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Appendice B. Maggiori informazioni sui Resource Agent OCF


B.1. Dove si trovano gli script personalizzati
B.2. Azioni
B.3. How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?
B.4. OCF Return Codes
B.5. Eccezioni

B.1. Dove si trovano gli script personalizzati

OCF Resource Agents are found in /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/provider.
When creating your own agents, you are encouraged to create a new directory under /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/ so that they are not confused with (or overwritten by) the agents shipped with Heartbeat.
So, for example, if you chose the provider name of bigCorp and wanted a new resource named bigApp, you would create a script called /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/bigCorp/bigApp and define a resource:
<primitive id="custom-app" class="ocf" provider="bigCorp" type="bigApp"/>