section help to describe the node. However they are forgotten by the cluster when the node goes offline. This can be useful, for instance, when you want a node to be in standby mode (not able to run resources) just until the next reboot.
Example 14.2. A set of transient node attributes for node cl-virt-1
<transient_attributes id="cl-virt-1"> <instance_attributes id="status-cl-virt-1"> <nvpair id="status-cl-virt-1-pingd" name="pingd" value="3"/> <nvpair id="status-cl-virt-1-probe_complete" name="probe_complete" value="true"/> <nvpair id="status-cl-virt-1-fail-count-pingd:0.monitor_30000" name="fail-count-pingd:0#monitor_30000" value="1"/> <nvpair id="status-cl-virt-1-last-failure-pingd:0" name="last-failure-pingd:0" value="1239009742"/> </instance_attributes> </transient_attributes>
resource has failed once, at 09:22:22 UTC 6 April 2009. [20] We also see that the node is connected to three pingd peers and that all known resources have been checked for on this machine (probe_complete
command to print a human-readable version of any seconds-since-epoch value, for example date -d @1239009742