The ClusterLabs community

ClusterLabs is an informal, volunteer-driven, online community.
- Mailing lists are the primary means of communication, including support
- A GitHub organization hosts most projects' source code repositories
- A wiki provides how-to’s and other helpful information
- A project manager tracks development plans
- Each project has its own bug tracker. Some use GitHub issues. Pacemaker uses
- The #clusterlabs IRC channel on has low activity but is another way to reach some users and developers
The community periodically gathers in person for ClusterLabs Summits.
Be a part
If you find ClusterLabs software useful, consider giving back in some way:
- Let people know about your experience with the software (in person, email, blog posts, social media, etc.)
- Participate in mailing list discussions
- Create or update pages on the ClusterLabs wiki
- Contribute source code or documentation patches to individual projects
- Attend summits
- Use it on Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Red Hat and SUSE fund the majority of our work, and using it on their products helps ensure they continue to see it as a priority.