AM_I_DC            48 daemons/controld/controld_attrd.c     if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC            80 daemons/controld/controld_attrd.c         do_crm_log(AM_I_DC? LOG_CRIT : LOG_ERR,
AM_I_DC           101 daemons/controld/controld_attrd.c         do_crm_log(AM_I_DC? LOG_CRIT : LOG_ERR,
AM_I_DC            38 daemons/controld/controld_based.c     crm_debug("Updating the CIB after a replace: DC=%s", pcmk__btoa(AM_I_DC));
AM_I_DC            39 daemons/controld/controld_based.c     if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) {
AM_I_DC            29 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c     if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           121 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c         && !AM_I_DC
AM_I_DC           177 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c                      (AM_I_DC? "true" : (fsa_our_dc? fsa_our_dc : "<none>")),
AM_I_DC           227 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c             } else if (AM_I_DC || controld_dc_left || (fsa_our_dc == NULL)) {
AM_I_DC           243 daemons/controld/controld_callbacks.c     if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           106 daemons/controld/controld_election.c         if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           279 daemons/controld/controld_election.c     crm_trace("Am I still the DC? %s", AM_I_DC ? XML_BOOLEAN_YES : XML_BOOLEAN_NO);
AM_I_DC           433 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c     if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           525 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c     if (!AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           554 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c         if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           753 daemons/controld/controld_fencing.c     if (!AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           611 daemons/controld/controld_fsa.c             CRM_LOG_ASSERT(AM_I_DC);
AM_I_DC           630 daemons/controld/controld_fsa.c             CRM_LOG_ASSERT(AM_I_DC);
AM_I_DC           645 daemons/controld/controld_fsa.c             CRM_LOG_ASSERT(AM_I_DC);
AM_I_DC           257 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c     if (AM_I_DC == FALSE && pcmk__str_eq(welcome_from, fsa_our_uname, pcmk__str_casei)) {
AM_I_DC           307 daemons/controld/controld_join_client.c         if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) {
AM_I_DC           487 daemons/controld/controld_join_dc.c     } else if (!AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC            44 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c             } else if (AM_I_DC == FALSE && pcmk__str_eq(node->uname, fsa_our_dc, pcmk__str_casei)) {
AM_I_DC            72 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c     if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC            88 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c                            AM_I_DC ? CRM_SYSTEM_DC : CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, NULL);
AM_I_DC           359 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c     if (call_id >= pcmk_ok && crm_peer_cache != NULL && AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           413 daemons/controld/controld_membership.c     if (AM_I_DC && (force_update || fsa_has_quorum != quorum)) {
AM_I_DC           407 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c         if (AM_I_DC && is_for_te) {
AM_I_DC           411 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c         } else if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           983 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c         if(AM_I_DC == FALSE) {
AM_I_DC           989 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c     if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC          1023 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c         if (AM_I_DC && transition_graph != NULL) {
AM_I_DC          1048 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c         } else if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC          1123 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c     } else if (!AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC          1130 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c         crm_err("Unexpected request (%s) sent to %s", op, AM_I_DC ? "the DC" : "non-DC node");
AM_I_DC          1145 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c     } else if (AM_I_DC && strcmp(op, CRM_OP_PECALC) == 0) {
AM_I_DC          1170 daemons/controld/controld_messages.c                 op, host_from, AM_I_DC ? "DC" : "controller");
AM_I_DC           333 daemons/controld/controld_remote_ra.c             } else if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) {
AM_I_DC           123 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c     if (!AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           255 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c     if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           325 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c     if (AM_I_DC == FALSE) {
AM_I_DC           447 daemons/controld/controld_schedulerd.c     } else if (!AM_I_DC || !pcmk_is_set(fsa_input_register, R_PE_CONNECTED)) {
AM_I_DC           106 daemons/controld/controld_te_utils.c     if (AM_I_DC && (abort_timer.aborted == FALSE)) {
AM_I_DC            71 daemons/controld/controld_timers.c         if (AM_I_DC) {
AM_I_DC           120 daemons/controld/controld_transition.c     if (AM_I_DC == FALSE || (fsa_state != S_TRANSITION_ENGINE && (action & A_TE_INVOKE))) {
AM_I_DC           706 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c         if (AM_I_DC && !pcmk__str_eq(welcome_from, fsa_our_uname, pcmk__str_casei)) {
AM_I_DC           715 daemons/controld/controld_utils.c             if (AM_I_DC) {