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2.2. Starea Curentă a Clusterului

Before one starts to configure a cluster, it is worth explaining how to view the finished product. For this purpose we have created the crm_mon utility that will display the current state of an active cluster. It can show the cluster status by node or by resource and can be used in either single-shot or dynamically-updating mode. There are also modes for displaying a list of the operations performed (grouped by node and resource) as well as information about failures.
Folosind acest utilitar, puteţi examina starea clusterului pentru neconcordanţe şi pentru a vedea cum răspunde atunci când provocaţi sau simulaţi eşecuri.
Details on all the available options can be obtained using the crm_mon --help command.

Exemplu 2.2. Exemplu de rezultat obţinut din crm_mon

  Last updated: Fri Nov 23 15:26:13 2007
  Current DC: sles-3 (2298606a-6a8c-499a-9d25-76242f7006ec)
  3 Nodes configured.
  5 Resources configured.

  Node: sles-1 (1186dc9a-324d-425a-966e-d757e693dc86): online    (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-1    (heartbeat:IPaddr):         Started sles-1    (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-1
      rsc_sles-1         (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-1
      child_DoFencing:2  (stonith:external/vmware):  Started sles-1
  Node: sles-2 (02fb99a8-e30e-482f-b3ad-0fb3ce27d088): standby
  Node: sles-3 (2298606a-6a8c-499a-9d25-76242f7006ec): online
      rsc_sles-2    (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-3
      rsc_sles-3    (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-3
      child_DoFencing:0    (stonith:external/vmware):    Started sles-3

Exemplu 2.3. Exemplu de rezultat obţinut din crm_mon -n

  Last updated: Fri Nov 23 15:26:13 2007
  Current DC: sles-3 (2298606a-6a8c-499a-9d25-76242f7006ec)
  3 Nodes configured.
  5 Resources configured.

  Node: sles-1 (1186dc9a-324d-425a-966e-d757e693dc86): online
  Node: sles-2 (02fb99a8-e30e-482f-b3ad-0fb3ce27d088): standby
  Node: sles-3 (2298606a-6a8c-499a-9d25-76242f7006ec): online

  Resource Group: group-1    (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-1    (heartbeat:IPaddr):        Started sles-1    (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-1
  rsc_sles-1    (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-1
  rsc_sles-2    (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-3
  rsc_sles-3    (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):    Started sles-3
  Clone Set: DoFencing
    child_DoFencing:0    (stonith:external/vmware):    Started sles-3
    child_DoFencing:1    (stonith:external/vmware):    Stopped
    child_DoFencing:2    (stonith:external/vmware):    Started sles-1

Nodul DC (Designated Controller - Controller Desemnat) este locul unde toate deciziile sunt luate şi dacă DC-ul curent eşuează unul nou este ales din nodurile rămase în cluster. Alegerea unui DC nu are nici o semnificaţie pentru administrator dincolo de faptul că logurile acestuia vor fi în general mai interesante.