uint64_t          316 cib/callbacks.c static uint64_t ping_seq = 0;
uint64_t          350 cib/callbacks.c     uint64_t seq = 0;
uint64_t           74 include/crm/cluster.h     uint64_t born;              /* Only used by heartbeat and the legacy plugin */
uint64_t           75 include/crm/cluster.h     uint64_t last_seen;
uint64_t           76 include/crm/cluster.h     uint64_t flags;             /* Specified by crm_node_flags enum */
uint64_t           69 include/crm/cluster/internal.h     uint64_t id;
uint64_t          404 include/crm/cluster/internal.h                                 uint64_t seq);
uint64_t          418 include/crm/cluster/internal.h char *corosync_node_name(uint64_t /*cmap_handle_t */ cmap_handle, uint32_t nodeid);
uint64_t          449 include/crm/cluster/internal.h crm_node_t *crm_update_peer(const char *source, unsigned int id, uint64_t born,
uint64_t          450 include/crm/cluster/internal.h                             uint64_t seen, int32_t votes, uint32_t children,
uint64_t          460 include/crm/cluster/internal.h void crm_reap_unseen_nodes(uint64_t ring_id);
uint64_t          214 include/portability.h   uint64_t u64;   /**< as int64 */
uint64_t           67 lib/ais/plugin.c static uint64_t local_born_on = 0;
uint64_t           69 lib/ais/plugin.c uint64_t membership_seq = 0;
uint64_t           92 lib/ais/plugin.c     uint64_t born_on;
uint64_t         1613 lib/ais/plugin.c     static uint64_t first_seq = 0;
uint64_t          295 lib/ais/utils.c update_member(unsigned int id, uint64_t born, uint64_t seq, int32_t votes,
uint64_t           84 lib/ais/utils.h extern int update_member(unsigned int id, uint64_t born, uint64_t seq, int32_t votes,
uint64_t           52 lib/cluster/corosync.c corosync_node_name(uint64_t /*cmap_handle_t */ cmap_handle, uint32_t nodeid)
uint64_t          179 lib/cluster/corosync.c                          uint64_t ring_id, uint32_t view_list_entries, uint32_t * view_list)
uint64_t          365 lib/cluster/heartbeat.c crm_update_ccm_node(const oc_ev_membership_t * oc, int offset, const char *state, uint64_t seq)
uint64_t          268 lib/cluster/legacy.c             uint64_t born = crm_int_helper(born_s, NULL);
uint64_t          269 lib/cluster/legacy.c             uint64_t seen = crm_int_helper(seen_s, NULL);
uint64_t          755 lib/cluster/membership.c crm_update_peer(const char *source, unsigned int id, uint64_t born, uint64_t seen, int32_t votes,
uint64_t         1089 lib/cluster/membership.c crm_reap_unseen_nodes(uint64_t membership)
uint64_t           80 lib/common/remote.c #define __swab64(x) ((uint64_t)(                                      \
uint64_t           81 lib/common/remote.c         (((uint64_t)(x) & (uint64_t)0x00000000000000ffULL) << 56) |   \
uint64_t           82 lib/common/remote.c         (((uint64_t)(x) & (uint64_t)0x000000000000ff00ULL) << 40) |   \
uint64_t           83 lib/common/remote.c         (((uint64_t)(x) & (uint64_t)0x0000000000ff0000ULL) << 24) |   \
uint64_t           84 lib/common/remote.c         (((uint64_t)(x) & (uint64_t)0x00000000ff000000ULL) <<  8) |   \
uint64_t           85 lib/common/remote.c         (((uint64_t)(x) & (uint64_t)0x000000ff00000000ULL) >>  8) |   \
uint64_t           86 lib/common/remote.c         (((uint64_t)(x) & (uint64_t)0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 24) |   \
uint64_t           87 lib/common/remote.c         (((uint64_t)(x) & (uint64_t)0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 40) |   \
uint64_t           88 lib/common/remote.c         (((uint64_t)(x) & (uint64_t)0xff00000000000000ULL) >> 56)))
uint64_t           98 lib/common/remote.c     uint64_t id;
uint64_t           99 lib/common/remote.c     uint64_t flags;
uint64_t          338 lib/common/remote.c     static uint64_t id = 0;
uint64_t          240 lib/gnu/stdint.in.h # define uint_least64_t uint64_t
uint64_t          287 lib/gnu/stdint.in.h # define uint_fast64_t uint64_t
uint64_t          329 lib/gnu/stdint.in.h #  define uintmax_t uint64_t
uint64_t          238 mcp/corosync.c get_config_opt(uint64_t unused, cmap_handle_t object_handle, const char *key, char **value,
uint64_t          294 mcp/corosync.c     uint64_t config = 0;
uint64_t          270 tools/ipmiservicelogd.c     uint64_t new_id = 0;
uint64_t           92 tools/notifyServicelogEvent.c     uint64_t event_id = 0;