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3.2. Explore pcs

Start by taking some time to familiarize yourself with what pcs can do.
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs

Usage: pcs [-f file] [-h] [commands]...
Control and configure pacemaker and corosync.

    -h, --help         Display usage and exit.
    -f file            Perform actions on file instead of active CIB.
    --debug            Print all network traffic and external commands run.
    --version          Print pcs version information. List pcs capabilities if
                       --full is specified.
    --request-timeout  Timeout for each outgoing request to another node in
                       seconds. Default is 60s.
    --force            Override checks and errors, the exact behavior depends on
                       the command. WARNING: Using the --force option is
                       strongly discouraged unless you know what you are doing.

    cluster     Configure cluster options and nodes.
    resource    Manage cluster resources.
    stonith     Manage fence devices.
    constraint  Manage resource constraints.
    property    Manage pacemaker properties.
    acl         Manage pacemaker access control lists.
    qdevice     Manage quorum device provider on the local host.
    quorum      Manage cluster quorum settings.
    booth       Manage booth (cluster ticket manager).
    status      View cluster status.
    config      View and manage cluster configuration.
    pcsd        Manage pcs daemon.
    node        Manage cluster nodes.
    alert       Manage pacemaker alerts.
As you can see, the different aspects of cluster management are separated into categories. To discover the functionality available in each of these categories, one can issue the command pcs category help. Below is an example of all the options available under the status category.
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status help

Usage: pcs status [commands]...
View current cluster and resource status
    [status] [--full | --hide-inactive]
        View all information about the cluster and resources (--full provides
        more details, --hide-inactive hides inactive resources).

    resources [<resource id> | --full | --groups | --hide-inactive]
        Show all currently configured resources or if a resource is specified
        show the options for the configured resource.  If --full is specified,
        all configured resource options will be displayed.  If --groups is
        specified, only show groups (and their resources).  If --hide-inactive
        is specified, only show active resources.

        View currently configured groups and their resources.

        View current cluster status.

        View current membership information as seen by corosync.

        View current quorum status.

    qdevice <device model> [--full] [<cluster name>]
        Show runtime status of specified model of quorum device provider.  Using
        --full will give more detailed output.  If <cluster name> is specified,
        only information about the specified cluster will be displayed.

    nodes [corosync | both | config]
        View current status of nodes from pacemaker. If 'corosync' is
        specified, view current status of nodes from corosync instead. If
        'both' is specified, view current status of nodes from both corosync &
        pacemaker. If 'config' is specified, print nodes from corosync &
        pacemaker configuration.

    pcsd [<node>]...
        Show current status of pcsd on nodes specified, or on all nodes
        configured in the local cluster if no nodes are specified.

        View xml version of status (output from crm_mon -r -1 -X).
Additionally, if you are interested in the version and supported cluster stack(s) available with your Pacemaker installation, run:
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pacemakerd --features
Pacemaker 1.1.18-11.el7_5.3 (Build: 2b07d5c5a9)
 Supporting v3.0.14:  generated-manpages agent-manpages ncurses libqb-logging libqb-ipc systemd nagios  corosync-native atomic-attrd acls


If the SNMP and/or email options are not listed, then Pacemaker was not built to support them. This may be by the choice of your distribution, or the required libraries may not have been available. Please contact whoever supplied you with the packages for more details.