agent
terminate, Special node attributes
Node attribute, Special node attributes
then attribute, Ordering Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
then-action attribute, Ordering Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
timeout, Operation Properties, Alert Meta-Attributes
Action Property, Operation Properties
timestamp, Writing an Alert Agent
timestamp-format, Alert Meta-Attributes
timestamp_epoch, Writing an Alert Agent
timestamp_usec, Writing an Alert Agent
transition-delay, Cluster Options
Cluster Option, Cluster Options
transition-key, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
transition-magic, Operation History
Action Status, Operation History
type, Resource Properties, Clone Notifications
Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications
Resource, Resource Properties
type attribute, Node Attribute Expressions, Resource Expressions
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
rsc_expression element, Resource Expressions


uname, Node Status
Node Status, Node Status
Upstart, Upstart
Resources, Upstart


validate-with, CIB Properties
Cluster Option, CIB Properties
value attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
value-source attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
version, Writing an Alert Agent


weekdays attribute, Date Specifications
date_spec element, Date Specifications
weeks attribute, Date Specifications, Durations
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations
weekyears attribute, Date Specifications
date_spec element, Date Specifications
with-rsc attribute, Colocation Properties
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
with-rsc-role, Promotable Clone Constraints
Ordering Constraints, Promotable Clone Constraints


XML attribute
action attribute
resource_set element, Resource Sets
attribute attribute
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
boolean-op attribute
rule element, Rule Properties
class attribute
rsc_expression element, Resource Expressions
description attribute
bundle element, Bundle Properties
end attribute
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
first attribute
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
first-action attribute
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
hours attribute
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations
id attribute
bundle element, Bundle Properties
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
op_expression element, Operation Expressions
port-mapping element, Bundle Network Properties
resource_set element, Resource Sets
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
rsc_expression element, Resource Expressions
rsc_location element, Location Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
rule element, Rule Properties
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
image attribute
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
internal-port attribute
port-mapping element, Bundle Network Properties
interval attribute
op_expression element, Operation Expressions
kind attribute
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
minutes attribute
duration element, Durations
monthdays attribute
date_spec element, Date Specifications
months attribute
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations
moon attribute
date_spec element, Date Specifications
name attribute
op_expression element, Operation Expressions
network attribute
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
network element
add-host attribute, Bundle Network Properties
control-port attribute, Bundle Network Properties
host-interface attribute, Bundle Network Properties
host-netmask attribute, Bundle Network Properties
ip-range-start attribute, Bundle Network Properties
node attribute
rsc_location element, Location Properties
node-attribute attribute
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
operation attribute
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
options attribute
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
port attribute
port-mapping element, Bundle Network Properties
promoted-max attribute
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
provider attribute
rsc_expression element, Resource Expressions
range attribute
port-mapping element, Bundle Network Properties
replicas attribute
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
replicas-per-host attribute
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
require-all attribute
resource_set element, Resource Sets
resource-discovery attribute
rsc_location element, Location Properties
role attribute
resource_set element, Resource Sets
rule element, Rule Properties
rsc attribute
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
rsc_location element, Location Properties
rsc-pattern attribute
rsc_location element, Location Properties
run-command attribute
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
score attribute
resource_set element, Resource Sets
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
rsc_location element, Location Properties
rule element, Rule Properties
score-attribute attribute
rule element, Rule Properties
seconds attribute
duration element, Durations
sequential attribute
resource_set element, Resource Sets
source-dir attribute
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
source-dir-root attribute
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
start attribute
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
symmetrical attribute
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
target-dir attribute
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
then attribute
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
then-action attribute
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
type attribute
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
rsc_expression element, Resource Expressions
value attribute
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
value-source attribute
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
weekdays attribute
date_spec element, Date Specifications
weeks attribute
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations
weekyears attribute
date_spec element, Date Specifications
with-rsc attribute
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
yeardays attribute
date_spec element, Date Specifications
years attribute
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations
XML element
add-host attribute
network element, Bundle Network Properties
bundle element, Bundle Properties
description attribute, Bundle Properties
id attribute, Bundle Properties
control-port attribute
network element, Bundle Network Properties
date_expression element, Date/Time Expressions
end attribute, Date/Time Expressions
id attribute, Date/Time Expressions
operation attribute, Date/Time Expressions
start attribute, Date/Time Expressions
date_spec element, Date Specifications
hours attribute, Date Specifications
id attribute, Date Specifications
monthdays attribute, Date Specifications
months attribute, Date Specifications
moon attribute, Date Specifications
weekdays attribute, Date Specifications
weeks attribute, Date Specifications
weekyears attribute, Date Specifications
yeardays attribute, Date Specifications
years attribute, Date Specifications
docker element, Bundle Container Properties
image attribute, Bundle Container Properties
network attribute, Bundle Container Properties
options attribute, Bundle Container Properties
promoted-max attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas-per-host attribute, Bundle Container Properties
run-command attribute, Bundle Container Properties
duration element, Durations
hours attribute, Durations
id attribute, Durations
minutes attribute, Durations
months attribute, Durations
seconds attribute, Durations
weeks attribute, Durations
years attribute, Durations
expression element, Node Attribute Expressions
attribute attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
id attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
operation attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
type attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
value attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
value-source attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
host-interface attribute
network element, Bundle Network Properties
host-netmask attribute
network element, Bundle Network Properties
ip-range-start attribute
network element, Bundle Network Properties
network element, Bundle Network Properties
op_expression element
id attribute, Operation Expressions
interval attribute, Operation Expressions
name attribute, Operation Expressions
podman element, Bundle Container Properties
image attribute, Bundle Container Properties
network attribute, Bundle Container Properties
options attribute, Bundle Container Properties
promoted-max attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas-per-host attribute, Bundle Container Properties
run-command attribute, Bundle Container Properties
port-mapping, Bundle Network Properties
port-mapping element
id attribute, Bundle Network Properties
internal-port attribute, Bundle Network Properties
port attribute, Bundle Network Properties
range attribute, Bundle Network Properties
resource_set element
action attribute, Resource Sets
id attribute, Resource Sets
require-all attribute, Resource Sets
role attribute, Resource Sets
score attribute, Resource Sets
sequential attribute, Resource Sets
rkt element, Bundle Container Properties
image attribute, Bundle Container Properties
network attribute, Bundle Container Properties
options attribute, Bundle Container Properties
promoted-max attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas attribute, Bundle Container Properties
replicas-per-host attribute, Bundle Container Properties
run-command attribute, Bundle Container Properties
rsc_colocation element, Colocation Properties
id attribute, Colocation Properties
node-attribute attribute, Colocation Properties
rsc attribute, Colocation Properties
score attribute, Colocation Properties
with-rsc attribute, Colocation Properties
rsc_expression element
class attribute, Resource Expressions
id attribute, Resource Expressions
provider attribute, Resource Expressions
type attribute, Resource Expressions
rsc_location element, Location Properties
id attribute, Location Properties
node attribute, Location Properties
resource-discovery attribute, Location Properties
rsc attribute, Location Properties
rsc-pattern attribute, Location Properties
score attribute, Location Properties
rsc_order element, Ordering Properties
first attribute, Ordering Properties
first-action attribute, Ordering Properties
id attribute, Ordering Properties
kind attribute, Ordering Properties
symmetrical attribute, Ordering Properties
then attribute, Ordering Properties
then-action attribute, Ordering Properties
rule element, Rule Properties
boolean-op attribute, Rule Properties
id attribute, Rule Properties
role attribute, Rule Properties
score attribute, Rule Properties
score-attribute attribute, Rule Properties
storage element, Bundle Storage Properties
storage-mapping element, Bundle Storage Properties
id attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
options attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
source-dir attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
source-dir-root attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
target-dir attribute, Bundle Storage Properties
xpath, ACL Roles
acl_permission, ACL Roles


yeardays attribute, Date Specifications
date_spec element, Date Specifications
years attribute, Date Specifications, Durations
date_spec element, Date Specifications
duration element, Durations
yellow, Node Health Attributes