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Cap. 2. Instalare


2.1. Instalarea Sistemului de Operare
2.2. Instalarea Software-ului de Cluster
2.2.1. Scurtături de Securitate
2.2.2. Instalați Software-ul de Cluster
2.3. Înainte de a Continua
2.4. Setup
2.4.1. Finalizați Rețelistica
2.4.2. Configurați SSH
2.4.3. Numele Scurte ale Nodurilor
2.4.4. Configurarea Corosync
2.4.5. Propagarea Configurației

2.1. Instalarea Sistemului de Operare

Detailed instructions for installing Fedora are available at in a number of languages. The abbreviated version is as follows…
Point your browser to, locate the Install Media section and download the install DVD that matches your hardware.
Burn the disk image to a DVD [4] and boot from it. Or use the image to boot a virtual machine as I have done here. After clicking through the welcome screen, select your language and keyboard layout [5]

Fig. 2.1. Installation: Good choice

Storage Devices

Fig. 2.2. Instalarea Fedora - Dispozitive de Stocare

Assign your machine a host name. [6] I happen to control the domain name, so I will use that here.

Fig. 2.3. Instalarea Fedora - Nume de gazdă

You will then be prompted to indicate the machine’s physical location and to supply a root password. [7]
Now select where you want Fedora installed. [8]
As I don’t care about any existing data, I will accept the default and allow Fedora to use the complete drive. However I want to reserve some space for DRBD, so I’ll check the Review and modify partitioning layout box.
Choose Install Type

Fig. 2.4. Instalarea Fedora - Tipul de Instalare

By default, Fedora will give all the space to the / (aka. root) partition. Wel’ll take some back so we can use DRBD.
Default Partitioning

Fig. 2.5. Instalarea Fedora - Partiționarea Implicită

Așezarea finalizată a partițiilor ar trebui să arate asemănător cu diagrama de mai jos.


If you plan on following the DRBD or GFS2 portions of this guide, you should reserve at least 1Gb of space on each machine from which to create a shared volume. Fedora Installation - Customize PartitioningFedora Installation: Create a partition to use (later) for website data
Customize Partitioning

Fig. 2.6. Instalarea Fedora - Customizarea Partiționării

Unless you have a strong reason not to, accept the default bootloader location

Fig. 2.7. Instalarea Fedora - Bootloader

Next choose which software should be installed. Change the selection to Web Server since we plan on using Apache. Don’t enable updates yet, we’ll do that (and install any extra software we need) later. After you click next, Fedora will begin installing.
Software selection

Fig. 2.8. Instalarea Fedora - Software

Go grab something to drink, this may take a while

Fig. 2.9. Instalarea Fedora - Instalează

Stage 1, completed

Fig. 2.10. Instalarea Fedora - Instalarea a Terminat

Once the node reboots, follow the on screen instructions [9] to create a system user and configure the time.
First boot

Fig. 2.11. Instalarea Fedora - Primul Boot

Creating a new user, take note of the password, you'll need it soon

Fig. 2.12. Instalarea Fedora - Creați un Utilizator Neprivilegiat


It is highly recommended to enable NTP on your cluster nodes. Doing so ensures all nodes agree on the current time and makes reading log files significantly easier. Fedora Installation - Date and TimeFedora Installation: Enable NTP to keep the times on all your nodes consistent
Date and time

Fig. 2.13. Instalarea Fedora - Data și Ora

Selectați cu mouse-ul prin următorul ecran până ajungeți la fereastra de login. Selectați utilizatorul pe care l-ați creat și furnizați parola pe care ați ales-o mai devreme.
Click here to configure networking

Fig. 2.14. Instalarea Fedora - Personalizați Rețeaua


Do not accept the default network settings. Cluster machines should never obtain an ip address via DHCP. Here I will use the internal addresses for the network.
Specify network settings for your machine, never choose DHCP

Fig. 2.15. Instalarea Fedora - Specificați Preferințele de Rețea

Click the big green button to activate your changes

Fig. 2.16. Instalarea Fedora - Activați Rețeaua

Down to business, fire up the command line

Fig. 2.17. Instalarea Fedora - Porniți Terminalul


Aceea a fost ultima captură de ecran, de aici înainte vom lucra de la terminal.