[ClusterLabs Developers] RA as a systemd wrapper -- the right way?

Adam Spiers aspiers at suse.com
Wed Sep 21 22:25:51 CEST 2016

Hi Jan,

Jan Pokorný <jpokorny at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> https://github.com/ClusterLabs/resource-agents/pull/846 seems to be
> a first crack on integrating systemd to otherwise init-system-unaware
> resource-agents.
> As pacemaker already handles native systemd integration, I wonder if
> it wouldn't be better to just allow, on top of that, perhaps as
> special "systemd+hooks" class of resources that would also accept
> "hooks" (meta) attribute pointing to an executable implementing
> formalized API akin to OCF (say on-start, on-stop, meta-data
> actions) that would take care of initial reflecting on the rest of
> the parameters + possibly a cleanup later on.
> Technically, something akin to injecting Environment, ExecStartPre
> and ExecStopPost to the service definition might also achieve the
> same goal if there's a transparent way to do it from pacemaker using
> just systemd API (I don't know).
> Indeed, the scenario I have in mind would make do with separate
> "prepare grounds" agent, suitably grouped with such systemd-class
> resource, but that seems more fragile configuration-wise (this
> is not the granularity cluster administrator would be supposed
> to be thinking in, IMHO, just as with ocf class).
> Just thinking aloud before the can is open.

Thanks for sharing - I'm very interested to hear your ideas on this,
because I was thinking along somewhat similar lines for the
openstack-resource-agents repository which I maintain.

Currently the OpenStack RAs duplicate much of the logic and config of
corresponding systemd / LSB init scripts for starting / stopping
OpenStack services and checking their status.  The main difference is
that RAs also have a "monitor" action which can check the health of
the service at application level, e.g. via HTTP rather than a naive
"is this pid running" kind of check.

This duplication causes issues with portability between Linux
distributions, since each distribution has a slightly different way of
starting and stopping the services.  It also results in subtlely
different behaviour for OpenStack clouds depending on whether or not
they are deployed in HA mode using Pacemaker.

As a result I have been thinking about the idea of changing the
start/stop/status actions of these RAs so that they wrap around
service(8) (which would be even more portable across distros than

The primary difference with your approach is that we probably wouldn't
need to make the RAs dynamically create any systemd configuration, since
that would already be provided by the packages which install the OpenStack
services.  But then AFAIK none of the OpenStack services use the
multi-instance feature of systemd (foo@{one,two,three,etc}.service).


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