next_state         78 crmd/fsa.c                                   enum crmd_fsa_state next_state, fsa_data_t * msg_data);
next_state        476 crmd/fsa.c                         enum crmd_fsa_state next_state, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
next_state        486 crmd/fsa.c         const char *state_to = fsa_state2string(next_state);
next_state        489 crmd/fsa.c         CRM_LOG_ASSERT(cur_state != next_state);
next_state        494 crmd/fsa.c         if (cur_state == S_IDLE || next_state == S_IDLE) {
next_state        496 crmd/fsa.c         } else if (cur_state == S_NOT_DC || next_state == S_NOT_DC) {
next_state        502 crmd/fsa.c         } else if (next_state == S_RECOVERY) {
next_state        512 crmd/fsa.c         if (next_state != S_ELECTION && cur_state != S_RELEASE_DC) {
next_state        522 crmd/fsa.c         if (next_state == S_INTEGRATION) {
next_state        528 crmd/fsa.c         if (next_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN) {
next_state        534 crmd/fsa.c         if (next_state != S_PENDING) {
next_state        537 crmd/fsa.c         if (next_state != S_ELECTION) {
next_state        540 crmd/fsa.c         if (next_state != S_IDLE) {
next_state        544 crmd/fsa.c         if (cur_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN && next_state == S_POLICY_ENGINE) {
next_state        548 crmd/fsa.c         switch (next_state) {
next_state        553 crmd/fsa.c                 crm_trace("Resetting our DC to NULL on transition to %s", fsa_state2string(next_state));
next_state        577 crmd/fsa.c                              fsa_state2string(next_state), fsa_cause2string(cause));
next_state        595 crmd/fsa.c                              fsa_state2string(next_state), fsa_cause2string(cause));
next_state        650 crmd/fsa.c         if (clear_recovery_bit && next_state != S_PENDING) {