- Prev
- Configuration Explained
- 0
- OCF_SUCCESS, OCF Return Codes
- 1
- 2
- OCF_ERR_ARGS, OCF Return Codes
- 3
- 4
- OCF_ERR_PERM, OCF Return Codes
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Action, Resource Operations
- demote, Actions
- meta-data, Actions
- monitor, Actions
- notify, Actions
- promote, Actions
- Property
- enabled, Resource Operations
- id, Resource Operations
- interval, Resource Operations
- name, Resource Operations
- on-fail, Resource Operations
- role, Resource Operations
- timeout, Resource Operations
- start, Actions
- Status
- call-id, Operation History
- crm-debug-origin, Operation History
- crm_feature_set, Operation History
- exec-time, Operation History
- id, Operation History
- interval, Operation History
- last-rc-change, Operation History
- last-run, Operation History
- op-digest, Operation History
- op-status, Operation History
- operation, Operation History
- queue-time, Operation History
- rc-code, Operation History
- transition-key, Operation History
- transition-magic, Operation History
- stop, Actions
- validate-all, Actions
- action, Resource Sets, Using Multi-state Resources in Ordering Sets
- Ordering Constraints, Using Multi-state Resources in Ordering Sets
- Resource Sets, Resource Sets
- Action Property, Resource Operations
- Action Status, Operation History
- active_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- active_uname, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Add Cluster Node, Adding a New Corosync Node, Adding a New Heartbeat Node
- Corosync, Adding a New Corosync Node
- Heartbeat, Adding a New Heartbeat Node
- admin_epoch, CIB Properties
- Cluster Option, CIB Properties
- Alert
- Option
- timeout, Alert Meta-Attributes
- timestamp-format, Alert Meta-Attributes
- Alerts, Alerts
- Asymmetrical Opt-In, Asymmetrical "Opt-In" Clusters
- Asymmetrical Opt-In Clusters, Asymmetrical "Opt-In" Clusters
- attribute, Node Attributes, Node Attribute Expressions
- Constraint Expression, Node Attribute Expressions
- Attribute Expression, Node Attribute Expressions
- attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
- id, Node Attribute Expressions
- operation, Node Attribute Expressions
- type, Node Attribute Expressions
- value, Node Attribute Expressions
- attribute_name, Writing an Alert Agent
- attribute_value, Writing an Alert Agent
- batch-limit, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- boolean-op, Rule Properties
- Constraint Rule, Rule Properties
- bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments, Bundle Properties
- network, Bundle Network Properties
- port-mapping, Bundle Network Properties
- Property
- description, Bundle Properties
- id, Bundle Properties
- storage
- storage-mapping, Bundle Storage Properties
- call-id, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- Changing cluster stack, Upgrading Cluster Software
- Choosing Between Heartbeat and Corosync, FAQ
- cib-last-written, CIB Properties
- Cluster Property, CIB Properties
- CIB_encrypted, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- CIB_passwd, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- CIB_port, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- CIB_server, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- CIB_user, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- class, Resource Classes, Resource Properties
- Resource, Resource Properties
- Clone
- Option
- clone-max, Clone Options
- clone-min, Clone Options
- clone-node-max, Clone Options
- globally-unique, Clone Options
- interleave, Clone Options
- notify, Clone Options
- ordered, Clone Options
- Property
- id, Clone Properties
- Clone Option, Clone Options
- Clone Property, Clone Properties
- Clone Resources, Clones - Resources That Get Active on Multiple Hosts
- clone-max, Clone Options
- Clone Option, Clone Options
- clone-min, Clone Options
- Clone Option, Clone Options
- clone-node-max, Clone Options
- Clone Option, Clone Options
- Clones, Clones - Resources That Get Active on Multiple Hosts, Clone Stickiness
- Cluster, CIB Properties
- Choosing Between Heartbeat and Corosync, FAQ
- Option
- admin_epoch, CIB Properties
- batch-limit, Cluster Options
- cluster-delay, Cluster Options
- cluster-ipc-limit, Cluster Options
- cluster-recheck-interval, Cluster Options
- concurrent-fencing, Cluster Options
- Configuration Version, CIB Properties
- crmd-finalization-timeout, Cluster Options
- crmd-integration-timeout, Cluster Options
- crmd-transition-delay, Cluster Options
- dc-deadtime, Cluster Options
- default-action-timeout, Cluster Options
- default-resource-stickiness, Cluster Options
- election-timeout, Cluster Options
- enable-startup-probes, Cluster Options
- epoch, CIB Properties
- is-managed-default, Cluster Options
- maintenance-mode, Cluster Options
- migration-limit, Cluster Options
- no-quorum-policy, Cluster Options
- node-health-base, Cluster Options
- node-health-green, Cluster Options
- node-health-red, Cluster Options
- node-health-strategy, Cluster Options
- node-health-yellow, Cluster Options
- num_updates, CIB Properties
- pe-error-series-max, Cluster Options
- pe-input-series-max, Cluster Options
- pe-warn-series-max, Cluster Options
- placement-strategy, Cluster Options
- remove-after-stop, Cluster Options
- shutdown-escalation, Cluster Options
- start-failure-is-fatal, Cluster Options
- startup-fencing, Cluster Options
- stonith-action, Cluster Options
- stonith-enabled, Cluster Options
- stonith-max-attempts, Cluster Options
- stonith-timeout, Cluster Options
- stop-all-resources, Cluster Options
- stop-orphan-actions, Cluster Options
- stop-orphan-resources, Cluster Options
- symmetric-cluster, Cluster Options
- validate-with, CIB Properties
- Property
- cib-last-written, CIB Properties
- cluster-infrastructure, Cluster Options
- dc-uuid, CIB Properties
- dc-version, Cluster Options
- expected-quorum-votes, Cluster Options
- have-quorum, CIB Properties
- Querying Options, Querying and Setting Cluster Options
- Remote administration, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- Remote connection, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- Setting Options, Querying and Setting Cluster Options
- Setting Options with Rules, Using Rules to Control Cluster Options
- switching between stacks, Upgrading Cluster Software
- Cluster Option, CIB Properties, Cluster Options, Querying and Setting Cluster Options
- Cluster Property, CIB Properties, Cluster Options
- Cluster Stack
- Corosync, FAQ
- Heartbeat, FAQ
- Cluster Type
- Asymmetrical Opt-In, Asymmetrical "Opt-In" Clusters
- Symmetrical Opt-Out, Symmetrical "Opt-Out" Clusters
- cluster-delay, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- cluster-infrastructure, Cluster Options
- Cluster Property, Cluster Options
- cluster-ipc-limit, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- cluster-recheck-interval, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- Colocation, Placing Resources Relative to other Resources
- id, Colocation Properties
- node-attribute, Colocation Properties
- rsc, Colocation Properties
- score, Colocation Properties
- with-rsc, Colocation Properties
- Colocation Constraints, Colocation Properties
- concurrent-fencing, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- Configuration, STONITH, Upgrading the Configuration
- upgrade manually, Upgrading the Configuration
- upgrading, Upgrading the Configuration
- validate XML, Upgrading the Configuration
- verify, Upgrading the Configuration
- Configuration Version, CIB Properties
- Cluster, CIB Properties
- Constraint
- Attribute Expression, Node Attribute Expressions
- attribute, Node Attribute Expressions
- id, Node Attribute Expressions
- operation, Node Attribute Expressions
- type, Node Attribute Expressions
- value, Node Attribute Expressions
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- hours, Date Specifications
- id, Date Specifications
- monthdays, Date Specifications
- months, Date Specifications
- moon, Date Specifications
- weekdays, Date Specifications
- weeks, Date Specifications
- weekyears, Date Specifications
- yeardays, Date Specifications
- years, Date Specifications
- Date/Time Expression, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- end, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- operation, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- start, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- Duration, Durations
- Rule, Rules
- boolean-op, Rule Properties
- id, Rule Properties
- role, Rule Properties
- score, Rule Properties
- score-attribute, Rule Properties
- Constraint Expression, Node Attribute Expressions, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- Constraint Rule, Rule Properties
- Constraints, Resource Constraints
- Colocation, Placing Resources Relative to other Resources
- id, Colocation Properties
- node-attribute, Colocation Properties
- rsc, Colocation Properties
- score, Colocation Properties
- with-rsc, Colocation Properties
- Location, Deciding Which Nodes a Resource Can Run On
- id, Location Properties
- node, Location Properties
- Resource Discovery, Location Properties
- rsc, Location Properties
- rsc-pattern, Location Properties
- score, Location Properties
- Ordering, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop
- action, Using Multi-state Resources in Ordering Sets
- first, Ordering Properties
- first-action, Ordering Properties
- id, Ordering Properties
- kind, Ordering Properties
- role, Using Multi-state Resources in Colocation Sets
- rsc-role, Multi-state Constraints
- then, Ordering Properties
- then-action, Ordering Properties
- with-rsc-role, Multi-state Constraints
- Resource Sets
- action, Resource Sets
- id, Resource Sets
- require-all, Resource Sets
- role, Resource Sets
- score, Resource Sets
- sequential, Resource Sets
- control-port, Bundle Network Properties
- network, Bundle Network Properties
- Controlling Cluster Options, Using Rules to Control Cluster Options
- convert, Upgrading the Configuration
- Corosync, Adding a New Corosync Node, Removing a Corosync Node, Replacing a Corosync Node, FAQ
- Add Cluster Node, Adding a New Corosync Node
- Remove Cluster Node, Removing a Corosync Node
- Replace Cluster Node, Replacing a Corosync Node
- crm-debug-origin, Node Status, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- Node Status, Node Status
- crmd, Node Status
- Node Status, Node Status
- crmd-finalization-timeout, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- crmd-integration-timeout, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- crmd-transition-delay, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- CRM_alert_
- attribute_name, Writing an Alert Agent
- attribute_value, Writing an Alert Agent
- desc, Writing an Alert Agent
- interval, Writing an Alert Agent
- kind, Writing an Alert Agent
- node, Writing an Alert Agent
- nodeid, Writing an Alert Agent
- rc, Writing an Alert Agent
- recipient, Writing an Alert Agent
- rsc, Writing an Alert Agent
- status, Writing an Alert Agent
- target_rc, Writing an Alert Agent
- task, Writing an Alert Agent
- timestamp, Writing an Alert Agent
- version, Writing an Alert Agent
- CRM_alert_node_
- sequence, Writing an Alert Agent
- crm_feature_set, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- custom, Node Health Strategy
- dampen, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- Ping Resource Option, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- hours, Date Specifications
- id, Date Specifications
- monthdays, Date Specifications
- months, Date Specifications
- moon, Date Specifications
- weekdays, Date Specifications
- weeks, Date Specifications
- weekyears, Date Specifications
- yeardays, Date Specifications
- years, Date Specifications
- Date/Time Expression, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- end, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- operation, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- start, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- dc-deadtime, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- dc-uuid, CIB Properties
- Cluster Property, CIB Properties
- dc-version, Cluster Options
- Cluster Property, Cluster Options
- default-action-timeout, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- default-resource-stickiness, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- demote, Actions
- OCF Action, Actions
- demote_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Multi-state Notifications
- demote_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Multi-state Notifications
- desc, Writing an Alert Agent
- description, Bundle Properties
- bundle, Bundle Properties
- Determine by Rules, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
- Determine Resource Location, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
- devices, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- fencing-level, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- Docker, Docker Properties
- bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
- Property
- image, Docker Properties
- masters, Docker Properties
- network, Docker Properties
- options, Docker Properties
- replicas, Docker Properties
- replicas-per-host, Docker Properties
- run-command, Docker Properties
- Duration, Durations
- election-timeout, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- enable-startup-probes, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- enabled, Resource Operations
- Action Property, Resource Operations
- end, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- Constraint Expression, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- Environment Variable
- CIB_encrypted, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- CIB_passwd, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- CIB_port, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- CIB_server, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- CIB_user, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- CRM_alert_
- attribute_name, Writing an Alert Agent
- attribute_value, Writing an Alert Agent
- desc, Writing an Alert Agent
- interval, Writing an Alert Agent
- kind, Writing an Alert Agent
- node, Writing an Alert Agent
- nodeid, Writing an Alert Agent
- rc, Writing an Alert Agent
- recipient, Writing an Alert Agent
- rsc, Writing an Alert Agent
- status, Writing an Alert Agent
- target_rc, Writing an Alert Agent
- task, Writing an Alert Agent
- timestamp, Writing an Alert Agent
- version, Writing an Alert Agent
- CRM_alert_node_
- sequence, Writing an Alert Agent
- OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_
- active_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- active_uname, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- demote_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- demote_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- inactive_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- master_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- master_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- operation, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- promote_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- promote_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- slave_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- slave_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- start_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- start_uname, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- stop_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- stop_uname, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- type, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- epoch, CIB Properties
- Cluster Option, CIB Properties
- error
- fatal, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- hard, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- soft, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- exec-time, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- expected, Node Status
- Node Status, Node Status
- expected-quorum-votes, Cluster Options
- Cluster Property, Cluster Options
- failure-timeout, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
- fatal, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- OCF error, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- feedback
- contact information for this manual, We Need Feedback!
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- fencing-level
- devices, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- id, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- index, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- target, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- target-attribute, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- target-pattern, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- Property
- pcmk_action_limit, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_delay_base, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_delay_max, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_argument, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_check, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_list, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_map, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_list_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_list_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_list_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_monitor_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_monitor_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_monitor_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_off_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_off_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_off_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_reboot_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_reboot_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_reboot_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_status_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_status_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_status_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- priority, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- stonith-timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- fencing-level, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- devices, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- id, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- index, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- target, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- target-attribute, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- target-pattern, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- first, Ordering Properties
- Ordering Constraints, Ordering Properties
- first-action, Ordering Properties
- Ordering Constraints, Ordering Properties
- ha, Node Status
- Node Status, Node Status
- hard, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- OCF error, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- have-quorum, CIB Properties
- Cluster Property, CIB Properties
- Heartbeat, Adding a New Heartbeat Node, Removing a Heartbeat Node, Replacing a Heartbeat Node, FAQ
- Add Cluster Node, Adding a New Heartbeat Node
- Remove Cluster Node, Removing a Heartbeat Node
- Replace Cluster Node, Replacing a Heartbeat Node
- host-interface, Bundle Network Properties
- network, Bundle Network Properties
- host-netmask, Bundle Network Properties
- network, Bundle Network Properties
- host_list, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- Ping Resource Option, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- hours, Date Specifications
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- id, Resource Properties, Resource Operations, Location Properties, Ordering Properties, Colocation Properties, Resource Sets, Rule Properties, Node Attribute Expressions, Date Specifications, Group Properties, Clone Properties, Multi-state Properties, Bundle Properties, Bundle Network Properties, Bundle Storage Properties, Advanced STONITH Configurations, Node Status, Operation History
- Action Property, Resource Operations
- Action Status, Operation History
- bundle, Bundle Properties
- Clone Property, Clone Properties
- Colocation Constraints, Colocation Properties
- Constraint Expression, Node Attribute Expressions
- Constraint Rule, Rule Properties
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- fencing-level, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- Group Resource Property, Group Properties
- Location Constraints, Location Properties
- Multi-State Property, Multi-state Properties
- Node Status, Node Status
- Ordering Constraints, Ordering Properties
- port-mapping, Bundle Network Properties
- Resource, Resource Properties
- Resource Sets, Resource Sets
- storage-mapping, Bundle Storage Properties
- image, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- Docker, Docker Properties
- rkt, rkt Properties
- inactive_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- index, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- fencing-level, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- interleave, Clone Options
- Clone Option, Clone Options
- internal-port, Bundle Network Properties
- port-mapping, Bundle Network Properties
- interval, Resource Operations, Writing an Alert Agent, Operation History
- Action Property, Resource Operations
- Action Status, Operation History
- in_ccm, Node Status
- Node Status, Node Status
- ip-range-start, Bundle Network Properties
- network, Bundle Network Properties
- is-managed, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
- is-managed-default, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- last-rc-change, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- last-run, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- Linux Standard Base
- Resources, Linux Standard Base
- Location, Deciding Which Nodes a Resource Can Run On
- Determine by Rules, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
- id, Location Properties
- node, Location Properties
- Resource Discovery, Location Properties
- rsc, Location Properties
- rsc-pattern, Location Properties
- score, Location Properties
- Location Constraints, Deciding Which Nodes a Resource Can Run On, Location Properties
- Location Relative to other Resources, Placing Resources Relative to other Resources
- LSB, Linux Standard Base
- Resources, Linux Standard Base
- maintenance-mode, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- master-max, Multi-state Options
- Multi-State Option, Multi-state Options
- master-node-max, Multi-state Options
- Multi-State Option, Multi-state Options
- masters, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- Docker, Docker Properties
- rkt, rkt Properties
- master_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Multi-state Notifications
- master_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Multi-state Notifications
- Messaging Layers, FAQ
- meta-data, Actions
- OCF Action, Actions
- migrate-on-red, Node Health Strategy
- migration-limit, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- migration-threshold, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
- monitor, Actions
- OCF Action, Actions
- monthdays, Date Specifications
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- months, Date Specifications
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- moon, Date Specifications
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- Moving, Moving Resources
- Resources, Moving Resources
- Multi-state, Multi-state - Resources That Have Multiple Modes
- Multi-State, Multi-state Stickiness
- Option
- master-max, Multi-state Options
- master-node-max, Multi-state Options
- Property
- id, Multi-state Properties
- Multi-State Option, Multi-state Options
- Multi-State Property, Multi-state Properties
- Multi-state Resources, Multi-state - Resources That Have Multiple Modes
- multiple-active, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
- multiplier, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- Ping Resource Option, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- Nagios Plugins, Nagios Plugins
- Resources, Nagios Plugins
- name, Resource Operations
- Action Property, Resource Operations
- network, Docker Properties, rkt Properties, Bundle Network Properties
- Docker, Docker Properties
- port-mapping, Bundle Network Properties
- Property
- control-port, Bundle Network Properties
- host-interface, Bundle Network Properties
- host-netmask, Bundle Network Properties
- ip-range-start, Bundle Network Properties
- rkt, rkt Properties
- no-quorum-policy, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- Node
- attribute, Node Attributes
- Status, Node Status
- crm-debug-origin, Node Status
- crmd, Node Status
- expected, Node Status
- ha, Node Status
- id, Node Status
- in_ccm, Node Status
- join, Node Status
- uname, Node Status
- node, Location Properties, Writing an Alert Agent
- Location Constraints, Location Properties
- Node health
- custom, Node Health Strategy
- green, Node Health Attributes
- migrate-on-red, Node Health Strategy
- none, Node Health Strategy
- only-green, Node Health Strategy
- progressive, Node Health Strategy
- red, Node Health Attributes
- score, Node Health Attributes
- yellow, Node Health Attributes
- Node Status, Node Status
- node-attribute, Colocation Properties
- Colocation Constraints, Colocation Properties
- node-health-base, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- node-health-green, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- node-health-red, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- node-health-strategy, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- node-health-yellow, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- nodeid, Writing an Alert Agent
- none, Node Health Strategy
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- notify, Clone Options, Actions
- Clone Option, Clone Options
- OCF Action, Actions
- num_updates, CIB Properties
- Cluster Option, CIB Properties
- OCF, Open Cluster Framework
- Action
- demote, Actions
- meta-data, Actions
- monitor, Actions
- notify, Actions
- promote, Actions
- start, Actions
- stop, Actions
- validate-all, Actions
- error
- fatal, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- hard, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- soft, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- Resources, Open Cluster Framework
- OCF Action, Actions
- OCF error, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- OCF Resource Agents, Location of Custom Scripts
- ocf-tester, Actions
- OCF_ERR_ARGS, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_ERR_PERM, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_FAILED_MASTER, Requirements for Multi-state Resource Agents, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_NOT_RUNNING, Requirements for Multi-state Resource Agents, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_
- active_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- active_uname, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- demote_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- demote_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- inactive_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- master_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- master_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- operation, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- promote_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- promote_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- slave_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- slave_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- start_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- start_uname, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- stop_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- stop_uname, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- type, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- OCF_RUNNING_MASTER, Requirements for Multi-state Resource Agents, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_SUCCESS, Requirements for Multi-state Resource Agents, OCF Return Codes
- on-fail, Resource Operations
- Action Property, Resource Operations
- only-green, Node Health Strategy
- op-digest, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- op-status, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- Open Cluster Framework
- Resources, Open Cluster Framework
- operation, Node Attribute Expressions, Time- and Date-Based Expressions, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- Constraint Expression, Node Attribute Expressions, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Operation History, Operation History
- Option
- admin_epoch, CIB Properties
- batch-limit, Cluster Options
- clone-max, Clone Options
- clone-min, Clone Options
- clone-node-max, Clone Options
- cluster-delay, Cluster Options
- cluster-ipc-limit, Cluster Options
- cluster-recheck-interval, Cluster Options
- concurrent-fencing, Cluster Options
- Configuration Version, CIB Properties
- crmd-finalization-timeout, Cluster Options
- crmd-integration-timeout, Cluster Options
- crmd-transition-delay, Cluster Options
- dampen, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- dc-deadtime, Cluster Options
- default-action-timeout, Cluster Options
- default-resource-stickiness, Cluster Options
- election-timeout, Cluster Options
- enable-startup-probes, Cluster Options
- epoch, CIB Properties
- failure-timeout, Resource Meta-Attributes
- globally-unique, Clone Options
- host_list, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- interleave, Clone Options
- is-managed, Resource Meta-Attributes
- is-managed-default, Cluster Options
- maintenance-mode, Cluster Options
- master-max, Multi-state Options
- master-node-max, Multi-state Options
- migration-limit, Cluster Options
- migration-threshold, Resource Meta-Attributes
- multiple-active, Resource Meta-Attributes
- multiplier, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- no-quorum-policy, Cluster Options
- node-health-base, Cluster Options
- node-health-green, Cluster Options
- node-health-red, Cluster Options
- node-health-strategy, Cluster Options
- node-health-yellow, Cluster Options
- notify, Clone Options
- num_updates, CIB Properties
- ordered, Clone Options
- pe-error-series-max, Cluster Options
- pe-input-series-max, Cluster Options
- pe-warn-series-max, Cluster Options
- placement-strategy, Cluster Options
- priority, Resource Meta-Attributes
- remote-clear-port, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- remote-tls-port, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- remove-after-stop, Cluster Options
- requires, Resource Meta-Attributes
- resource-stickiness, Resource Meta-Attributes
- shutdown-escalation, Cluster Options
- start-failure-is-fatal, Cluster Options
- startup-fencing, Cluster Options
- stonith-action, Cluster Options
- stonith-enabled, Cluster Options
- stonith-max-attempts, Cluster Options
- stonith-timeout, Cluster Options
- stop-all-resources, Cluster Options
- stop-orphan-actions, Cluster Options
- stop-orphan-resources, Cluster Options
- symmetric-cluster, Cluster Options
- target-role, Resource Meta-Attributes
- timeout, Alert Meta-Attributes
- timestamp-format, Alert Meta-Attributes
- validate-with, CIB Properties
- options, Docker Properties, rkt Properties, Bundle Storage Properties
- Docker, Docker Properties
- rkt, rkt Properties
- storage-mapping, Bundle Storage Properties
- ordered, Clone Options
- Clone Option, Clone Options
- Ordering, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop
- action, Using Multi-state Resources in Ordering Sets
- first, Ordering Properties
- first-action, Ordering Properties
- id, Ordering Properties
- kind, Ordering Properties
- role, Using Multi-state Resources in Colocation Sets
- rsc-role, Multi-state Constraints
- then, Ordering Properties
- then-action, Ordering Properties
- with-rsc-role, Multi-state Constraints
- Ordering Constraints, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop, Ordering Properties, Multi-state Constraints, Using Multi-state Resources in Colocation Sets, Using Multi-state Resources in Ordering Sets
- symmetrical, Ordering Properties
- other, OCF Return Codes
- Pacemaker, FAQ
- pcmk_action_limit, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_delay_base, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_delay_max, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_argument, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_check, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_list, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_map, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_list_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_list_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_list_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_monitor_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_monitor_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_monitor_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_off_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_off_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_off_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_reboot_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_reboot_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_reboot_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_status_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_status_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_status_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pe-error-series-max, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- pe-input-series-max, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- pe-warn-series-max, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- Ping Resource
- Option
- dampen, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- host_list, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- multiplier, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- Ping Resource Option, Tell Pacemaker to Monitor Connectivity
- placement-strategy, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- port, Bundle Network Properties
- port-mapping, Bundle Network Properties
- port-mapping, Bundle Network Properties
- Property
- id, Bundle Network Properties
- internal-port, Bundle Network Properties
- port, Bundle Network Properties
- range, Bundle Network Properties
- priority, Resource Meta-Attributes, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
- progressive, Node Health Strategy
- promote, Actions
- OCF Action, Actions
- promote_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Multi-state Notifications
- promote_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Multi-state Notifications
- Property
- cib-last-written, CIB Properties
- class, Resource Properties
- cluster-infrastructure, Cluster Options
- control-port, Bundle Network Properties
- dc-uuid, CIB Properties
- dc-version, Cluster Options
- description, Bundle Properties
- enabled, Resource Operations
- expected-quorum-votes, Cluster Options
- have-quorum, CIB Properties
- host-interface, Bundle Network Properties
- host-netmask, Bundle Network Properties
- id, Resource Properties, Resource Operations, Clone Properties, Multi-state Properties, Bundle Properties, Bundle Network Properties, Bundle Storage Properties
- image, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- internal-port, Bundle Network Properties
- interval, Resource Operations
- ip-range-start, Bundle Network Properties
- masters, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- name, Resource Operations
- network, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- on-fail, Resource Operations
- options, Docker Properties, rkt Properties, Bundle Storage Properties
- pcmk_action_limit, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_delay_base, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_delay_max, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_argument, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_check, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_list, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_host_map, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_list_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_list_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_list_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_monitor_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_monitor_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_monitor_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_off_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_off_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_off_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_reboot_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_reboot_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_reboot_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_status_action, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_status_retries, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- pcmk_status_timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- port, Bundle Network Properties
- priority, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- provider, Resource Properties
- range, Bundle Network Properties
- replicas, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- replicas-per-host, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- role, Resource Operations
- run-command, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- source-dir, Bundle Storage Properties
- source-dir-root, Bundle Storage Properties
- stonith-timeout, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- target-dir, Bundle Storage Properties
- timeout, Resource Operations
- type, Resource Properties
- provider, Resource Properties
- Resource, Resource Properties
- range, Bundle Network Properties
- port-mapping, Bundle Network Properties
- rc, Writing an Alert Agent
- rc-code, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- reattach, Upgrading Cluster Software
- reattach upgrade, Upgrading Cluster Software
- recipient, Writing an Alert Agent
- red, Node Health Attributes
- Remote administration, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- Remote connection, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- Remote Connection
- Option
- remote-clear-port, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- remote-tls-port, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- Remote Connection Option, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- remote-clear-port, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- Remote Connection Option, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- remote-tls-port, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- Remote Connection Option, Connecting from a Remote Machine
- Remove Cluster Node, Removing a Corosync Node, Removing a Heartbeat Node
- Corosync, Removing a Corosync Node
- Heartbeat, Removing a Heartbeat Node
- remove-after-stop, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- Replace Cluster Node, Replacing a Corosync Node, Replacing a Heartbeat Node
- Corosync, Replacing a Corosync Node
- Heartbeat, Replacing a Heartbeat Node
- replicas, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- Docker, Docker Properties
- rkt, rkt Properties
- replicas-per-host, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- Docker, Docker Properties
- rkt, rkt Properties
- require-all, Resource Sets
- Resource Sets, Resource Sets
- requires, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Resource, What is a Cluster Resource?, Resource Properties
- Action, Resource Operations
- Alerts, Alerts
- bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
- class, Resource Classes
- Clones, Clones - Resources That Get Active on Multiple Hosts
- Constraint
- Attribute Expression, Node Attribute Expressions
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- Date/Time Expression, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- Duration, Durations
- Rule, Rules
- Constraints, Resource Constraints
- Colocation, Placing Resources Relative to other Resources
- Location, Deciding Which Nodes a Resource Can Run On
- Ordering, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop
- Group Property
- id, Group Properties
- Groups, Groups - A Syntactic Shortcut
- Location
- Determine by Rules, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
- Location Relative to other Resources, Placing Resources Relative to other Resources
- LSB, Linux Standard Base
- Moving, Moving Resources
- Multi-state, Multi-state - Resources That Have Multiple Modes
- Nagios Plugins, Nagios Plugins
- OCF, Open Cluster Framework
- Option
- failure-timeout, Resource Meta-Attributes
- is-managed, Resource Meta-Attributes
- migration-threshold, Resource Meta-Attributes
- multiple-active, Resource Meta-Attributes
- priority, Resource Meta-Attributes
- requires, Resource Meta-Attributes
- resource-stickiness, Resource Meta-Attributes
- target-role, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Property
- class, Resource Properties
- id, Resource Properties
- provider, Resource Properties
- type, Resource Properties
- Start Order, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop
- System Services, System Services
- Systemd, Systemd
- Upstart, Upstart
- Resource Discovery, Location Properties
- Location Constraints, Location Properties
- Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Resource Sets, Resource Sets
- action, Resource Sets
- id, Resource Sets
- require-all, Resource Sets
- role, Resource Sets
- score, Resource Sets
- sequential, Resource Sets
- resource-stickiness, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Clones, Clone Stickiness
- Groups, Group Stickiness
- Multi-State, Multi-state Stickiness
- Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Resources, Open Cluster Framework, Linux Standard Base, Systemd, Upstart, System Services, STONITH, Nagios Plugins, Moving Resources
- Return Code
- 0
- OCF_SUCCESS, OCF Return Codes
- 1
- 2
- OCF_ERR_ARGS, OCF Return Codes
- 3
- 4
- OCF_ERR_PERM, OCF Return Codes
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- OCF_ERR_ARGS, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_ERR_PERM, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_FAILED_MASTER, Requirements for Multi-state Resource Agents, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_NOT_RUNNING, Requirements for Multi-state Resource Agents, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_RUNNING_MASTER, Requirements for Multi-state Resource Agents, OCF Return Codes
- OCF_SUCCESS, Requirements for Multi-state Resource Agents, OCF Return Codes
- other, OCF Return Codes
- rkt, rkt Properties
- bundle, Bundles - Isolated Environments
- Property
- image, rkt Properties
- masters, rkt Properties
- network, rkt Properties
- options, rkt Properties
- replicas, rkt Properties
- replicas-per-host, rkt Properties
- run-command, rkt Properties
- role, Resource Operations, Resource Sets, Rule Properties, Using Multi-state Resources in Colocation Sets
- Action Property, Resource Operations
- Constraint Rule, Rule Properties
- Ordering Constraints, Using Multi-state Resources in Colocation Sets
- Resource Sets, Resource Sets
- rolling, Upgrading Cluster Software
- rolling upgrade, Upgrading Cluster Software
- rsc, Location Properties, Colocation Properties, Writing an Alert Agent
- Colocation Constraints, Colocation Properties
- Location Constraints, Location Properties
- rsc-pattern, Location Properties
- Location Constraints, Location Properties
- rsc-role, Multi-state Constraints
- Ordering Constraints, Multi-state Constraints
- Rule, Rules
- boolean-op, Rule Properties
- Controlling Cluster Options, Using Rules to Control Cluster Options
- Determine Resource Location, Using Rules to Determine Resource Location
- id, Rule Properties
- role, Rule Properties
- score, Rule Properties
- score-attribute, Rule Properties
- run-command, Docker Properties, rkt Properties
- Docker, Docker Properties
- rkt, rkt Properties
- score, Location Properties, Colocation Properties, Resource Sets, Rule Properties, Node Health Attributes
- Colocation Constraints, Colocation Properties
- Constraint Rule, Rule Properties
- Location Constraints, Location Properties
- Resource Sets, Resource Sets
- score-attribute, Rule Properties
- Constraint Rule, Rule Properties
- sequence, Writing an Alert Agent
- sequential, Resource Sets
- Resource Sets, Resource Sets
- Setting
- Cluster Option, Querying and Setting Cluster Options
- Setting Options, Querying and Setting Cluster Options
- Setting Options with Rules, Using Rules to Control Cluster Options
- shutdown, Upgrading Cluster Software
- shutdown upgrade, Upgrading Cluster Software
- shutdown-escalation, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- slave_resource, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Multi-state Notifications
- slave_uname, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Multi-state Notifications
- soft, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- OCF error, How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
- source-dir, Bundle Storage Properties
- storage-mapping, Bundle Storage Properties
- source-dir-root, Bundle Storage Properties
- storage-mapping, Bundle Storage Properties
- start, Time- and Date-Based Expressions, Actions
- Constraint Expression, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- OCF Action, Actions
- Start Order, Specifying the Order in which Resources Should Start/Stop
- start-failure-is-fatal, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- startup-fencing, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- start_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- start_uname, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- status, Writing an Alert Agent
- Status, Node Status
- call-id, Operation History
- crm-debug-origin, Node Status, Operation History
- crmd, Node Status
- crm_feature_set, Operation History
- exec-time, Operation History
- expected, Node Status
- ha, Node Status
- id, Node Status, Operation History
- interval, Operation History
- in_ccm, Node Status
- join, Node Status
- last-rc-change, Operation History
- last-run, Operation History
- op-digest, Operation History
- op-status, Operation History
- operation, Operation History
- queue-time, Operation History
- rc-code, Operation History
- transition-key, Operation History
- transition-magic, Operation History
- uname, Node Status
- Status of a Node, Node Status
- Configuration, STONITH
- Resources, STONITH
- stonith-action, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- stonith-enabled, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- stonith-max-attempts, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- stonith-timeout, Cluster Options, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- Fencing, Special Treatment of STONITH Resources
- stop, Actions
- OCF Action, Actions
- stop-all-resources, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- stop-orphan-actions, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- stop-orphan-resources, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- stop_resource, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- stop_uname, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- storage
- storage-mapping, Bundle Storage Properties
- storage-mapping, Bundle Storage Properties
- Property
- id, Bundle Storage Properties
- options, Bundle Storage Properties
- source-dir, Bundle Storage Properties
- source-dir-root, Bundle Storage Properties
- target-dir, Bundle Storage Properties
- switching between stacks, Upgrading Cluster Software
- symmetric-cluster, Cluster Options
- Cluster Option, Cluster Options
- symmetrical, Ordering Properties
- Ordering Constraints, Ordering Properties
- Symmetrical Opt-Out, Symmetrical "Opt-Out" Clusters
- Symmetrical Opt-Out Clusters, Symmetrical "Opt-Out" Clusters
- System Service
- Resources, System Services
- System Services, System Services
- Systemd, Systemd
- Resources, Systemd
- target, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- fencing-level, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- target-attribute, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- fencing-level, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- target-dir, Bundle Storage Properties
- storage-mapping, Bundle Storage Properties
- target-pattern, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- fencing-level, Advanced STONITH Configurations
- target-role, Resource Meta-Attributes
- Resource Option, Resource Meta-Attributes
- target_rc, Writing an Alert Agent
- task, Writing an Alert Agent
- then, Ordering Properties
- Ordering Constraints, Ordering Properties
- then-action, Ordering Properties
- Ordering Constraints, Ordering Properties
- Time Based Expressions, Time- and Date-Based Expressions
- timeout, Resource Operations, Alert Meta-Attributes
- Action Property, Resource Operations
- timestamp, Writing an Alert Agent
- timestamp-format, Alert Meta-Attributes
- transition-key, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- transition-magic, Operation History
- Action Status, Operation History
- type, Resource Properties, Node Attribute Expressions, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Constraint Expression, Node Attribute Expressions
- Notification Environment Variable, Clone Notifications, Multi-state Notifications
- Resource, Resource Properties
- uname, Node Status
- Node Status, Node Status
- upgrade
- Configuration, Upgrading the Configuration
- reattach, Upgrading Cluster Software
- rolling, Upgrading Cluster Software
- shutdown, Upgrading Cluster Software
- upgrade manually, Upgrading the Configuration
- upgrading, Upgrading the Configuration
- Upstart, Upstart
- Resources, Upstart
- validate configuration, Upgrading the Configuration
- validate XML, Upgrading the Configuration
- validate-all, Actions
- OCF Action, Actions
- validate-with, CIB Properties
- Cluster Option, CIB Properties
- value, Node Attribute Expressions
- Constraint Expression, Node Attribute Expressions
- verify, Upgrading the Configuration
- Configuration, Upgrading the Configuration
- version, Writing an Alert Agent
- weekdays, Date Specifications
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- weeks, Date Specifications
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- weekyears, Date Specifications
- Date Specification, Date Specifications
- with-rsc, Colocation Properties
- Colocation Constraints, Colocation Properties
- with-rsc-role, Multi-state Constraints
- Ordering Constraints, Multi-state Constraints