[ClusterLabs] resource-agents v4.13.0 rc1

Oyvind Albrigtsen oalbrigt at redhat.com
Wed Oct 4 04:17:21 EDT 2023

ClusterLabs is happy to announce resource-agents v4.13.0 rc1.

Source code is available at:

The most significant enhancements in this release are:
- bugfixes and enhancements:
  - iSCSILogicalUnit/iSCSITarget: add support for scst
  - Delay: increase stop, status and monitor timeouts to 40s to avoid failing
    with default values
  - Delay: remove statement about defaulting to "startdelay" value if not specified
  - Filesystem: create systemd drop-in for network filesystems
  - Filesystem: fail if AWS efs-utils not installed when fstype=efs
  - Filesystem: improve stop-action and allow setting term/kill signals and
    signal_delay for large filesystems
  - Filesystem: list_mounts: fix mount command output parsing
  - IPaddr2/IPsrcaddr: add/modify table parameter to be able to find interface
    while using policy based routing
  - IPv6addr: expect ping/pong delay
  - LVM-activate: add degraded_activation and majority_pvs parameters to allow
    failover with missing PVs
  - ZFS: improve volume imported check for newer ZFS releases (#1853)
  - azure-events*: fix for no "Transition Summary" for Pacemaker 2.1+
  - db2: avoid eval with unsanitized values (#1838)
  - ethmonitor: dont log "Interface does not exist" for monitor-action
  - exportfs: make the "fsid=" parameter optional
  - exportfs: move testdir() to start-action to avoid failing during resource
    creation (validate-all) and make it create the directory if it doesnt exist
  - mysql-common: point to log file when start-action fails (#1887)
  - mysql: fix promotion_score bouncing between ~3600 and 1 on demoted nodes
  - mysql: promotable fixes to avoid nodes getting bounced around by setting -v 1/-v 2,
    and added OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=10 for promotable resources to be able to
    distinguish between promoted and not
  - nfsserver: fix "server scope" functionality to live with additional drop-in files
  - nfsserver: prepare the layout for the default /var/lib/nfs if nfs_shared_infodir
    isnt defined
  - ocf-shellfuncs: Explicitly specify $OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE in the -p parameter
    for compatibility
  - pgsql: dont run promotable and file checks that could be on shared storage
    during validate-all action
  - postfix: update permission check from su to runuser/su (#1880)
  - spec: Migrate to SPDX license
  - spec: remove JFLAGS logic and use %{_smp_mflags} like we do in other projects
  - storage-mon: add daemon/client mode

The full list of changes for resource-agents is available at:

Everyone is encouraged to download and test the new release candidate.
We do many regression tests and simulations, but we can't cover all
possible use cases, so your feedback is important and appreciated.

Many thanks to all the contributors to this release.

The resource-agents maintainers

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