Pacemaker Command Line Tools
Tool Summary
query and update Pacemaker node attributes
query and edit the Pacemaker configuration
cibsecret − manage sensitive information in Pacemaker CIB
cibsecret [<options>] <command> [<parameters>]
crm_attribute − query and update Pacemaker cluster options and node attributes
Compare two Pacemaker configurations (in XML format) to produce a custom diff−like output, or apply such an output as a patch
crm_error − display name or description of a Pacemaker error code
crm_failcount − Query or delete resource fail counts
crm_master − Query, update, or delete a resource’s promotion score
This command is deprecated. Use crm_attribute with the −−promotion option instead.
Provides a summary of cluster’s current state.
Outputs varying levels of detail in a number of different formats.
crm_node − Tool for displaying low−level node information
crm_report − Create archive of everything needed when reporting cluster problems
−f, −−from TIME
time prior to problems beginning (as "YYYY−M−D H:M:S" including the quotes)
crm_resource − perform tasks related to Pacemaker cluster resources
evaluate rules from the Pacemaker configuration
−h, −−help
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Specify output format as one of: text (default), xml
Specify file name for output (or "−" for stdout)
(mutually exclusive):
−c, −−check
Check whether a rule is in effect
−X, −−xml−text
Use argument for XML (or stdin if ’−’)
−d, −−date
Whether the rule is in effect on a given date
−r, −−rule
The ID of the rule to check (may be specified multiple times)
perform Pacemaker configuration changes in a sandbox
This command sets up an environment in which configuration tools (cibadmin, crm_resource, etc.) work offline instead of against a live cluster, allowing changes to be previewed and tested for side effects.
crm_simulate − simulate a Pacemaker cluster’s response to events
crm_standby − Query, enable, or disable standby mode for a node
Nodes in standby mode may not host cluster resources.
Perform tasks related to cluster tickets
Allows ticket attributes to be queried, modified and deleted.
Check a Pacemaker configuration for errors
Check the well−formedness of a complete Pacemaker XML configuration, its conformance to the configured schema, and the presence of common misconfigurations. Problems reported as errors must be fixed before the cluster will work properly. It is left to the administrator to decide whether to fix problems reported as warnings.
query and manage the Pacemaker controller
Helper that presents a RHCS−style interface for Linux−HA stonith plugins
Should never need to use invoked by the user directly
fence_watchdog just provides meta−data − actual fencing is done by the pacemaker internal watchdog agent.
fence_watchdog [options]
Display and parse ISO 8601 dates and times
resource agent executor daemon for Pacemaker Remote nodes
pacemakerd − Start/Stop Pacemaker
stonith_admin − access the Pacemaker fencing API
The Right Tool for the Job
Pacemaker ships with a set of command-line tools to assist you in managing your cluster. Their manual pages are all linked above. Here are more details about the most important tools:
- Monitoring Cluster Status
The crm_mon command allows you to monitor your cluster's status and configuration. Its output includes the number of nodes, uname, uuid, status, the resources configured in your cluster, and the current status of each. The output of crm_mon can be displayed at the console or printed into an XML or HTML file. When provided with a cluster configuration file without the status section, crm_mon creates an overview of nodes and resources as specified in the file. See crm_mon(8) for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.
- Managing the Cluster Configuration
The cibadmin command is the low-level administrative command for manipulating the Pacemaker CIB. It can be used to dump all or part of the CIB, update all or part of it, modify all or part of it, delete the entire CIB, or perform miscellaneous CIB administrative operations. See cibadmin(8) for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.
The crm_diff command assists you in creating and applying XML patches. This can be useful for visualizing the changes between two versions of the cluster configuration or saving changes so they can be applied at a later time using cibadmin(8). See crm_diff(8) for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.
The crm_verify command checks the configuration database (CIB) for consistency and other problems. It can check a file containing the configuration or connect to a running cluster. It reports two classes of problems. Errors must be fixed before Pacemaker can work properly while warning resolution is up to the administrator. crm_verify assists in creating new or modified configurations. You can take a local copy of a CIB in the running cluster, edit it, validate it using crm_verify , then put the new configuration into effect using cibadmin . See crm_verify(8) for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.
- Manipulating Attributes
The crm_attribute command lets you query and manipulate node attributes and cluster configuration options that are used in the CIB. See crm_attribute(8) for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.
- Managing Resources
The crm_resource command performs various resource-related actions on the cluster. It lets you modify the definition of configured resources, start and stop resources, or delete and migrate resources between nodes. See crm_resource(8) for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.
- Managing Resource Fail Counts
The crm_failcount command queries the number of failures per resource on a given node. This tool can also be used to reset the failcount, allowing the resource to again run on nodes where it had failed too often. See crm_failcount(8) for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.
- Managing Nodes
The crm_standby command can manipulate a node's standby attribute. Any node in standby mode is no longer eligible to host resources and any resources that are there must be moved. Standby mode can be useful for performing maintenance tasks, such as kernel updates. Remove the standby attribute from the node as it should become a fully active member of the cluster again. See crm_standby(8) for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.