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E.3. Disconnect and Reattach

The reattach method is a variant of a complete cluster shutdown, where the resources are left active and get re-detected when the cluster is restarted.
  1. Tell the cluster to stop managing services. This is required to allow the services to remain active after the cluster shuts down.
    # crm_attribute -t crm_config -n is-managed-default -v false
  2. For any resource that has a value for is-managed, make sure it is set to false so that the cluster will not stop it (replacing $rsc_id appropriately):
    # crm_resource -t primitive -r $rsc_id -p is-managed -v false
  3. On each node:
    1. Shutdown the cluster software (pacemaker and the messaging layer).
    2. Upgrade the Pacemaker software. This may also include upgrading the messaging layer and/or the underlying operating system.
  4. Check the configuration manually or with the crm_verify tool if available.
  5. On each node:
    1. Start the cluster software. The messaging layer can be either Corosync or Heartbeat and does not need to be the same one as before the upgrade.
  6. Verify that the cluster re-detected all resources correctly.
  7. Allow the cluster to resume managing resources again:
    # crm_attribute -t crm_config -n is-managed-default -v true
  8. For any resource that has a value for is-managed, reset it to true (so the cluster can recover the service if it fails) if desired:
    # crm_resource -t primitive -r $rsc_id -p is-managed -v true


The oldest version of the CRM to support this upgrade type was in Heartbeat 2.0.4.


Always check your existing configuration is still compatible with the version you are installing before starting the cluster.