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6.9. Colocarea Seturilor de Resurse

O altă situaţie comună este ca un administrator să creeze un set de resurse colocate. Anterior acest lucru era posibil fie prin definirea unui grup de resurse (Vedeţi Secțiune 10.1, „Groups - A Syntactic Shortcut”) care nu putea întotdeauna să exprime designul în mod corect; sau prin definirea fiecărei relaţii ca o restricţie individuală, cauzând o explozie de restricţii pe măsură ce numărul resurselor şi al combinaţiilor creştea.

Exemplu 6.10. Un lanţ de resurse colocate

    <rsc_colocation id="coloc-1" rsc="B" with-rsc="A" score="INFINITY"/>
    <rsc_colocation id="coloc-2" rsc="C" with-rsc="B" score="INFINITY"/>
    <rsc_colocation id="coloc-3" rsc="D" with-rsc="C" score="INFINITY"/>

To make things easier, we allow an alternate form of colocation constraints using resource_sets. Just like the expanded version, a resource that can’t be active also prevents any resource that must be collocated with it from being active. For example, if B was not able to run, then both C (+and by inference +D) must also remain stopped.

Exemplu 6.11. Lanţul echivalent de restricţii de colocare exprimat folosind resource_sets

    <rsc_colocation id="coloc-1" score="INFINITY" >
      <resource_set id="collocated-set-example" sequential="true">
        <resource_ref id="A"/>
        <resource_ref id="B"/>
        <resource_ref id="C"/>
        <resource_ref id="D"/>


Seturile de resurse au aceleaşi restricţii semantice ca şi grupurile.
O resursă de grup cu regulile echivalente de colocare
<group id="dummy">
    <primitive id="A" .../>
    <primitive id="B" .../>
    <primitive id="C" .../>
    <primitive id="D" .../>
This notation can also be used in this context to tell the cluster that a set of resources must all be located with a common peer, but have no dependencies on each other. In this scenario, unlike the previous, B would be allowed to remain active even if A or C (or both) were inactive.

Exemplu 6.12. Folosirea seturilor de colocare pentru a specifica un nod comun.

    <rsc_colocation id="coloc-1" score="INFINITY" >
      <resource_set id="collocated-set-1" sequential="false">
        <resource_ref id="A"/>
        <resource_ref id="B"/>
        <resource_ref id="C"/>
      <resource_set id="collocated-set-2" sequential="true">
        <resource_ref id="D"/>

Of course there is no limit to the number and size of the sets used. The only thing that matters is that in order for any member of set N to be active, all the members of set N+1 must also be active (and naturally on the same node); and if a set has sequential="true", then in order for member M to be active, member M+1 must also be active. You can even specify the role in which the members of a set must be in using the set’s role attribute.

Exemplu 6.13. Un lanţ de colocare unde membrii setului mijlociu nu au interdependenţe şi ultimul are statusul de master.

    <rsc_colocation id="coloc-1" score="INFINITY" >
      <resource_set id="collocated-set-1" sequential="true">
        <resource_ref id="A"/>
        <resource_ref id="B"/>
      <resource_set id="collocated-set-2" sequential="false">
        <resource_ref id="C"/>
        <resource_ref id="D"/>
        <resource_ref id="E"/>
      <resource_set id="collocated-set-2" sequential="true" role="Master">
        <resource_ref id="F"/>
        <resource_ref id="G"/>