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4.2. Configuration Using Pacemaker’s Command-Line Tools

Pacemaker provides lower-level, command-line tools to manage the cluster. Most configuration tasks can be performed with these tools, without needing any XML knowledge.
To enable STONITH for example, one could run:
# crm_attribute --name stonith-enabled --update 1
Or, to check whether node1 is allowed to run resources, there is:
# crm_standby --query --node node1
Or, to change the failure threshold of my-test-rsc, one can use:
# crm_resource -r my-test-rsc --set-parameter migration-threshold --parameter-value 3 --meta
Examples of using these tools for specific cases will be given throughout this document where appropriate. See the man pages for further details.
See Section 5.3, “Edit the CIB XML with cibadmin” for how to edit the CIB using XML.
See Section 5.4, “Batch Configuration Changes with crm_shadow” for a way to make a series of changes, then commit them all at once to the live cluster.